1303703 - Syntax parse destructuring patterns.

This commit is contained in:
Fedor 2019-09-05 20:07:03 +03:00
parent 713888bd05
commit d7a91d9be2
5 changed files with 490 additions and 314 deletions

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@ -878,6 +878,10 @@ class FullParseHandler
return node->isKind(PNK_NAME);
bool isArgumentsAnyParentheses(ParseNode* node, ExclusiveContext* cx) {
return node->isKind(PNK_NAME) && node->pn_atom == cx->names().arguments;
bool isEvalAnyParentheses(ParseNode* node, ExclusiveContext* cx) {
return node->isKind(PNK_NAME) && node->pn_atom == cx->names().eval;
@ -888,7 +892,7 @@ class FullParseHandler
if (isEvalAnyParentheses(node, cx))
return js_eval_str;
if (node->pn_atom == cx->names().arguments)
if (isArgumentsAnyParentheses(node, cx))
return js_arguments_str;
return nullptr;

View File

@ -689,6 +689,19 @@ ParserBase::extraWarning(unsigned errorNumber, ...)
return result;
ParserBase::extraWarningAt(uint32_t offset, unsigned errorNumber, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, errorNumber);
bool result =
tokenStream.reportExtraWarningErrorNumberVA(nullptr, offset, errorNumber, args);
return result;
ParserBase::strictModeError(unsigned errorNumber, ...)
@ -743,14 +756,6 @@ ParserBase::reportNoOffset(ParseReportKind kind, bool strict, unsigned errorNumb
return result;
template <>
return true;
template <>
@ -4128,8 +4133,17 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::error(ErrorKind kind)
if (kind == ErrorKind::Expression)
return exprError_;
MOZ_ASSERT(kind == ErrorKind::Destructuring);
return destructuringError_;
if (kind == ErrorKind::Destructuring)
return destructuringError_;
MOZ_ASSERT(kind == ErrorKind::DestructuringWarning);
return destructuringWarning_;
template <typename ParseHandler>
return hasError(ErrorKind::Destructuring);
template <typename ParseHandler>
@ -4171,6 +4185,14 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(const TokenP
setPending(ErrorKind::Destructuring, pos, errorNumber);
template <typename ParseHandler>
Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::setPendingDestructuringWarningAt(const TokenPos& pos,
unsigned errorNumber)
setPending(ErrorKind::DestructuringWarning, pos, errorNumber);
template <typename ParseHandler>
Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::setPendingExpressionErrorAt(const TokenPos& pos,
@ -4193,23 +4215,36 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::checkForError(ErrorKind kind)
template <typename ParseHandler>
Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::checkForWarning(ErrorKind kind)
if (!hasError(kind))
return true;
Error& err = error(kind);
return parser_.extraWarningAt(err.offset_, err.errorNumber_);
template <typename ParseHandler>
// Clear pending expression error, because we're definitely not in an
// expression context.
// Report any pending destructuring error.
return checkForError(ErrorKind::Destructuring);
// Report any pending destructuring error or warning.
return checkForError(ErrorKind::Destructuring) &&
template <typename ParseHandler>
// Clear pending destructuring error, because we're definitely not in a
// destructuring context.
// Clear pending destructuring error or warning, because we're definitely
// not in a destructuring context.
// Report any pending expression error.
return checkForError(ErrorKind::Expression);
@ -4241,192 +4276,258 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::PossibleError::transferErrorsTo(PossibleError* other)
transferErrorTo(ErrorKind::Expression, other);
template <>
Parser<FullParseHandler>::checkDestructuringName(ParseNode* expr, Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl)
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::bindingInitializer(Node lhs, DeclarationKind kind,
YieldHandling yieldHandling)
// Parentheses are forbidden around destructuring *patterns* (but allowed
// around names). Use our nicer error message for parenthesized, nested
// patterns.
