#directory listing is open, if you want these just wget -m them unity-tools/* unity-support/* unity-psdp/* unity-docs/* unity-dev/* unity-assets/* psm-videos/* psm-tools/* psm-sdk/* psm-runtime/* psm-psdp/* psm-offical-keys/* psm-mono-src/* psm-games-src/* psm-sdk-doc/* psm-drivers/* psm-docs/* psm-dev/* psm-android/* psdp-packages/* pkg/* nps-backup/* decrypted-files/* gameinfo/* dl4u/* # php-proxy, unrelated to psmreborn 1337/* # horse isle related . map750.png crossdomain.xml # site contents that dont need to be included in the git NpsPsm.tsv NpsPendingPsm.tsv psmreborn.torrent googlee8375b630003ae8b.html