# cidSpoofer Spoof CID (ConsoleID) on PSVITA Could possibly be used to unban your console from PSN add to your \*KERNEL line in config.txt. Simply edit ux0:CID.BIN this file is your CID as raw binary data ~~NP Modules store your CID in memory at bootup, so you will have to reboot if you want it to effect those.~~(Acturally just when you login to PSN) Ever wondered what a console ban looks like? set your cid to 00000001010400100C0AA7E2B9F68F7D (Contributed by u/Pahan55) to find out What if you dont want a console ban? well you could try spoofing to 00000001010500100C04BDEF4B8F0A87, Before anyone freaks out about me sharing someones CID. this was allready public i extracted it from MLTActivator, at this current time of writing this it isnt banned! If you dont see a CID.BIN after installing, try connecting to PSN or open VitaIDENT, the CID.BIN is only written after ksceSblAimgrGetConsoleId is called. !!Works on 3.xx!! Download: https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/cidspoofer/downloads/cidSpoof.skprx