if (handler.isParenthesizedDestructuringPattern(expr)) {
errorAt(expr->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_PARENS);
return false;
if (kind == DeclarationKind::FormalParameter)
pc->functionBox()->hasParameterExprs = true;
Node rhs = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!rhs)
return null();
Node assign = handler.newAssignment(PNK_ASSIGN, lhs, rhs, JSOP_NOP);
if (!assign)
return null();
if (foldConstants && !FoldConstants(context, &assign, this))
return null();
return assign;
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::bindingIdentifier(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling)
RootedPropertyName name(context, bindingIdentifier(yieldHandling));
if (!name)
return null();
Node binding = newName(name);
if (!binding || !noteDeclaredName(name, kind, pos()))
return null();
return binding;
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::bindingIdentifierOrPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TokenKind tt)
if (tt == TOK_LB)
return arrayBindingPattern(kind, yieldHandling);
if (tt == TOK_LC)
return objectBindingPattern(kind, yieldHandling);
if (!TokenKindIsPossibleIdentifierName(tt)) {
return null();
// This expression might be in a variable-binding pattern where only plain,
// unparenthesized names are permitted.
if (maybeDecl) {
// Destructuring patterns in declarations must only contain
// unparenthesized names.
if (!handler.isUnparenthesizedName(expr)) {
errorAt(expr->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_NO_VARIABLE_NAME);
return false;
return bindingIdentifier(kind, yieldHandling);
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::objectBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling)
JS_CHECK_RECURSION(context, return null());
uint32_t begin = pos().begin;
Node literal = handler.newObjectLiteral(begin);
if (!literal)
return null();
Maybe<DeclarationKind> declKind = Some(kind);
RootedAtom propAtom(context);
for (;;) {
TokenKind tt;
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt))
return null();
if (tt == TOK_RC)
TokenPos namePos = pos();
PropertyType propType;
Node propName = propertyName(yieldHandling, declKind, literal, &propType, &propAtom);
if (!propName)
return null();
if (propType == PropertyType::Normal) {
// Handle e.g., |var {p: x} = o| and |var {p: x=0} = o|.
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
Node binding = bindingIdentifierOrPattern(kind, yieldHandling, tt);
if (!binding)
return null();
bool hasInitializer;
if (!tokenStream.matchToken(&hasInitializer, TOK_ASSIGN))
return null();
Node bindingExpr = hasInitializer
? bindingInitializer(binding, kind, yieldHandling)
: binding;
if (!bindingExpr)
return null();
if (!handler.addPropertyDefinition(literal, propName, bindingExpr))
return null();
} else if (propType == PropertyType::Shorthand) {
// Handle e.g., |var {x, y} = o| as destructuring shorthand
// for |var {x: x, y: y} = o|.
Node binding = bindingIdentifier(kind, yieldHandling);
if (!binding)
return null();
if (!handler.addShorthand(literal, propName, binding))
return null();
} else if (propType == PropertyType::CoverInitializedName) {
// Handle e.g., |var {x=1, y=2} = o| as destructuring shorthand
// with default values.
Node binding = bindingIdentifier(kind, yieldHandling);
if (!binding)
return null();
Node bindingExpr = bindingInitializer(binding, kind, yieldHandling);
if (!bindingExpr)
return null();
if (!handler.addPropertyDefinition(literal, propName, bindingExpr))
return null();
} else {
errorAt(namePos.begin, JSMSG_NO_VARIABLE_NAME);
return null();
RootedPropertyName name(context, expr->name());
// `yield` is already checked, so pass YieldIsName to skip that check.
if (!checkBindingIdentifier(name, expr->pn_pos.begin, YieldIsName))
return false;
return noteDeclaredName(name, *maybeDecl, expr->pn_pos);
// Otherwise this is an expression in destructuring outside a declaration.
if (handler.isNameAnyParentheses(expr)) {
if (const char* chars = handler.nameIsArgumentsEvalAnyParentheses(expr, context)) {
if (!strictModeErrorAt(expr->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN, chars))
return false;
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt))
return null();
if (tt == TOK_RC)
if (tt != TOK_COMMA) {
return null();
return true;
if (handler.isPropertyAccess(expr))
return true;
handler.setEndPosition(literal, pos().end);
return literal;
errorAt(expr->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_TARGET);
return false;
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::arrayBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling)
JS_CHECK_RECURSION(context, return null());
uint32_t begin = pos().begin;
Node literal = handler.newArrayLiteral(begin);
if (!literal)
return null();
uint32_t index = 0;
TokenStream::Modifier modifier = TokenStream::Operand;
for (; ; index++) {
if (index >= NativeObject::MAX_DENSE_ELEMENTS_COUNT) {
return null();
TokenKind tt;
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
if (tt == TOK_RB) {
if (tt == TOK_COMMA) {
if (!handler.addElision(literal, pos()))
return null();
} else if (tt == TOK_TRIPLEDOT) {
uint32_t begin = pos().begin;
TokenKind tt;
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
Node inner = bindingIdentifierOrPattern(kind, yieldHandling, tt);
if (!inner)
return null();
if (!handler.addSpreadElement(literal, begin, inner))
return null();
} else {
Node binding = bindingIdentifierOrPattern(kind, yieldHandling, tt);
if (!binding)
return null();
bool hasInitializer;
if (!tokenStream.matchToken(&hasInitializer, TOK_ASSIGN))
return null();
Node element = hasInitializer
? bindingInitializer(binding, kind, yieldHandling)
: binding;
if (!element)
return null();
handler.addArrayElement(literal, element);
if (tt != TOK_COMMA) {
// If we didn't already match TOK_COMMA in above case.
