package main import ( "bufio" "context" "flag" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "runtime/debug" "syscall" "" "" "" _ "" _ "" _ "" _ "" "" "" ) type CLI struct { utils.BaseUI } func (c *CLI) Init() bool { utils.SetCurrentUI(c) return true } func (c *CLI) Start(ctx context.Context) error { flag.Parse() utils.InitDNS() utils.InitExtraDebug() subcommands.Execute(ctx) return nil } func main() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logrus.Errorf(locale.Loc("fatal_error", nil)) println("") println("--COPY FROM HERE--") logrus.Infof("Version: %s", utils.Version) logrus.Infof("Cmdline: %s", os.Args) logrus.Errorf("Error: %s", err) println("stacktrace from panic: \n" + string(debug.Stack())) println("--END COPY HERE--") println("") println(locale.Loc("report_issue", nil)) if utils.Options.ExtraDebug { println(locale.Loc("used_extra_debug_report", nil)) } if utils.Options.IsInteractive { input := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) input.Scan() } os.Exit(1) } }() logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) if utils.Version != "" { logrus.Infof(locale.Loc("bedrocktool_version", locale.Strmap{"Version": utils.Version})) } newVersion, err := utils.Updater.UpdateAvailable() if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) } if newVersion != "" && utils.Version != "" { logrus.Infof(locale.Loc("update_available", locale.Strmap{"Version": newVersion})) } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) flag.StringVar(&utils.RealmsEnv, "realms-env", "", "realms env") flag.BoolVar(&utils.Options.Debug, "debug", false, locale.Loc("debug_mode", nil)) flag.BoolVar(&utils.Options.Preload, "preload", false, locale.Loc("preload_packs", nil)) flag.BoolVar(&utils.Options.ExtraDebug, "extra-debug", false, locale.Loc("extra_debug", nil)) flag.StringVar(&utils.Options.PathCustomUserData, "userdata", "", locale.Loc("custom_user_data", nil)) flag.String("lang", "", "lang") flag.BoolVar(&utils.Options.EnableDNS, "dns", false, locale.Loc("enable_dns", nil)) subcommands.Register(subcommands.HelpCommand(), "") subcommands.ImportantFlag("debug") subcommands.ImportantFlag("dns") subcommands.ImportantFlag("preload") subcommands.HelpCommand() var ui utils.UI if len(os.Args) < 2 { ui = utils.MakeGui() utils.Options.IsInteractive = true } else { ui = &CLI{} } // exit cleanup sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-sigs println("cancelling") cancel() }() if !ui.Init() { logrus.Error("Failed to init UI!") return } err = ui.Start(ctx) if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) } } type TransCMD struct { auth bool } func (*TransCMD) Name() string { return "trans" } func (*TransCMD) Synopsis() string { return "" } func (c *TransCMD) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) { f.BoolVar(&c.auth, "auth", false, locale.Loc("should_login_xbox", nil)) } func (c *TransCMD) Execute(_ context.Context, ui utils.UI) error { const ( BlackFg = "\033[30m" Bold = "\033[1m" Blue = "\033[46m" Pink = "\033[45m" White = "\033[47m" Reset = "\033[0m" ) if c.auth { utils.GetTokenSource() } fmt.Println(BlackFg + Bold + Blue + " Trans " + Pink + " Rights " + White + " Are " + Pink + " Human " + Blue + " Rights " + Reset) return nil } type CreateCustomDataCMD struct { path string } func (*CreateCustomDataCMD) Name() string { return "create-customdata" } func (*CreateCustomDataCMD) Synopsis() string { return "" } func (c *CreateCustomDataCMD) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) { f.StringVar(&c.path, "path", "customdata.json", "where to save") } func (c *CreateCustomDataCMD) Execute(_ context.Context, ui utils.UI) error { var data utils.CustomClientData fio, err := os.Create(c.path) if err == nil { defer fio.Close() var bdata []byte bdata, err = json.MarshalIndent(&data, "", "\t") fio.Write(bdata) } if err != nil { return err } return nil } func init() { utils.RegisterCommand(&TransCMD{}) utils.RegisterCommand(&CreateCustomDataCMD{}) }