//MakePSMGreatAgain //Build a wall and make Sony pay for it! //Probably with he money they stole from us //by deleting our PSM Purchases #include #include #include #include #include #include "licenseinfo.h" #define printf ksceDebugPrintf //e23e8c7b15a198 SUITE //e23e8c93b8ed90 UNITY int getFileSize(const char *file) { SceUID fd = ksceIoOpen(file, SCE_O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd < 0) return fd; int fileSize = ksceIoLseek(fd, 0, SCE_SEEK_END); ksceIoClose(fd); return fileSize; } int fileExists(const char *file) { if(getFileSize(file) <= 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } int ReadFile(char *file, void *buf, int size) { SceUID fd = ksceIoOpen(file, SCE_O_WRONLY | SCE_O_CREAT | SCE_O_TRUNC, 0777); if (fd < 0) return fd; int read = ksceIoRead(fd, buf, size); ksceIoClose(fd); return read; } int WriteFile(char *file, void *buf, int size) { SceUID fd = ksceIoOpen(file, SCE_O_WRONLY | SCE_O_CREAT | SCE_O_TRUNC, 0777); if (fd < 0) return fd; int written = ksceIoWrite(fd, buf, size); ksceIoClose(fd); return written; } static int secureHook = -1; static tai_hook_ref_t secureHook_ref; static int runHook = -1; static tai_hook_ref_t runHook_ref; static int isAllowedSerialHook = -1; static tai_hook_ref_t isAllowedSerial_ref; int ret = 0; int pid; unsigned int SUITE_LICENSE_VALID[2] = {0x7b15a198,0xe23e8c}; unsigned int UNITY_LICENSE_VALID[2] = {0x93b8ed90,0xe23e8c}; char titleid[12]; int ksceRtcGetCurrentSecureTick_patched(unsigned int* timestamp) //fake valid time { printf("SceRtcGetSecure called!\n"); ret = TAI_CONTINUE(int, secureHook_ref,timestamp); pid = ksceKernelGetProcessId(); ksceKernelGetProcessTitleId(pid,titleid,12); if(!strcmp(titleid,"PCSI00007")) //SUITE { printf("Spoofing time to %x%x\n",SUITE_LICENSE_VALID[1],SUITE_LICENSE_VALID[0]); timestamp[0] = SUITE_LICENSE_VALID[0]; timestamp[1] = SUITE_LICENSE_VALID[1]; return 0; } return ret; } int isAllowedSerial_patch(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4) { //Tell f00d to fuck off TAI_CONTINUE(int, isAllowedSerial_ref,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4); return 1; } static SceUID _ksceKernelLaunchAppPatched(void *args) { char *titleid = (char *)((uintptr_t *)args)[0]; uint32_t flags = (uint32_t)((uintptr_t *)args)[1]; char *path = (char *)((uintptr_t *)args)[2]; void *unk = (void *)((uintptr_t *)args)[3]; if ((flags == 0x1000000 && strstr(path, "PCSI00007"))) { ksceIoMkdir("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System",6); if(!fileExists("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/Code")) { printf("Writing 'Code'\n"); WriteFile("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/Code",&SUITE_CODE,sizeof(SUITE_CODE)); } if(!fileExists("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/target_kdbg_list.dat")) { printf("Writing 'target_kdbg_list'\n"); WriteFile("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/target_kdbg_list.dat",&SUITE_TARGET,sizeof(SUITE_TARGET)); } if(!fileExists("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/vseed.dat")) { printf("Writing 'vseed'\n"); WriteFile("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/vseed.dat",&SUITE_VSEED,sizeof(SUITE_VSEED)); } //Write KConsole and PSMDrmBoot printf("Writing 'protected_kconsole_cache'\n"); WriteFile("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/protected_kconsole_cache.dat",&SUITE_KCONSOLE, sizeof(SUITE_KCONSOLE)); printf("Writing 'psmdrmboot'\n"); WriteFile("ux0:/cache/PCSI00007/_System/psmdrmboot.dat",&SUITE_PSMDRMBOOT, sizeof(SUITE_PSMDRMBOOT)); ret = TAI_CONTINUE(int, runHook_ref, titleid, flags, path, unk); return ret; } return TAI_CONTINUE(int, runHook_ref, titleid, flags, path, unk); // returns pid } static SceUID ksceKernelLaunchApp_patched(char *titleid, uint32_t flags, char *path, void *unk) { uintptr_t args[4]; args[0] = (uintptr_t)titleid; args[1] = (uintptr_t)flags; args[2] = (uintptr_t)path; args[3] = (uintptr_t)unk; return ksceKernelRunWithStack(0x4000, _ksceKernelLaunchAppPatched, args); } void _start() __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("module_start"))); int module_start(SceSize argc, const void *args) { runHook = taiHookFunctionExportForKernel(KERNEL_PID, &runHook_ref, "SceProcessmgr", 0x7A69DE86, 0x71CF71FD, ksceKernelLaunchApp_patched); if (runHook < 0) runHook = taiHookFunctionExportForKernel(KERNEL_PID, &runHook_ref, "SceProcessmgr", 0xEB1F8EF7, 0x68068618, ksceKernelLaunchApp_patched); secureHook = taiHookFunctionExportForKernel(KERNEL_PID, &secureHook_ref, "SceRtc", 0x0351D827, // SceRtcForDriver 0x401C0954, // ksceRtcGetCurrentSecureTick ksceRtcGetCurrentSecureTick_patched); isAllowedSerialHook = taiHookFunctionExportForKernel(KERNEL_PID, &isAllowedSerial_ref, "SceSblACMgr", 0x9AD8E213, // SceSblACMgrForDriver 0x062CAEB2, // isAllowedSerial isAllowedSerial_patch); printf("RunHook: %x\n",runHook); printf("SecureHook: %x\n",secureHook); printf("isAllowedSerialHook: %x\n",isAllowedSerialHook); return SCE_KERNEL_START_SUCCESS; } int module_stop(SceSize argc, const void *args) { return SCE_KERNEL_STOP_SUCCESS; }