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SilicaAndPina ad02725efa Add SRC
2019-08-30 20:14:15 +12:00

965 lines
36 KiB

using GMAssetCompiler.Output;
using Ionic.Zip;
using NAudio.Wave;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using UmdGen;
namespace GMAssetCompiler
internal class IFFSaver
private delegate void WriteDelegateKVP<T>(KeyValuePair<string, T> _kvp, Stream _s, IFF _iff, long _index);
private delegate void WriteDelegate<T>(T _t, Stream _s, IFF _iff, long _index);
private const int WAD_VERSION_NUMBER = 6;
private static TexturePage ms_tpageSprites;
private static List<Wave> ms_Waves;
private static List<GML2VM> ms_code;
static IFFSaver()
ms_Waves = new List<Wave>(20);
ms_code = new List<GML2VM>();
public static void Save(GMAssets _assets, string _name)
String InputFolder = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "_iso_temp");
_name = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "_iso_temp", "PSP_GAME", "USRDIR", "games", "game.psp"); // Allways "game.psp"
if (Program.RemoveDND)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GMScript> script in _assets.Scripts)
if (script.Value != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(script.Value.Script))
GMLCode code = new GMLCode(_assets, script.Key, script.Value.Script, eGMLCodeType.eScript);
GML2VM gML2VM = new GML2VM();
gML2VM.Compile(_assets, code);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GMObject> @object in _assets.Objects)
if (@object.Value != null)
foreach (IList<KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent>> @event in @object.Value.Events)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent> item in @event)
if (item.Value != null && item.Value.Actions != null && item.Value.Actions.Count > 0 && item.Value.Actions[0].Kind == eAction.ACT_CODE)
GMLCode code2 = new GMLCode(_assets, @object.Key, item.Value.Actions[0].Args[0], eGMLCodeType.eEvent);
GML2VM gML2VM2 = new GML2VM();
gML2VM2.Compile(_assets, code2);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GMTimeLine> timeLine in _assets.TimeLines)
if (timeLine.Value != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent> entry in timeLine.Value.Entries)
if (entry.Value != null && entry.Value.Actions != null && entry.Value.Actions.Count > 0 && entry.Value.Actions[0].Kind == eAction.ACT_CODE)
GMLCode code3 = new GMLCode(_assets, timeLine.Key, entry.Value.Actions[0].Args[0], eGMLCodeType.eEvent);
GML2VM gML2VM3 = new GML2VM();
gML2VM3.Compile(_assets, code3);
foreach (GMTrigger trigger in _assets.Triggers)
if (trigger != null)
GMLCode code4 = new GMLCode(_assets, trigger.Name, trigger.Condition, eGMLCodeType.eTrigger);
GML2VM gML2VM4 = new GML2VM();
gML2VM4.Compile(_assets, code4);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GMRoom> room in _assets.Rooms)
if (room.Value != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(room.Value.Code))
GMLCode code5 = new GMLCode(_assets, room.Key, room.Value.Code, eGMLCodeType.eRoomCreate);
GML2VM gML2VM5 = new GML2VM();
gML2VM5.Compile(_assets, code5);
foreach (GMInstance instance in room.Value.Instances)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.Code))
GMLCode code6 = new GMLCode(_assets, room.Key, instance.Code, eGMLCodeType.eRoomInstanceCreate);
GML2VM gML2VM6 = new GML2VM();
gML2VM6.Compile(_assets, code6);
ms_tpageSprites = new TexturePage(2, 2, 0, 0, Program.MachineType.TPageWidth, Program.MachineType.TPageHeight);
Program.Out.WriteLine("Saving IFF file... {0}", _name);
List<string> list = new List<string>();
if (Path.GetExtension(_name) == ".zip")
using (FileStream stream = File.Create(_name))
ZipOutputStream zipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(stream);
zipOutputStream.PutNextEntry(string.Format("assets\\game{0}", Program.MachineType.Extension));
Save(_assets, zipOutputStream, list);
foreach (string item2 in list)
if (File.Exists(item2))
string entryName = Path.Combine("assets", Path.GetFileName(item2));
byte[] array = File.ReadAllBytes(item2);
zipOutputStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length);
using (FileStream stream2 = File.Create(_name))
Save(_assets, stream2, list);
String ISOPath = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, Path.ChangeExtension(Program.Assets.FileName, "ISO"));
Console.WriteLine("Building ISO");
String UmiFile = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "UmiFile.umi");
String UflFile = Path.ChangeExtension(UmiFile, "ufl");
UMDGEN.CreateUfl(UflFile, InputFolder);
UMDGEN.CreateISO(UmiFile, Program.OutputDir);
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "UMD_AUTH.DAT"));
