#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # # Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. # # Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance # with the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v 2.0 accompanying it. If # a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one # at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Creates an Adobe Access signed voucher for x32/x64 windows executables # Notes: This is currently python2.7 due to mozilla build system requirements from __future__ import print_function import argparse, bitstring, pprint, hashlib, os, subprocess, sys, tempfile, macholib, macholib.MachO from pyasn1.codec.der import encoder as der_encoder from pyasn1.type import univ, namedtype, namedval, constraint # Defined in WinNT.h from the Windows SDK IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE = 0x20000000 IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW = 3 IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64 = 10 # CodeSectionDigest ::= SEQUENCE { # offset INTEGER -- section's file offset in the signed binary # digestAlgorithm OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- algorithm identifier for the hash value below. For now only supports SHA256. # digestValue OCTET STRING -- hash value of the TEXT segment. # } class CodeSectionDigest(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('offset', univ.Integer()), namedtype.NamedType('digestAlgorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier()), namedtype.NamedType('digest', univ.OctetString())) # CodeSegmentDigest ::= SEQUENCE { # offset INTEGER -- TEXT segment's file offset in the signed binary # codeSectionDigests SET OF CodeSectionDigests # } class SetOfCodeSectionDigest(univ.SetOf): componentType = CodeSectionDigest() class CodeSegmentDigest(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('offset', univ.Integer()), namedtype.NamedType('codeSectionDigests', SetOfCodeSectionDigest())) # ArchitectureDigest ::= SEQUENCE { # cpuType ENUMERATED CpuType # cpuSubType ENUMERATED CpuSubType # CodeSegmentDigests SET OF CodeSegmentDigests # } class SetOfCodeSegmentDigest(univ.SetOf): componentType = CodeSegmentDigest() class CPUType(univ.Enumerated): namedValues = namedval.NamedValues( ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386', 0x14c), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64',0x8664 ), ('MACHO_CPU_TYPE_I386',0x7 ), ('MACHO_CPU_TYPE_X86_64',0x1000007 ), ) subtypeSpec = univ.Enumerated.subtypeSpec + \ constraint.SingleValueConstraint(0x14c, 0x8664, 0x7, 0x1000007) class CPUSubType(univ.Enumerated): namedValues = namedval.NamedValues( ('IMAGE_UNUSED', 0x0), ('CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL', 0x3), ('CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL', 0x80000003) ) subtypeSpec = univ.Enumerated.subtypeSpec + \ constraint.SingleValueConstraint(0, 0x3, 0x80000003) class ArchitectureDigest(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('cpuType', CPUType()), namedtype.NamedType('cpuSubType', CPUSubType()), namedtype.NamedType('CodeSegmentDigests', SetOfCodeSegmentDigest()) ) # ApplicationDigest ::= SEQUENCE { # version INTEGER # digests SET OF ArchitectureDigest # } class SetOfArchitectureDigest(univ.SetOf): componentType = ArchitectureDigest() class ApplicationDigest(univ.Sequence): componentType = namedtype.NamedTypes( namedtype.NamedType('version', univ.Integer()), namedtype.NamedType('digests', SetOfArchitectureDigest()) ) def meets_requirements(items, requirements): for r in requirements: for n, v in r.items(): if n not in items or items[n] != v: return False return True # return total number of bytes read from items_in excluding leaves # TODO: research replacing this with the python built-in struct module def parse_items(stream, items_in, items_out): bits_read = 0 total_bits_read = 0 for item in items_in: name = item[0] t = item[1] bits = 1 if ":" not in t else int(t[t.index(":") + 1:]) if ":" in t and t.find("bytes") >= 0: bits = bits * 8 if len(item) == 2: items_out[name] = stream.read(t) bits_read += bits total_bits_read += bits elif len(item) == 3 or len(item) == 4: requirements = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), item[2])) sub_items = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, tuple), item[2])) if not meets_requirements(items_out, requirements): continue # has sub-items based on length items_out[name] = stream.read(t) bits_read += bits total_bits_read += bits if len(item) == 4: bit_length = items_out[name] * 8 if bit_length > 0: sub_read, sub_total_read = parse_items(stream, sub_items, items_out) bit_length -= sub_read total_bits_read += sub_total_read if bit_length > 0: items_out[item[3]] = stream.read('bits:' + str(bit_length)) bits_read += bit_length total_bits_read += bit_length else: raise Exception("unrecognized item" + pprint.pformat(item)) return bits_read, total_bits_read # macho stuff # Constant for the