From 5e87683481811cce31de3a4c62392606dd2379c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "random()" Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2024 03:34:13 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- | 27 +-------------------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4e4de8c..cad6b06 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,31 +1,6 @@ # CXML-Decompiler -v1 RELEASE! Inital Release, can be used on PSMA, RCO and RCS -v2 RELEASE! - Fixed some issues with PS4: "Sce.HighLevel.UI2.RCO" *nice to know PSM lives on sony :D* -Added an experimental* VAG decoder, .VAG sound effects embedded in CXML should now automatically be decoded, -you can also use this feature on its own simply by using the "-iv" argument. - -v3 RELEASE! - Fixed an issue where Float and Interger arrays would not be read correctly. -Renamed Style Table to correct name, (Hash Table)- Fixed endainess of hash table entries - -v4 RELEASE! - Float values are now suffixed with a lowercase 'f', Files extracted are now saved as the hash value of there contents (note that ID is the hash of the FILENAME, and not the contents) -fixed an issue that sometimes happened zlib decompression (idek why this was a thing, nor how i fixed it- but it was ...) - -v5 RELEASE! - Arrays are now encased in \[], fixed filepaths . - -v6 RELEASE! - Fixed a shitload of bugs, and now includes a COMPILER - -v7 RELEASE! - Fixed an issue with german language computers where instead of decompiling floats to "7.5" it would be "7,5" -thus breaking arrays sometimes. - -v8 RELEASE! - Fixed more locale related issues when compiling, More InvarientCulture set - -v9 RELEASE! - Fixed a bug with gim conversion when spaces in path - -v10 RELEASE! - Rewrite a bunch of stuff, Add support for PS3 and PSP CXML Files (.p3t, .rco, etc) - -v11 RELEASE - Usage changed to require -i and -o instead for more consistancy, also now can read .rcd CXML symbol files A CXML De/compiler For VITA & PS4 CXML formats. ~ Can decompile PSMA (Playstation Mobile, RCOF (.rco) and RCSF (.rcs) @@ -46,7 +21,7 @@ there is an updated version of it on PSVita and PS4 called "HeVag" there is a de this program, but for encoding u need a SCE CONFIDENTIAL tool >_< note: the hevag decoding does NOT support stereo files! -Download: +Download: Example Decompile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler -i common_resource.rco -o common_resource.xml -d -p``` Example Compile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler -i common_resource.xml -o common_resource.rco -c```