-- Credits - frangarj for the original NoPsmDrm on PSVita https://github.com/frangarcj/NoPsmDrm/ - Chaser - an absolute legend who still had their old XPLAY with PSM running on it *still going* all these years later, could never have done it without ya! - Li, for being the single person who has done the most research into PSM out of anyone ever .. - Whomever was around before me, Thanks for keeping the dream alive.. -- Installing games so you just put nopsmdrm dumps into /sdcard/Android/data/com.playstation.psstore/files/psm, and then they show up and you can run them. -- known issues: - Games only run with wifi off .. (i think its trying to check for updates or something..) - FAKE.rif from PSVita dont work .. -- source code? libdefault.so mod in here is https://silica.codes/Li/libdefault_proxy libpsmkdc_jni mod is https://silica.codes/Li/libpsmkdc_stub the library.db has had the following trigger added : ``` CREATE TRIGGER CONTENT_ID_MEMES AFTER INSERT ON LibraryTable BEGIN UPDATE LibraryTable SET content_id="UM0105-" || title_id || "-0000000000000000" WHERE title_id = new.title_id; END; ``` ... the rest should be in the installer apk code so :d