add support for reading PS3 Theme Files .p3t

This commit is contained in:
Li 2022-08-08 13:04:52 +12:00
parent 486fe98cca
commit 3a5e794736
4 changed files with 353 additions and 351 deletions

View File

@ -351,21 +351,17 @@ namespace CXMLDecompiler
Console.WriteLine("AttributeType: " + Type.ToString());
switch (Type)
case AttributeType.TYPE_NONE:
Console.WriteLine("UNSUPPORTED TYPE @ " + TreeTable.Position);
case AttributeType.TYPE_INT:
int intWrite = Int32.Parse(attribute.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, intWrite);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("Int - Value: " + intWrite.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Int: " + intWrite.ToString());
case AttributeType.TYPE_FLOAT:
float FloatValue = Single.Parse(attribute.Value.Replace("f", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
tools.WriteSingle(WorkRam, FloatValue);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("Float - Value: " + FloatValue.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Float: " + FloatValue.ToString());
case AttributeType.TYPE_STRING:
int StringOffset = AddGetStringTable(attribute.Value);
@ -391,7 +387,7 @@ namespace CXMLDecompiler
int HashTableSize = 4;
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, HashTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, HashTableSize);
Console.WriteLine("Hash ID Offset:" + HashTableOffset.ToString() + " size: " + HashTableSize);
Console.WriteLine("Hash Offset:" + HashTableOffset.ToString() + " size: " + HashTableSize);
case AttributeType.TYPE_INTEGER_ARRAY:
string[] arr = attribute.Value.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Replace(" ", "").Split(',');
@ -432,38 +428,39 @@ namespace CXMLDecompiler
int IdTableOffset = AddGetIdTable(attribute.Value, Convert.ToInt32(TreeTable.Position));
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, IdTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("String Loopback: " + ElementName + " " + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + " (" + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + ")");
Console.WriteLine("Loopback ID String: " + IdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
Console.WriteLine("ID Ref: " + ElementName + " " + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + " (" + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + ")");
Console.WriteLine("ID Ref Offset: " + IdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
case AttributeType.TYPE_ID:
IdTableOffset = AddGetIdTable(attribute.Value, -1);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, IdTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("ID String: " + IdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
Console.WriteLine("ID : " + IdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
case AttributeType.TYPE_ID_HASH_REF:
int hash = Int32.Parse(attribute.Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (HashStrings)
hash = Int32.Parse(Tools.GenerateShortHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(attribute.Value)), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
int IntIdTableOffset = AddGetHashIdTable(hash, Convert.ToInt32(TreeTable.Position));
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, IntIdTableOffset);
int HashIdTableOffset = AddGetHashIdTable(hash, Convert.ToInt32(TreeTable.Position));
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, HashIdTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("Int Loopback: " + ElementName + " " + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + " (" + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + ")");
Console.WriteLine("Loopback ID Int: " + IntIdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
Console.WriteLine("Hash ID Ref: " + ElementName + " " + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + " (" + TreeTable.Position.ToString("X") + ")");
Console.WriteLine("Hash ID REF offset: " + HashIdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
case AttributeType.TYPE_ID_HASH:
hash = Int32.Parse(attribute.Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (HashStrings)
hash = Int32.Parse(Tools.GenerateShortHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(attribute.Value)), NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
IntIdTableOffset = AddGetHashIdTable(hash, -1);
HashIdTableOffset = AddGetHashIdTable(hash, -1);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, IntIdTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, HashIdTableOffset);
tools.WriteInt32(WorkRam, 0x00);
Console.WriteLine("Int Id: " + IntIdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
Console.WriteLine("Hash ID: " + HashIdTableOffset + " sz: 0");
case AttributeType.TYPE_NONE:
Console.WriteLine("UNKNOWN TYPE @ " + TreeTable.Position);
throw new NotImplementedException("UNKNOWN TYPE @ " + TreeTable.Position);
Console.WriteLine(attribute.Name + "=" + attribute.Value);

View File

@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
<Project ToolsVersion="Current" xmlns="">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64'">
<StartArguments>PvrResource.cxml -ps3 -le -f -d</StartArguments>