magic field of the mach_header (32-bit architectures) MH_MAGIC =0xfeedface # the mach magic number MH_CIGAM =0xcefaedfe # NXSwapInt(MH_MAGIC) MH_MAGIC_64 =0xfeedfacf # the the 64-bit mach magic number MH_CIGAM_64 =0xcffaedfe # NXSwapInt(MH_MAGIC_64) FAT_CIGAM = 0xbebafeca FAT_MAGIC = 0xcafebabe LC_SEGMENT = 0x1 LC_SEGMENT_64 = 0x19 # 64-bit segment of this file to be # TODO: perhaps switch to pefile module when it officially supports python3 class SectionHeader: def __init__(self, stream): items = [ ('Name', 'bytes:8'), ('VirtualSize', 'uintle:32'), ('VirtualAddress', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfRawData', 'uintle:32'), ('PointerToRawData', 'uintle:32'), ('PointerToRelocations', 'uintle:32'), ('PointerToLineNumber', 'uintle:32'), ('NumberOfRelocations', 'uintle:16'), ('NumberOfLineNumbers', 'uintle:16'), ('Characteristics', 'uintle:32') ] self.items = dict() self.relocs = dict() _, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items) self.sectionName = self.items['Name'].decode('utf-8') self.offset = self.items['PointerToRawData'] COFF_DATA_DIRECTORY_TYPES = [ "Export Table", "Import Table", "Resource Table", "Exception Table", "Certificate Tble", "Base Relocation Table", "Debug", "Architecture", "Global Ptr", "TLS Table", "Load Config Table", "Bound Import", "IAT", "Delay Import Descriptor", "CLR Runtime Header", "Reserved", ] def chained_safe_get(obj, names, default=None): if obj is None: return default for n in names: if n in obj: obj = obj[n] else: return default return obj class OptionalHeader: def __init__(self, stream, size): self.items = {} items = [] if size: items += [ ('Magic', 'uintle:16'), ('MajorLinkerVersion', 'uintle:8'), ('MinorLinkerVersion', 'uintle:8'), ('SizeOfCode', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfInitializedData', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfUninitializedData', 'uintle:32'), ('AddressOfEntryPoint', 'uintle:32'), ('BaseOfCode', 'uintle:32'), ] _, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items) items = [] if self.items['Magic'] == 0x10b: # PE32 items += [('BaseOfData', 'uintle:32')] address_size = 'uintle:64' if self.items['Magic'] == 0x20b else 'uintle:32' items += [ ('ImageBase', address_size), ('SectionAlignment', 'uintle:32'), ('FileAlignment', 'uintle:32'), ('MajorOperatingSystemVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('MinorOperatingSystemVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('MajorImageVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('MinorImageVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('MajorSubsystemVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('MinorSubsystemVersion', 'uintle:16'), ('Win32VersionValue', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfImage', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfHeaders', 'uintle:32'), ('CheckSum', 'uintle:32'), ('Subsystem', 'uintle:16'), ('DllCharacteristics', 'uintle:16'), ('SizeOfStackReserve', address_size), ('SizeOfStackCommit', address_size), ('SizeOfHeapReserve', address_size), ('SizeOfHeapCommit', address_size), ('LoaderFlags', 'uintle:32'), ('NumberOfRvaAndSizes', 'uintle:32'), ] if size > 28: _, bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items) self.bits_read += bits_read if 'NumberOfRvaAndSizes' in self.items: index = 0 self.items['Data Directories'] = dict() while self.bits_read / 8 < size: d = self.items['Data Directories'][COFF_DATA_DIRECTORY_TYPES[index]] = dict() _, bits_read = parse_items(stream, [('VirtualAddress', 'uintle:32'), ('Size', 'uintle:32')], d) self.bits_read += bits_read index += 1 class COFFFileHeader: def __init__(self, stream): self.items = {} self.section_headers = [] items = [ ('Machine', 'uintle:16'), ('NumberOfSections', 'uintle:16'), ('TimeDateStamp', 'uintle:32'), ('PointerToSymbolTable', 'uintle:32'), ('NumberOfSymbols', 'uintle:32'), ('SizeOfOptionalHeader', 'uintle:16'), ('Characteristics', 'uintle:16') ] _, self.bits_read = parse_items(stream, items, self.items) self.OptionalHeader = OptionalHeader(stream, self.items['SizeOfOptionalHeader']) self.bits_read += self.OptionalHeader.bits_read # start reading section headers num_sections = self.items['NumberOfSections'] while num_sections > 0 : section_header = SectionHeader(stream) self.bits_read += section_header.bits_read self.section_headers.append(section_header) num_sections -= 1 self.section_headers.sort(key=lambda header: header.offset) # Read Relocations self.process_relocs(stream) def process_relocs(self, stream): reloc_table = chained_safe_get(self.OptionalHeader.items, ['Data Directories', 'Base Relocation Table']) if reloc_table is None: return orig_pos = stream.bitpos _, stream.bytepos = self.get_rva_section(reloc_table['VirtualAddress']) end_pos = stream.bitpos + reloc_table['Size'] * 8 while stream.bitpos < end_pos: page_rva = stream.read('uintle:32') block_size = stream.read('uintle:32') for i in range(0, int((block_size - 8) / 