
1114 lines
40 KiB
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace PspCrypto
public static class KIRKEngine
// KIRK return values
public const int KIRK_OPERATION_SUCCESS = 0;
public const int KIRK_NOT_ENABLED = 1;
public const int KIRK_INVALID_MODE = 2;
public const int KIRK_HEADER_HASH_INVALID = 3;
public const int KIRK_DATA_HASH_INVALID = 4;
public const int KIRK_SIG_CHECK_INVALID = 5;
public const int KIRK_UNK_1 = 6;
public const int KIRK_UNK_2 = 7;
public const int KIRK_UNK_3 = 8;
public const int KIRK_UNK_4 = 9;
public const int KIRK_UNK_5 = 0xA;
public const int KIRK_UNK_6 = 0xB;
public const int KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED = 0xC;
public const int KIRK_INVALID_OPERATION = 0xD;
public const int KIRK_INVALID_SEED_CODE = 0xE;
public const int KIRK_INVALID_SIZE = 0xF;
public const int KIRK_DATA_SIZE_ZERO = 0x10;
// sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange modes
public const int KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_PRIVATE = 1;
public const int KIRK_CMD_2 = 2;
public const int KIRK_CMD_3 = 3;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ENCRYPT_IV_0 = 4;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ENCRYPT_IV_FUSE = 5;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ENCRYPT_IV_USER = 6;
public const int KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_IV_0 = 7;
public const int KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_IV_FUSE = 8;
public const int KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_IV_USER = 9;
public const int KIRK_CMD_PRIV_SIGN_CHECK = 10;
public const int KIRK_CMD_SHA1_HASH = 11;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_GEN_KEYS = 12;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_MULTIPLY_POINT = 13;
public const int KIRK_CMD_PRNG = 14;
public const int KIRK_CMD_15 = 15;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_SIGN = 16;
public const int KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_VERIFY = 17;
// KIRK header modes
public const int KIRK_MODE_CMD1 = 1;
public const int KIRK_MODE_CMD2 = 2;
public const int KIRK_MODE_CMD3 = 3;
public const int KIRK_MODE_ENCRYPT_CBC = 4;
public const int KIRK_MODE_DECRYPT_CBC = 5;
// sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange errors
public const int SUBCWR_NOT_16_ALGINED = 0x90A;
public const int SUBCWR_HEADER_HASH_INVALID = 0x920;
public const int SUBCWR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = 0x1000;
public struct KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER
public int mode;
public int unk_4;
public int unk_8;
public int keyseed;
public int data_size;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
public unsafe struct KIRK_CMD1_HEADER
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
private fixed byte _AES_key[16];
public Span<byte> AES_Key
fixed (byte* ptr = _AES_key)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 16);
public Span<byte> AESKeys
fixed (byte* ptr = _AES_key)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 32);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
private fixed byte _CMAC_key[16]; // 0x10
public Span<byte> CMAC_key
fixed (byte* ptr = _CMAC_key)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 16);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
private fixed byte _CMAC_header_hash[16]; // 0x20
public Span<byte> CMAC_header_hash
fixed (byte* ptr = _CMAC_header_hash)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 16);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
private fixed byte _CMAC_data_hash[16]; // 0x30
public Span<byte> CMAC_data_hash
fixed (byte* ptr = _CMAC_data_hash)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 16);
public Span<byte> content
fixed (byte* ptr = unused)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x40);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
fixed byte unused[32]; // 0x40
public uint mode; // 0x60
public byte ecdsa_hash; // 0x64
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 11)]
fixed byte unk3[11]; // 0x65
public int data_size; // 0x70
public Span<byte> off70
fixed (int* ptr = &data_size)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x10);
public int data_offset; // 0x74
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
