package main import ( "bytes" "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "math" "os" "sync" "" "" "" "" ) const VIEW_MAP_ID = 0x424242 var MAP_ITEM_PACKET packet.InventoryContent = packet.InventoryContent{ WindowID: 119, Content: []protocol.ItemInstance{ { StackNetworkID: 1, Stack: protocol.ItemStack{ ItemType: protocol.ItemType{ NetworkID: 420, MetadataValue: 0, }, BlockRuntimeID: 0, Count: 1, NBTData: map[string]interface{}{ "map_uuid": int64(VIEW_MAP_ID), }, }, }, }, } type MapUI struct { img *image.RGBA zoom int chunks_images map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA // rendered those chunks needRedraw bool send_lock *sync.Mutex } func NewMapUI() MapUI { return MapUI{ img: image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 128, 128)), zoom: 64, chunks_images: make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA), needRedraw: true, send_lock: &sync.Mutex{}, } } func (m *MapUI) Reset() { m.chunks_images = make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*image.RGBA) m.needRedraw = true } func (m *MapUI) ChangeZoom() { if m.zoom >= 128 { m.zoom = 32 // min } else { m.zoom += 32 } m.SchedRedraw() } func (m *MapUI) SchedRedraw() { m.needRedraw = true } // draw chunk images to the map image func (m *MapUI) Redraw(w *WorldState) { // get the chunk coord bounds min := protocol.ChunkPos{} max := protocol.ChunkPos{} middle := protocol.ChunkPos{} for _ch := range m.chunks_images { if _ch.X() < min.X() { min[0] = _ch.X() } if _ch.Z() < min.Z() { min[1] = _ch.Z() } if _ch.X() > max.X() { max[0] = _ch.X() } if _ch.Z() > max.Z() { max[1] = _ch.Z() } if _ch.X() == int32(w.PlayerPos.Position.X()/16) && _ch.Z() == int32(w.PlayerPos.Position.Z()/16) { middle = _ch } } chunks_x := int(max[0] - min[0] + 1) // how many chunk lengths is x chunks_per_line := math.Min(float64(chunks_x), float64(m.zoom)) // at max 64 chunks per line px_per_chunk := int(128 / chunks_per_line) // how many pixels does every chunk get for i := 0; i < len(m.img.Pix); i++ { // clear canvas m.img.Pix[i] = 0 } for _ch := range m.chunks_images { px_pos := image.Point{ X: (int(_ch.X()-middle.X()) * px_per_chunk) + 64, Y: (int(_ch.Z()-middle.Z()) * px_per_chunk) + 64, } if px_pos.In(m.img.Rect) { draw.Draw( m.img, image.Rect( px_pos.X, px_pos.Y, px_pos.X+px_per_chunk, px_pos.Y+px_per_chunk, ), m.chunks_images[_ch], image.Point{}, draw.Src, ) } } { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) bmp.Encode(buf, m.img) os.WriteFile("test.bmp", buf.Bytes(), 0777) } } // send func (m *MapUI) Send(w *WorldState) error { if !m.send_lock.TryLock() { return nil // dont send if send is in progress } if m.needRedraw { m.needRedraw = false m.Redraw(w) } pixels := make([][]color.RGBA, 128) for y := 0; y < 128; y++ { pixels[y] = make([]color.RGBA, 128) for x := 0; x < 128; x++ { pixels[y][x] = m.img.At(x, y).(color.RGBA) } } m.send_lock.Unlock() return w.ClientConn.WritePacket(&packet.ClientBoundMapItemData{ MapID: VIEW_MAP_ID, Width: 128, Height: 128, Pixels: pixels, UpdateFlags: 2, }) } func (m *MapUI) SetChunk(pos protocol.ChunkPos, ch *chunk.Chunk) { var img *image.RGBA if ch != nil { img = Chunk2Img(ch) } else { img = black_16x16 } m.send_lock.Lock() // dont send while adding a chunk m.chunks_images[pos] = img m.send_lock.Unlock() m.SchedRedraw() }