2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

874 lines
26 KiB

Makefile functions.
import parser, util
import subprocess, os, logging, sys
from globrelative import glob
from cStringIO import StringIO
log = logging.getLogger('')
def emit_expansions(descend, *expansions):
"""Helper function to emit all expansions within an input set."""
for expansion in expansions:
yield expansion
if not descend or not isinstance(expansion, list):
for e, is_func in expansion:
if is_func:
for exp in e.expansions(True):
yield exp
yield e
class Function(object):
An object that represents a function call. This class is always subclassed
with the following methods and attributes:
minargs = minimum # of arguments
maxargs = maximum # of arguments (0 means unlimited)
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting)
Calls the function
calls fd.write() with strings
__slots__ = ('_arguments', 'loc')
def __init__(self, loc):
self._arguments = []
self.loc = loc
assert self.minargs > 0
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._arguments[key]
def setup(self):
argc = len(self._arguments)
if argc < self.minargs:
raise data.DataError("Not enough arguments to function %s, requires %s" % (, self.minargs), self.loc)
assert self.maxargs == 0 or argc <= self.maxargs, "Parser screwed up, gave us too many args"
def append(self, arg):
assert isinstance(arg, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
def to_source(self):
"""Convert the function back to make file "source" code."""
if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
raise Exception("%s must implement to_source()." % self.__class__)
# The default implementation simply prints the function name and all
# the arguments joined by a comma.
# According to the GNU make manual Section 8.1, whitespace around
# arguments is *not* part of the argument's value. So, we trim excess
# white space so we have consistent behavior.
args = []
curly = False
for i, arg in enumerate(self._arguments):
arg = arg.to_source()
if i == 0:
arg = arg.lstrip()
# Are balanced parens even OK?
if arg.count('(') != arg.count(')'):
curly = True
if curly:
return '${%s %s}' % (, ','.join(args))
return '$(%s %s)' % (, ','.join(args))
def expansions(self, descend=False):
"""Obtain all expansions contained within this function.
By default, only expansions directly part of this function are
returned. If descend is True, we will descend into child expansions and
return all of the composite parts.
This is a generator for instances.
# Our default implementation simply returns arguments. More advanced
# functions like variable references may need their own implementation.
return emit_expansions(descend, *self._arguments)
def is_filesystem_dependent(self):
"""Exposes whether this function depends on the filesystem for results.
If True, the function touches the filesystem as part of evaluation.
This only tests whether the function itself uses the filesystem. If
this function has arguments that are functions that touch the
filesystem, this will return False.
return False
def __len__(self):
return len(self._arguments)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s<%s>(%r)" % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.loc,
','.join([repr(a) for a in self._arguments]),
def __eq__(self, other):
if not hasattr(self, 'name'):
raise Exception("%s must implement __eq__." % self.__class__)
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if !=
return False
if len(self._arguments) != len(other._arguments):
return False
for i in xrange(len(self._arguments)):