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ namespace CXMLDecompiler
return true;
else if (Magic.StartsWith("P3TF")) // ps3 theme file
return true;
else if (Magic.StartsWith("CXML")) // default
return true;
@ -679,6 +683,7 @@ namespace CXMLDecompiler
case AttributeType.TYPE_INT:
AttributeValue = tools.ReadInt32(TreeTable);
int sz = tools.ReadInt32(TreeTable);
Console.WriteLine("Int - Value: " + AttributeValue.ToString() + " sz:" + sz);

View File

@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace General
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace General
enum Endianness
class Tools
class Tools
public Tools(bool bigEndain)
BigEndain = bigEndain;
public bool BigEndain = false;
public static byte[] bmp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("BM"); // BMP
public static byte[] gif = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GIF"); // GIF
public static byte[] png = new byte[] { 137, 80, 78, 71 }; // PNG
public static byte[] tiff = new byte[] { 73, 73, 42 }; // TIFF
public static byte[] tiff2 = new byte[] { 77, 77, 42 }; // TIFF
public bool BigEndain = false;
public static byte[] bmp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("BM"); // BMP
public static byte[] gif = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("GIF"); // GIF
public static byte[] png = new byte[] { 137, 80, 78, 71 }; // PNG
public static byte[] tiff = new byte[] { 73, 73, 42 }; // TIFF
public static byte[] tiff2 = new byte[] { 77, 77, 42 }; // TIFF
public static byte[] jpeg = new byte[] { 255, 216, 255 }; // jpeg
public static Random rng = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
public static void WriteStringToStream(Stream s, String str)
Byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
s.Write(bytes, 0x00, bytes.Length);
public static void WriteUtf16StringToStream(Stream s, String str)
Byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);
s.Write(bytes, 0x00, bytes.Length);
public static MemoryStream ByteToStream(byte[] Array)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Write(Array, 0x00, Array.Length);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms;
public static byte[] StreamToByte(Stream stream)
int StreamLen = (int)stream.Length;
byte[] Bytes = new byte[StreamLen];
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
stream.Read(Bytes, 0x00, StreamLen);
return Bytes;
public static void WriteStringToStream(Stream s, String str)
Byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
s.Write(bytes, 0x00, bytes.Length);
public static void WriteUtf16StringToStream(Stream s, String str)
Byte[] bytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str);
s.Write(bytes, 0x00, bytes.Length);
public static MemoryStream ByteToStream(byte[] Array)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ms.Write(Array, 0x00, Array.Length);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return ms;
public static byte[] StreamToByte(Stream stream)
int StreamLen = (int)stream.Length;
byte[] Bytes = new byte[StreamLen];
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
stream.Read(Bytes, 0x00, StreamLen);
return Bytes;
public static string GenerateReplacePattern()
byte[] RandomNumber = new byte[0x20];
return "{{" + BitConverter.ToString(RandomNumber).Replace("-", "") + "}}";
public static string GetFileExtension(byte[] Bytes)
public static string GetFileExtension(byte[] Bytes)
if (bmp.SequenceEqual(Bytes.Take(bmp.Length)))
@ -88,296 +88,296 @@ namespace General
else if (jpeg.SequenceEqual(Bytes.Take(jpeg.Length)))
return ".jpg";
else if (IsZlib(Bytes))
return ".z";
else if (IsRcf(Bytes))
return ".rcs";
else if (IsDDS(Bytes))
return ".dds";
else if (IsVAG(Bytes))
return ".vag";
else if (IsGim(Bytes))
return ".gim";
else if (!HasBinaryContent(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Bytes)))
return ".txt";
return ".bin";
public static bool IsVAG(byte[] Bytes)
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("VAG"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsDDS(byte[] Bytes)
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("DDS"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsRcf(byte[] Bytes)
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 5);
if (header.StartsWith("RCSF"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsGim(byte[] Bytes)
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("MIG"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsZlib(byte[] Bytes)
if (Bytes[0] == 0x78)
if (Bytes[1] == 0x01)
return true;
if (Bytes[1] == 0x9C)
return true;
if (Bytes[1] == 0xDA)
return true;
return false;
public static Bitmap GetBitmap(byte[] BitmapBytes)
MemoryStream ms = ByteToStream(BitmapBytes);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
