package worlds import ( "image" "image/draw" "math" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ViewMapID = 0x424242 // MapItemPacket tells the client that it has a map with id 0x424242 in the offhand var MapItemPacket = packet.InventoryContent{ WindowID: 119, Content: []protocol.ItemInstance{ { StackNetworkID: 1, // random if auth inv Stack: protocol.ItemStack{ ItemType: protocol.ItemType{ NetworkID: 420, // overwritten in onconnect MetadataValue: 0, }, BlockRuntimeID: 0, Count: 1, NBTData: map[string]interface{}{ "map_name_index": int64(1), "map_uuid": int64(ViewMapID), }, }, }, }, } func imin(a, b int32) int32 { if a < b { return a } return b } func imax(a, b int32) int32 { if a > b { return a } return b } func (m *MapUI) GetBounds() (min, max protocol.ChunkPos) { if len(m.renderedChunks) == 0 { return } min = protocol.ChunkPos{math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32} for chunk := range m.renderedChunks { min[0] = imin(min[0], chunk[0]) min[1] = imin(min[1], chunk[1]) max[0] = imax(max[0], chunk[0]) max[1] = imax(max[1], chunk[1]) } return } type RenderElem struct { pos protocol.ChunkPos ch *chunk.Chunk } type MapUI struct { img *image.RGBA // rendered image zoomLevel int // pixels per chunk renderQueue *lockfree.Queue renderedChunks map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA // prerendered chunks needRedraw bool // when the map has updated this is true showOnGui bool l sync.RWMutex ticker *time.Ticker w *worldsHandler } func NewMapUI(w *worldsHandler) *MapUI { m := &MapUI{ img: image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 128, 128)), zoomLevel: 16, renderQueue: lockfree.NewQueue(), renderedChunks: make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA), needRedraw: true, w: w, } return m } func (m *MapUI) Start() { r := m.w.gui.Message(messages.CanShowImages{}) if r.Ok { m.showOnGui = true } // init map err := m.w.proxy.ClientWritePacket(&packet.ClientBoundMapItemData{ MapID: ViewMapID, Scale: 4, MapsIncludedIn: []int64{ViewMapID}, UpdateFlags: packet.MapUpdateFlagInitialisation, }) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } m.ticker = time.NewTicker(33 * time.Millisecond) go func() { for range m.ticker.C { if m.needRedraw { m.needRedraw = false m.Redraw() if err := m.w.proxy.ClientWritePacket(&packet.ClientBoundMapItemData{ MapID: ViewMapID, Scale: 4, Width: 128, Height: 128, Pixels: utils.Img2rgba(m.img), UpdateFlags: packet.MapUpdateFlagTexture, }); err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } } }() go func() { // send map item t := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second) for range t.C { if m.w.ctx.Err() != nil { return } err := m.w.proxy.ClientWritePacket(&MapItemPacket) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return } } }() } func (m *MapUI) Stop() { if m.ticker != nil { m.ticker.Stop() } } // Reset resets the map to inital state func (m *MapUI) Reset() { m.l.Lock() m.renderedChunks = make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA) m.l.Unlock() m.SchedRedraw() } // ChangeZoom adds to the zoom value and goes around to 32 once it hits 128 func (m *MapUI) ChangeZoom() { m.zoomLevel /= 2 if m.zoomLevel == 0 { m.zoomLevel = 16 } m.SchedRedraw() } // SchedRedraw tells the map to redraw the next time its sent func (m *MapUI) SchedRedraw() { m.needRedraw = true } // Redraw draws chunk images to the map image func (m *MapUI) Redraw() { m.l.Lock() updatedChunks := make([]protocol.ChunkPos, 0, m.renderQueue.Length()) for { r, ok := m.renderQueue.Dequeue().