2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

148 lines
4.8 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
* Tests if request cause is reported correctly.
const CAUSE_FILE_NAME = "html_cause-test-page.html";
method: "GET",
causeType: "document",
causeUri: "",
// The document load has internal privileged JS code on the stack
stack: true
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "stylesheet_request",
causeType: "stylesheet",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: false
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "img_request",
causeType: "img",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: false
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "xhr_request",
causeType: "xhr",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: [{ fn: "performXhrRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 22 }]
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "fetch_request",
causeType: "fetch",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: [{ fn: "performFetchRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 26 }]
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "promise_fetch_request",
causeType: "fetch",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: [
{ fn: "performPromiseFetchRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 38 },
{ fn: null, file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 37, asyncCause: "promise callback" },
method: "GET",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "timeout_fetch_request",
causeType: "fetch",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: [
{ fn: "performTimeoutFetchRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 40 },
{ fn: "performPromiseFetchRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 39,
asyncCause: "setTimeout handler" },
method: "POST",
url: EXAMPLE_URL + "beacon_request",
causeType: "beacon",
causeUri: CAUSE_URL,
stack: [{ fn: "performBeaconRequest", file: CAUSE_FILE_NAME, line: 30 }]
add_task(function* () {
// Async stacks aren't on by default in all builds
yield SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["javascript.options.asyncstack", true]] });
// the initNetMonitor function clears the network request list after the
// page is loaded. That's why we first load a bogus page from SIMPLE_URL,
// and only then load the real thing from CAUSE_URL - we want to catch
// all the requests the page is making, not only the XHRs.
// We can't use about:blank here, because initNetMonitor checks that the
// page has actually made at least one request.
let { tab, monitor } = yield initNetMonitor(SIMPLE_URL);
let { $, NetMonitorView } = monitor.panelWin;
let { RequestsMenu } = NetMonitorView;
RequestsMenu.lazyUpdate = false;
let wait = waitForNetworkEvents(monitor, EXPECTED_REQUESTS.length);
yield wait;
is(RequestsMenu.itemCount, EXPECTED_REQUESTS.length,
"All the page events should be recorded.");
EXPECTED_REQUESTS.forEach((spec, i) => {
let { method, url, causeType, causeUri, stack } = spec;
let requestItem = RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(i);
method, url, { cause: { type: causeType, loadingDocumentUri: causeUri } }
let { stacktrace } = requestItem.attachment.cause;
let stackLen = stacktrace ? stacktrace.length : 0;
if (stack) {
ok(stacktrace, `Request #${i} has a stacktrace`);
ok(stackLen > 0,
`Request #${i} (${causeType}) has a stacktrace with ${stackLen} items`);
// if "stack" is array, check the details about the top stack frames
if (Array.isArray(stack)) {
stack.forEach((frame, j) => {
is(stacktrace[j].functionName, frame.fn,
`Request #${i} has the correct function on JS stack frame #${j}`);
is(stacktrace[j].filename.split("/").pop(), frame.file,
`Request #${i} has the correct file on JS stack frame #${j}`);
is(stacktrace[j].lineNumber, frame.line,
`Request #${i} has the correct line number on JS stack frame #${j}`);
is(stacktrace[j].asyncCause, frame.asyncCause,
`Request #${i} has the correct async cause on JS stack frame #${j}`);
} else {
is(stackLen, 0, `Request #${i} (${causeType}) has an empty stacktrace`);
// Sort the requests by cause and check the order
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click" }, $("#requests-menu-cause-button"));
let expectedOrder = => r.causeType).sort();
expectedOrder.forEach((expectedCause, i) => {
let { target } = RequestsMenu.getItemAtIndex(i);
let causeLabel = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-cause-label");
let cause = causeLabel.getAttribute("value");
is(cause, expectedCause, `The request #${i} has the expected cause after sorting`);
yield teardown(monitor);