import os import binascii import sys import struct import math import hashlib from Crypto.Cipher import AES from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import pkcs12 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding game_key = b"" content_id = b"" original_iv = b"" file_size = 0 total_blocks = 0 def ReadGameKey(filename): # Read from FAKE.RIF global game_key global content_id riffd = open(filename, "rb"), 0) content_id =, 0) game_key = riffd.close() def ReadPublisherKey(p12, khapp): # used for PSM Developer Assistant (debug PSSE) global game_key print("[*] Reading PRIVATE KEY from "+p12) pkcs12_file = open(p12, 'rb').read() passphrase = b"password" private_key, certificate, additional_certificates = pkcs12.load_key_and_certificates(pkcs12_file, passphrase) # Parse PKCS12 file print("[*] Reading HKAPP "+khapp) hkfd = open(khapp, "rb") offset_by = 0 magic = if magic == b"PAKR": # Keyring offset_by = 0x48 elif magic == b"tkdb": # Protected_kconsole.dat- needs more research offset_by = 0x10 elif magic == b"PSHK": # Raw HKAPP offset_by = 0 else: print("[*] Invalid khapp, magic: "+magic.decode("UTF-8")) exit(), 0) enc = dec = private_key.decrypt(enc, padding.PKCS1v15()) # RSA Decrypt key = dec[0xC0:0xD0] iv = dec[0xD0:0xE0], 0) ebuffer = cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) dec = cipher.decrypt(ebuffer) # AES Decrypt # Dont know what these are for. something1 = dec[0x00:0x10] something2 = dec[0xA0:0xB0] game_key = dec[0x60:0x70] hkfd.close() def IvRoll(location): iv_next = location iv = bytearray(original_iv) new_iv = bytearray(iv_next.to_bytes(0x10, "little")) for i in range(0,0x10): new_iv[i] ^= iv[i] return bytes(new_iv) def GetBlock(fd, block_id): global game_key global file_size global total_blocks current_iv = IvRoll(block_id) block_loc = block_id * 0x8000 total_read = 0x8000 trim_to = total_read if block_id == 0: # Skip to filedata block_loc = 0x680 total_read -= 0x680 trim_to = total_read elif block_loc % 0x80000 == 0: # Skip signature block block_loc += 0x400 total_read -= 0x400 trim_to = total_read rd_amt = ((block_loc - 0x680) - (0x400*math.floor(block_loc / 0x80000))) # Total amount of file read so far. if block_id >= total_blocks-1: # Is this the last block? total_read = file_size - rd_amt trim_to = total_read total_read += (0x10-(total_read % 0x10)) if block_id > total_blocks-1: return b"" if total_read <= 0: return b"", 0) file_data = cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, current_iv) return cipher.decrypt(file_data)[:trim_to] def DecryptFile(input_filename): global game_key global content_id global original_iv global file_size global total_blocks psm_dev = False iv = b"\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F" # Header IV, used to find the real IV key = b"\x4E\x29\x8B\x40\xF5\x31\xF4\x69\xD2\x1F\x75\xB1\x33\xC3\x07\xBE" # Header key for PSM Runtime and used in all retail games. psm_dev_key = b"\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xAA\xBB\xCC\xDD\xEE\xFF" # Header key for PSM Dev, used for all files encrypted with psm_encryptor.dll runtime_game_key = b"\xA8\x69\x3C\x4D\xF0\xAE\xED\xBC\x9A\xBF\xD8\x21\x36\x92\x91\x2D" # key for the PlayStation Mobile Runtime (eg used in Sce.PlayStation.Core.dll) total_blocks = math.floor(os.path.getsize(input_filename) / 0x8000)+1 fd = open(input_filename, "rb") # Check magic is "PSSE" or "PSME" header = if header != b"PSSE" and header != b"PSME": print("[*] "+input_filename.decode("UTF-8")+" is not a valid PSSE File") print("[*] Is it already decrypted?") exit() # Check PSSE Version is 0x1 (not sure what it would be otherwise), 0) version = struct.unpack('i',[0] if version != 0x01: print("[*] Unsupported PSSE version: "+str(version)) exit(), 0) file_size = struct.unpack('Q',[0], 0) psse_type = struct.unpack('i',[0] if psse_type != 0x1: print("[*] Unknown PSSE Type: "+str(psse_type)) exit(), 0) read_content_id = if read_content_id == b"IP9100-NPXS10074_00-0000000000000000": # Sce.PlayStation.Core.dll game_key = runtime_game_key elif read_content_id == (b"\x00"*0x24): # PSM developer assistant doenst include a Content ID psm_dev = True elif content_id != read_content_id: print("[*] Content ID Mismatch! Expected: "+content_id.decode("UTF-8")+" but got "+read_content_id.decode("UTF-8")) exit(), 0) file_md5 = # Supposadly this contains the filename., 0) #enc1 = #cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) #dec1 = cipher.decrypt(enc1) # Determine file IV, 0) enc = if psm_dev: key = psm_dev_key cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) original_iv = cipher.decrypt(enc) total_file_data = b"" for i in range(0, total_blocks): file_block = GetBlock(fd, i) total_file_data += file_block fd.close() total_file_data = total_file_data[:file_size] # trim to file_size md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(total_file_data) got_md5 = md5.digest() if file_md5 != got_md5: # Verify decrypted file. print("[*] MD5 Mismatch, Expected: "+binascii.hexlify(file_md5).decode("UTF-8")+" got: "+binascii.hexlify(got_md5).decode("UTF-8")) print("[*] The game key is most likely wrong.") exit(); return total_file_data if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("PSSE Decryptor by SilicaAndPina v3") print("(for retail games) ") print("(for PSM Dev Packages) ") print("(for anything) ") print("") print("For retail games, you require the RO/License/FAKE.RIF file") print("And for PSM Dev Packages, you need there original publisher key and keyring.") exit() file = sys.argv[1] fpath = file.encode("UTF-8") # Some dumb dirbusting shit. applications_folder = b"/RO/Application/" license_file = os.path.normpath(fpath+b"/RO/License/FAKE.rif") psse_list = os.path.normpath(fpath+applications_folder+b"psse.list") if not os.path.exists(psse_list): applications_folder = b"/Application/" license_file = os.path.normpath(fpath+b"/License/FAKE.rif") psse_list = os.path.normpath(fpath+applications_folder+b"psse.list") if not os.path.exists(psse_list): applications_folder = b"/" license_file = os.path.normpath(fpath+b"/../License/FAKE.rif") psse_list = os.path.normpath(fpath+applications_folder+b"psse.list") if not os.path.exists(psse_list): print("[*] Cannot find psse.list.") exit() # Direct specify direct game key if len(sys.argv) == 3: game_key = binascii.unhexlify(sys.argv[2]) f = open(psse_list, "rb"), os.SEEK_SET) content_id = f.close() # Read from publisher license if game_key == b"": if len(sys.argv) == 4: pkcs12name = sys.argv[2] khappname = sys.argv[3] print("[*] Reading Publisher Key and App Key") if not os.path.exists(pkcs12name): print("[*] Publisher Key not found") exit() if not os.path.exists(khappname): print("[*] App key file not found.") exit() ReadPublisherKey(pkcs12name, khappname) # Read from fake.rif if game_key == b"": if os.path.exists(license_file): ReadGameKey(license_file) # Is this a particular file rather than a games folder? if os.path.isfile(fpath): print("Decrypting: "+file) data = DecryptFile(file) open(fpath, "wb").write(data) exit() # If game key is still unknown after all of this, abandon all hope! if game_key == b"": print("[*] Game key is unknown, i cant decrypt this ! :(") exit() print("[*] psse.list: "+psse_list.decode("UTF-8")) print("[*] Using game key: "+binascii.hexlify(game_key).decode("UTF-8")) file_data = DecryptFile(psse_list) file_list = file_data.replace(b"\r", b"").split(b"\n") for psse_file in file_list: if psse_file == b"": continue file_path = os.path.normpath(fpath+applications_folder+psse_file) print("[*] Decrypting: "+file_path.decode("UTF-8")) if os.path.exists(file_path): decrypted_data = DecryptFile(file_path) open(file_path, "wb").write(decrypted_data) else: print("[*] Error: File not Found: "+file_path.decode("UTF-8")) open(psse_list, "wb").write(file_data) print("[*] Decryption Complete!")