# v1.2 Short Circuit Evaulations setting is now applied correctly Fixed auto updater Fixed version manager Download: https://github.com/KuromeSan/GayMaker-Studio/releases/download/v1.2/GayMaker-Studio.1.2.zip # v1.1 Added version manager - now you can use any verison of GMS1.4 you want Updated default version to 1.4.9999 Fixed a bug where changing the project wouldnt update the preview. Fixed a bug where if you never opened "Global Game Settings" in GameMaker Then GayMaker would crash (IT WAS A STRANGE PARSER DIFFERNTAL xD) See issue [#9 on GayMaker](https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/issues/9/global-game-settings) Added an update-checker it'll ask you if you want to update when a new update is avalible. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker-studio/downloads/GayMaker-Studio%201.1.zip # v1.0 Inital Release! Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker-studio/downloads/GayMaker-Studio.zip #GayMaker: Studio Homebrew GM:S Export tool (Based off the original [GayMaker Tool for PSVita](https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker)) Run the program. and browse to a GameMaker Studio project file (.gmx). you can also change the images, Title. and TitleID and then your game will be "compiled" for PS4 and saved as a PKG to whereever you choose to save it All projects are compiled using GameMaker 1.4.1804 - the latest version that works on 5.05 Packages are created using LibOrbisPkg, No changes made to the original source of the Libary. However some snippits where taken from the PkgEditor and changed to not read from clipboard / drag n drop Please show me any games you make with it! (though, please note i wont be too interested unless a girl dies) #Shaders When you compile a project that uses Shaders for the first time. you'll be prompted to browse to 'orbis-wave-psslc.exe' This file will then be placed into the GayMaker: Studio install folder and you wont have to do it again after that. Shaders will compile into the GXP format. which will then work on the console itself. For *reasons*, i will not provide a link to orbis-wave-psslc.exe # Controller Mapping To Check DS4 Controls use the [GamePad](https://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/002_reference/mouse,%20keyboard%20and%20other%20controls/gamepad%20input/index.html) commands Here is what each control maps to: gp_face1 = CROSS gp_face2 = SQUARE gp_face3 = CIRCLE gp_face4 = TRIANGLE gp_shoulderl = L1 gp_shoulderr = R1 gp_shoulderlb = L2 gp_shoulderrb = R2 gp_select = SELECT gp_start = START gp_stickl = L3 gp_stickr = R3 gp_padu = DPAD UP gp_padd = DPAD DOWN gp_padl = DPAD LEFT gp_padr = DPAD RIGHT gp_axislh = LEFT ANOLOUGE HORIZONTAL AXIES gp_axislv = LEFT ANOLOUGE VERTICAL AXIES gp_axisrh = RIGHT ANOLOUGE HORIZONTAL AXIES gp_axisrv = RIGHT ANOLOUGE VERTICAL AXIES # Homebrew Repo This repository has some GameMaker: Studio Homebrew games / ports. https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gm-shb # Credits Thanks YoYoGames for GameMaker, "YOYO_DEV_ENABLE", and having a unsecured CDN Thanks To the devs of DnSpy for indirectly making this possible ;) Thanks To MaxTon for [LibOrbisPkg](https://github.com/maxton/LibOrbisPkg) Thanks To ignacio1420 and Nagato for Testing! Thanks To flat_z for [make_fself.py](https://twitter.com/flat_z/status/954856357664100354)