2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

231 lines
7.2 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that autocompletion works as expected.
const TESTCASE_URI = TEST_BASE_HTTP + "autocomplete.html";
const {initCssProperties} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/css-properties");
// Test cases to test that autocompletion works correctly when enabled.
// Format:
// [
// key,
// {
// total: Number of suggestions in the popup (-1 if popup is closed),
// current: Index of selected suggestion,
// inserted: 1 to check whether the selected suggestion is inserted into the
// editor or not,
// entered: 1 if the suggestion is inserted and finalized
// }
// ]
function getTestCases(cssProperties) {
let keywords = getCSSKeywords(cssProperties);
let getSuggestionNumberFor = suggestionNumberGetter(keywords);
return [
["Ctrl+Space", {total: 1, current: 0}],
["Ctrl+Space", { total: getSuggestionNumberFor("font"), current: 0}],
["b", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("b"), current: 0}],
["a", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("ba"), current: 0}],
["VK_DOWN", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("ba"), current: 0, inserted: 1}],
["VK_TAB", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("ba"), current: 1, inserted: 1}],
["VK_RETURN", {current: 1, inserted: 1, entered: 1}],
["b", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "b"), current: 0}],
["l", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"), current: 0}],
["VK_TAB", {
total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"),
current: 0, inserted: 1
["VK_DOWN", {
total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"),
current: 1, inserted: 1
["VK_UP", {
total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"),
current: 0,
inserted: 1
["VK_TAB", {
total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"),
current: 1,
inserted: 1
["VK_TAB", {
total: getSuggestionNumberFor("background", "bl"),
current: 2,
inserted: 1
["c", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("c"), current: 0}],
["o", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("co"), current: 0}],
["VK_RETURN", {current: 0, inserted: 1}],
["r", {total: getSuggestionNumberFor("color", "r"), current: 0}],
["VK_RETURN", {current: 0, inserted: 1}],
["b", {total: 2, current: 0}],
["u", {total: 1, current: 0}],
["VK_RETURN", {current: 0, inserted: 1}],
["Ctrl+Space", {total: 1, current: 0}],
add_task(function* () {
let { panel, ui } = yield openStyleEditorForURL(TESTCASE_URI);
let { cssProperties } = yield initCssProperties(panel._toolbox);
let testCases = getTestCases(cssProperties);
yield ui.selectStyleSheet(ui.editors[1].styleSheet);
let editor = yield ui.editors[1].getSourceEditor();
let sourceEditor = editor.sourceEditor;
let popup = sourceEditor.getAutocompletionPopup();
yield SimpleTest.promiseFocus(panel.panelWindow);
for (let index in testCases) {
yield testState(testCases, index, sourceEditor, popup, panel.panelWindow);
yield checkState(testCases, index, sourceEditor, popup);
function testState(testCases, index, sourceEditor, popup, panelWindow) {
let [key, details] = testCases[index];
let entered;
if (details) {
entered = details.entered;
let mods = {};
info("pressing key " + key + " to get result: " +
JSON.stringify(testCases[index]) + " for index " + index);
let evt = "after-suggest";
if (key == "Ctrl+Space") {
key = " ";
mods.ctrlKey = true;
} else if (key == "VK_RETURN" && entered) {
evt = "popup-hidden";
} else if (/(left|right|return|home|end)/ig.test(key) ||
(key == "VK_DOWN" && !popup.isOpen)) {
evt = "cursorActivity";
} else if (key == "VK_TAB" || key == "VK_UP" || key == "VK_DOWN") {
evt = "suggestion-entered";
let ready = sourceEditor.once(evt);
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, mods, panelWindow);
return ready;
function checkState(testCases, index, sourceEditor, popup) {
let deferred = defer();
executeSoon(() => {
let [, details] = testCases[index];
details = details || {};
let {total, current, inserted} = details;
if (total != undefined) {
ok(popup.isOpen, "Popup is open for index " + index);
is(total, popup.itemCount,
"Correct total suggestions for index " + index);
is(current, popup.selectedIndex,
"Correct index is selected for index " + index);
if (inserted) {
let { text } = popup.getItemAtIndex(current);
let { line, ch } = sourceEditor.getCursor();
let lineText = sourceEditor.getText(line);
is(lineText.substring(ch - text.length, ch), text,
"Current suggestion from the popup is inserted into the editor.");
} else {
ok(!popup.isOpen, "Popup is closed for index " + index);
if (inserted) {
let { text } = popup.getItemAtIndex(current);
let { line, ch } = sourceEditor.getCursor();
let lineText = sourceEditor.getText(line);
is(lineText.substring(ch - text.length, ch), text,
"Current suggestion from the popup is inserted into the editor.");
return deferred.promise;
* Returns a list of all property names and a map of property name vs possible
* CSS values provided by the Gecko engine.
* @return {Object} An object with following properties:
* - CSSProperties {Array} Array of string containing all the possible
* CSS property names.
* - CSSValues {Object|Map} A map where key is the property name and
* value is an array of string containing all the possible
* CSS values the property can have.
function getCSSKeywords(cssProperties) {
let props = {};
let propNames = cssProperties.getNames();
propNames.forEach(prop => {
props[prop] = cssProperties.getValues(prop).sort();
return {
CSSValues: props,
CSSProperties: propNames.sort()
* Returns a function that returns the number of expected suggestions for the given
* property and value. If the value is not null, returns the number of values starting
* with `value`. Returns the number of properties starting with `property` otherwise.
function suggestionNumberGetter({CSSProperties, CSSValues}) {
return (property, value) => {
if (value == null) {
return CSSProperties.filter(prop => prop.startsWith(property))
.slice(0, MAX_SUGGESTIONS).length;
return CSSValues[property].filter(val => val.startsWith(value))
.slice(0, MAX_SUGGESTIONS).length;