2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

53 lines
1.6 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
* Tests that default properties are returned with the correct type
* from the AudioNode actors.
add_task(function* () {
let { target, front } = yield initBackend(SIMPLE_NODES_URL);
let [_, nodes] = yield Promise.all([
front.setup({ reload: true }),
getN(front, "create-node", 15)
yield loadFrameScripts();
let allParams = yield Promise.all( => node.getParams()));
let types = [
"AudioDestinationNode", "AudioBufferSourceNode", "ScriptProcessorNode",
"AnalyserNode", "GainNode", "DelayNode", "BiquadFilterNode", "WaveShaperNode",
"PannerNode", "ConvolverNode", "ChannelSplitterNode", "ChannelMergerNode",
"DynamicsCompressorNode", "OscillatorNode", "StereoPannerNode"
let defaults = yield Promise.all( => nodeDefaultValues(type)));
allParams.forEach((params, i) => {
compare(params, defaults[i], types[i]);
yield removeTab(;
function compare(actual, expected, type) {
actual.forEach(({ value, param }) => {
value = getGripValue(value);
if (typeof expected[param] === "function") {
ok(expected[param](value), type + " has a passing value for " + param);
else {
is(value, expected[param], type + " has correct default value and type for " + param);
info(Object.keys(expected).join(",") + " - " + JSON.stringify(expected));
is(actual.length, Object.keys(expected).length,
type + " has correct amount of properties.");