bool matched;
if (!tokenStream.matchToken(&matched, TOK_COMMA))
return null();
if (!matched) {
modifier = TokenStream::None;
if (tt == TOK_TRIPLEDOT) {
return null();
handler.setEndPosition(literal, pos().end);
return literal;
template <>
Parser<FullParseHandler>::checkDestructuringPattern(ParseNode* pattern,
Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl,
PossibleError* possibleError /* = nullptr */);
template <>
Parser<FullParseHandler>::checkDestructuringObject(ParseNode* objectPattern,
Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl)
for (ParseNode* member = objectPattern->pn_head; member; member = member->pn_next) {
ParseNode* target;
if (member->isKind(PNK_MUTATEPROTO)) {
target = member->pn_kid;
} else {
MOZ_ASSERT(member->isKind(PNK_COLON) || member->isKind(PNK_SHORTHAND));
member->pn_left->isKind(PNK_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME) &&
member->pn_right->isKind(PNK_NAME) &&
member->pn_left->pn_atom == member->pn_right->pn_atom);
target = member->pn_right;
if (handler.isUnparenthesizedAssignment(target))
target = target->pn_left;
if (handler.isUnparenthesizedDestructuringPattern(target)) {
if (!checkDestructuringPattern(target, maybeDecl))
return false;
} else {
if (!checkDestructuringName(target, maybeDecl))
return false;
return true;
template <>
Parser<FullParseHandler>::checkDestructuringArray(ParseNode* arrayPattern,
Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl)
for (ParseNode* element = arrayPattern->pn_head; element; element = element->pn_next) {
if (element->isKind(PNK_ELISION))
ParseNode* target;
if (element->isKind(PNK_SPREAD)) {
if (element->pn_next) {
errorAt(element->pn_next->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_PARAMETER_AFTER_REST);
return false;
target = element->pn_kid;
} else if (handler.isUnparenthesizedAssignment(element)) {
target = element->pn_left;
} else {
target = element;
if (handler.isUnparenthesizedDestructuringPattern(target)) {
if (!checkDestructuringPattern(target, maybeDecl))
return false;
} else {
if (!checkDestructuringName(target, maybeDecl))
return false;
return true;
* Destructuring patterns can appear in two kinds of contexts:
* - assignment-like: assignment expressions and |for| loop heads. In
* these cases, the patterns' property value positions can be
* arbitrary lvalue expressions; the destructuring is just a fancy
* assignment.
* - binding-like: |var| and |let| declarations, functions' formal
* parameter lists, |catch| clauses, and comprehension tails. In
* these cases, the patterns' property value positions must be
* simple names; the destructuring defines them as new variables.
* In both cases, other code parses the pattern as an arbitrary
* primaryExpr, and then, here in checkDestructuringPattern, verify
* that the tree is a valid AssignmentPattern or BindingPattern.
* In assignment-like contexts, we parse the pattern with
* pc->inDestructuringDecl clear, so the lvalue expressions in the
* pattern are parsed normally. primaryExpr links variable references
* into the appropriate use chains; creates placeholder definitions;
* and so on. checkDestructuringPattern won't bind any new names and
* we specialize lvalues as appropriate.
