2021-02-04 16:48:36 +02:00

63 lines
2.1 KiB

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Testing selector inplace-editor remains available and focused after clicking
// in its input.
const TEST_URI = `
<style type="text/css">
.testclass {
text-align: center;
<div class="testclass">Styled Node</div>
add_task(function* () {
yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI));
let {inspector, view} = yield openRuleView();
yield selectNode(".testclass", inspector);
yield testClickOnSelectorEditorInput(view);
function* testClickOnSelectorEditorInput(view) {
info("Test clicking inside the selector editor input");
let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 1);
info("Focusing an existing selector name in the rule-view");
let editor = yield focusEditableField(view, ruleEditor.selectorText);
let editorInput = editor.input;
is(inplaceEditor(ruleEditor.selectorText), editor,
"The selector editor got focused");
info("Click inside the editor input");
let onClick = once(editorInput, "click");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(editor.input, 2, 1, {}, view.styleWindow);
yield onClick;
is(editor.input, view.styleDocument.activeElement,
"The editor input should still be focused");
ok(!ruleEditor.newPropSpan, "No newProperty editor was created");
info("Doubleclick inside the editor input");
let onDoubleClick = once(editorInput, "dblclick");
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(editor.input, 2, 1, { clickCount: 2 },
yield onDoubleClick;
is(editor.input, view.styleDocument.activeElement,
"The editor input should still be focused");
ok(!ruleEditor.newPropSpan, "No newProperty editor was created");
info("Click outside the editor input");
let onBlur = once(editorInput, "blur");
let rect = editorInput.getBoundingClientRect();
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(editorInput, rect.width + 5, rect.height / 2, {},
yield onBlur;
isnot(editorInput, view.styleDocument.activeElement,
"The editor input should no longer be focused");