(*RenderElem) if !ok { break } if != nil { m.renderedChunks[r.pos] = utils.Chunk2Img( } updatedChunks = append(updatedChunks, r.pos) } m.l.Unlock() middle := protocol.ChunkPos{ int32(m.w.serverState.PlayerPos.Position.X()), int32(m.w.serverState.PlayerPos.Position.Z()), } chunksPerLine := float64(128 / m.zoomLevel) pxPerBlock := 128 / chunksPerLine / 16 // how many pixels per block pxSizeChunk := int(math.Floor(pxPerBlock * 16)) for i := 0; i < len(m.img.Pix); i++ { // clear canvas m.img.Pix[i] = 0 } m.l.RLock() for _ch := range m.renderedChunks { relativeMiddleX := float64(_ch.X()*16 - middle.X()) relativeMiddleZ := float64(_ch.Z()*16 - middle.Z()) px := image.Point{ // bottom left corner of the chunk on the map X: int(math.Floor(relativeMiddleX*pxPerBlock)) + 64, Y: int(math.Floor(relativeMiddleZ*pxPerBlock)) + 64, } if !m.img.Rect.Intersect(image.Rect(px.X, px.Y, px.X+pxSizeChunk, px.Y+pxSizeChunk)).Empty() { utils.DrawImgScaledPos(m.img, m.renderedChunks[_ch], px, pxSizeChunk) } } if m.showOnGui { min, max := m.GetBounds() m.w.gui.Message(messages.UpdateMap{ ChunkCount: len(m.renderedChunks), Rotation: m.w.serverState.PlayerPos.Yaw, UpdatedTiles: updatedChunks, Tiles: m.renderedChunks, BoundsMin: min, BoundsMax: max, }) } m.l.RUnlock() } func (m *MapUI) ToImage() *image.RGBA { // get the chunk coord bounds min, max := m.GetBounds() chunksX := int(max[0] - min[0] + 1) // how many chunk lengths is x coordinate chunksY := int(max[1] - min[1] + 1) img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, chunksX*16, chunksY*16)) m.l.RLock() for pos, tile := range m.renderedChunks { px := image.Pt( int((pos.X()-min.X())*16), int((pos.Z()-min.Z())*16), ) draw.Draw(img, image.Rect( px.X, px.Y, px.X+16, px.Y+16, ), tile, image.Point{}, draw.Src) } m.l.RUnlock() return img } func (m *MapUI) SetChunk(pos world.ChunkPos, ch *chunk.Chunk, complete bool) { m.renderQueue.Enqueue(&RenderElem{(protocol.ChunkPos)(pos), ch}) m.SchedRedraw() } func (w *worldsHandler) ProcessAnimate(pk *packet.Animate) { if pk.ActionType == packet.AnimateActionSwingArm { w.mapUI.ChangeZoom() w.proxy.SendPopup(locale.Loc("zoom_level", locale.Strmap{"Level": w.mapUI.zoomLevel})) } } func (w *worldsHandler) SetPlayerPos(Position mgl32.Vec3, Pitch, Yaw, HeadYaw float32) { last := w.serverState.PlayerPos current := TPlayerPos{ Position: Position, Pitch: Pitch, Yaw: Yaw, HeadYaw: HeadYaw, } w.serverState.PlayerPos = current if int(last.Position.X()) != int(current.Position.X()) || int(last.Position.Z()) != int(current.Position.Z()) { w.mapUI.SchedRedraw() } } func (w *worldsHandler) processMapPacketsClient(pk packet.Packet, forward *bool) packet.Packet { switch pk := pk.(type) { case *packet.MovePlayer: w.SetPlayerPos(pk.Position, pk.Pitch, pk.Yaw, pk.HeadYaw) case *packet.PlayerAuthInput: w.SetPlayerPos(pk.Position, pk.Pitch, pk.Yaw, pk.HeadYaw) case *packet.MapInfoRequest: if pk.MapID == ViewMapID { w.mapUI.SchedRedraw() *forward = false } case *packet.Animate: w.ProcessAnimate(pk) } return pk }