fixed byte unk4[8]; // 0x78
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
fixed byte unk5[16]; // 0x80
public unsafe struct KIRK_CMD1_ECDSA_HEADER
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
private fixed byte _AES_key[16];
public Span<byte> AES_Key
fixed (byte* ptr = _AES_key)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 16);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
private fixed byte _header_sig_r[20]; // 0x10
public Span<byte> header_sig_r
fixed (byte* ptr = _header_sig_r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 20);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
private fixed byte _header_sig_s[20]; // 0x24
public Span<byte> header_sig_s
fixed (byte* ptr = _header_sig_s)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 20);
public Span<byte> header_sig
fixed (byte* ptr = _header_sig_r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 40);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
private fixed byte _data_sig_r[20]; // 0x38
public Span<byte> data_sig_r
fixed (byte* ptr = _data_sig_r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 20);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
private fixed byte _data_sig_s[20]; // 0x4c
public Span<byte> data_sig_s
fixed (byte* ptr = _data_sig_s)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 20);
public Span<byte> data_sig
fixed (byte* ptr = _data_sig_r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 40);
public uint mode; //0x60
public byte ecdsa_hash;
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 11)]
fixed byte unk3[11];
uint data_size;
uint data_offset;
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
fixed byte unk4[8];
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
fixed byte unk5[16];
public unsafe struct ECDSA_SIG
private fixed byte _r[0x14];
public Span<byte> r
fixed (byte* ptr = _r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
private fixed byte _s[0x14];
public Span<byte> s
fixed (byte* ptr = _s)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
public Span<byte> sig
fixed (byte* ptr = _r)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x28);
public unsafe struct ECDSA_POINT
private fixed byte _x[0x14];
public Span<byte> x
fixed (byte* ptr = _x)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
private fixed byte _y[0x14];
public Span<byte> y
fixed (byte* ptr = _y)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
public Span<byte> point
fixed (byte* ptr = _x)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x28);
public struct KIRK_SHA1_HEADER
public int data_size;
public unsafe struct KIRK_CMD12_BUFFER
private fixed byte private_key_[0x14];
public Span<byte> private_key
fixed (byte* ptr = private_key_)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
public ECDSA_POINT public_key;
public struct KIRK_CMD13_BUFFER
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x14)]
public byte[] multiplier;
public ECDSA_POINT public_key;
public unsafe struct KIRK_CMD16_BUFFER
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x20)]
private fixed byte enc_private_[0x20];
public Span<byte> enc_private
fixed (byte* ptr = enc_private_)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x20);
// [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x14)]
private fixed byte message_hash_[0x14];
public Span<byte> message_hash
fixed (byte* ptr = message_hash_)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
public unsafe struct KIRK_CMD17_BUFFER
public ECDSA_POINT public_key;
private fixed byte _message_hash[0x14];
public Span<byte> message_hash
fixed (byte* ptr = _message_hash)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x14);
public ECDSA_SIG signature;
// KIRK commands
// Private Sig + Cipher
0x01: Super-Duper decryption (no inverse)
0x02: Encrypt Operation (inverse of 0x03)
0x03: Decrypt Operation (inverse of 0x02)
// Cipher
0x04: Encrypt Operation (inverse of 0x07) (IV=0)
0x05: Encrypt Operation (inverse of 0x08) (IV=FuseID)
0x06: Encrypt Operation (inverse of 0x09) (IV=UserDefined)
0x07: Decrypt Operation (inverse of 0x04)
0x08: Decrypt Operation (inverse of 0x05)
0x09: Decrypt Operation (inverse of 0x06)
// Sig Gens
0x0A: Private Signature Check (checks for private SCE sig)
0x0B: SHA1 Hash
0x0C: Mul1
