## Copyright Copyright is held under the name "Altimit Community Contributors". Altimit Community Contributors includes Altimit Systems LTD and all accepted Pull requests to the **AltimitSystems/mv-android-client/master** branch. ## Pull requests To make the review process simple and to help with understanding the nature of your changes please adhere to the following guidelines: - Work on the latest possible state of the **AltimitSystems/mv-android-client/master** branch. - Create a branch dedicated to your change and named appropriately. - Keep compatibility with the target version of Android that the master branch uses. - Keep bug fixes and features as separate branches. - Explain changes in detail and be prepared to answer questions and further concerns. ## Coding style Coding style is based on the [Google Java Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html) with modifications. - Parameter names (class member variables) must be prefixed with the Latin small letter **m** (U+006D). - Usage of finalize is permissible for the case of singleton destruction.