# According to the GNU make manual Section 8.1, whitespace around
# arguments is *not* part of the argument's value. So, we do a
# whitespace-agnostic comparison.
if i == 0:
a = self._arguments[i]
b = other._arguments[i]
if a != b:
return False
if self._arguments[i] != other._arguments[i]:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class VariableRef(Function):
AUTOMATIC_VARIABLES = set(['@', '%', '<', '?', '^', '+', '|', '*'])
__slots__ = ('vname', 'loc')
def __init__(self, loc, vname):
self.loc = loc
assert isinstance(vname, (data.Expansion, data.StringExpansion))
self.vname = vname
def setup(self):
assert False, "Shouldn't get here"
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
vname = self.vname.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if vname in setting:
raise data.DataError("Setting variable '%s' recursively references itself." % (vname,), self.loc)
flavor, source, value = variables.get(vname)
if value is None:
log.debug("%s: variable '%s' was not set" % (self.loc, vname))
value.resolve(makefile, variables, fd, setting + [vname])
def to_source(self):
if isinstance(self.vname, data.StringExpansion):
if self.vname.s in self.AUTOMATIC_VARIABLES:
return '$%s' % self.vname.s
return '$(%s)' % self.vname.s
return '$(%s)' % self.vname.to_source()
def expansions(self, descend=False):
return emit_expansions(descend, self.vname)
def __repr__(self):
return "VariableRef<%s>(%r)" % (self.loc, self.vname)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, VariableRef):
return False
return self.vname == other.vname
class SubstitutionRef(Function):
"""$(VARNAME:.c=.o) and $(VARNAME:%.c=%.o)"""
__slots__ = ('loc', 'vname', 'substfrom', 'substto')
def __init__(self, loc, varname, substfrom, substto):
self.loc = loc
self.vname = varname
self.substfrom = substfrom
self.substto = substto
def setup(self):
assert False, "Shouldn't get here"
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
vname = self.vname.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if vname in setting:
raise data.DataError("Setting variable '%s' recursively references itself." % (vname,), self.loc)
substfrom = self.substfrom.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
substto = self.substto.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
flavor, source, value = variables.get(vname)
if value is None:
log.debug("%s: variable '%s' was not set" % (self.loc, vname))
f = data.Pattern(substfrom)
if not f.ispattern():
f = data.Pattern('%' + substfrom)
substto = '%' + substto
fd.write(' '.join([f.subst(substto, word, False)
for word in value.resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting + [vname])]))
def to_source(self):
return '$(%s:%s=%s)' % (
def expansions(self, descend=False):
return emit_expansions(descend, self.vname, self.substfrom,
def __repr__(self):
return "SubstitutionRef<%s>(%r:%r=%r)" % (
self.loc, self.vname, self.substfrom, self.substto,)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SubstitutionRef):
return False
return self.vname == other.vname and self.substfrom == other.substfrom \
and self.substto == other.substto
class SubstFunction(Function):
name = 'subst'
minargs = 3
maxargs = 3
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
s = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
r = self._arguments[1].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
d = self._arguments[2].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
fd.write(d.replace(s, r))
class PatSubstFunction(Function):
name = 'patsubst'
minargs = 3
maxargs = 3
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
s = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
r = self._arguments[1].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
p = data.Pattern(s)
fd.write(' '.join([p.subst(r, word, False)
for word in self._arguments[2].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class StripFunction(Function):
name = 'strip'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
util.joiniter(fd, self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
class FindstringFunction(Function):
name = 'findstring'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
s = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
r = self._arguments[1].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if r.find(s) == -1:
class FilterFunction(Function):
name = 'filter'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
plist = [data.Pattern(p)
for p in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]
fd.write(' '.join([w for w in self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)
if util.any((p.match(w) for p in plist))]))
class FilteroutFunction(Function):
name = 'filter-out'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
plist = [data.Pattern(p)
for p in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]
fd.write(' '.join([w for w in self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)
if not util.any((p.match(w) for p in plist))]))
class SortFunction(Function):
name = 'sort'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
d = set(self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
util.joiniter(fd, sorted(d))
class WordFunction(Function):
name = 'word'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
n = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
# TODO: provide better error if this doesn't convert
n = int(n)
words = list(self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
if n < 1 or n > len(words):
fd.write(words[n - 1])
class WordlistFunction(Function):
name = 'wordlist'
minargs = 3
maxargs = 3
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
nfrom = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
nto = self._arguments[1].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
# TODO: provide better errors if this doesn't convert
nfrom = int(nfrom)
nto = int(nto)
words = list(self._arguments[2].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
if nfrom < 1:
nfrom = 1
if nto < 1:
nto = 1
util.joiniter(fd, words[nfrom - 1:nto])
class WordsFunction(Function):
name = 'words'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
fd.write(str(len(self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))))
class FirstWordFunction(Function):
name = 'firstword'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
l = self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)
if len(l):
class LastWordFunction(Function):
name = 'lastword'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
l = self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)
if len(l):
def pathsplit(path, default='./'):
Splits a path into dirpart, filepart on the last slash. If there is no slash, dirpart
is ./
dir, slash, file = util.strrpartition(path, '/')
if dir == '':
return default, file
return dir + slash, file
class DirFunction(Function):
name = 'dir'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
fd.write(' '.join([pathsplit(path)[0]
for path in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class NotDirFunction(Function):
name = 'notdir'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
fd.write(' '.join([pathsplit(path)[1]
for path in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class SuffixFunction(Function):
name = 'suffix'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def suffixes(words):
for w in words:
dir, file = pathsplit(w)
base, dot, suffix = util.strrpartition(file, '.')
