2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

96 lines
3.4 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
/* eslint no-inline-comments: 0 */
"use strict";
// Test that searching for nodes in the search field actually selects those
// nodes.
const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_search.html";
// The various states of the inspector: [key, id, isValid]
// [
// what key to press,
// what id should be selected after the keypress,
// is the searched text valid selector
// ]
const KEY_STATES = [
["#", "b1", true], // #
["d", "b1", true], // #d
["1", "b1", true], // #d1
["VK_RETURN", "d1", true], // #d1
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d1", true], // #d
["2", "d1", true], // #d2
["VK_RETURN", "d2", true], // #d2
["2", "d2", true], // #d22
["VK_RETURN", "d2", false], // #d22
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", false], // #d2
["VK_RETURN", "d2", true], // #d2
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // #d
["1", "d2", true], // #d1
["VK_RETURN", "d1", true], // #d1
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d1", true], // #d
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d1", true], // #
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d1", true], //
["d", "d1", true], // d
["i", "d1", true], // di
["v", "d1", true], // div
[".", "d1", true], // div.
["c", "d1", true], // div.c
["VK_UP", "d1", true], // div.c1
["VK_TAB", "d1", true], // div.c1
["VK_RETURN", "d2", true], // div.c1
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // div.c
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // div.
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // div
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // di
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], // d
["VK_BACK_SPACE", "d2", true], //
[".", "d2", true], // .
["c", "d2", true], // .c
["1", "d2", true], // .c1
["VK_RETURN", "d2", true], // .c1
["VK_RETURN", "s2", true], // .c1
["VK_RETURN", "p1", true], // .c1
["P", "p1", true], // .c1P
["VK_RETURN", "p1", false], // .c1P
add_task(function* () {
let { inspector } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL);
let { searchBox } = inspector;
yield selectNode("#b1", inspector);
yield focusSearchBoxUsingShortcut(inspector.panelWin);
let index = 0;
for (let [ key, id, isValid ] of KEY_STATES) {
info(index + ": Pressing key " + key + " to get id " + id + ".");
let done = inspector.searchSuggestions.once("processing-done");
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}, inspector.panelWin);
yield done;
info("Got processing-done event");
if (key === "VK_RETURN") {
info("Waiting for " + (isValid ? "NO " : "") + "results");
info("Waiting for search query to complete");
yield inspector.searchSuggestions._lastQuery;
info( + " is selected with text " +
let nodeFront = yield getNodeFront("#" + id, inspector);
is(inspector.selection.nodeFront, nodeFront,
"Correct node is selected for state " + index);
is(!searchBox.classList.contains("devtools-style-searchbox-no-match"), isValid,
"Correct searchbox result state for state " + index);