* In declaration-like contexts, the normal variable reference
* processing would just be an obstruction, because we're going to
* define the names that appear in the property value positions as new
* variables anyway. In this case, we parse the pattern with
* pc->inDestructuringDecl set, which directs primaryExpr to leave
* whatever name nodes it creates unconnected. Then, here in
* checkDestructuringPattern, we require the pattern's property value
* positions to be simple names, and define them as appropriate to the
* context.
template <>
Parser<FullParseHandler>::checkDestructuringPattern(ParseNode* pattern,
Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl,
PossibleError* possibleError /* = nullptr */)
if (pattern->isKind(PNK_ARRAYCOMP)) {
errorAt(pattern->pn_pos.begin, JSMSG_ARRAY_COMP_LEFTSIDE);
return false;
bool isDestructuring = pattern->isKind(PNK_ARRAY)
? checkDestructuringArray(pattern, maybeDecl)
: checkDestructuringObject(pattern, maybeDecl);
// Report any pending destructuring error.
if (isDestructuring && possibleError && !possibleError->checkForDestructuringError())
return false;
return isDestructuring;
template <>
Parser<SyntaxParseHandler>::checkDestructuringPattern(Node pattern,
Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl,
PossibleError* possibleError /* = nullptr */)
Parser<SyntaxParseHandler>::checkDestructuringAssignmentPattern(Node pattern,
PossibleError* possibleError /* = nullptr */)
return abortIfSyntaxParser();
@ -4439,18 +4540,9 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::destructuringDeclaration(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandli
MOZ_ASSERT(tt == TOK_LB || tt == TOK_LC);
PossibleError possibleError(*this);
Node pattern;
pc->inDestructuringDecl = Some(kind);
pattern = primaryExpr(yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited, tt, &possibleError);
pc->inDestructuringDecl = Nothing();
if (!pattern || !checkDestructuringPattern(pattern, Some(kind), &possibleError))
return null();
return pattern;
return tt == TOK_LB
? arrayBindingPattern(kind, yieldHandling)
: objectBindingPattern(kind, yieldHandling);
template <typename ParseHandler>
@ -4564,6 +4656,12 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::declarationPattern(Node decl, DeclarationKind declKind, To
// binary operator (examined with modifier None) terminated |init|.
// For all other declarations, through ASI's infinite majesty, a next
// token on a new line would begin an expression.
// Similar to the case in initializerInNameDeclaration(), we need to
// peek at the next token when assignExpr() is a lazily parsed arrow
// function.
TokenKind ignored;
if (!tokenStream.peekToken(&ignored))
return null();
@ -4946,14 +5044,6 @@ Parser<FullParseHandler>::namedImportsOrNamespaceImport(TokenKind tt, Node impor
return true;
Parser<SyntaxParseHandler>::namedImportsOrNamespaceImport(TokenKind tt, Node importSpecSet)
return false;
@ -5975,7 +6065,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::forHeadStart(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
// Verify the left-hand side expression doesn't have a forbidden form.
if (handler.isUnparenthesizedDestructuringPattern(*forInitialPart)) {
if (!checkDestructuringPattern(*forInitialPart, Nothing(), &possibleError))
if (!possibleError.checkForDestructuringErrorOrWarning())
return false;
} else if (handler.isNameAnyParentheses(*forInitialPart)) {
const char* chars = handler.nameIsArgumentsEvalAnyParentheses(*forInitialPart, context);
@ -6820,14 +6910,10 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::tryStatement(YieldHandling yieldHandling)
return null();
RootedPropertyName param(context, bindingIdentifier(yieldHandling));
if (!param)
return null();
catchName = newName(param);
catchName = bindingIdentifier(DeclarationKind::SimpleCatchParameter,
if (!catchName)
return null();
if (!noteDeclaredName(param, DeclarationKind::SimpleCatchParameter, pos()))
return null();
@ -7055,6 +7141,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::classDefinition(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
if (!classMethods)
return null();
Maybe<DeclarationKind> declKind = Nothing();
for (;;) {
TokenKind tt;
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt))
@ -7089,7 +7176,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::classDefinition(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
return null();
PropertyType propType;
Node propName = propertyName(yieldHandling, classMethods, &propType, &propAtom);
Node propName = propertyName(yieldHandling, declKind, classMethods, &propType, &propAtom);
if (!propName)
return null();
@ -7920,26 +8007,6 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::condExpr1(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandli
return handler.newConditional(condition, thenExpr, elseExpr);
class AutoClearInDestructuringDecl
ParseContext* pc_;
Maybe<DeclarationKind> saved_;
explicit AutoClearInDestructuringDecl(ParseContext* pc)
: pc_(pc),
pc->inDestructuringDecl = Nothing();
if (saved_ && *saved_ == DeclarationKind::FormalParameter)
pc->functionBox()->hasParameterExprs = true;
~AutoClearInDestructuringDecl() {
pc_->inDestructuringDecl = saved_;
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::assignExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
@ -7964,7 +8031,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::assignExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandl
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
uint32_t exprOffset = pos().begin;
TokenPos exprPos = pos();
bool endsExpr;
@ -8170,12 +8237,12 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::assignExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandl
return null();
if (!checkDestructuringPattern(lhs, Nothing(), &possibleErrorInner))
if (!possibleErrorInner.checkForDestructuringErrorOrWarning())
return null();
} else if (handler.isNameAnyParentheses(lhs)) {
if (const char* chars = handler.nameIsArgumentsEvalAnyParentheses(lhs, context)) {
// |chars| is "arguments" or "eval" here.
