2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

60 lines
2.0 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
const TAB_URL = "data:text/html,<title>foo</title>";
add_task(function* setup() {
yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["dom.ipc.processCount", 1]]
add_task(function* () {
let { tab, document } = yield openAboutDebugging("tabs");
// Wait for initial tabs list which may be empty
let tabsElement = getTabList(document);
if (tabsElement.querySelectorAll(".target-name").length == 0) {
yield waitForMutation(tabsElement, { childList: true });
// Refresh tabsElement to get the .target-list element
tabsElement = getTabList(document);
let names = [...tabsElement.querySelectorAll(".target-name")];
let initialTabCount = names.length;
// Open a new tab in background and wait for its addition in the UI
let onNewTab = waitForMutation(tabsElement, { childList: true });
let newTab = yield addTab(TAB_URL, { background: true });
yield onNewTab;
// Check that the new tab appears in the UI, but with an empty name
let newNames = [...tabsElement.querySelectorAll(".target-name")];
newNames = newNames.filter(node => !names.includes(node));
is(newNames.length, 1, "A new tab appeared in the list");
let newTabTarget = newNames[0];
// Then wait for title update, but on slow test runner, the title may already
// be set to the expected value
if (newTabTarget.textContent != "foo") {
yield waitForContentMutation(newTabTarget);
// Check that the new tab appears in the UI
is(newTabTarget.textContent, "foo", "The tab title got updated");
is(newTabTarget.title, TAB_URL, "The tab tooltip is the url");
// Finally, close the tab
let onTabsUpdate = waitForMutation(tabsElement, { childList: true });
yield removeTab(newTab);
yield onTabsUpdate;
// Check that the tab disappeared from the UI
names = [...tabsElement.querySelectorAll("#tabs .target-name")];
is(names.length, initialTabCount, "The tab disappeared from the UI");
yield closeAboutDebugging(tab);