return bmp;
public static String ReadStringAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
String str = ReadString(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return str;
public static int ReadLittleEndainIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadLittleEndainInt(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public int ReadIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadInt32(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public static bool HasBinaryContent(string content)
return content.Any(ch => char.IsControl(ch) && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n');
else if (IsZlib(Bytes))
return ".z";
else if (IsRcf(Bytes))
return ".rcs";
else if (IsDDS(Bytes))
return ".dds";
else if (IsVAG(Bytes))
return ".vag";
else if (IsGim(Bytes))
return ".gim";
else if (!HasBinaryContent(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Bytes)))
return ".txt";
return ".bin";
public void WriteInt32(Stream ms, int val)
if (BigEndain)
WriteBigEndainInt(ms, val);
WriteLittleEndainInt(ms, val);
public void WriteSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
if (BigEndain)
WriteBigEndainSingle(ms, val);
WriteLittleEndainSingle(ms, val);
public int ReadInt32(Stream ms)
if (BigEndain)
return ReadBigEndainInt(ms);
return ReadLittleEndainInt(ms);
public Single ReadSingle(Stream ms)
if (BigEndain)
return ReadBigEndainSingle(ms);
return ReadLittleEndainSingle(ms);
public static int ReadBigEndainIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadBigEndainInt(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public static Single ReadBigEndainSingle(Stream ms)
byte[] SingleBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(SingleBytes, 0x00, 4);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
Single val = BitConverter.ToSingle(SingleBytes, 0x00);
return val;
public static Single ReadLittleEndainSingle(Stream ms)
byte[] SingleBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(SingleBytes, 0x00, 4);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.ToArray();
Single val = BitConverter.ToSingle(SingleBytes, 0x00);
return val;
public static void WriteLittleEndainSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
public static bool IsVAG(byte[] Bytes)
byte[] SingleBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
ms.Write(SingleBytes, 0x00, SingleBytes.Length);
public static void WriteBigEndainSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
byte[] SingleBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
ms.Write(SingleBytes, 0x00, SingleBytes.Length);
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("VAG"))
return true;
return false;
public static void WriteLittleEndainInt(Stream ms, int val)
public static bool IsDDS(byte[] Bytes)
byte[] IntBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
ms.Write(IntBytes, 0x00, IntBytes.Length);
public static void WriteBigEndainInt(Stream ms, int val)
byte[] IntBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
IntBytes = IntBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
ms.Write(IntBytes, 0x00, IntBytes.Length);
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("DDS"))
return true;
return false;
public static int ReadLittleEndainInt(Stream ms)
public static bool IsRcf(byte[] Bytes)
byte[] IntBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(IntBytes, 0x00, 4);
IntBytes = IntBytes.ToArray();
int i = BitConverter.ToInt32(IntBytes, 0x00);
return i;
public static int ReadBigEndainInt(Stream ms)
byte[] IntBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(IntBytes, 0x00, 4);
IntBytes = IntBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
int i = BitConverter.ToInt32(IntBytes, 0x00);
return i;
public static String GetRootFolder(string path)
while (true)
string temp = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
path = temp;
return path;
public static String GenerateHash(byte[] Data)
SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
byte[] ShaBytes = sha.ComputeHash(Data);
return BitConverter.ToString(ShaBytes).Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
public static string GenerateShortHash(byte[] Data)
SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
byte[] ShaBytes = sha.ComputeHash(Data);
return BitConverter.ToInt32(ShaBytes, 0).ToString("X8");
public static String ReadString(Stream ms, int limit = -1)
int i = 0xFF;
int counter = 0;
MemoryStream StringStream = new MemoryStream();
i = ms.ReadByte();
if (i == 0 || counter == limit)
counter += 1;
while (true);
byte[] StringData = StringStream.ToArray();
String str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(StringData);
return str;
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 5);