if (!strictModeErrorAt(exprOffset, JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN, chars))
if (!strictModeErrorAt(exprPos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN, chars))
return null();
@ -8183,23 +8250,22 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::assignExpr(InHandling inHandling, YieldHandling yieldHandl
} else if (handler.isPropertyAccess(lhs)) {
// Permitted: no additional testing/fixup needed.
} else if (handler.isFunctionCall(lhs)) {
if (!strictModeErrorAt(exprOffset, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS))
if (!strictModeErrorAt(exprPos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS))
return null();
if (possibleError)
possibleError->setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(exprPos, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_TARGET);
} else {
errorAt(exprOffset, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS);
errorAt(exprPos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_LEFTSIDE_OF_ASS);
return null();
if (!possibleErrorInner.checkForExpressionError())
return null();
Node rhs;
AutoClearInDestructuringDecl autoClear(pc);
rhs = assignExpr(inHandling, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!rhs)
return null();
Node rhs = assignExpr(inHandling, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!rhs)
return null();
if (kind == PNK_ASSIGN)
@ -9144,7 +9210,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::identifierReference(Handle<PropertyName*> name)
if (!pn)
return null();
if (!pc->inDestructuringDecl && !noteUsedName(name))
if (!noteUsedName(name))
return null();
return pn;
@ -9210,6 +9276,74 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::newRegExp()
return handler.newRegExp(reobj, pos(), *this);
template <typename ParseHandler>
Parser<ParseHandler>::checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(Node expr, TokenPos exprPos,
PossibleError* possibleError)
// Return early if a pending destructuring error is already present.
if (possibleError->hasPendingDestructuringError())
if (pc->sc()->needStrictChecks()) {
if (handler.isArgumentsAnyParentheses(expr, context)) {
if (pc->sc()->strict()) {
} else {
if (handler.isEvalAnyParentheses(expr, context)) {
if (pc->sc()->strict()) {
} else {
// The expression must be either a simple assignment target, i.e. a name
// or a property accessor, or a nested destructuring pattern.
if (!handler.isUnparenthesizedDestructuringPattern(expr) &&
!handler.isNameAnyParentheses(expr) &&
// Parentheses are forbidden around destructuring *patterns* (but
// allowed around names). Use our nicer error message for
// parenthesized, nested patterns.
if (handler.isParenthesizedDestructuringPattern(expr))
possibleError->setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(exprPos, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_PARENS);
possibleError->setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(exprPos, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_TARGET);
template <typename ParseHandler>
Parser<ParseHandler>::checkDestructuringAssignmentElement(Node expr, TokenPos exprPos,
PossibleError* possibleError)
// ES2018 draft rev 0719f44aab93215ed9a626b2f45bd34f36916834
// 12.15.5 Destructuring Assignment
// AssignmentElement[Yield, Await]:
// DestructuringAssignmentTarget[?Yield, ?Await]
// DestructuringAssignmentTarget[?Yield, ?Await] Initializer[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]
// If |expr| is an assignment element with an initializer expression, its
// destructuring assignment target was already validated in assignExpr().
// Otherwise we need to check that |expr| is a valid destructuring target.
