using Li.Progress; using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using static Vita.PsvImgTools.SceIoStat; namespace Vita.PsvImgTools { public class PSVIMGBuilder : ProgressTracker { private const Int64 BUFFER_SZ = 0x10000; private byte[] IV = new byte[0x10]; private byte[] KEY; private Random rnd = new Random(); private Stream mainStream; private Sha256Digest shaCtx; private byte[] blockData; private MemoryStream blockStream; private long contentSize = 0; //async private int blocksWritten = 0; private bool finished = false; public Int64 ContentSize { get { return contentSize; } } public Int32 BlocksWritten { get { return blocksWritten; } } public Boolean HasFinished { get { return finished; } } //Footer private long totalBytes = 0; private byte[] aes_cbc_encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] IV, byte[] KEY, int size=-1) { if (size < 0) { size = plainText.Length; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); /* DEBUG Disable Encryption ms.Write(plainText, 0x00, size); ms.Seek(0x00,SeekOrigin.Begin); return ms.ToArray();*/ Aes alg = Aes.Create(); alg.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; alg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; alg.KeySize = 256; alg.BlockSize = 128; alg.Key = KEY; alg.IV = IV; CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, alg.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); cs.Write(plainText, 0, size); cs.Close(); byte[] cipherText = ms.ToArray(); return cipherText; } private byte[] aes_ecb_encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] KEY, int size = -1) { if (size < 0) { size = plainText.Length; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); /* DEBUG Disable Encryption ms.Write(plainText, 0x00, size); ms.Seek(0x00,SeekOrigin.Begin); return ms.ToArray();*/ Aes alg = Aes.Create(); alg.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; alg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; alg.KeySize = 256; alg.BlockSize = 128; alg.Key = KEY; CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, alg.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); cs.Write(plainText, 0, size); cs.Close(); byte[] cipherText = ms.ToArray(); return cipherText; } // TODO: Switch to Li.Utilities.StreamUtil for this . private void writeUInt64(Stream dst,UInt64 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x8); } private void writeInt64(Stream dst,Int64 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x8); } private void writeUInt16(Stream dst, UInt16 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x2); } private void writeInt16(Stream dst, Int16 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x2); } private void writeInt32(Stream dst, Int32 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x4); } private void writeUInt32(Stream dst, UInt32 value) { byte[] ValueBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); dst.Write(ValueBytes, 0x00, 0x4); } internal virtual SceDateTime dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime dt) { SceDateTime sdt = new SceDateTime(); sdt.Day = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Day); sdt.Month = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Month); sdt.Year = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Year); sdt.Hour = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Hour); sdt.Minute = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Minute); sdt.Second = Convert.ToUInt16(dt.Second); sdt.Microsecond = Convert.ToUInt32(dt.Millisecond * 1000); return sdt; } internal virtual SceIoStat sceIoStat() { SceIoStat stats = new SceIoStat(); stats.Mode |= Modes.Directory; // set size.. stats.Size = 0; // fake the rest-- stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserWrite; stats.CreationTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); stats.AccessTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); stats.ModificaionTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); return stats; } internal virtual SceIoStat sceIoStat(Stream str) { SceIoStat stats = new SceIoStat(); // streams being a directory doesnt really make sense .. stats.Mode |= Modes.File; // set size.. stats.Size = Convert.ToUInt64(str.Length); // fake the rest-- stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserWrite; stats.CreationTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); stats.AccessTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); stats.ModificaionTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(DateTime.Now); return stats; } internal virtual SceIoStat sceIoStat(string path) { SceIoStat stats = new SceIoStat(); FileAttributes attrbutes = File.GetAttributes(path); if (attrbutes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory)) { stats.Mode |= Modes.Directory; stats.Size = 0; } else { stats.Mode |= Modes.File; stats.Size = Convert.ToUInt64(new FileInfo(path).Length); } if(attrbutes.HasFlag(FileAttributes.ReadOnly)) { stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserRead; } else { stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.GroupWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.OthersWrite; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserRead; stats.Mode |= Modes.UserWrite; } stats.CreationTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(File.GetCreationTimeUtc(path)); stats.AccessTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(File.GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path)); stats.ModificaionTime = dateTimeToSceDateTime(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path)); return stats; } internal virtual void writeSceDateTime(Stream dst,SceDateTime time) { writeUInt16(dst, time.Year); writeUInt16(dst, time.Month); writeUInt16(dst, time.Day); writeUInt16(dst, time.Hour); writeUInt16(dst, time.Minute); writeUInt16(dst, time.Second); writeUInt32(dst, time.Microsecond); } internal virtual void writeSceIoStat(Stream dst, SceIoStat stats) { writeUInt32(dst, Convert.ToUInt32(stats.Mode)); writeUInt32(dst, Convert.ToUInt32(stats.Attributes)); writeUInt64(dst, stats.Size); writeSceDateTime(dst, stats.CreationTime); writeSceDateTime(dst, stats.AccessTime); writeSceDateTime(dst, stats.ModificaionTime); foreach(UInt32 i in stats.Private) { writeUInt32(dst,i); } } internal virtual void memset(byte[] buf, byte content, long length) { for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) { buf[i] = content; } } internal virtual void writeStringWithPadding(Stream dst, string str, int padSize, byte padByte = 0x78) { int StrLen = str.Length; if(StrLen > padSize) { StrLen = padSize; } int PaddingLen = (padSize - StrLen)-1; writeString(dst, str, StrLen); dst.WriteByte(0x00); writePadding(dst, padByte, PaddingLen); } internal virtual void writeString(Stream dst, string str, int len=-1) { if(len < 0) { len = str.Length; } byte[] StrBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str); dst.Write(StrBytes, 0x00, len); } internal virtual void writePadding(Stream dst, byte paddingByte, long paddingLen) { byte[] paddingData = new byte[paddingLen]; memset(paddingData, paddingByte, paddingLen); dst.Write(paddingData, 0x00, paddingData.Length); } internal virtual byte[] getHeader(SceIoStat Stat, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { using (MemoryStream Header = new MemoryStream()) { writeInt64(Header, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); // SysTime writeInt64(Header, 0); // Flags writeSceIoStat(Header, Stat); writeStringWithPadding(Header, ParentPath, 256); // Parent Path writeUInt32(Header, 1); //unk_16C writeStringWithPadding(Header, PathRel, 256); //Relative Path writePadding(Header, 0x78, 904); //'x' writeString(Header, PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_HEADER_END); //EndOfHeader Header.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); return Header.ToArray(); } } internal virtual byte[] getHeader(string FilePath, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { using (MemoryStream Header = new MemoryStream()) { writeInt64(Header, DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); // SysTime writeInt64(Header, 0); // Flags writeSceIoStat(Header, sceIoStat(FilePath)); writeStringWithPadding(Header, ParentPath, 256); // Parent Path writeUInt32(Header, 1); //unk_16C writeStringWithPadding(Header, PathRel, 256); //Relative Path writePadding(Header, 0x78, 904); //'x' writeString(Header, PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_HEADER_END); //EndOfHeader Header.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); return Header.ToArray(); } } internal virtual void startNewBlock() { blockData = new byte[PSVIMGConstants.FULL_PSVIMG_SIZE]; blockStream = new MemoryStream(blockData, 0x00, PSVIMGConstants.FULL_PSVIMG_SIZE); } internal virtual byte[] shaBlock(int length = PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_BLOCK_SIZE,bool final=false) { byte[] outbytes = new byte[PSVIMGConstants.SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE]; shaCtx.BlockUpdate(blockData, 0x00, length); Sha256Digest shaTmp = (Sha256Digest)shaCtx.Copy(); shaTmp.DoFinal(outbytes,0x00); return outbytes; } internal virtual void finishBlock(bool final = false) { int len = Convert.ToInt32(blockStream.Position); byte[] shaBytes = shaBlock(len, final); blockStream.Write(shaBytes, 0x00, PSVIMGConstants.SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE); len += PSVIMGConstants.SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE; //Get next IV byte[] encryptedBlock = aes_cbc_encrypt(blockData, IV, KEY, len); for (int i = 0; i < IV.Length; i++) { int encBlockOffset = (encryptedBlock.Length - IV.Length)+i; IV[i] = encryptedBlock[encBlockOffset]; } mainStream.Write(encryptedBlock, 0x00, encryptedBlock.Length); totalBytes += encryptedBlock.Length; blockStream.Dispose(); } internal virtual int remainingBlockSize() { return Convert.ToInt32((PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_BLOCK_SIZE - blockStream.Position)); } internal virtual void writeBlock(byte[] data, bool update=false) { long dLen = data.Length; long writeTotal = 0; while (dLen > 0) { int remaining = remainingBlockSize(); if (dLen > remaining) { byte[] dataRemains = new byte[remaining]; Array.Copy(data, writeTotal, dataRemains, 0, remaining); blockStream.Write(dataRemains, 0x00, remaining); writeTotal += remaining; dLen -= remaining; finishBlock(); startNewBlock(); if (update) blocksWritten += 1; } else { byte[] dataRemains = new byte[dLen]; Array.Copy(data, writeTotal, dataRemains, 0, dLen); blockStream.Write(dataRemains, 0x00, Convert.ToInt32(dLen)); writeTotal += dLen; dLen -= dLen; } } } internal virtual byte[] getPadding(long size) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { long paddingSize = PSVIMGPadding.GetPadding(size); if(paddingSize != 0) { writePadding(ms, 0x2B, paddingSize-PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_PADDING_END.Length); writeString(ms, PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_PADDING_END); } ms.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); return ms.ToArray(); } } internal virtual byte[] getTailer() { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { writeUInt64(ms, 0x00); writePadding(ms, 0x7a, 1004); writeString(ms, PSVIMGConstants.PSVIMG_TAILOR_END); ms.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); return ms.ToArray(); } } internal virtual void writeStream(Stream dst, string file) { while(dst.Position < dst.Length) { byte[] work_buf; Int64 bytes_remain = (dst.Length - dst.Position); if (bytes_remain > BUFFER_SZ) work_buf = new byte[BUFFER_SZ]; else work_buf = new byte[bytes_remain]; dst.Read(work_buf, 0x00, work_buf.Length); writeBlock(work_buf, true); updateProgress(Convert.ToInt32(dst.Position), Convert.ToInt32(dst.Length), "PSVIMG Package File: " + Path.GetFileName(file)); } } private byte[] getFooter() { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { totalBytes += 0x10; //number of bytes used by this footer. writeInt32(ms, 0x00); // int padding (idk wht this is) writeUInt32(ms, 0x00); writeInt64(ms, totalBytes); ms.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); return aes_cbc_encrypt(ms.ToArray(), IV, KEY); } } public void AddFile(byte[] sData, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(sData)) { AddFile(ms, ParentPath, PathRel); } } public void AddFile(Stream sData, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { SceIoStat stat = sceIoStat(sData); long sz = Convert.ToInt64(stat.Size); writeBlock(getHeader(stat, ParentPath, PathRel)); writeStream(sData, PathRel); writeBlock(getPadding(sz)); writeBlock(getTailer()); contentSize += sz; finished = true; } public void AddFile(string FilePath, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { long sz = Convert.ToInt64(sceIoStat(FilePath).Size); writeBlock(getHeader(FilePath, ParentPath, PathRel)); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(FilePath)) writeStream(fs, PathRel); writeBlock(getPadding(sz)); writeBlock(getTailer()); contentSize += sz; finished = true; } public void AddDir(string ParentPath, string PathRel) { writeBlock(getHeader(sceIoStat(), ParentPath, PathRel)); writeBlock(getPadding(0)); writeBlock(getTailer()); } public void AddDir(string DirPath, string ParentPath, string PathRel) { writeBlock(getHeader(DirPath, ParentPath, PathRel)); writeBlock(getPadding(0)); writeBlock(getTailer()); } public long Finish() { finishBlock(true); byte[] footer = getFooter(); mainStream.Write(footer, 0x00, footer.Length); blockStream.Dispose(); //mainStream.Dispose(); return contentSize; } public PSVIMGBuilder(Stream dst, byte[] Key) { totalBytes = 0; contentSize = 0; shaCtx = new Sha256Digest(); mainStream = dst; KEY = Key; rnd.NextBytes(IV); IV = aes_ecb_encrypt(IV, Key); mainStream.Write(IV, 0x00, IV.Length); totalBytes += IV.Length; startNewBlock(); } } }