
79 lines
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using Avalonia.Controls;
using Avalonia.Interactivity;
using Avalonia.Threading;
using ChovySign_GUI.Popup.Global;
using ChovySign_GUI.Settings;
using Li.Progress;
using LibChovy;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static ChovySign_GUI.Popup.Global.MessageBox;
namespace ChovySign_GUI.Global
public partial class ProgressStatus : UserControl
public ChovySignParameters? Parameters = null;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs>? Finished;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs>? BeforeStart;
private ChovySign chovySign;
public ProgressStatus()
chovySign = new ChovySign();
protected virtual void OnBeforeStart(EventArgs e)
if (BeforeStart is not null)
BeforeStart(this, e);
protected virtual void OnFinished(EventArgs e)
if (Finished is not null)
Finished(this, e);
private async void goClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window? currentWindow = this.VisualRoot as Window;
if (currentWindow is not Window) throw new Exception("could not find current window");
this.goButton.IsEnabled = false;
OnBeforeStart(new EventArgs());
// sanity check it
if(Parameters is null) { await MessageBox.Show(currentWindow, "ChovySignParameters was null, cannot start!", "Invalid Parameters", MessageBoxButtons.Ok); return; }
// apply settings that are global to all signs
if(SettingsTab.Settings is not null) Parameters.BuildStreamType = SettingsTab.Settings.BuildStreamType;
await Task.Run(() => {
catch (Exception ex)
await MessageBox.Show(currentWindow, "Error building: " + ex.Message + "\n\nSTACKTRACE: " + ex.StackTrace, "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.Ok);
OnFinished(new EventArgs());
this.goButton.IsEnabled = true;
private void onProgress(ProgressInfo inf)
Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(() =>
this.statusLbl.Content = inf.CurrentProcess + " (" + inf.Done + "/" + inf.Remain + ") " + inf.ProgressInt + "%";
this.progressVal.Value = inf.Progress;