// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import "chacha20.cry" as chacha20; print "Proving ChaCha20 spec..."; prove_print abc {{ chacha20::allTestsPass }}; print "Loading LLVM bitcode..."; m <- llvm_load_module "../../../dist/Debug/lib/libfreeblpriv3.so.bc"; let SpecChaCha20 n = do { llvm_ptr "output" (llvm_array n (llvm_int 8)); output <- llvm_var "*output" (llvm_array n (llvm_int 8)); llvm_ptr "plain" (llvm_array n (llvm_int 8)); plain <- llvm_var "*plain" (llvm_array n (llvm_int 8)); len <- llvm_var "len" (llvm_int 32); llvm_assert_eq "len" {{ `n : [32] }}; llvm_ptr "k" (llvm_array 32 (llvm_int 8)); k <- llvm_var "*k" (llvm_array 32 (llvm_int 8)); llvm_ptr "n1" (llvm_array 12 (llvm_int 8)); n1 <- llvm_var "*n1" (llvm_array 12 (llvm_int 8)); ctr <- llvm_var "ctr" (llvm_int 32); llvm_ensure_eq "*output" {{ chacha20::encrypt k ctr n1 plain }}; llvm_verify_tactic abc; }; print "Proving equality for a single block..."; time (llvm_verify m "Hacl_Chacha20_chacha20_encrypt" [] (SpecChaCha20 64)); print "Proving equality for multiple blocks..."; time (llvm_verify m "Hacl_Chacha20_chacha20_encrypt" [] (SpecChaCha20 256));