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "CONT_L0.IMG"));
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "MDI.IMG"));
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "UmiFile.ufl"));
File.Delete(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "UmiFile.umi"));
File.Move(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "USER_L0.IMG"), ISOPath);
if (Directory.Exists(InputFolder))
Directory.Delete(InputFolder, true);
MessageBox.Show("ISO Built @ " + ISOPath, "Complete", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
public static void Save(GMAssets _assets, Stream _stream, List<string> _extraFilenames)
IFF iFF = new IFF();
iFF.ExternalFiles = _extraFilenames;
string name = "GENL";
switch (_assets.Version)
case 700:
case 701:
name = "GEN7";
case 800:
case 810:
name = "GEN8";
iFF.RegisterChunk(name, WriteHeader, _assets, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("TXTR", WriteTextures, _assets, IFFChunkType.GPU | IFFChunkType.Align, 128);
iFF.RegisterChunk("AUDO", WriteWaveforms, _assets, IFFChunkType.Audio);
iFF.RegisterChunk("HELP", WriteHelp, _assets.Help, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("OPTN", WriteOptions, _assets.Options, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("EXTN", WriteExtensions, _assets.Extensions, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("SOND", WriteSounds, _assets.Sounds, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("SPRT", WriteSprites, _assets.Sprites, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("BGND", WriteBackgrounds, _assets.Backgrounds, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("PATH", WritePaths, _assets.Paths, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("SCPT", WriteScripts, _assets.Scripts, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("FONT", WriteFonts, _assets.Fonts, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("TMLN", WriteTimelines, _assets.TimeLines, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("OBJT", WriteObjects, _assets.Objects, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("ROOM", WriteRooms, _assets.Rooms, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("DAFL", WriteDataFiles, _assets.DataFiles, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("TPAGE", WriteTexturePages, _assets, IFFChunkType.CPU);
iFF.RegisterChunk("STRG", (IFFChunkSaver<IList<IFFString>>)WriteStrings, (IList<IFFString>)iFF.Strings, IFFChunkType.CPU);
private static void WriteDataKVP<T>(IList<KeyValuePair<string, T>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff, WriteDelegateKVP<T> _del)
List<long> list = new List<long>();
for (int i = 0; i < _data.Count; i++)
int num = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, T> _datum in _data)
if (_datum.Value != null)
_del(_datum, _s, _iff, list[num]);
private static void WriteDataList<T>(IList<T> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff, WriteDelegate<T> _del)
List<long> list = new List<long>();
for (int i = 0; i < _data.Count; i++)
int num = 0;
foreach (T _datum in _data)
_del(_datum, _s, _iff, list[num]);
private static void WriteOptions(GMOptions _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
if (_data.BackImage != null && !Program.SplashOmit)
TexturePageEntry o = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(_data.BackImage, true, false);
_iff.AddPatch(_s, o);
if (_data.FrontImage != null && !Program.SplashOmit)
TexturePageEntry o2 = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(_data.FrontImage, true, false);
_iff.AddPatch(_s, o2);
if (_data.LoadImage != null && !Program.SplashOmit)
TexturePageEntry o3 = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(_data.LoadImage, true, false);
_iff.AddPatch(_s, o3);
int num = 0;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> constant in _data.Constants)
int value = 0;
if (GMLCompile.ms_ConstantCount.TryGetValue(constant.Key, out value) && value > 0)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> constant2 in _data.Constants)
int value2 = 0;
if (GMLCompile.ms_ConstantCount.TryGetValue(constant2.Key, out value2) && value2 > 0)
_iff.AddString(_s, constant2.Key);
_iff.AddString(_s, constant2.Value);
private static void WriteHelp(GMHelp _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
_iff.AddString(_s, _data.Caption);
_iff.AddString(_s, _data.Text);
private static void WriteExtensions(IList<GMExtension> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
private static void WriteSounds(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMSound>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
