2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

189 lines
5.3 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
// Test dynamic updates in the storage inspector for cookies.
add_task(function* () {
yield openTabAndSetupStorage(MAIN_DOMAIN + "storage-updates.html");
ok(gUI.sidebar.hidden, "Sidebar is initially hidden");
let c1id = getCookieId("c1", "", "/browser");
yield selectTableItem(c1id);
// test that value is something initially
let initialValue = [[
{name: "c1", value: ""},
{name: "c1.Path", value: "/browser"}
], [
{name: "c1", value: "Array"},
{name: "c1.0", value: "1"},
{name: "c1.6", value: "7"}
// test that value is something initially
let finalValue = [[
{name: "c1", value: '{"foo": 4,"bar":6}'},
{name: "c1.Path", value: "/browser"}
], [
{name: "c1", value: "Object"},
{name: "", value: "4"},
{name: "", value: "6"}
// Check that sidebar shows correct initial value
yield findVariableViewProperties(initialValue[0], false);
yield findVariableViewProperties(initialValue[1], true);
// Check if table shows correct initial value
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c1", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser")
checkCell(c1id, "value", "");
gWindow.addCookie("c1", '{"foo": 4,"bar":6}', "/browser");
yield gUI.once("sidebar-updated");
yield findVariableViewProperties(finalValue[0], false);
yield findVariableViewProperties(finalValue[1], true);
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c1", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser")
checkCell(c1id, "value", '{"foo": 4,"bar":6}');
// Add a new entry
gWindow.addCookie("c3", "booyeah");
// Wait once for update and another time for value fetching
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c1", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c3", "",
let c3id = getCookieId("c3", "",
checkCell(c3id, "value", "booyeah");
// Add another
gWindow.addCookie("c4", "booyeah");
// Wait once for update and another time for value fetching
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c1", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c3", "",
getCookieId("c4", "",
let c4id = getCookieId("c4", "",
checkCell(c4id, "value", "booyeah");
// Removing cookies
gWindow.removeCookie("c1", "/browser");
yield gUI.once("sidebar-updated");
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c3", "",
getCookieId("c4", "",
ok(!gUI.sidebar.hidden, "Sidebar still visible for next row");
// Check if next element's value is visible in sidebar
yield findVariableViewProperties([{name: "c2", value: "foobar"}]);
// Keep deleting till no rows
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c2", "", "/browser"),
getCookieId("c4", "",
// Check if next element's value is visible in sidebar
yield findVariableViewProperties([{name: "c2", value: "foobar"}]);
gWindow.removeCookie("c2", "/browser");
yield gUI.once("sidebar-updated");
yield checkState([
["cookies", ""],
getCookieId("c4", "",
// Check if next element's value is visible in sidebar
yield findVariableViewProperties([{name: "c4", value: "booyeah"}]);
yield gUI.once("store-objects-updated");
yield checkState([
[["cookies", ""], [ ]],
ok(gUI.sidebar.hidden, "Sidebar is hidden when no rows");
yield finishTests();