2023-07-16 00:32:15 +12:00

333 lines
14 KiB

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace McCrypt
public class Marketplace
// Hi mojang <3
private static string[] dontEncrypt = new string[] { "manifest.json", "contents.json", "texts", "pack_icon.png", "ui"};
private struct contentsJson
public int version;
public List<Object> content;
private struct contentKeys
public string key;
public string path;
private struct content
public string path;
// Checks if file is inside the filename blacklist
private static bool shouldEncrypt(string relPath)
foreach (string part in relPath.Split('/'))
if (dontEncrypt.Contains(part))
return false;
return true;
// Removes "prid" NBT tag
// This is the one that makes the game tell you to plz buy the pack
public static void CrackLevelDat(string levelDatFile)
byte[] find = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("prid"); // bytes to locate
byte[] leveldat = File.ReadAllBytes(levelDatFile); // read level.dat
Int64 location = Utils.FindData(leveldat, find); // locate where "prid" is inside level.dat
if (location != -1)
FileStream fs = File.Open(levelDatFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); // Open the file for writing
fs.Seek(location + 3, SeekOrigin.Begin);
fs.WriteByte((byte)'a'); // Change to "pria" which the game will just ignore
// Change all skins type to "free" instead of "paid"
// This makes the game let you actually apply them
public static void CrackSkinsJson(string skinsJsonFile)
File.WriteAllText(skinsJsonFile, File.ReadAllText(skinsJsonFile).Replace("\"paid\"", "\"free\"")); // Read file, replace all "paid" with "free", write file back
// Extract a zipe file to the folder its contained in
// And delete the zipe file.
public static void CrackZipe(string zipeFile)
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipeFile, Path.GetDirectoryName(zipeFile));
// EncryptContents Overload to generate keys
public static string EncryptContents(string basePath, string uuid)
return EncryptContents(basePath, uuid, Keys.GenerateKey());
// Encrypts a contents.json and all files in it-
public static string EncryptContents(string basePath, string uuid, string ContentKey)
string contentsJsonPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "contents.json"); // Path to contents.json
contentsJson contentsJson = new contentsJson();
contentsJson.version = 1;
contentsJson.content = new List<object>();
foreach (string entry in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(basePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
string relPath = entry.Remove(0, basePath.Length + 1); // Get path relative to pack folder
relPath = relPath.Replace("\\", "/"); // Replace Windows-Style paths, with UNIX paths
bool shouldEnc = shouldEncrypt(relPath);
if (Utils.IsDirectory(entry)) // If its a directroy, add "/" to the end to signify this
relPath += "/";
shouldEnc = false;
if (shouldEnc) // Check file is not blacklisted file
contentKeys keys = new contentKeys();
keys.path = relPath;
keys.key = Keys.GenerateKey(); // Generate a random key for this file
byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(keys.key); // Copy first 16 bytes of key as IV
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(key, iv, 16);
byte[] encryptedData = Crypto.Aes256CfbEncrypt(key, iv, File.ReadAllBytes(entry)); // Encrypt the file
File.WriteAllBytes(entry, encryptedData); // Write file
contentsJson.content.Add(keys); // add to content list
else // Just add to the content list without encrypting it
content content = new content();
content.path = relPath;
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contentsJson); // JSON Encode contents.json
byte[] contentKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ContentKey); // Copy first 16 bytes of the key for IV
byte[] contentIv = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(contentKey, contentIv, 16);
byte[] encryptedJson = Crypto.Aes256CfbEncrypt(contentKey, contentIv, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)); // Encrypt JSON
// Create encrypted file w header
FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(contentsJsonPath);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);
Utils.WriteString(fs, uuid, 0xEF);
fs.Write(encryptedJson, 0, encryptedJson.Length);
return ContentKey;
// Decrypt encrypted entitlement buffer using a specified ent key
internal static byte[] decryptEntitlementBuffer(byte[] EntCiphertext, byte[] EntKey)
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(EntKey, iv, iv.Length);
return Crypto.Aes256CfbDecrypt(EntKey, iv, EntCiphertext);
// Decrypt a world (leveldb) or contents.json file
// For the file types that have a header-
private static byte[] worldOrContentsJsonDecrypt(string file)
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(file); // Open file for reading
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); // Create a binary reader overlay of it
if (fs.Length <= 0)
return new byte[0] { };
uint version = br.ReadUInt32();
uint magic = br.ReadUInt32();
UInt64 unk = br.ReadUInt64();
if (version == 0 && magic == 0x9bcfb9fc) // is valid header?
