2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

75 lines
2.8 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Tests if compile or linkage errors are emitted when a shader source
* gets malformed after being edited.
function* ifWebGLSupported() {
let { target, panel } = yield initShaderEditor(SIMPLE_CANVAS_URL);
let { gFront, EVENTS, ShadersEditorsView } = panel.panelWin;
yield promise.all([
once(gFront, "program-linked"),
once(panel.panelWin, EVENTS.SOURCES_SHOWN)
let vsEditor = yield ShadersEditorsView._getEditor("vs");
let fsEditor = yield ShadersEditorsView._getEditor("fs");
vsEditor.replaceText("vec3", { line: 7, ch: 22 }, { line: 7, ch: 26 });
let [, error] = yield onceSpread(panel.panelWin, EVENTS.SHADER_COMPILED);
"The new vertex shader source was compiled with errors.");
// The implementation has the choice to defer all compile-time errors to link time.
let infoLog = (error.compile != "") ? error.compile :;
isnot(infoLog, "",
"The one of the compile or link info logs should not be empty.");
is(infoLog.split("ERROR").length - 1, 2,
"The info log status contains two errors.");
ok(infoLog.includes("ERROR: 0:8: 'constructor'"),
"A constructor error is contained in the info log.");
ok(infoLog.includes("ERROR: 0:8: 'assign'"),
"An assignment error is contained in the info log.");
fsEditor.replaceText("vec4", { line: 2, ch: 14 }, { line: 2, ch: 18 });
[, error] = yield onceSpread(panel.panelWin, EVENTS.SHADER_COMPILED);
"The new fragment shader source was compiled with errors.");
infoLog = (error.compile != "") ? error.compile :;
isnot(infoLog, "",
"The one of the compile or link info logs should not be empty.");
is(infoLog.split("ERROR").length - 1, 1,
"The info log contains one error.");
ok(infoLog.includes("ERROR: 0:6: 'constructor'"),
"A constructor error is contained in the info log.");
yield ensurePixelIs(gFront, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }, true);
yield ensurePixelIs(gFront, { x: 511, y: 511 }, { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255 }, true);
vsEditor.replaceText("vec4", { line: 7, ch: 22 }, { line: 7, ch: 26 });
[, error] = yield onceSpread(panel.panelWin, EVENTS.SHADER_COMPILED);
ok(!error, "The new vertex shader source was compiled successfully.");
fsEditor.replaceText("vec3", { line: 2, ch: 14 }, { line: 2, ch: 18 });
[, error] = yield onceSpread(panel.panelWin, EVENTS.SHADER_COMPILED);
ok(!error, "The new fragment shader source was compiled successfully.");
yield ensurePixelIs(gFront, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }, true);
yield ensurePixelIs(gFront, { x: 511, y: 511 }, { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255 }, true);
yield teardown(panel);