0x0D: Mul2
0x0E: Random Number Gen
0x0F: (absolutely no idea – could be KIRK initialization)
0x10: Signature Gen
// Sig Checks
0x11: Signature Check (checks for generated sigs)
0x12: Certificate Check (idstorage signatures)
// Internal variables
private unsafe struct kirk16_data
private fixed byte fuseid_[8];
public Span<byte> fuseid
fixed (byte* ptr = fuseid_)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 8);
private fixed byte mesh_[0x40];
public Span<byte> mesh
fixed (byte* ptr = mesh_)
return new Span<byte>(ptr, 0x40);
//private unsafe struct header_keys
// // [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
// public fixed byte AES[16];
// // [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
// public fixed byte CMAC[16];
private static uint g_fuse90;
private static uint g_fuse94;
private static Aes aes_kirk1;
private static byte[] PRNG_DATA = new byte[0x14];
private static bool is_kirk_initialized;
private static readonly byte[] IV0 = new byte[16];
// Internal functions
private static byte[] kirk_4_7_get_key(int key_type)
if ((key_type < 0) || (key_type >= 0x80)) throw new Exception("KIRK_INVALID_SIZE");
return KeyVault.kirkKeys[key_type];
private static Aes CreateAes()
var aes_ctx = Aes.Create();
aes_ctx.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
aes_ctx.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
aes_ctx.IV = IV0;
return aes_ctx;
public static void decrypt_kirk16_private(Span<byte> dA_out, Span<byte> dA_enc)
int i, k;
kirk16_data keydata;
byte[] subkey_1 = new byte[0x10], subkey_2 = new byte[0x10];
using var aes_ctx = CreateAes();
keydata.fuseid[7] = (byte)(g_fuse90 & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[6] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 8) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[5] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 16) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[4] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 24) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[3] = (byte)(g_fuse94 & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[2] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 8) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[1] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 16) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[0] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 24) & 0xFF);
/* set encryption key */
aes_ctx.Key = KeyVault.kirk16_key;
/* set the subkeys */
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
/* set to the fuseid */
subkey_2[i] = subkey_1[i] = keydata.fuseid[i % 8];
/* do aes crypto */
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
using var decryptor = aes_ctx.CreateDecryptor();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/* encrypt + decrypt */
encryptor.TransformBlock(subkey_1, 0, subkey_1.Length, subkey_1, 0);
decryptor.TransformBlock(subkey_2, 0, subkey_2.Length, subkey_2, 0);
/* set new key */
aes_ctx.Key = subkey_1;
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
/* now lets make the key mesh */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/* do encryption in group of 3 */
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
/* crypto */
encryptor.TransformBlock(subkey_2, 0, subkey_2.Length, subkey_2, 0);
/* copy to out block */
subkey_2.AsSpan().CopyTo(keydata.mesh[(i * 0x10)..]);
/* set the key to the mesh */
aes_ctx.Key = keydata.mesh.Slice(0x20, 0x10).ToArray();
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
/* do the encryption routines for the aes key */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
/* encrypt the data */
var tmp = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(keydata.mesh.ToArray(), 0x10, 0x30);
/* set the key to that mesh shit */
using var aes = CreateAes();
aes.Key = keydata.mesh.Slice(0x10, 0x10).ToArray();
/* cbc decrypt the dA */
AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes, dA_out, dA_enc, 0x20);
public static void encrypt_kirk16_private(Span<byte> dA_out, Span<byte> dA_dec)
int i, k;
kirk16_data keydata;
byte[] subkey_1 = new byte[0x10], subkey_2 = new byte[0x10];
using var aes_ctx = CreateAes();
