using Avalonia.Controls; using Avalonia.Media.Imaging; using ChovySign_GUI.Global; using GameBuilder.Pops; using LibChovy.Art; using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; #pragma warning disable CS8601 // Possible null reference assignment. // beacuse im checking if its null in the setter, but visual studio doesnt seem to understand :d namespace ChovySign_GUI.Ps1 { public partial class GameInfoSelector : UserControl { private byte[] iconCache; private byte[] pic0Cache; private byte[] pic1Cache; public byte[] Icon0 { get { return iconCache; } set { if(value is not null) iconCache = value; loadIcon(iconCache); } } public byte[] Pic0 { get { return pic0Cache; } set { if (value is not null) pic0Cache = value; } } public byte[] Pic1 { get { return pic1Cache; } set { if (value is not null) pic1Cache = value; } } private void loadIcon(byte[] imageData) { using (MemoryStream imageStream = new MemoryStream(imageData)) this.iconPreview.Source = new Bitmap(imageStream); } public async Task GetGameInfo(string cueFile) { try { DiscInfo disc = new DiscInfo(cueFile); this.gameTitle.Text = disc.DiscName; byte[] newCover = await Downloader.DownloadCover(disc); loadIcon(newCover); iconCache = newCover; } catch (Exception) { } } private async Task doLoad(BrowseButton imgFile, int width, int height) { imgFile.IsEnabled = false; if (imgFile.FilePath != "") { try { byte[] imageData = await Resizer.LoadImage(imgFile.FilePath, width, height); imgFile.IsEnabled = true; return imageData; } catch (Exception) { Window? currentWindow = this.VisualRoot as Window; if (currentWindow is not Window) throw new Exception("could not find current window"); await MessageBox.Show(currentWindow, "The image you selected is could not be loaded!", "Invalid image.", MessageBox.MessageBoxButtons.Ok); imgFile.FilePath = ""; }; } imgFile.IsEnabled = true; return null; } private async void onIconChange(object? sender, EventArgs e) { BrowseButton? button = sender as BrowseButton; if (button is null) return; Icon0 = await doLoad(button, 80, 80); } private async void onPic0Change(object? sender, EventArgs e) { BrowseButton? button = sender as BrowseButton; if (button is null) return; Pic0 = await doLoad(button, 310, 180); } private async void onPic1Change(object? sender, EventArgs e) { BrowseButton? button = sender as BrowseButton; if (button is null) return; Pic1 = await doLoad(button, 480, 272); } public GameInfoSelector() { InitializeComponent(); iconCache = LibChovy.Resources.ICON0; pic0Cache = LibChovy.Resources.PIC0; pic1Cache = LibChovy.Resources.PIC1; loadIcon(iconCache); this.iconFile.FileChanged += onIconChange; this.pic0File.FileChanged += onPic0Change; this.pic1File.FileChanged += onPic1Change; } } } #pragma warning restore CS8601 // Possible null reference assignment.