2)): data = stream.read('uintle:16') typ = data >> 12 offset = data & 0xFFF if offset == 0 and i > 0: continue assert(typ == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW or typ == IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64) cur_pos = stream.bitpos sh, value_bytepos = self.get_rva_section(page_rva + offset) stream.bytepos = value_bytepos value = stream.read('uintle:32' if typ == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW else 'uintle:64') # remove BaseAddress value -= self.OptionalHeader.items['ImageBase'] bit_size = (4 if typ == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW else 8) * 8 stream.overwrite(bitstring.BitArray(uint=value, length=bit_size), pos=value_bytepos * 8) stream.pos = cur_pos stream.bitpos = orig_pos def get_rva_section(self, rva): for sh in self.section_headers: if rva < sh.items['VirtualAddress'] or rva >= sh.items['VirtualAddress'] + sh.items['VirtualSize']: continue file_pointer = rva - sh.items['VirtualAddress'] + sh.items['PointerToRawData'] return sh, file_pointer raise Exception('Could not match RVA to section') def create_temp_file(suffix=""): fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix) os.close(fd) return path class ExpandPath(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(values))) # this does a naming trick since windows doesn't allow multiple usernames for the same server def get_password(service_name, user_name): try: import keyring # windows doesn't allow multiple usernames for the same server, argh if sys.platform == "win32": password = keyring.get_password(service_name + "-" + user_name, user_name) else: password = keyring.get_password(service_name, user_name) return password except: # This allows for manual testing where you do not wish to cache the password on the system print("Missing keyring module...getting password manually") return None def openssl_cmd(app_args, args, password_in, password_out): password = get_password(app_args.password_service, app_args.password_user) if (password_in or password_out) else None env = None args = [app_args.openssl_path] + args if password is not None: env = os.environ.copy() env["COFF_PW"] = password if password_in: args += ["-passin", "env:COFF_PW"] if password_out: args += ["-passout", "env:COFF_PW", "-password", "env:COFF_PW"] subprocess.check_call(args, env=env) def processMachoBinary(filename): outDict = dict() outDict['result'] = False setOfArchDigests = SetOfArchitectureDigest() archDigestIdx = 0 parsedMacho = macholib.MachO.MachO(filename) for header in parsedMacho.headers : arch_digest = ArchitectureDigest() lc_segment = LC_SEGMENT arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuType', CPUType(header.header.cputype)) arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuSubType', CPUSubType(header.header.cpusubtype)) if header.header.cputype == 0x1000007: lc_segment = LC_SEGMENT_64 segment_commands = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].cmd == lc_segment, header.commands)) text_segment_commands = list(filter(lambda x: x[1].segname.decode("utf-8").startswith("__TEXT"), segment_commands)) code_segment_digests = SetOfCodeSegmentDigest() code_segment_idx = 0 for text_command in text_segment_commands: codeSegmentDigest = CodeSegmentDigest() codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('offset', text_command[1].fileoff) sectionDigestIdx = 0 set_of_digest = SetOfCodeSectionDigest() for section in text_command[2]: digester = hashlib.sha256() digester.update(section.section_data) digest = digester.digest() code_section_digest = CodeSectionDigest() code_section_digest.setComponentByName('offset', section.offset) code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digestAlgorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier('2.16.840.')) code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digest', univ.OctetString(digest)) set_of_digest.setComponentByPosition(sectionDigestIdx, code_section_digest) sectionDigestIdx += 1 codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('codeSectionDigests', set_of_digest) code_segment_digests.setComponentByPosition(code_segment_idx, codeSegmentDigest) code_segment_idx += 1 arch_digest.setComponentByName('CodeSegmentDigests', code_segment_digests) setOfArchDigests.setComponentByPosition(archDigestIdx, arch_digest) archDigestIdx += 1 outDict['result'] = True if outDict['result']: appDigest = ApplicationDigest() appDigest.setComponentByName('version', 1) appDigest.setComponentByName('digests', setOfArchDigests) outDict['digest'] = appDigest return outDict def processCOFFBinary(stream): outDict = dict() outDict['result'] = False # find the COFF header. # skip forward past the MSDOS stub header to 0x3c. stream.bytepos = 0x3c # read 4 bytes, this is the file offset of the PE signature. pe_sig_offset = stream.read('uintle:32') stream.bytepos = pe_sig_offset # read 4 bytes, make sure it's a PE signature. signature = stream.read('uintle:32') if signature != 0x00004550: return outDict # after signature is the actual COFF file header. coff_header = COFFFileHeader(stream) arch_digest = ArchitectureDigest() if coff_header.items['Machine'] == 0x14c: arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuType', CPUType('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386')) elif coff_header.items['Machine'] == 0x8664: arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuType', CPUType('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64')) arch_digest.setComponentByName('cpuSubType', CPUSubType('IMAGE_UNUSED')) text_section_headers = list(filter(lambda x: (x.items['Characteristics'] & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) == IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, coff_header.section_headers)) code_segment_digests = SetOfCodeSegmentDigest() code_segment_idx = 0 for code_sect_header in text_section_headers: stream.bytepos = code_sect_header.offset code_sect_bytes = stream.read('bytes:' + str(code_sect_header.items['VirtualSize'])) digester = hashlib.sha256() digester.update(code_sect_bytes) digest = digester.digest() # with open('segment_' + str(code_sect_header.offset) + ".bin", 'wb') as f: # f.write(code_sect_bytes) code_section_digest = CodeSectionDigest() code_section_digest.setComponentByName('offset', code_sect_header.offset) code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digestAlgorithm', univ.ObjectIdentifier('2.16.840.')) code_section_digest.setComponentByName('digest', univ.OctetString(digest)) set_of_digest = SetOfCodeSectionDigest() set_of_digest.setComponentByPosition(0, code_section_digest) codeSegmentDigest = CodeSegmentDigest() codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('offset', code_sect_header.offset) codeSegmentDigest.setComponentByName('codeSectionDigests', set_of_digest) code_segment_digests.setComponentByPosition(code_segment_idx, codeSegmentDigest) code_segment_idx += 1 arch_digest.setComponentByName('CodeSegmentDigests', code_segment_digests) setOfArchDigests = SetOfArchitectureDigest() setOfArchDigests.setComponentByPosition(0, arch_digest) appDigest = ApplicationDigest() appDigest.setComponentByName('version', 1) appDigest.setComponentByName('digests', setOfArchDigests) outDict['result'] = True outDict['digest'] = appDigest return outDict def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='PE/COFF Signer') parser.add_argument('-input', action=ExpandPath, required=True, help="File to parse.") parser.add_argument('-output', action=ExpandPath, required=True, help="File to write to.") parser.add_argument('-openssl_path', action=ExpandPath, help="Path to OpenSSL to create signed voucher") parser.add_argument('-signer_pfx', action=ExpandPath, help="Path to certificate to use to sign voucher. Must contain full certificate chain.") parser.add_argument('-password_service', help="Name of Keyring/Wallet service/host") parser.add_argument('-password_user', help="Name of Keyring/Wallet user name") parser.add_argument('-verbose', action='store_true', help="Verbose output.") app_args = parser.parse_args() # to simplify relocation handling we use a mutable BitStream so we can remove # the BaseAddress from each relocation stream = bitstring.BitStream(filename=app_args.input) dict = processCOFFBinary(stream) if dict['result'] == False: dict = processMachoBinary(app_args.input) if dict['result'] == False: raise Exception("Invalid File") binaryDigest = der_encoder.encode(dict['digest']) with open(app_args.output, 'wb') as f: f.write(binaryDigest) # sign with openssl if specified if app_args.openssl_path is not None: assert app_args.signer_pfx is not None out_base, out_ext = os.path.splitext(app_args.output) signed_path = out_base + ".signed" + out_ext # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12507277/how-to-fix-unable-to-write-random-state-in-openssl temp_files = [] if sys.platform == "win32" and "RANDFILE" not in os.environ: temp_file = create_temp_file() temp_files += [temp_file] os.environ["RANDFILE"] = temp_file try: # create PEM from PFX pfx_pem_path = create_temp_file(".pem") temp_files += [pfx_pem_path] print("Extracting PEM from PFX to:" + pfx_pem_path) openssl_cmd(app_args, ["pkcs12", "-in", app_args.signer_pfx, "-out", pfx_pem_path], True, True) # extract CA certs pfx_cert_path = create_temp_file(".cert") temp_files += [pfx_cert_path] print("Extracting cert from PFX to:" + pfx_cert_path) openssl_cmd(app_args, ["pkcs12", "-in", app_args.signer_pfx, "-cacerts", "-nokeys", "-out", pfx_cert_path], True, False) # we embed the public keychain for client validation openssl_cmd(app_args, ["cms", "-sign", "-nodetach", "-md", "sha256", "-binary", "-in", app_args.output, "-outform", "der", "-out", signed_path, "-signer", pfx_pem_path, "-certfile", pfx_cert_path], True, False) finally: for t in temp_files: if "RANDFILE" in os.environ and t == os.environ["RANDFILE"]: del os.environ["RANDFILE"] os.unlink(t) if __name__ == '__main__': main()