keydata.fuseid[7] = (byte)(g_fuse90 & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[6] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 8) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[5] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 16) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[4] = (byte)((g_fuse90 >> 24) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[3] = (byte)(g_fuse94 & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[2] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 8) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[1] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 16) & 0xFF);
keydata.fuseid[0] = (byte)((g_fuse94 >> 24) & 0xFF);
/* set encryption key */
aes_ctx.Key = KeyVault.kirk16_key;
/* set the subkeys */
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
/* set to the fuseid */
subkey_2[i] = subkey_1[i] = keydata.fuseid[i % 8];
/* do aes crypto */
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
using var decryptor = aes_ctx.CreateDecryptor();
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/* encrypt + decrypt */
subkey_1 = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(subkey_1, 0, subkey_1.Length);
subkey_2 = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(subkey_2, 0, subkey_2.Length);
/* set new key */
aes_ctx.Key = subkey_1;
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
/* now lets make the key mesh */
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
/* do encryption in group of 3 */
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
/* crypto */
encryptor.TransformBlock(subkey_2, 0, subkey_2.Length, subkey_2, 0);
/* copy to out block */
subkey_2.AsSpan().CopyTo(keydata.mesh.Slice(i * 0x10));
/* set the key to the mesh */
aes_ctx.Key = keydata.mesh.Slice(0x20, 0x10).ToArray();
using (var encryptor = aes_ctx.CreateEncryptor())
/* do the encryption routines for the aes key */
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
/* encrypt the data */
var tmp = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(keydata.mesh.ToArray(), 0x10, 0x30);
/* set the key to that mesh shit */
using var aes = CreateAes();
aes.Key = keydata.mesh.Slice(0x10, 0x10).ToArray();
/* cbc encrypt the dA */
AesHelper.AesEncrypt(aes, dA_out, dA_dec, 0x20);
static KIRKEngine()
// KIRK commands
public static int kirk_init()
//94 90
//0x0000332 e6e050311 3000
//0x0000772 ccda50f12 2000
//0x1008010 1ef1e7101 vita
return kirk_init2(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Lazy Dev should have initialized!"), 33, 0xBABEF00D, 0xDEADBEEF);
public static int kirk_init2(byte[] rnd_seed, int seed_size, uint fuseid_90, uint fuseid_94)
Span<byte> temp = stackalloc byte[0x104];
// Another randomly selected data for a "key" to add to each randomization
ReadOnlySpan<byte> key = stackalloc byte[] { 0x07, 0xAB, 0xEF, 0xF8, 0x96, 0x8C, 0xF3, 0xD6, 0x14, 0xE0, 0xEB, 0xB2, 0x9D, 0x8B, 0x4E, 0x74 };
uint curtime;
is_kirk_initialized = true;
//Set PRNG_DATA initially, otherwise use what ever uninitialized data is in the buffer
if (seed_size > 0)
Span<byte> seedbuf = stackalloc byte[seed_size + 4];
var seedheader = new KIRK_SHA1_HEADER
data_size = seed_size
MemoryMarshal.Write(seedbuf, ref seedheader);
kirk_CMD11(PRNG_DATA, seedbuf, seed_size + 4);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(PRNG_DATA, 0,, 0, 0x14);
// This uses the standard C time function for portability.
curtime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
temp[0x18] = (byte)(curtime & 0xFF);
temp[0x19] = (byte)((curtime >> 8) & 0xFF);
temp[0x1A] = (byte)((curtime >> 16) & 0xFF);
temp[0x1B] = (byte)((curtime >> 24) & 0xFF);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(key, 0,, 0x18, 0x10);
// This leaves the remainder of the 0x100 bytes in temp to whatever remains on the stack
// in an uninitialized state. This should add unpredicableness to the results as well
var header = new KIRK_SHA1_HEADER
data_size = 0x100
MemoryMarshal.Write(temp, ref header);
kirk_CMD11(PRNG_DATA, temp, 0x104);
//Set Fuse ID
g_fuse90 = fuseid_90;
g_fuse94 = fuseid_94;
// Set KIRK1 main key
aes_kirk1 = CreateAes();
aes_kirk1.Key = KeyVault.kirk1_key;
return 0;
static int kirk_CMD0(Span<byte> outbuff, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int size, bool generate_trash)
KIRK_CMD1_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>(outbuff);