int len = fs.ReadByte();
string uuid = Utils.ReadString(fs, len); // Read the pack UUID for this file
byte[] key = Keys.LookupKey(uuid); // Look for key inside .ent / keys.db
if (key == null)
key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("s5s5ejuDru4uchuF2drUFuthaspAbepE"); // Generic skinpack key
// Every skinpack has the same key lol
// This might be wrong, but hey! if it works, it works :D
fs.Seek(0x100, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read ciphertext
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[fs.Length - 0x100];
fs.Read(ciphertext, 0x00, ciphertext.Length);
byte[] iv = new byte[16]; // Copy first 16 bytes of Key for IV
Array.Copy(key, iv, iv.Length);
byte[] plaintext = Crypto.Aes256CfbDecrypt(key, iv, ciphertext); // Decrypt data
return plaintext;
throw new InvalidDataException("Not a valid LEVELDB or CONTENTS.JSON file.");
// Read contents.json, and decrypt all files inside
// Now Multi-Threaded for speed!
private static void decryptContentsJsonFiles(string contentsJsonPath, List<Thread> threadList)
string baseDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(contentsJsonPath); // Get pack folder
string contentsJson = File.ReadAllText(contentsJsonPath); // Read contents.json
dynamic contentsJsonData = Utils.JsonDecodeCloserToMinecraft(contentsJson); // Parse contents.json
int totalContents = contentsJsonData.content.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < totalContents; i++)
string relPath = contentsJsonData.content[i].path; // Relative path to file to be decrypted
string decKey = contentsJsonData.content[i].key; // Key for file to be decrypted
if (decKey == null)
if (Path.GetFileName(relPath).ToLowerInvariant() == "manifest.json")
Thread thrd = new Thread(() =>
string filePath = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, relPath); // Combine pack dir, with file relative path
byte[] key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(decKey); // Get key bytes
byte[] iv = new byte[16];
Array.Copy(key, iv, iv.Length); // Copy first 16 bytes of key as IV
byte[] cipherText = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); // Read the file
byte[] plainText = Crypto.Aes256CfbDecrypt(key, iv, cipherText); // Decrypt the file
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, plainText); // Write back decrypted filie
thrd.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
// Decrypt an entire pack / world
// Recursively decrypts all sub-packs.
// Mutli-Threaded.
public static void DecryptContents(string contentsPath)
List<Thread> threadList = new List<Thread>();
string oldSchoolZipe = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "content.zipe");
string contentsJsonPath = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "contents.json");
if (File.Exists(oldSchoolZipe)) // Resource packs or Skin Packs
byte[] decryptedData = worldOrContentsJsonDecrypt(oldSchoolZipe); // Decrypt the zipe file
File.WriteAllBytes(oldSchoolZipe, decryptedData); // Write decrypted zip back to disk
else if (File.Exists(contentsJsonPath)) // Resource packs or Skin Packs
string subPacksFolder = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "subpacks");
byte[] decryptedData = worldOrContentsJsonDecrypt(contentsJsonPath); // Decrypt the contents.json file
File.WriteAllBytes(contentsJsonPath, decryptedData); // Write decrypted contents.json back to disk
decryptContentsJsonFiles(contentsJsonPath, threadList); // Decrypt all files in contents.json
// Decrypt all Sub-packs
if (Directory.Exists(subPacksFolder))
string[] subPacks = Directory.GetDirectories(subPacksFolder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string subPack in subPacks)
DecryptContents(Path.Combine(subPacksFolder, subPack));
else // World Templates
string behaviourPacksFolder = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "behavior_packs"); // Get World Resource Packs folder
string resourcePacksFolder = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "resource_packs"); // Get World Behaviour Packs folder
string levelDbFolder = Path.Combine(contentsPath, "db"); // Get leveldb folder
// Decrypt all sub-behavour packs
if (Directory.Exists(behaviourPacksFolder))
string[] behaviourPacks = Directory.GetDirectories(behaviourPacksFolder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string behaviourPack in behaviourPacks)
DecryptContents(Path.Combine(behaviourPacksFolder, behaviourPack));
// Decrypt all sub-resource packs
if (Directory.Exists(resourcePacksFolder))
string[] resourcePacks = Directory.GetDirectories(resourcePacksFolder, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
foreach (string resourcePack in resourcePacks)
DecryptContents(Path.Combine(resourcePacksFolder, resourcePack));
// Decrypt leveldb files
if (Directory.Exists(levelDbFolder))
string[] levelDbFiles = Directory.GetFiles(levelDbFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (string levelDbFile in levelDbFiles)
Thread thrd = new Thread(() =>
string fileToDecrypt = Path.Combine(levelDbFolder, levelDbFile); // Get full path to leveldb file
byte[] decryptedData;
decryptedData = worldOrContentsJsonDecrypt(fileToDecrypt); // Decrypr file
File.WriteAllBytes(fileToDecrypt, decryptedData); // Write to disk
catch (InvalidDataException)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt db/" + Path.GetFileName(levelDbFile));
thrd.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
Thread[] threads = threadList.ToArray();
foreach(Thread t in threads)