
117 lines
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2019-03-11 10:26:37 +00:00
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* */
add_task(function* runTests() {
yield setup();
let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
// Now that we're set up, initialize our frame script.
yield checkListeners("initial", "listeners initialized");
// Check if all history listeners are always notified.
info("# part 1");
yield whenPageShown(browser, () => browser.loadURI(""));
yield checkListeners("newentry", "shistory has a new entry");
ok(browser.canGoBack, "we can go back");
yield whenPageShown(browser, () => browser.goBack());
yield checkListeners("goback", "back to the first shentry");
ok(browser.canGoForward, "we can go forward");
yield whenPageShown(browser, () => browser.goForward());
yield checkListeners("goforward", "forward to the second shentry");
yield whenPageShown(browser, () => browser.reload());
yield checkListeners("reload", "current shentry reloaded");
yield whenPageShown(browser, () => browser.gotoIndex(0));
yield checkListeners("gotoindex", "back to the first index");
// Check nsISHistoryInternal.notifyOnHistoryReload
info("# part 2");
ok((yield notifyReload()), "reloading has not been canceled");
yield checkListeners("reload", "saw the reload notification");
// Let the first listener cancel the reload action.
info("# part 3");
yield resetListeners();
yield setListenerRetval(0, false);
ok(!(yield notifyReload()), "reloading has been canceled");
yield checkListeners("reload", "saw the reload notification");
// Let both listeners cancel the reload action.
info("# part 4");
yield resetListeners();
yield setListenerRetval(1, false);
ok(!(yield notifyReload()), "reloading has been canceled");
yield checkListeners("reload", "saw the reload notification");
// Let the second listener cancel the reload action.
info("# part 5");
yield resetListeners();
yield setListenerRetval(0, true);
ok(!(yield notifyReload()), "reloading has been canceled");
yield checkListeners("reload", "saw the reload notification");
function listenOnce(message, arg = {}) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;
mm.addMessageListener(message + ":return", function listener(msg) {
mm.removeMessageListener(message + ":return", listener);
mm.sendAsyncMessage(message, arg);
function checkListeners(aLast, aMessage) {
return listenOnce("bug422543:getListenerStatus").then((listenerStatuses) => {
is(listenerStatuses[0], aLast, aMessage);
is(listenerStatuses[1], aLast, aMessage);
function resetListeners() {
return listenOnce("bug422543:resetListeners");
function notifyReload() {
return listenOnce("bug422543:notifyReload").then(({ rval }) => {
return rval;
function setListenerRetval(num, val) {
return listenOnce("bug422543:setRetval", { num, val });
function setup() {
return BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser,
.then(function (tab) {
let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
yield listenOnce("bug422543:cleanup");
.loadFrameScript(getRootDirectory(gTestPath) + "file_bug422543_script.js", false);
function whenPageShown(aBrowser, aNavigation) {
let listener = ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, null, function () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
addEventListener("pageshow", function onLoad() {
removeEventListener("pageshow", onLoad, true);
}, true);
return listener;