// header_keys keys = Utils.AsRef<header_keys>(outbuff);
int chk_size;
Aes k1;
Aes cmac_key;
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (header.mode != KIRK_MODE_CMD1) return KIRK_INVALID_MODE;
if (generate_trash) kirk_CMD14(outbuff[Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>()..], header.data_offset);
// Make sure data is 16 aligned
chk_size = header.data_size;
if (chk_size % 16 != 0) chk_size += 16 - (chk_size % 16);
using (k1 = CreateAes())
k1.Key = header.AES_Key.ToArray();
AesHelper.AesEncrypt(k1, outbuff[(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset)..],
inbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset, header.data_size));
//byte[] encData = AesHelper.AesEncrypt(k1, inbuff.ToArray(),
// Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset,
// chk_size);
//encData.CopyTo(outbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset));
using (cmac_key = CreateAes())
cmac_key.Key = header.CMAC_key.ToArray();
//var cmac_header_hash = AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, outbuff.ToArray(), 0x60, 0x30);
//var cmac_data_hash = AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, outbuff.ToArray(), 0x60, 0x30 + chk_size);
Span<byte> cmac_header_hash = stackalloc byte[16];
Span<byte> cmac_data_hash = stackalloc byte[16];
AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, cmac_header_hash, outbuff.Slice(0x60, 0x30));
AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, cmac_data_hash, outbuff.Slice(0x60, 0x30 + chk_size));
// AesHelper.AesEncrypt(aes_kirk1)
static int kirk_CMD1(Span<byte> outbuff, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int size)
KIRK_CMD1_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>(inbuff);
// header_keys keys; //0-15 AES key, 16-31 CMAC key
Aes k1;
if (size < 0x90) return KIRK_INVALID_SIZE;
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (header.mode != KIRK_MODE_CMD1) return KIRK_INVALID_MODE;
// byte[] keytmp = AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes_kirk1, inbuff.ToArray(), 0, 32);
Span<byte> keytmp = stackalloc byte[32];
AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes_kirk1, keytmp, inbuff, 32);
if (header.ecdsa_hash == 1)
KIRK_CMD1_ECDSA_HEADER eheader = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD1_ECDSA_HEADER>(inbuff);
var curve = ECDsaHelper.SetCurve(KeyVault.ec_p, KeyVault.ec_a, KeyVault.ec_b1, KeyVault.ec_N1, KeyVault.Gx1,
var ecdsa = ECDsaHelper.Create(curve, KeyVault.ec_Priv1);
if (!ecdsa.VerifyData(inbuff.Slice(0x60, 0x30), eheader.header_sig.ToArray(),
ecdsa = ECDsaHelper.Create(curve, KeyVault.ec_Priv1);
if (!ecdsa.VerifyData(inbuff[0x60..size], eheader.data_sig.ToArray(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA1))
int ret = kirk_CMD10(inbuff, size);
if (ret != KIRK_OPERATION_SUCCESS) return ret;
k1 = CreateAes();
k1.Key = keytmp.Slice(0, 16).ToArray();
//var outtmp = AesHelper.AesDecrypt(k1, inbuff.ToArray(), Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset, header.data_size);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(outtmp, 0, outbuff, 0, (int)header.data_size);
AesHelper.AesDecrypt(k1, outbuff, inbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>() + header.data_offset), header.data_size);
static int kirk_CMD4(Span<byte> outbuff, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int size)
KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(inbuff);
byte[] key;
Aes aes;
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (header.mode != KIRK_MODE_ENCRYPT_CBC) return KIRK_INVALID_MODE;
if (header.data_size == 0) return KIRK_DATA_SIZE_ZERO;
// size = size - 20;
using (aes = CreateAes())
key = kirk_4_7_get_key(header.keyseed);
// Set the key
aes.Key = key;
//var enc = AesHelper.AesEncrypt(aes, inbuff.ToArray(), Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(), size);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(enc, 0, outbuff, Marshal.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>() + outOffset, size);
//enc.AsSpan(0, size).CopyTo(outbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(), size));
AesHelper.AesEncrypt(aes, outbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>()),
inbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(), header.data_size));
