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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace PspCrypto
using PgdHeader = DNASStream.PgdHeader;
using PgdDesc = DNASStream.PgdDesc;
public static class DNASHelper
public static int CalculateSize(int dataSize, int blockSize)
int alignSize = (dataSize + 15) & ~15;
int tableSize = ((alignSize + blockSize - 1) & ~(blockSize - 1)) / (blockSize / 16);
int pgdSize = 0x90 + alignSize + tableSize;
return pgdSize;
public static int Encrypt(Span<byte> pgdData, ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, ReadOnlySpan<byte> key, int dataSize, int keyIndex, int drmType, int flag = 2, int blockSize = 0x400)
// Additional size variables.
var dataOffset = 0x90;
var alignSize = (dataSize + 15) & ~15;
var tableOffset = dataOffset + alignSize;
var tableSize = ((alignSize + blockSize - 1) & ~(blockSize - 1)) / (blockSize / 16);
var pgdSize = 0x90 + alignSize + tableSize;
if (pgdData.Length < pgdSize)
return -1;
ref var pgdHdr = ref MemoryMarshal.AsRef<PgdHeader>(pgdData);
pgdHdr.Magic = 0x44475000;
pgdHdr.KeyIndex = keyIndex;
pgdHdr.DrmType = drmType;
// Select the hashing, crypto and open modes.
int macType;
int cipherType;
var openFlag = flag;
if (drmType == 1)
macType = 1;
cipherType = 1;
openFlag |= 4;
if (keyIndex > 1)
macType = 3;
openFlag |= 0xc;
macType = 2;
cipherType = 2;
// Select the fixed DNAS key.
byte[] dnasKey = null;
if ((openFlag & 2) != 0)
dnasKey = DNASStream.DnasKey1;
else if ((openFlag & 1) != 0)
dnasKey = DNASStream.DnasKey2;
if (dnasKey == null)
throw new Exception();
// Set the decryption parameters in the decrypted header.
ref var pgdDesc = ref MemoryMarshal.AsRef<PgdDesc>(pgdHdr.PgdDesc);
pgdDesc.DataSize = dataSize;
pgdDesc.BlockSize = blockSize;
pgdDesc.DataOffset = dataOffset;
// Generate random header and data keys.
RandomNumberGenerator.Fill(pgdData.Slice(0x10, 0x30));
// Encrypt the data.
DNASStream.DoBBCipher(pgdData[dataOffset..], alignSize, 0, key, pgdDesc.Key, cipherType);
// Build data MAC hash.
var tableNum = tableSize / 16;
for (int i = 0; i < tableNum; i++)
int rsize = alignSize - i * blockSize;
if (rsize > blockSize)
rsize = blockSize;
if (keyIndex < 3)
BuildBBMac(pgdData[(dataOffset + i * blockSize)..], rsize, key,
pgdData[(tableOffset + i * 16)..],
BuildBBMac(pgdData[(dataOffset + i * blockSize)..], rsize, key,
pgdData[(tableOffset + i * 16)..],
// Build table MAC hash.
BuildBBMac(pgdData.Slice(tableOffset), tableSize, key, pgdHdr.MacTableHash, macType);
// Encrypt the PGD header block (0x30 bytes).
DNASStream.DoBBCipher(pgdHdr.PgdDesc, 0x30, 0, key, pgdHdr.DescKey, cipherType);
// Build MAC hash at 0x70 (key hash).
BuildBBMac(pgdData, 0x70, key, pgdHdr.Hash70, macType);
// Build MAC hash at 0x80 (DNAS hash).
BuildBBMac(pgdData, 0x80, dnasKey, pgdHdr.Hash80, macType);
return pgdSize;
static int BuildBBMac(ReadOnlySpan<byte> data, int size, ReadOnlySpan<byte> key, Span<byte> hash, int macType, int seed = 0)
Span<byte> mkey = stackalloc byte[Marshal.SizeOf<AMCTRL.MAC_KEY>()];
Span<byte> tmpKey = stackalloc byte[0x10];
int ret = unchecked((int)0x80510201);
if (hash != null)
ret = AMCTRL.sceDrmBBMacInit(mkey, macType);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
ret = AMCTRL.sceDrmBBMacUpdate(mkey, data, size);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
if (seed != 0)
var tmpXor = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, int>(tmpKey);
tmpXor[0] ^= seed;
ret = AMCTRL.sceDrmBBMacFinal(mkey, hash, tmpKey);
if (ret != 0)
ret = unchecked((int)0x80510207);
if (macType == 3)
return ret;