2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

53 lines
1.9 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Verify that if the animation's duration, iterations or delay change in
// content, then the widget reflects the changes.
add_task(function* () {
yield addTab(URL_ROOT + "doc_simple_animation.html");
let {panel, controller, inspector} = yield openAnimationInspector();
info("Select the test node");
yield selectNodeAndWaitForAnimations(".animated", inspector);
let animation = controller.animationPlayers[0];
yield setStyle(animation, panel, "animationDuration", "5.5s");
yield setStyle(animation, panel, "animationIterationCount", "300");
yield setStyle(animation, panel, "animationDelay", "45s");
let animationsEl = panel.animationsTimelineComponent.animationsEl;
let timeBlockEl = animationsEl.querySelector(".time-block");
// 45s delay + (300 * 5.5)s duration
let expectedTotalDuration = 1695 * 1000;
// XXX: the nb and size of each iteration cannot be tested easily (displayed
// using a linear-gradient background and capped at 2px wide). They should
// be tested in bug 1173761.
let delayWidth = parseFloat(timeBlockEl.querySelector(".delay").style.width);
is(Math.round(delayWidth * expectedTotalDuration / 100), 45 * 1000,
"The timeline has the right delay");
function* setStyle(animation, panel, name, value) {
info("Change the animation style via the content DOM. Setting " +
name + " to " + value);
let onAnimationChanged = once(animation, "changed");
yield executeInContent("devtools:test:setStyle", {
selector: ".animated",
propertyName: name,
propertyValue: value
yield onAnimationChanged;
// Also wait for the target node previews to be loaded if the panel got
// refreshed as a result of this animation mutation.
yield waitForAllAnimationTargets(panel);