if (!handler.isUnparenthesizedAssignment(expr))
checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(expr, exprPos, possibleError);
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::arrayInitializer(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError* possibleError)
@ -9259,17 +9393,29 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::arrayInitializer(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleErro
} else if (tt == TOK_TRIPLEDOT) {
tokenStream.consumeKnownToken(TOK_TRIPLEDOT, TokenStream::Operand);
uint32_t begin = pos().begin;
TokenPos innerPos;
if (!tokenStream.peekTokenPos(&innerPos, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
Node inner = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited,
if (!inner)
return null();
if (possibleError)
checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(inner, innerPos, possibleError);
if (!handler.addSpreadElement(literal, begin, inner))
return null();
} else {
TokenPos elementPos;
if (!tokenStream.peekTokenPos(&elementPos, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
Node element = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited,
if (!element)
return null();
if (possibleError)
checkDestructuringAssignmentElement(element, elementPos, possibleError);
if (foldConstants && !FoldConstants(context, &element, this))
return null();
handler.addArrayElement(literal, element);
@ -9307,7 +9453,8 @@ DoubleToAtom(ExclusiveContext* cx, double value)
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node propList,
Parser<ParseHandler>::propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl, Node propList,
PropertyType* propType, MutableHandleAtom propAtom)
TokenKind ltok;
@ -9368,7 +9515,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node propList,
case TOK_LB:
propName = computedPropertyName(yieldHandling, propList);
propName = computedPropertyName(yieldHandling, maybeDecl, propList);
if (!propName)
return null();
@ -9426,7 +9573,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node propList,
if (tt == TOK_LB) {
return computedPropertyName(yieldHandling, propList);
return computedPropertyName(yieldHandling, maybeDecl, propList);
// Not an accessor property after all.
@ -9496,28 +9643,25 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node propList,
template <typename ParseHandler>
typename ParseHandler::Node
Parser<ParseHandler>::computedPropertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node literal)
Parser<ParseHandler>::computedPropertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl,
Node literal)
uint32_t begin = pos().begin;
Node assignNode;
// Turn off the inDestructuringDecl flag when parsing computed property
// names. In short, when parsing 'let {[x + y]: z} = obj;', noteUsedName()
// should be called on x and y, but not on z. See the comment on
// Parser<>::checkDestructuringPattern() for details.
AutoClearInDestructuringDecl autoClear(pc);
assignNode = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!assignNode)
return null();
if (maybeDecl) {
if (*maybeDecl == DeclarationKind::FormalParameter)
pc->functionBox()->hasParameterExprs = true;
} else {
handler.setListFlag(literal, PNX_NONCONST);
Node propname = handler.newComputedName(assignNode, begin, pos().end);
if (!propname)
Node assignNode = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!assignNode)
return null();
handler.setListFlag(literal, PNX_NONCONST);
return propname;
return handler.newComputedName(assignNode, begin, pos().end);
template <typename ParseHandler>
@ -9534,6 +9678,7 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
bool seenPrototypeMutation = false;
bool seenCoverInitializedName = false;
Maybe<DeclarationKind> declKind = Nothing();
RootedAtom propAtom(context);
for (;;) {
TokenKind tt;
@ -9547,11 +9692,14 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
PropertyType propType;
Node propName = propertyName(yieldHandling, literal, &propType, &propAtom);
Node propName = propertyName(yieldHandling, declKind, literal, &propType, &propAtom);
if (!propName)
return null();
if (propType == PropertyType::Normal) {
TokenPos exprPos;
if (!tokenStream.peekTokenPos(&exprPos, TokenStream::Operand))
return null();
Node propExpr = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited,
if (!propExpr)
@ -9591,10 +9739,13 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
if (!handler.addPropertyDefinition(literal, propName, propExpr))
return null();
if (possibleError)
checkDestructuringAssignmentElement(propExpr, exprPos, possibleError);
} else if (propType == PropertyType::Shorthand) {
* Support, e.g., |var {x, y} = o| as destructuring shorthand
* for |var {x: x, y: y} = o|, and |var o = {x, y}| as initializer
* Support, e.g., |({x, y} = o)| as destructuring shorthand
* for |({x: x, y: y} = o)|, and |var o = {x, y}| as initializer
* shorthand for |var o = {x: x, y: y}|.
Rooted<PropertyName*> name(context, identifierReference(yieldHandling));
@ -9605,11 +9756,14 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
if (!nameExpr)
return null();
if (possibleError)
checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(nameExpr, namePos, possibleError);
if (!handler.addShorthand(literal, propName, nameExpr))
return null();
} else if (propType == PropertyType::CoverInitializedName) {
* Support, e.g., |var {x=1, y=2} = o| as destructuring shorthand
* Support, e.g., |({x=1, y=2} = o)| as destructuring shorthand
* with default values, as per ES6 12.14.5
Rooted<PropertyName*> name(context, identifierReference(yieldHandling));
@ -9641,16 +9795,16 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
possibleError->setPendingExpressionErrorAt(pos(), JSMSG_COLON_AFTER_ID);
Node rhs;
// Clearing `inDestructuringDecl` allows name use to be noted
// in Parser::identifierReference. See bug 1255167.