if base != '':
yield dot + suffix
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
util.joiniter(fd, self.suffixes(self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)))
class BasenameFunction(Function):
name = 'basename'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def basenames(words):
for w in words:
dir, file = pathsplit(w, '')
base, dot, suffix = util.strrpartition(file, '.')
if dot == '':
base = suffix
yield dir + base
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
util.joiniter(fd, self.basenames(self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)))
class AddSuffixFunction(Function):
name = 'addsuffix'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
suffix = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
fd.write(' '.join([w + suffix for w in self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class AddPrefixFunction(Function):
name = 'addprefix'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
prefix = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
fd.write(' '.join([prefix + w for w in self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class JoinFunction(Function):
name = 'join'
minargs = 2
maxargs = 2
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def iterjoin(l1, l2):
for i in xrange(0, max(len(l1), len(l2))):
i1 = i < len(l1) and l1[i] or ''
i2 = i < len(l2) and l2[i] or ''
yield i1 + i2
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
list1 = list(self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
list2 = list(self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting))
util.joiniter(fd, self.iterjoin(list1, list2))
class WildcardFunction(Function):
name = 'wildcard'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
patterns = self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)
fd.write(' '.join([x.replace('\\','/')
for p in patterns
for x in glob(makefile.workdir, p)]))
def is_filesystem_dependent(self):
return True
class RealpathFunction(Function):
name = 'realpath'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
fd.write(' '.join([os.path.realpath(os.path.join(makefile.workdir, path)).replace('\\', '/')
for path in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
def is_filesystem_dependent(self):
return True
class AbspathFunction(Function):
name = 'abspath'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
assert os.path.isabs(makefile.workdir)
fd.write(' '.join([util.normaljoin(makefile.workdir, path).replace('\\', '/')
for path in self._arguments[0].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting)]))
class IfFunction(Function):
name = 'if'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 3
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def setup(self):
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
condition = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if len(condition):
self._arguments[1].resolve(makefile, variables, fd, setting)
elif len(self._arguments) > 2:
return self._arguments[2].resolve(makefile, variables, fd, setting)
class OrFunction(Function):
name = 'or'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 0
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
for arg in self._arguments:
r = arg.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if r != '':
class AndFunction(Function):
name = 'and'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 0
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
r = ''
for arg in self._arguments:
r = arg.resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if r == '':
class ForEachFunction(Function):
name = 'foreach'
minargs = 3
maxargs = 3
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
vname = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
e = self._arguments[2]
v = data.Variables(parent=variables)
firstword = True
for w in self._arguments[1].resolvesplit(makefile, variables, setting):
if firstword:
firstword = False
fd.write(' ')