Random rnd = new Random();
int NumSounds = _data.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Making Audio Files ISO9660 Compatible");
for (int i = 0; i < NumSounds; i++)
if (!(_data[i].ToString() == "[, ]"))
GMSound Sound = _data[i].Value;
byte[] AudioName = new byte[0x5];
string OriginalName = Sound.OrigName;
string Extension = Path.GetExtension(Sound.OrigName);
Sound.OrigName = Path.ChangeExtension(BitConverter.ToString(AudioName).Replace("-", ""), Extension);
Console.WriteLine("Renaming: " + OriginalName + "->" + Sound.OrigName);
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMSound> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMSound value = _kvp.Value;
string[] source = value.OrigName.Split('\\', '/', ':');
string text = Path.GetFileName(source.Last());
bool flag = true;
while (flag)
flag = false;
foreach (Wave ms_Wave in ms_Waves)
if (ms_Wave.FileName == text)
text = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(text), "_a", Path.GetExtension(text));
flag = true;
if (value.Data != null)
ms_Waves.Add(new Wave(_iff, value.Data, text));
__iff.AddString(__s, value.Extension);
__iff.AddString(__s, text);
__s.WriteInteger(ms_Waves.Count - 1);
private static void WriteSprites(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMSprite>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMSprite> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMSprite value = _kvp.Value;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Images.Count; i++)
if (value.Images[i].Width * value.Images[i].Height > 0)
TexturePageEntry o = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(value.Images[i].Bitmap, true, false);
__iff.AddPatch(__s, o);
IList<byte[]> masks = value.Masks;
if (masks != null)
foreach (byte[] item in masks)
__s.Write(item, 0, item.Length);
private static void WriteBackgrounds(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMBackground>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMBackground> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMBackground value = _kvp.Value;
if (value.Bitmap != null && value.Bitmap.Width * value.Bitmap.Height > 0)
TexturePageEntry texturePageEntry = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(value.Bitmap.Bitmap, true, false);
texturePageEntry.OriginalRepeatBorder = true;
texturePageEntry.RepeatX = 2;
texturePageEntry.RepeatY = 2;
TextureOptions.SetTextureOptions(_kvp.Key, texturePageEntry);
__iff.AddPatch(__s, texturePageEntry);
private static void WritePaths(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMPath>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMPath> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMPath value = _kvp.Value;
foreach (GMPathPoint point in value.Points)
private static void WriteScripts(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMScript>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMScript> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMScript value = _kvp.Value;
__iff.AddString(__s, value.Script);
private static Bitmap Crop(Bitmap _bmp, int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h)
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(_w, _h, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
graphics.DrawImage(_bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, _w, _h), new Rectangle(_x, _y, _w, _h), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return bitmap;
private static void WriteFonts(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMFont>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMFont> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMFont value = _kvp.Value;
__iff.AddString(__s, value.Name);
TexturePageEntry texturePageEntry = ms_tpageSprites.AddImage(value.Bitmap, false, true);
__iff.AddPatch(__s, texturePageEntry);
double num = 1.0;
double num2 = 1.0;
if (texturePageEntry.W != value.Bitmap.Width || texturePageEntry.H != value.Bitmap.Height)
num = (double)texturePageEntry.W / (double)value.Bitmap.Width;
num2 = (double)texturePageEntry.H / (double)value.Bitmap.Height;
num = 1.0 / num;
num2 = 1.0 / num2;
foreach (GMGlyph glyph in value.Glyphs)
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.X + num - 1.0) / num));
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.Y + num2 - 1.0) / num2));
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.W + num - 1.0) / num));
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.H + num2 - 1.0) / num2));
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.Shift + num - 1.0) / num));
