2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

88 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Animation.currentTime ignores neagtive delay and positive/negative endDelay
// during fill-mode, even if they are set.
// For example, when the animation timing is
// { duration: 1000, iterations: 1, endDelay: -500, easing: linear },
// the animation progress is 0.5 at 700ms because the progress stops as 0.5 at
// 500ms in original animation. However, if you set as
// animation.currentTime = 700 manually, the progress will be 0.7.
// So we modify setCurrentTime method since
// AnimationInspector should re-produce same as original animation.
// In these tests,
// we confirm the behavior of setCurrentTime by delay and endDelay.
add_task(function* () {
yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_timing_combination_animation.html");
const { panel, controller } = yield openAnimationInspector();
yield clickTimelinePlayPauseButton(panel);
const timelineComponent = panel.animationsTimelineComponent;
const timeBlockComponents = timelineComponent.timeBlocks;
// Test -5000ms.
let time = -5000;
yield controller.setCurrentTimeAll(time, true);
for (let i = 0; i < timeBlockComponents.length; i++) {
yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.refreshState();
const state = yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.state;
info(`Check the state at ${ time }ms with `
+ `delay:${ state.delay } and endDelay:${ state.endDelay }`);
is(state.currentTime, 0,
`The currentTime should be 0 at setCurrentTime(${ time })`);
// Test 10000ms.
time = 10000;
yield controller.setCurrentTimeAll(time, true);
for (let i = 0; i < timeBlockComponents.length; i++) {
yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.refreshState();
const state = yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.state;
info(`Check the state at ${ time }ms with `
+ `delay:${ state.delay } and endDelay:${ state.endDelay }`);
const expected = state.delay < 0 ? 0 : time;
is(state.currentTime, expected,
`The currentTime should be ${ expected } at setCurrentTime(${ time }).`
+ ` delay: ${ state.delay } and endDelay: ${ state.endDelay }`);
// Test 60000ms.
time = 60000;
yield controller.setCurrentTimeAll(time, true);
for (let i = 0; i < timeBlockComponents.length; i++) {
yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.refreshState();
const state = yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.state;
info(`Check the state at ${ time }ms with `
+ `delay:${ state.delay } and endDelay:${ state.endDelay }`);
const expected = state.delay < 0 ? time + state.delay : time;
is(state.currentTime, expected,
`The currentTime should be ${ expected } at setCurrentTime(${ time }).`
+ ` delay: ${ state.delay } and endDelay: ${ state.endDelay }`);
// Test 150000ms.
time = 150000;
yield controller.setCurrentTimeAll(time, true);
for (let i = 0; i < timeBlockComponents.length; i++) {
yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.refreshState();
const state = yield timeBlockComponents[i].animation.state;
info(`Check the state at ${ time }ms with `
+ `delay:${ state.delay } and endDelay:${ state.endDelay }`);
const currentTime = state.delay < 0 ? time + state.delay : time;
const endTime =
state.delay + state.iterationCount * state.duration + state.endDelay;
const expected =
state.endDelay < 0 && state.fill === "both" && currentTime > endTime
? endTime : currentTime;
is(state.currentTime, expected,
`The currentTime should be ${ expected } at setCurrentTime(${ time }).`
+ ` delay: ${ state.delay } and endDelay: ${ state.endDelay }`);