# 1.7.7 Fixed an issue where compiliing shaders without YYC would cause issues Download: https://github.com/KuromeSan/GayMaker/releases/download/v1.7.7/GayMaker.1.7.7.zip # 1.7.6 Fixed an issue where it was possible to enter invalid characters into Title ID Feild Fixed some UI Elements Changed \n to \r\n to make gmac output show properly on win10. Fixed Auto Update for REAL this time Download: https://github.com/KuromeSan/GayMaker/releases/download/v1.7.6/GayMaker.1.7.6.zip # 1.7.5 Fixed a bug where /SH argument would allways = False regardles of what was set in project file Fixed automatic updater Download: https://github.com/KuromeSan/GayMaker/releases/download/V1.7.5/GayMaker.1.7.5.zip # 1.7.3 Fixed a bug where if you never opened "Global Game Settings" in GameMaker Then GayMaker would crash (IT WAS A STRANGE PARSER DIFFERNTAL xD) See issue #9 Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.7.3.zip # 1.7.2 Fixed a bug where StandardError wasnt shown in output properly No longer requires %SCE_PSP2_SDK_DIR% to be defined when building YYC. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.7.2.zip # 1.7.1 Fixed a bug where Errors from GMAssetCompiler wouldnt show in the output Now displays GMAssetCompiler and YYC Compile errors in a messagebox. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.7.1.zip # 1.7 Added a "Preferences" option Added the ability to disable Update Checks Added the ability to not save last used settings Added the ability to not convert PNG's to indexed color Added the ability to use YYC! (Requires some efforts to do though) Added a seecret easter egg (try to find it!) Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.7.zip # 1.6 Added "Interpolate colors between pixels" to Global Game Settings Added "Scaling options" (Full Scale) and (Keep Aspect Ratio) options to Global Game Settings Added "Download More RAM" feature to allow you to allocate more memory to your application Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.6.zip # 1.5.2 No-longer reliant on pngquant.exe (close #6) Added Early-Access builds to the Version Manager Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.5.2.zip # 1.5.1 Added version selection and version selector. - you can now use ANY version of GameMaker:Studio Since 1.4.1468. Files are downloaded from yoyo's servers! Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.5.1.zip # 1.5 Under "Global Game Settings" you can now simply press to apply settings, or to cancel Disabled Windows Automatic DPI Scaling (see issue #8 to understand why i did this) Now using unmodified GMAssetCompiler. and simply ""Obtaining permission to execute"" (resolved #7) Fixed issue #5 Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.5.zip # 1.4.9999 Fixes issue #4. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.4.9999.zip # 1.4 Inside "Global Game Settings we have: Enable/Disable rear touchpad Enable/Disable front touchscreen Change the Texture Paging Size *default: 2048* (stick to power's of 2 or u might break shit) Other changes: Program will check for updates Program will remember what images you last used (HKLU/Software/GayMaker) This system software update improves system performance. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.4.zip # 1.3 Shader's can now be used, however you have to provide a copy of "psp2cgc.exe" yourself. - #3 can now be closed. Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.3.zip # 1.2 UPDATED TO GAMEMAKER STUDIO 1.4.9999 - THANKS CELESTEBLUE FOR SOURCING THE EXPORT MODULE!!! Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.2.zip # 1.1 Fixes Issue #1 and Issue #2 Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker%201.1.zip # 1.0 FIRST RELEASE WEW Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gaymaker/downloads/GayMaker.zip # GayMaker Homebrew GM:S Export tool Run the program. and browse to a GameMaker Studio project file (.gmx). you can also change the images, Title. and TitleID and then your game will be "compiled" for PSVITA and saved as a VPK to whereever you choose to save it Please show me any games you make with it! (though, please note i wont be too interested unless a girl dies) # Errors When the PSVita GameMaker Runner encounters an error. the error dialog is printed to stdout rather than opening a message box. if its a critical error. the app will simply exit afterwards.. i recommend using a plugin to capture stdout for any serious development. take a look at [ShipLog](https://github.com/CelesteBlue-dev/PSVita-RE-tools/tree/master/ShipLog2.0/release) or [psp2shell](https://github.com/Cpasjuste/psp2shell) # Shaders When you compile a project that uses Shaders for the first time. you'll be prompted to browse to 'psp2cgc.exe' This file will then be placed into the GayMaker install folder and you wont have to do it again after that. Shaders will compile into the GXP format. which will then work on the console itself. For *reasons*, i will not provide a link to psp2cgc.exe # Touchscreen To use touchscreen features, you have to enable "Use Rear Touch" and "Use Front Touch" in *Global Game Settings* Then you can use the mouse controls as touch inputs. Once enabled the touchscreen is mapped as a Mouse Device, so you can just use [Device Input](https://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/002_reference/mouse,%20keyboard%20and%20other%20controls/device%20input/index.html) Devices 0~4 are for the front touchscreen and Devices 5~8 are for the rear touchscreen *It acturally supports multiple touches at a time~* # Controller Mapping To Check PSVita Controls use the [GamePad](https://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/002_reference/mouse,%20keyboard%20and%20other%20controls/gamepad%20input/index.html) commands Here is what each control maps to: gp_face1 = CROSS gp_face2 = CIRCLE gp_face3 = SQUARE gp_face4 = TRIANGLE gp_shoulderl = L gp_shoulderr = R gp_shoulderlb = UNUSED gp_shoulderrb = UNUSED gp_select = SELECT gp_start = START gp_stickl = UNUSED gp_stickr = UNUSED gp_padu = DPAD UP gp_padd = DPAD DOWN gp_padl = DPAD LEFT gp_padr = DPAD RIGHT gp_axislh = LEFT ANOLOUGE HORIZONTAL AXIES gp_axislv = LEFT ANOLOUGE VERTICAL AXIES gp_axisrh = RIGHT ANOLOUGE HORIZONTAL AXIES gp_axisrv = RIGHT ANOLOUGE VERTICAL AXIES # Homebrew Repo This repository has some GameMaker: Studio Homebrew games / ports. https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/gm-shb # Credits Thanks @nikita_krapivin for testing things, and for finding a capible game Thanks to @CelesteBlue for patching some things Thanks Radziu, Dots-tb, for uh existing? Thanks "Wolfgang" for [PUBLICLY UPLOADING A GMS4VITA COMPILE LOG TO PASTEBIN - MUCH APRICIATED](https://pastebin.com/Api4EeRP) Thanks To the devs of ~~"Siralin2"~~ DnSpy for indirectly making this possible ;)