__s.WriteInteger((int)(((double)glyph.Offset + num - 1.0) / num));
private static void WriteGMEvent(GMEvent _event, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataList(_event.Actions, _s, _iff, delegate(GMAction _action, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _action.Name);
__iff.AddString(__s, _action.Code);
if (_action.ArgTypes.Count != _action.Args.Count)
Console.WriteLine("We have a problem here!!");
for (int i = 0; i < _action.ArgTypes.Count; i++)
__iff.AddString(__s, _action.Args[i]);
private static void WriteTimelines(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMTimeLine>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataKVP(_data, _s, _iff, delegate(KeyValuePair<string, GMTimeLine> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMTimeLine value = _kvp.Value;
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent> entry in value.Entries)
__iff.AddPatch(__s, entry.Value);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent> entry2 in value.Entries)
__iff.SetOffset(__s, entry2.Value, __s.Position);
WriteGMEvent(entry2.Value, __s, __iff);
private static void WriteObjects(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMObject>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
IFFSaver.WriteDataKVP<GMObject>(_data, _s, _iff, delegate (KeyValuePair<string, GMObject> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMObject value = _kvp.Value;
// Console.WriteLine("DEBUG:\nOBJECT EVENTS: " + value.Events.ToString());
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<IList<KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent>>>(value.Events, __s, __iff, delegate (IList<KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent>> _list, Stream ___s, IFF ___iff, long ___index)
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent>>(_list, ___s, ___iff, delegate (KeyValuePair<int, GMEvent> _entry, Stream ____s, IFF ____iff, long ____index)
IFFSaver.WriteGMEvent(_entry.Value, ____s, ____iff);
private static void WriteRooms(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMRoom>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
IFFSaver.WriteDataKVP<GMRoom>(_data, _s, _iff, delegate (KeyValuePair<string, GMRoom> _kvp, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.AddString(__s, _kvp.Key);
GMRoom value = _kvp.Value;
__iff.AddString(__s, value.Caption);
__iff.AddString(__s, value.Code);
long position = __s.Position;
long position2 = __s.Position;
long position3 = __s.Position;
long position4 = __s.Position;
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<GMBack>(value.Backgrounds, __s, __iff, delegate (GMBack _back, Stream ___s, IFF ___iff, long ___index)
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<GMView>(value.Views, __s, __iff, delegate (GMView _view, Stream ___s, IFF ___iff, long ___index)
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<GMInstance>(value.Instances, __s, __iff, delegate (GMInstance _inst, Stream ___s, IFF ___iff, long ___index)
___iff.AddString(___s, _inst.Code);
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<GMTile>(value.Tiles, __s, __iff, delegate (GMTile _tile, Stream ___s, IFF ___iff, long ___index)
___s.WriteInteger(_tile.Blend + ((int)(_tile.Alpha * 255.0) << 24));
private static void WriteDataFiles(IList<KeyValuePair<string, GMDataFile>> _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, GMDataFile> _datum in _data)
GMDataFile value = _datum.Value;
string text = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, value.FileName);
File.WriteAllBytes(text, value.Data);
private static void WriteHeader(GMAssets _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
_s.WriteInteger(((!_data.Debug) ? 1 : 0) | 0x201);
_iff.AddString(_s, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_data.FileName));
foreach (int item in _data.RoomOrder)
private static void WriteTextures(GMAssets _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
List<byte[]> list = new List<byte[]>();
if (ms_tpageSprites.Textures != null)
int num = 0;
foreach (Texture texture in ms_tpageSprites.Textures)
Program.Out.Write("{0} Compressing texture... ", num);
Image _dest = null;
Bitmap bitmap = texture.Bitmap;
byte[] array = Form1.createOutTexture(bitmap, eSquishFlags.kDxt5 | eSquishFlags.kColourMetricPerceptual | eSquishFlags.kClusterFitMaxIteration8, out _dest, Program.TextureType[texture.Group]);
string path = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, string.Format("texture_{0}{1}", num, Program.TextureTypeExtension(Program.TextureType[texture.Group])));
Program.Out.WriteLine("writing texture {0}... ", Path.GetFileName(path));
if (Program.WriteTextures)
