
178 lines
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2019-03-11 10:26:37 +00:00
/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
const { l10n } = require("devtools/client/webconsole/new-console-output/utils/messages");
const { getAllFilters } = require("devtools/client/webconsole/new-console-output/selectors/filters");
const { getLogLimit } = require("devtools/client/webconsole/new-console-output/selectors/prefs");
const {
} = require("devtools/client/webconsole/new-console-output/constants");
function getAllMessages(state) {
let messages = getAllMessagesById(state);
let logLimit = getLogLimit(state);
let filters = getAllFilters(state);
let groups = getAllGroupsById(state);
let messagesUI = getAllMessagesUiById(state);
return prune(
messages.filter(message => {
return (
isInOpenedGroup(message, groups, messagesUI)
&& (
|| (
matchLevelFilters(message, filters)
&& matchNetworkFilters(message, filters)
&& matchSearchFilters(message, filters)
function getAllMessagesById(state) {
return state.messages.messagesById;
function getAllMessagesUiById(state) {
return state.messages.messagesUiById;
function getAllMessagesTableDataById(state) {
return state.messages.messagesTableDataById;
function getAllGroupsById(state) {
return state.messages.groupsById;
function getCurrentGroup(state) {
return state.messages.currentGroup;
function isUnfilterable(message) {
return [
function isInOpenedGroup(message, groups, messagesUI) {
return !message.groupId
|| (
!isGroupClosed(message.groupId, messagesUI)
&& !hasClosedParentGroup(groups.get(message.groupId), messagesUI)
function hasClosedParentGroup(group, messagesUI) {
return group.some(groupId => isGroupClosed(groupId, messagesUI));
function isGroupClosed(groupId, messagesUI) {
return messagesUI.includes(groupId) === false;
function matchLevelFilters(message, filters) {
return filters.get(message.level) === true;
function matchNetworkFilters(message, filters) {
return (
message.source !== MESSAGE_SOURCE.NETWORK
|| (filters.get("net") === true && message.isXHR === false)
|| (filters.get("netxhr") === true && message.isXHR === true)
function matchSearchFilters(message, filters) {
let text = filters.text || "";
return (
text === ""
// @TODO currently we return true for any object grip. We should find a way to
// search object grips.
|| (message.parameters !== null && !Array.isArray(message.parameters))
// Look for a match in location.
|| isTextInFrame(text, message.frame)
// Look for a match in stacktrace.
|| (
Array.isArray(message.stacktrace) &&
message.stacktrace.some(frame => isTextInFrame(text,
// isTextInFrame expect the properties of the frame object to be in the same
// order they are rendered in the Frame component.
functionName: frame.functionName ||
filename: frame.filename,
lineNumber: frame.lineNumber,
columnNumber: frame.columnNumber
// Look for a match in messageText.
|| (message.messageText !== null
&& message.messageText.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(text.toLocaleLowerCase()))
// Look for a match in parameters. Currently only checks value grips.
|| (message.parameters !== null
&& message.parameters.join("").toLocaleLowerCase()
// Look for a match in notes.
|| (Array.isArray(message.notes) && message.notes.some(note =>
// Look for a match in location.
isTextInFrame(text, note.frame)
// Look for a match in messageBody.
|| (note.messageBody !== null
&& note.messageBody.toLocaleLowerCase()
2019-03-11 10:26:37 +00:00
function isTextInFrame(text, frame) {
if (!frame) {
return false;
// @TODO Change this to Object.values once it's supported in Node's version of V8
return Object.keys(frame)
.map(key => frame[key])
function prune(messages, logLimit) {
let messageCount = messages.count();
if (messageCount > logLimit) {
// If the second non-pruned message is in a group,
// we want to return the group as the first non-pruned message.
let firstIndex = messages.size - logLimit;
let groupId = messages.get(firstIndex + 1).groupId;
if (groupId) {
return messages.splice(0, firstIndex + 1)
messages.findLast((message) => === groupId)
return messages.splice(0, firstIndex);
return messages;
exports.getAllMessages = getAllMessages;
exports.getAllMessagesUiById = getAllMessagesUiById;
exports.getAllMessagesTableDataById = getAllMessagesTableDataById;
exports.getAllGroupsById = getAllGroupsById;
exports.getCurrentGroup = getCurrentGroup;