.text .code 32 .globl _start _start: .ascii "SC" .byte 0x11 .byte 1 // Number of memory card blocks (use "mcpad" tool for auto-adjust) // Title 32*2 Shift-JIS zero padded (use "ascii2sjis" tool to generate this file) .include "data/title.txt" .space 12 .hword 1 // Number of File Viewer Mono Icon Frames .ascii "MCX0" .byte 1 // Number of entries in Executable Mono Icon List .byte 0 // No Function Table .word 0 .word _progstart IconPS: .incbin "data/psicon.bin" // 16*word Palette + 16x16 4bits Icon IconPK: .incbin "data/icon.bin" // File Viewer Mono Icon 32x32 .hword 1 // Number of Executable Mono Icon .hword 1 // Icon Anim Speed .word IconPK // Pointer to the same File Viewer Mono Icon _progstart: b main //---------------------------------------- // Bios Calls .globl SetCallbacks SetCallbacks: swi 1 mov pc, lr .globl SetCpuSpeed SetCpuSpeed: swi 4 mov pc, lr .globl PrepareExecute PrepareExecute: swi 8 mov pc, lr .globl DoExecute DoExecute: swi 9 .globl SetComOnOff SetComOnOff: swi 17 mov pc, lr .globl GetDirIndex GetDirIndex: swi 22 mov pc, lr .globl IntIRQ IntIRQ: stmdb sp!,{r2-r3,lr} bl IRQ_Handler ldmia sp!,{r2-r3,pc} .globl IntFIQ IntFIQ: stmdb sp!,{r2-r3,lr} bl FIQ_Handler ldmia sp!,{r2-r3,pc} //---------------------------------------- // User Data .end