2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

47 lines
1.3 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that the panel content refreshes when new animations are added.
add_task(function* () {
yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html");
let {inspector, panel} = yield openAnimationInspector();
info("Select a non animated node");
yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations(".still", inspector);
assertAnimationsDisplayed(panel, 0);
info("Start an animation on the node");
yield changeElementAndWait({
selector: ".still",
attributeName: "class",
attributeValue: "ball animated"
}, panel, inspector);
assertAnimationsDisplayed(panel, 1);
info("Remove the animation class on the node");
yield changeElementAndWait({
selector: ".ball.animated",
attributeName: "class",
attributeValue: "ball still"
}, panel, inspector);
assertAnimationsDisplayed(panel, 0);
function* changeElementAndWait(options, panel, inspector) {
let onPanelUpdated = panel.once(panel.UI_UPDATED_EVENT);
let onInspectorUpdated = inspector.once("inspector-updated");
yield executeInContent("devtools:test:setAttribute", options);
yield promise.all([
onInspectorUpdated, onPanelUpdated, waitForAllAnimationTargets(panel)]);