static int kirk_CMD7(Span<byte> outbuff, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int size)
KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(inbuff);
byte[] key;
Aes aes;
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (header.mode != KIRK_MODE_DECRYPT_CBC) return KIRK_INVALID_MODE;
if (header.data_size == 0) return KIRK_DATA_SIZE_ZERO;
using (aes = CreateAes())
key = kirk_4_7_get_key(header.keyseed);
// Set the key
aes.Key = key;
//var enc = AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes, inbuff.ToArray(), Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>(), header.data_size);
//Buffer.BlockCopy(enc, 0, outbuff, outOffset, header.data_size);
//enc.AsSpan(0, header.data_size).CopyTo(outbuff);
AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes, outbuff, inbuff.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<KIRK_AES128CBC_HEADER>()), header.data_size);
static int kirk_CMD10(ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int insize)
KIRK_CMD1_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD1_HEADER>(inbuff);
// header_keys keys; //0-15 AES key, 16-31 CMAC key
Span<byte> cmac_header_hash = stackalloc byte[16];
Span<byte> cmac_data_hash = stackalloc byte[16];
using Aes cmac_key = CreateAes();
int chk_size;
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (!(header.mode == KIRK_MODE_CMD1 || header.mode == KIRK_MODE_CMD2 || header.mode == KIRK_MODE_CMD3)) return KIRK_INVALID_MODE;
if (header.data_size == 0) return KIRK_DATA_SIZE_ZERO;
if (header.mode == KIRK_MODE_CMD1)
// var decdata = AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes_kirk1, inbuff.ToArray(), 0, 32);
Span<byte> tmpKey = stackalloc byte[32];
AesHelper.AesDecrypt(aes_kirk1, tmpKey, inbuff, 32);
cmac_key.Key = tmpKey[16..].ToArray();
//cmac_header_hash = AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, inbuff.ToArray(), 0x60, 0x30);
AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, cmac_header_hash, inbuff.Slice(0x60, 0x30));
// Make sure data is 16 aligned
chk_size = header.data_size;
if (chk_size % 16 != 0) chk_size += 16 - (chk_size % 16);
//cmac_data_hash = AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, inbuff.ToArray(), 0x60, 0x30 + chk_size + header.data_offset);
AesHelper.Cmac(cmac_key, cmac_data_hash, inbuff.Slice(0x60, 0x30 + chk_size + header.data_offset));
if (!header.CMAC_header_hash.SequenceEqual(cmac_header_hash)) return KIRK_HEADER_HASH_INVALID;
if (!header.CMAC_data_hash.SequenceEqual(cmac_data_hash)) return KIRK_DATA_HASH_INVALID;
return KIRK_SIG_CHECK_INVALID; //Checks for cmd 2 & 3 not included right now
static int kirk_CMD11(Span<byte> outbuff, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int size)
KIRK_SHA1_HEADER header = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_SHA1_HEADER>(inbuff);
if (!is_kirk_initialized) return KIRK_NOT_INITIALIZED;
if (header.data_size == 0 || size == 0) return KIRK_DATA_SIZE_ZERO;
//byte[] buff = new byte[header.data_size + 4];
//using (var ms = new MemoryStream(buff))
// using var bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);
// bw.Write(inbuff.data_size);
// bw.Write(;
var sha = SHA1.Create();
var hash = sha.ComputeHash(inbuff.Slice(4, header.data_size).ToArray());
// Buffer.BlockCopy(hash, 0, outbuff, 0, hash.Length);
static int kirk_CMD12(Span<byte> outbuff, int outsize)
if (outsize != 0x3C) return KIRK_INVALID_SIZE;
var (d, q) = ECDsaHelper.GenerateKey(KeyVault.ec_p, KeyVault.ec_a, KeyVault.ec_b2, KeyVault.ec_N2, KeyVault.Gx2,
d.AsSpan(0, 0x14).CopyTo(outbuff);
q.X.AsSpan(0, 0x14).CopyTo(outbuff.Slice(0x14));
q.Y.AsSpan(0, 0x14).CopyTo(outbuff.Slice(0x28));
//Buffer.BlockCopy(d, 0, outbuff, 0, 0x14);
//Buffer.BlockCopy(q.X, 0, outbuff, 0x14, 0x14);
//Buffer.BlockCopy(q.Y, 0, outbuff, 0x28, 0x14);
//static int kirk_CMD13()
static int kirk_CMD14(Span<byte> outbuff, int outsize)
Span<byte> temp = stackalloc byte[0x104];
// Some randomly selected data for a "key" to add to each randomization
Span<byte> key = stackalloc byte[] { 0xA7, 0x2E, 0x4C, 0xB6, 0xC3, 0x34, 0xDF, 0x85, 0x70, 0x01, 0x49, 0xFC, 0xC0, 0x87, 0xC4, 0x77 };
uint curtime;
if (outsize <= 0) return KIRK_OPERATION_SUCCESS;
// Buffer.BlockCopy(PRNG_DATA, 0,, 0, 0x14);
// This uses the standard C time function for portability.