# The $(origin) of the local variable must be "automatic" to
# conform with GNU make. However, automatic variables have low
# priority. So, we must force its assignment to occur.
v.set(vname, data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE,
data.Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, w, force=True)
e.resolve(makefile, v, fd, setting)
class CallFunction(Function):
name = 'call'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 0
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
vname = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
if vname in setting:
raise data.DataError("Recursively setting variable '%s'" % (vname,))
v = data.Variables(parent=variables)
v.set('0', data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, data.Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, vname)
for i in xrange(1, len(self._arguments)):
param = self._arguments[i].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
v.set(str(i), data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE, data.Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC, param)
flavor, source, e = variables.get(vname)
if e is None:
if flavor == data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE:
log.warning("%s: calling variable '%s' which is simply-expanded" % (self.loc, vname))
# but we'll do it anyway
e.resolve(makefile, v, fd, setting + [vname])
class ValueFunction(Function):
name = 'value'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
varname = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
flavor, source, value = variables.get(varname, expand=False)
if value is not None:
class EvalFunction(Function):
name = 'eval'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
if makefile.parsingfinished:
# GNU make allows variables to be set by recursive expansion during
# command execution. This seems really dumb to me, so I don't!
raise data.DataError("$(eval) not allowed via recursive expansion after parsing is finished", self.loc)
stmts = parser.parsestring(self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting),
'evaluation from %s' % self.loc)
class OriginFunction(Function):
name = 'origin'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
vname = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
flavor, source, value = variables.get(vname)
if source is None:
r = 'undefined'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_OVERRIDE:
r = 'override'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_MAKEFILE:
r = 'file'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_ENVIRONMENT:
r = 'environment'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_COMMANDLINE:
r = 'command line'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_AUTOMATIC:
r = 'automatic'
elif source == data.Variables.SOURCE_IMPLICIT:
r = 'default'
class FlavorFunction(Function):
name = 'flavor'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
varname = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
flavor, source, value = variables.get(varname)
if flavor is None:
r = 'undefined'
elif flavor == data.Variables.FLAVOR_RECURSIVE:
r = 'recursive'
elif flavor == data.Variables.FLAVOR_SIMPLE:
r = 'simple'
class ShellFunction(Function):
name = 'shell'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
from process import prepare_command
cline = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
executable, cline = prepare_command(cline, makefile.workdir, self.loc)
# subprocess.Popen doesn't use the PATH set in the env argument for
# finding the executable on some platforms (but strangely it does on
# others!), so set os.environ['PATH'] explicitly.
oldpath = os.environ['PATH']
if makefile.env is not None and 'PATH' in makefile.env:
os.environ['PATH'] = makefile.env['PATH']
log.debug("%s: running command '%s'" % (self.loc, ' '.join(cline)))
p = subprocess.Popen(cline, executable=executable, env=makefile.env, shell=False,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=makefile.workdir)
except OSError, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "Error executing command %s" % cline[0], e
os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
stdout = stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n')
if stdout.endswith('\n'):
stdout = stdout[:-1]
stdout = stdout.replace('\n', ' ')
class ErrorFunction(Function):
name = 'error'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
v = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
raise data.DataError(v, self.loc)
class WarningFunction(Function):
name = 'warning'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
v = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
class InfoFunction(Function):
name = 'info'
minargs = 1
maxargs = 1
__slots__ = Function.__slots__
def resolve(self, makefile, variables, fd, setting):
v = self._arguments[0].resolvestr(makefile, variables, setting)
print v
functionmap = {
'subst': SubstFunction,
'patsubst': PatSubstFunction,
'strip': StripFunction,
'findstring': FindstringFunction,
'filter': FilterFunction,
'filter-out': FilteroutFunction,
'sort': SortFunction,
'word': WordFunction,
'wordlist': WordlistFunction,
'words': WordsFunction,
'firstword': FirstWordFunction,
'lastword': LastWordFunction,
'dir': DirFunction,
'notdir': NotDirFunction,
'suffix': SuffixFunction,
'basename': BasenameFunction,
'addsuffix': AddSuffixFunction,
'addprefix': AddPrefixFunction,
'join': JoinFunction,
'wildcard': WildcardFunction,
'realpath': RealpathFunction,
'abspath': AbspathFunction,
'if': IfFunction,
'or': OrFunction,
'and': AndFunction,
'foreach': ForEachFunction,
'call': CallFunction,
'value': ValueFunction,
'eval': EvalFunction,
'origin': OriginFunction,
'flavor': FlavorFunction,
'shell': ShellFunction,
'error': ErrorFunction,
'warning': WarningFunction,
'info': InfoFunction,
import data