using CXMLDecompiler; using General; using Ionic.Zlib; using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace CXMLCli { class Program { static bool HasArg(string argsfull, string argcheck) { string[] args = argsfull.Split(' '); foreach(string arg in args) { if(arg == argcheck) { return true; } } return false; } static int Main(string[] args) { // Do you have gimconv? if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine("GimConv", "GimConv.exe"))) GimConv.DownloadGimConv(); // Politely ask sony to give it to us. bool Check = true; if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("-- Decompiler --"); Console.WriteLine("I like to see girls die :3"); Console.WriteLine("Required Arguments:"); Console.WriteLine("\t"); Console.WriteLine("Optional Arguments:"); Console.WriteLine("\t-iv --is-vag File is HE-VAG audio and NOT CXML"); Console.WriteLine("\t-dc --decompress Decompress .Z File"); Console.WriteLine("\t-cc --compress Compress back to .Z File"); Console.WriteLine("\t-f --force Dont check magic number."); Console.WriteLine("\t-dt --dump-tables Dump ALL tables."); Console.WriteLine("\t-tt --dump-tree Dump tree table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-ist --dump-string-id Dump string ID table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-iit --dump-int-id Dump int ID table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-st --dump-string Dump string table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-ct --dump-char Dump char table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-hit --dump-hash-id Dump hash ID table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-iat --dump-int-array Dump int array table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-fat --dump-float-array Dump float array table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-ft --dump-file Dump file table."); Console.WriteLine("\t-p --process-files Process Extracted Files"); Console.WriteLine("\t-w --wait-exit Wait for keypress before exiting"); Console.WriteLine("\t-d --decompile Decompile CXML to XML."); Console.WriteLine("\t-c --compile Compile XML to CXML"); Console.WriteLine("Example Decompile: " + Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + " -d -dt"); Console.WriteLine("Example Compile: " + Path.GetFileName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) + " app.xml -c"); Console.WriteLine("Default functonality is to Decompile,\nThis is canceled if any other arguments passed."); return 0; } String ArgsFull = String.Join(" ", args); String path = args[0]; if (args.Length == 1) { ArgsFull += " -d -p -w"; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-iv") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--is-vag")) { byte[] WaveData = VAG.VAGAudio.Vag2Wav(path); string FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) + "-" + VAG.VAGAudio.GetFilename(path) + ".wav"; Console.WriteLine("Writing "+FileName); File.WriteAllBytes(FileName, WaveData); return 0; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-dc") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--decompress")) { Console.WriteLine("Decompressing " + path); Byte[] FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(path); Byte[] DecompressedData = ZlibStream.UncompressBuffer(FileData); string Extension = Tools.GetFileExtension(DecompressedData); string OutPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, Extension); File.WriteAllBytes(OutPath, DecompressedData); return 0; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-cc") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--compress")) { Console.WriteLine("Compressing " + path); Byte[] FileData = File.ReadAllBytes(path); Byte[] CompressedData = ZlibStream.CompressBuffer(FileData); string Extension = Tools.GetFileExtension(CompressedData); string OutPath = Path.ChangeExtension(path, Extension); File.WriteAllBytes(OutPath, CompressedData); return 0; } CXML.CXMLParser cxmlParser = new CXML.CXMLParser(); if(!HasArg(ArgsFull, "-c") && !HasArg(ArgsFull, "--compile")) { Console.WriteLine("Initalizing: " + path); cxmlParser.Init(path, Check); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-f") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--force")) { Check = false; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-dt") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-tables")) { ArgsFull += " -tt -ist -iit -st -ct -sit -iat -fat -ft"; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-tt") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-tree")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping tree table."); File.WriteAllBytes("tree-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetTreeTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-ist") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-string-id")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping string ID table."); File.WriteAllBytes("string-id-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetStringIDTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-iit") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-int-id")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping int ID table."); File.WriteAllBytes("int-id-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetIntIDTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-st") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-string")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping string table."); File.WriteAllBytes("string-table.bin",cxmlParser.GetStringTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-ct") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-char")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping char table."); File.WriteAllBytes("char-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetCharTable()); } if ((HasArg(ArgsFull, "-sit") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-style-id")) /*kept for backwards comp*/ || (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-hit") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-hash-id"))) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping hash ID table."); File.WriteAllBytes("hash-id-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetHashIDTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-iat") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-int-array")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping int array table."); File.WriteAllBytes("int-array-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetIntArrayTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-fat") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-float-array")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping float array table."); File.WriteAllBytes("float-array-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetFloatArrayTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-ft") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--dump-tree")) { Console.WriteLine("Dumping file table."); File.WriteAllBytes("file-table.bin", cxmlParser.GetFileTable()); } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-p") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--process-files")) { cxmlParser.ProcessFiles = true; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-w") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--wait-exit")) { cxmlParser.WaitExit = true; } if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-d") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--decompile") && !HasArg(ArgsFull, "-dt")) { Console.WriteLine("Decompiling."); cxmlParser.DecompileCXML(path, Check); Console.WriteLine("\n\nDECOMPILATION COMPLETE!"); if(cxmlParser.WaitExit) Console.ReadKey(); } else if (HasArg(ArgsFull, "-c") || HasArg(ArgsFull, "--compile")) { Console.WriteLine("Compiling: " + path); CXMLBuilder builder = new CXMLBuilder(); builder.Init(path, args[1]); builder.BuildCXML(path, args[1]); Console.WriteLine("\n\nCOMPILATION COMPLETE!"); if (cxmlParser.WaitExit) Console.ReadKey(); } return 0; } } }