AutoClearInDestructuringDecl autoClear(pc);
rhs = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!rhs)
if (const char* chars = handler.nameIsArgumentsEvalAnyParentheses(lhs, context)) {
// |chars| is "arguments" or "eval" here.
if (!strictModeErrorAt(namePos.begin, JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN, chars))
return null();
Node rhs = assignExpr(InAllowed, yieldHandling, TripledotProhibited);
if (!rhs)
return null();
Node propExpr = handler.newAssignment(PNK_ASSIGN, lhs, rhs, JSOP_NOP);
@ -9659,9 +9813,6 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
if (!handler.addPropertyDefinition(literal, propName, propExpr))
return null();
if (!abortIfSyntaxParser())
return null();
} else {
RootedAtom funName(context);
if (!tokenStream.isCurrentTokenType(TOK_RB)) {
@ -9683,6 +9834,9 @@ Parser<ParseHandler>::objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError*
JSOp op = JSOpFromPropertyType(propType);
if (!handler.addObjectMethodDefinition(literal, propName, fn, op))
return null();
if (possibleError)
possibleError->setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(namePos, JSMSG_BAD_DESTRUCT_TARGET);
if (!tokenStream.getToken(&tt))

View File

@ -340,17 +340,6 @@ class ParseContext : public Nestable<ParseContext>
// pointer may be nullptr.
Directives* newDirectives;
// Set when parsing a declaration-like destructuring pattern. This flag
// causes PrimaryExpr to create PN_NAME parse nodes for variable references
// which are not hooked into any definition's use chain, added to any tree
// context's AtomList, etc. etc. checkDestructuring will do that work
// later.
// The comments atop checkDestructuring explain the distinction between
// assignment-like and declaration-like destructuring patterns, and why
// they need to be treated differently.
mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind> inDestructuringDecl;
// Set when parsing a function and it has 'return <expr>;'
bool funHasReturnExpr;
@ -888,6 +877,12 @@ class ParserBase : public StrictModeGetter
MOZ_MUST_USE bool extraWarning(unsigned errorNumber, ...);
* If extra warnings are enabled, report the given warning at the given
* offset.
MOZ_MUST_USE bool extraWarningAt(uint32_t offset, unsigned errorNumber, ...);
bool isValidStrictBinding(PropertyName* name);
bool warnOnceAboutExprClosure();
@ -952,7 +947,7 @@ class Parser final : public ParserBase, private JS::AutoGCRooter
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS PossibleError
enum class ErrorKind { Expression, Destructuring };
enum class ErrorKind { Expression, Destructuring, DestructuringWarning };
enum class ErrorState { None, Pending };
@ -967,11 +962,12 @@ class Parser final : public ParserBase, private JS::AutoGCRooter
Parser<ParseHandler>& parser_;
Error exprError_;
Error destructuringError_;
Error destructuringWarning_;
// Returns the error report.
Error& error(ErrorKind kind);
// Return true if an error is pending without reporting
// Return true if an error is pending without reporting.
bool hasError(ErrorKind kind);
// Resolve any pending error.
@ -983,7 +979,11 @@ class Parser final : public ParserBase, private JS::AutoGCRooter
// If there is a pending error, report it and return false, otherwise
// return true.
bool checkForError(ErrorKind kind);
MOZ_MUST_USE bool checkForError(ErrorKind kind);
// If there is a pending warning, report it and return either false or
// true depending on the werror option, otherwise return true.
MOZ_MUST_USE bool checkForWarning(ErrorKind kind);
// Transfer an existing error to another instance.
void transferErrorTo(ErrorKind kind, PossibleError* other);
@ -991,23 +991,33 @@ class Parser final : public ParserBase, private JS::AutoGCRooter
explicit PossibleError(Parser<ParseHandler>& parser);
// Return true if a pending destructuring error is present.
bool hasPendingDestructuringError();
// Set a pending destructuring error. Only a single error may be set
// per instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored and
// won't overwrite the existing pending error.
void setPendingDestructuringErrorAt(const TokenPos& pos, unsigned errorNumber);
// Set a pending destructuring warning. Only a single warning may be
// set per instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored
// and won't overwrite the existing pending warning.
void setPendingDestructuringWarningAt(const TokenPos& pos, unsigned errorNumber);
// Set a pending expression error. Only a single error may be set per
// instance, i.e. subsequent calls to this method are ignored and won't
// overwrite the existing pending error.
void setPendingExpressionErrorAt(const TokenPos& pos, unsigned errorNumber);
// If there is a pending destructuring error, report it and return
// false, otherwise return true. Clears any pending expression error.
bool checkForDestructuringError();
// If there is a pending destructuring error or warning, report it and
// return false, otherwise return true. Clears any pending expression
// error.