if (string.Compare(Path.GetExtension(path), ".png", true) != 0)
texture.Bitmap.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".original.png"), ImageFormat.Png);
if (_dest != null)
_dest.Save(Path.ChangeExtension(path, ".png"), ImageFormat.Png);
File.WriteAllBytes(path, array);
WriteDataList(list, _s, _iff, delegate(byte[] __tex, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
int num2 = 128;
int num3 = num2 - 1;
while ((__s.Position & num3) != 0)
__s.Write(__tex, 0, __tex.Length);
private static void WriteTexturePages(GMAssets _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
if (ms_tpageSprites.Entries.Count > 0)
IOrderedEnumerable<TexturePageEntry> source = ms_tpageSprites.Entries.OrderBy((TexturePageEntry e) => e.Entry);
WriteDataList(source.ToList(), _s, _iff, delegate(TexturePageEntry _tpe, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.SetOffset(__s, _tpe, __s.Position);
private static void WriteWaveforms(GMAssets _data, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
IFFSaver.WriteDataList<Wave>(IFFSaver.ms_Waves, _s, _iff, delegate (Wave _wave, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
int num = 4;
int num2 = num - 1;
while ((__s.Position & (long)num2) != 0L)
__s.Write(_wave.RawWavFile, 0, _wave.RawWavFile.Length);
if (Program.WriteWaves && _wave.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith("wav"))
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, Path.GetFileName(_wave.FileName)), _wave.RawWavFile);
Console.WriteLine("Converting to at3..");
int NumSounds = _data.Sounds.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < NumSounds; i++)
if (!(_data.Sounds[i].ToString() == "[, ]"))
GMSound Sound = _data.Sounds[i].Value;
string OriginalName = Sound.OrigName;
string Extension = Path.GetExtension(Sound.OrigName);
string AudioFile = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, OriginalName);
if (Extension.ToLower() == ".mid" || Extension.ToLower() == ".midi")
Console.WriteLine("Converting " + OriginalName + " To .WAV");
File.WriteAllBytes(AudioFile, Sound.Data);
Process FluidSynth = new Process();
FluidSynth.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "fluidsynth.exe");
FluidSynth.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath;
FluidSynth.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
FluidSynth.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
FluidSynth.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
FluidSynth.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
//Change "gm.sf2" to whatever soundfont you want.
FluidSynth.StartInfo.Arguments = "-F \"" + Path.ChangeExtension(AudioFile, "wav") + "\" \"gm.sf2\" \"" + AudioFile+"\"";
Console.WriteLine(FluidSynth.StartInfo.FileName + " " + FluidSynth.StartInfo.Arguments);
if (FluidSynth.ExitCode != 0)
Console.WriteLine(FluidSynth.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + FluidSynth.StandardError.ReadToEnd());
else if (Path.GetExtension(OriginalName).ToLower() == ".mp3")
Console.WriteLine("Converting " + OriginalName + " To .WAV");
MemoryStream Mp3Stream = new MemoryStream(Sound.Data);
Mp3FileReader mp3 = new Mp3FileReader(Mp3Stream);
WaveStream pcm = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(mp3);
WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(Path.ChangeExtension(AudioFile, "wav"), pcm);
String OutputPath = Path.Combine(Program.OutputDir, "_iso_temp", "PSP_GAME", "USRDIR",Path.ChangeExtension(OriginalName,"at3"));
Console.WriteLine("Output: " + OutputPath);
Process At3Tool = new Process();
At3Tool.StartInfo.FileName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "at3tool.exe");
At3Tool.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Application.StartupPath;
At3Tool.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
At3Tool.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
At3Tool.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
At3Tool.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
At3Tool.StartInfo.Arguments = "-e \"" + Path.ChangeExtension(AudioFile, "wav") + "\" \"" + OutputPath + "\"";
Console.WriteLine(At3Tool.StartInfo.FileName + " " + At3Tool.StartInfo.Arguments);
if (At3Tool.ExitCode != 0)
Console.WriteLine(At3Tool.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + At3Tool.StandardError.ReadToEnd());
File.Delete(Path.ChangeExtension(AudioFile, "wav"));
private static void WriteStrings(IList<IFFString> _strings, Stream _s, IFF _iff)
WriteDataList(_strings, _s, _iff, delegate(IFFString _string, Stream __s, IFF __iff, long __index)
__iff.SetOffset(__s, _string, __s.Position);
for (int i = 0; i < _string.String.Length; i++)