curtime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();
temp[0x18] = (byte)(curtime & 0xFF);
temp[0x19] = (byte)((curtime >> 8) & 0xFF);
temp[0x1A] = (byte)((curtime >> 16) & 0xFF);
temp[0x1B] = (byte)((curtime >> 24) & 0xFF);
// Buffer.BlockCopy(key, 0,, 0x18, 0x10);
// This leaves the remainder of the 0x100 bytes in temp to whatever remains on the stack
// in an uninitialized state. This should add unpredicableness to the results as well
// header.data_size = 0x100;
var header = new KIRK_SHA1_HEADER
data_size = 0x100
MemoryMarshal.Write(temp, ref header);
kirk_CMD11(PRNG_DATA, temp, 0x104);
while (outsize > 0)
int blockrem = outsize % 0x14;
int block = outsize / 0x14;
if (block > 0)
// Buffer.BlockCopy(PRNG_DATA, 0, outbuff, outoff, 0x14);
outsize -= 0x14;
kirk_CMD14(outbuff[0x14..], outsize);
else if (blockrem > 0)
// Buffer.BlockCopy(PRNG_DATA, 0, outbuff, outoff, blockrem);
PRNG_DATA.AsSpan(0, blockrem).CopyTo(outbuff);
outsize -= blockrem;
static int kirk_CMD16(Span<byte> outbuff, int outsize, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int insize)
byte[] dec_private = new byte[0x20];
KIRK_CMD16_BUFFER signbuf = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD16_BUFFER>(inbuff);
//ECDSA_SIG sig = BufferToStruct<ECDSA_SIG>(outbuff);
if (insize != 0x34) return KIRK_INVALID_SIZE;
if (outsize != 0x28) return KIRK_INVALID_SIZE;
decrypt_kirk16_private(dec_private, signbuf.enc_private);
// Clear out the padding for safety
//Array.Clear(dec_private, 0x14, 0xC);
var curve = ECDsaHelper.SetCurve(KeyVault.ec_p, KeyVault.ec_a, KeyVault.ec_b2, KeyVault.ec_N2, KeyVault.Gx2,
var ecdsa = ECDsaHelper.Create(curve, dec_private.Take(0x14).ToArray());
var hashSig = ecdsa.SignHash(signbuf.message_hash.ToArray());
// Buffer.BlockCopy(hashSig, 0, outbuff, outoffset, 0x28);
static int kirk_CMD17(ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int insize)
KIRK_CMD17_BUFFER sig = MemoryMarshal.AsRef<KIRK_CMD17_BUFFER>(inbuff);
if (insize != 0x64) return KIRK_INVALID_SIZE;
var curve = ECDsaHelper.SetCurve(KeyVault.ec_p, KeyVault.ec_a, KeyVault.ec_b2, KeyVault.ec_N2, KeyVault.Gx2,
ECDsa ecdsa = ECDsaHelper.Create(curve, sig.public_key.x, sig.public_key.y);
if (ecdsa.VerifyHash(sig.message_hash, sig.signature.sig))
// SCE functions
public static int sceUtilsBufferCopyWithRange(Span<byte> outbuff, int outsize, ReadOnlySpan<byte> inbuff, int insize, int cmd)
switch (cmd)
case KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_PRIVATE: return kirk_CMD1(outbuff, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_ENCRYPT_IV_0: return kirk_CMD4(outbuff, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_DECRYPT_IV_0: return kirk_CMD7(outbuff, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_PRIV_SIGN_CHECK: return kirk_CMD10(inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_SHA1_HASH: return kirk_CMD11(outbuff, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_GEN_KEYS: return kirk_CMD12(outbuff, outsize);
//case KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_MULTIPLY_POINT: return kirk_CMD13(outbuff, outoffset, outsize, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_PRNG: return kirk_CMD14(outbuff, outsize);
case KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_SIGN: return kirk_CMD16(outbuff, outsize, inbuff, insize);
case KIRK_CMD_ECDSA_VERIFY: return kirk_CMD17(inbuff, insize);
return -1;