if (header.StartsWith("RCSF"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsGim(byte[] Bytes)
MemoryStream Data = ByteToStream(Bytes);
String header = ReadString(Data, 4);
if (header.StartsWith("MIG") || header.EndsWith("GIM"))
return true;
return false;
public static bool IsZlib(byte[] Bytes)
if (Bytes[0] == 0x78)
if (Bytes[1] == 0x01)
return true;
if (Bytes[1] == 0x9C)
return true;
if (Bytes[1] == 0xDA)
return true;
return false;
public static Bitmap GetBitmap(byte[] BitmapBytes)
MemoryStream ms = ByteToStream(BitmapBytes);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
return bmp;
public static String ReadStringAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
String str = ReadString(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return str;
public static int ReadLittleEndainIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadLittleEndainInt(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public int ReadIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadInt32(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public static bool HasBinaryContent(string content)
return content.Any(ch => char.IsControl(ch) && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n');
public void WriteInt32(Stream ms, int val)
if (BigEndain)
WriteBigEndainInt(ms, val);
WriteLittleEndainInt(ms, val);
public void WriteSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
if (BigEndain)
WriteBigEndainSingle(ms, val);
WriteLittleEndainSingle(ms, val);
public int ReadInt32(Stream ms)
if (BigEndain)
return ReadBigEndainInt(ms);
return ReadLittleEndainInt(ms);
public Single ReadSingle(Stream ms)
if (BigEndain)
return ReadBigEndainSingle(ms);
return ReadLittleEndainSingle(ms);
public static int ReadBigEndainIntAt(Stream ms, int location)
long ogPos = ms.Position;
ms.Seek(location, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int i = ReadBigEndainInt(ms);
ms.Seek(ogPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
return i;
public static Single ReadBigEndainSingle(Stream ms)
byte[] SingleBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(SingleBytes, 0x00, 4);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
Single val = BitConverter.ToSingle(SingleBytes, 0x00);
return val;
public static Single ReadLittleEndainSingle(Stream ms)
byte[] SingleBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(SingleBytes, 0x00, 4);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.ToArray();
Single val = BitConverter.ToSingle(SingleBytes, 0x00);
return val;
public static void WriteLittleEndainSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
byte[] SingleBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
ms.Write(SingleBytes, 0x00, SingleBytes.Length);
public static void WriteBigEndainSingle(Stream ms, Single val)
byte[] SingleBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
SingleBytes = SingleBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
ms.Write(SingleBytes, 0x00, SingleBytes.Length);
public static void WriteLittleEndainInt(Stream ms, int val)
byte[] IntBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
ms.Write(IntBytes, 0x00, IntBytes.Length);
public static void WriteBigEndainInt(Stream ms, int val)
byte[] IntBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val);
IntBytes = IntBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
ms.Write(IntBytes, 0x00, IntBytes.Length);
public static int ReadLittleEndainInt(Stream ms)
byte[] IntBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(IntBytes, 0x00, 4);
IntBytes = IntBytes.ToArray();
int i = BitConverter.ToInt32(IntBytes, 0x00);
return i;
public static int ReadBigEndainInt(Stream ms)
byte[] IntBytes = new byte[4];
ms.Read(IntBytes, 0x00, 4);
IntBytes = IntBytes.Reverse().ToArray();
int i = BitConverter.ToInt32(IntBytes, 0x00);
return i;
public static String GetRootFolder(string path)
while (true)
string temp = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
path = temp;
return path;
public static String GenerateHash(byte[] Data)
SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
byte[] ShaBytes = sha.ComputeHash(Data);
return BitConverter.ToString(ShaBytes).Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
public static string GenerateShortHash(byte[] Data)
SHA1 sha = SHA1.Create();
byte[] ShaBytes = sha.ComputeHash(Data);
return BitConverter.ToInt32(ShaBytes, 0).ToString("X8");
public static String ReadString(Stream ms, int limit = -1)
int i = 0xFF;
int counter = 0;
MemoryStream StringStream = new MemoryStream();
i = ms.ReadByte();
if (i == 0 || counter == limit)
counter += 1;
while (true);
byte[] StringData = StringStream.ToArray();
String str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(StringData);
return str;