MOZ_MUST_USE bool checkForDestructuringErrorOrWarning();
// If there is a pending expression error, report it and return false,
// otherwise return true. Clears any pending destructuring error.
bool checkForExpressionError();
// otherwise return true. Clears any pending destructuring error or
// warning.
MOZ_MUST_USE bool checkForExpressionError();
// Pass pending errors between possible error instances. This is useful
// for extending the lifetime of a pending error beyond the scope of
@ -1490,25 +1500,27 @@ class Parser final : public ParserBase, private JS::AutoGCRooter
mozilla::Maybe<LexicalScope::Data*> newLexicalScopeData(ParseContext::Scope& scope);
Node finishLexicalScope(ParseContext::Scope& scope, Node body);
Node propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node propList,
Node propertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl, Node propList,
PropertyType* propType, MutableHandleAtom propAtom);
Node computedPropertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling, Node literal);
Node computedPropertyName(YieldHandling yieldHandling,
const mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind>& maybeDecl, Node literal);
Node arrayInitializer(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError* possibleError);
Node newRegExp();
Node objectLiteral(YieldHandling yieldHandling, PossibleError* possibleError);
// Top-level entrypoint into destructuring pattern checking/name-analyzing.
bool checkDestructuringPattern(Node pattern, mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl,
PossibleError* possibleError = nullptr);
Node bindingInitializer(Node lhs, DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
Node bindingIdentifier(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
Node bindingIdentifierOrPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling,
TokenKind tt);
Node objectBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
Node arrayBindingPattern(DeclarationKind kind, YieldHandling yieldHandling);
// Recursive methods for checking/name-analyzing subcomponents of a
// destructuring pattern. The array/object methods *must* be passed arrays
// or objects. The name method may be passed anything but will report an
// error if not passed a name.
bool checkDestructuringArray(Node arrayPattern, mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl);
bool checkDestructuringObject(Node objectPattern, mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl);
bool checkDestructuringName(Node expr, mozilla::Maybe<DeclarationKind> maybeDecl);
void checkDestructuringAssignmentTarget(Node expr, TokenPos exprPos,
PossibleError* possibleError);
void checkDestructuringAssignmentElement(Node expr, TokenPos exprPos,
PossibleError* possibleError);
Node newNumber(const Token& tok) {
return handler.newNumber(tok.number(), tok.decimalPoint(), tok.pos);

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@ -561,6 +561,10 @@ class SyntaxParseHandler
node == NodeParenthesizedName;
bool isArgumentsAnyParentheses(Node node, ExclusiveContext* cx) {
return node == NodeUnparenthesizedArgumentsName || node == NodeParenthesizedArgumentsName;
bool isEvalAnyParentheses(Node node, ExclusiveContext* cx) {
return node == NodeUnparenthesizedEvalName || node == NodeParenthesizedEvalName;
@ -571,7 +575,7 @@ class SyntaxParseHandler
if (isEvalAnyParentheses(node, cx))
return js_eval_str;
if (node == NodeUnparenthesizedArgumentsName || node == NodeParenthesizedArgumentsName)
if (isArgumentsAnyParentheses(node, cx))
return js_arguments_str;
return nullptr;

View File

@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_POW_LEFTSIDE, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "unparenthesized unar
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_PROP_ID, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "invalid property id")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN, 1, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "'{0}' can't be defined or assigned to in strict mode code")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN_ARGUMENTS, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "'arguments' can't be defined or assigned to in strict mode code")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_STRICT_ASSIGN_EVAL, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "'eval' can't be defined or assigned to in strict mode code")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_SWITCH, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "invalid switch statement")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_SUPER, 0, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "invalid use of keyword 'super'")
MSG_DEF(JSMSG_BAD_SUPERPROP, 1, JSEXN_SYNTAXERR, "use of super {0} accesses only valid within methods or eval code within methods")