2019-03-11 13:26:37 +03:00

179 lines
5.4 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "jit/IonOptimizationLevels.h"
#include "jsscript.h"
#include "jit/Ion.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
namespace js {
namespace jit {
OptimizationLevelInfo IonOptimizations;
level_ = OptimizationLevel::Normal;
autoTruncate_ = true;
eaa_ = true;
eagerSimdUnbox_ = true;
edgeCaseAnalysis_ = true;
eliminateRedundantChecks_ = true;
inlineInterpreted_ = true;
inlineNative_ = true;
licm_ = true;
loopUnrolling_ = true;
gvn_ = true;
rangeAnalysis_ = true;
reordering_ = true;
sincos_ = true;
sink_ = true;
registerAllocator_ = RegisterAllocator_Backtracking;
inlineMaxBytecodePerCallSiteMainThread_ = 550;
inlineMaxBytecodePerCallSiteOffThread_ = 1100;
inlineMaxCalleeInlinedBytecodeLength_ = 3550;
inlineMaxTotalBytecodeLength_ = 85000;
inliningMaxCallerBytecodeLength_ = 1600;
maxInlineDepth_ = 3;
scalarReplacement_ = true;
smallFunctionMaxInlineDepth_ = 10;
compilerWarmUpThreshold_ = CompilerWarmupThreshold;
compilerSmallFunctionWarmUpThreshold_ = CompilerSmallFunctionWarmupThreshold;
inliningWarmUpThresholdFactor_ = 0.125;
inliningRecompileThresholdFactor_ = 4;
// The Wasm optimization level
// Disables some passes that don't work well with wasm.
// Take normal option values for not specified values.
level_ = OptimizationLevel::Wasm;
ama_ = true;
autoTruncate_ = false;
eagerSimdUnbox_ = false; // wasm has no boxing / unboxing.
edgeCaseAnalysis_ = false;
eliminateRedundantChecks_ = false;
scalarReplacement_ = false; // wasm has no objects.
sincos_ = false;
sink_ = false;
OptimizationInfo::compilerWarmUpThreshold(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) const
MOZ_ASSERT(pc == nullptr || pc == script->code() || JSOp(*pc) == JSOP_LOOPENTRY);
if (pc == script->code())
pc = nullptr;
uint32_t warmUpThreshold = compilerWarmUpThreshold_;
if (JitOptions.forcedDefaultIonWarmUpThreshold.isSome())
warmUpThreshold = JitOptions.forcedDefaultIonWarmUpThreshold.ref();
if (JitOptions.isSmallFunction(script)) {
warmUpThreshold = compilerSmallFunctionWarmUpThreshold_;
if (JitOptions.forcedDefaultIonSmallFunctionWarmUpThreshold.isSome())
warmUpThreshold = JitOptions.forcedDefaultIonSmallFunctionWarmUpThreshold.ref();
// If the script is too large to compile on the main thread, we can still
// compile it off thread. In these cases, increase the warm-up counter
// threshold to improve the compilation's type information and hopefully
// avoid later recompilation.
if (script->length() > MAX_MAIN_THREAD_SCRIPT_SIZE)
warmUpThreshold *= (script->length() / (double) MAX_MAIN_THREAD_SCRIPT_SIZE);
uint32_t numLocalsAndArgs = NumLocalsAndArgs(script);
warmUpThreshold *= (numLocalsAndArgs / (double) MAX_MAIN_THREAD_LOCALS_AND_ARGS);
if (!pc || JitOptions.eagerCompilation)
return warmUpThreshold;
// It's more efficient to enter outer loops, rather than inner loops, via OSR.
// To accomplish this, we use a slightly higher threshold for inner loops.
// Note that the loop depth is always > 0 so we will prefer non-OSR over OSR.
uint32_t loopDepth = LoopEntryDepthHint(pc);
MOZ_ASSERT(loopDepth > 0);
return warmUpThreshold + loopDepth * 100;
#ifdef DEBUG
OptimizationLevel level = firstLevel();
while (!isLastLevel(level)) {
OptimizationLevel next = nextLevel(level);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(level != OptimizationLevel::DontCompile, level < next);
level = next;
OptimizationLevelInfo::nextLevel(OptimizationLevel level) const
switch (level) {
case OptimizationLevel::DontCompile:
return OptimizationLevel::Normal;
case OptimizationLevel::Normal:
case OptimizationLevel::Wasm:
case OptimizationLevel::Count:;
MOZ_CRASH("Unknown optimization level.");
OptimizationLevelInfo::firstLevel() const
return nextLevel(OptimizationLevel::DontCompile);
OptimizationLevelInfo::isLastLevel(OptimizationLevel level) const
return level == OptimizationLevel::Normal;
OptimizationLevelInfo::levelForScript(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) const
OptimizationLevel prev = OptimizationLevel::DontCompile;
while (!isLastLevel(prev)) {
OptimizationLevel level = nextLevel(prev);
const OptimizationInfo* info = get(level);
if (script->getWarmUpCount() < info->compilerWarmUpThreshold(script, pc))
return prev;
prev = level;
return prev;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace js