# Add /friends/cgi-bin to $PYTHONPATH in /etc/enviroment and as a SetVar for your VirtualHost in apache2 import mariadb import binascii import hashlib #MAKE SURE THE DB IS *OUTSIDE* THE PUBLIC_HTML!!! #SQLLITE_DB_PATH = "/home/web/DreamTown.db" SUCCESS = 1 USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 2 INVALID_PASSWORD = 3 NAME_ALREADY_USED = 4 ANSWER_INCORRECT = 5 def DbConnect(): return mariadb.connect( user="root", password="DB_CREDENTIALS", host="", port=3306, database="dreamtown" ) db = DbConnect() def raise e: print("".join(traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(e).format()) def xor(data, key): l = len(key) return bytearray(( (data[i] ^ key[i % l]) for i in range(0,len(data)) )) def pass_salt_algo(passwd, Salt): m = hashlib.sha512() m.update(passwd.encode('utf-8')) passHash = m.digest() salt = bytearray(binascii.unhexlify(Salt)) saltedHash = xor(passHash,salt); m = hashlib.sha512() m.update(saltedHash) outHash = m.digest(); return binascii.hexlify(outHash).decode("utf-8") c = db.cursor() try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE users( Name TEXT(12), PassHash TEXT(128), Salt TEXT(128), LastSession TEXT(128), CreationDate bigint ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE securityQuestion( Name TEXT(12), QuestionType int, AnswerHash TEXT(128) ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE characterList( Name TEXT(12), CharacterId int, ActualCharacterId int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE relationsList( Name TEXT(12), CharacterId int, Level int, Progress int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE npcList( Name TEXT(12), CharacterId int, NextTimestamp bigint, Pool TEXT(8024), RequestLevel int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE areaList( Name TEXT(12), LastVisit bigint, AreaId int, NextRubishSpawnTime bigint, ActualAreaId int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE itemList( Name TEXT(12), ItemId int, Quantity int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE currencyList( Name TEXT(12), CurrencyId int, Quantity int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE containerList( Name TEXT(12), HarvestableTemplateId int, LastHarvest bigint, ContainerName TEXT(128), AreaId int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE harvestablesList( Name TEXT(12), ItemTemplateId int, UpdateTime bigint, SlotIndex int, HarvestableName TEXT(128), AreaId int, ParentContainerName TEXT(128) ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE rubishList( Name TEXT(12), Id Text(64), X int, Y int, AreaId int, ItemTemplateId int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE tutorial( Name TEXT(12), TutorialTemplateId int ); """) except: pass try: c.execute(""" CREATE TABLE scenario( Name TEXT(12), ScenarioId int, CustomData TEXT(128), StepId int, Completed int ); """) except: pass db.commit() db.close()