2020-04-03 20:51:38 +03:00

492 lines
14 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef jsstr_h
#define jsstr_h
#include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h"
#include "mozilla/PodOperations.h"
#include "mozilla/TextUtils.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "jsutil.h"
#include "NamespaceImports.h"
#include "gc/Rooting.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
#include "vm/Printer.h"
#include "vm/Unicode.h"
class JSAutoByteString;
class JSLinearString;
namespace js {
class StringBuffer;
template <AllowGC allowGC>
extern JSString*
ConcatStrings(ExclusiveContext* cx,
typename MaybeRooted<JSString*, allowGC>::HandleType left,
typename MaybeRooted<JSString*, allowGC>::HandleType right);
// Return s advanced past any Unicode white space characters.
template <typename CharT>
static inline const CharT*
SkipSpace(const CharT* s, const CharT* end)
MOZ_ASSERT(s <= end);
while (s < end && unicode::IsSpace(*s))
return s;
// Return less than, equal to, or greater than zero depending on whether
// s1 is less than, equal to, or greater than s2.
template <typename Char1, typename Char2>
inline int32_t
CompareChars(const Char1* s1, size_t len1, const Char2* s2, size_t len2)
size_t n = Min(len1, len2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (int32_t cmp = s1[i] - s2[i])
return cmp;
return int32_t(len1 - len2);
extern int32_t
CompareChars(const char16_t* s1, size_t len1, JSLinearString* s2);
} /* namespace js */
struct JSSubString {
JSLinearString* base;
size_t offset;
size_t length;
JSSubString() { mozilla::PodZero(this); }
void initEmpty(JSLinearString* base) {
this->base = base;
offset = length = 0;
void init(JSLinearString* base, size_t offset, size_t length) {
this->base = base;
this->offset = offset;
this->length = length;
* Shorthands for ASCII (7-bit) decimal and hex conversion.
* Manually inline isdigit for performance; MSVC doesn't do this for us.
#define JS7_ISDEC(c) ((((unsigned)(c)) - '0') <= 9)
#define JS7_UNDEC(c) ((c) - '0')
#define JS7_ISOCT(c) ((((unsigned)(c)) - '0') <= 7)
#define JS7_UNOCT(c) (JS7_UNDEC(c))
#define JS7_ISHEX(c) ((c) < 128 && isxdigit(c))
#define JS7_UNHEX(c) (unsigned)(JS7_ISDEC(c) ? (c) - '0' : 10 + tolower(c) - 'a')
#define JS7_ISLET(c) (mozilla::IsAsciiAlpha(c))
extern size_t
js_strlen(const char16_t* s);
extern int32_t
js_strcmp(const char16_t* lhs, const char16_t* rhs);
template <typename CharT>
extern const CharT*
js_strchr_limit(const CharT* s, char16_t c, const CharT* limit);
js_strncpy(char16_t* dst, const char16_t* src, size_t nelem)
return mozilla::PodCopy(dst, src, nelem);
extern int32_t
js_fputs(const char16_t* s, FILE* f);
namespace js {
/* Initialize the String class, returning its prototype object. */
extern JSObject*
InitStringClass(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
* Convert a value to a printable C string.
extern const char*
ValueToPrintable(JSContext* cx, const Value&, JSAutoByteString* bytes, bool asSource = false);
extern UniqueChars
DuplicateString(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char* s);
extern UniqueTwoByteChars
DuplicateString(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char16_t* s);
* These variants do not report OOMs, you must arrange for OOMs to be reported
* yourself.
extern UniqueChars
DuplicateString(const char* s);
extern UniqueChars
DuplicateString(const char* s, size_t n);
extern UniqueTwoByteChars
DuplicateString(const char16_t* s);
extern UniqueTwoByteChars
DuplicateString(const char16_t* s, size_t n);
* Convert a non-string value to a string, returning null after reporting an
* error, otherwise returning a new string reference.
template <AllowGC allowGC>
extern JSString*
ToStringSlow(ExclusiveContext* cx, typename MaybeRooted<Value, allowGC>::HandleType arg);
* Convert the given value to a string. This method includes an inline
* fast-path for the case where the value is already a string; if the value is
* known not to be a string, use ToStringSlow instead.
template <AllowGC allowGC>
ToString(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v)
if (v.isString())
return v.toString();
return ToStringSlow<allowGC>(cx, v);
* This function implements E-262-3 section 9.8, toString. Convert the given
* value to a string of characters appended to the given buffer. On error, the
* passed buffer may have partial results appended.
inline bool
ValueToStringBuffer(JSContext* cx, const Value& v, StringBuffer& sb);
* Convert a value to its source expression, returning null after reporting
* an error, otherwise returning a new string reference.
extern JSString*
ValueToSource(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v);
* Convert a JSString to its source expression; returns null after reporting an
* error, otherwise returns a new string reference. No Handle needed since the
* input is dead after the GC.
extern JSString*
StringToSource(JSContext* cx, JSString* str);
* Test if strings are equal. The caller can call the function even if str1
* or str2 are not GC-allocated things.
extern bool
EqualStrings(JSContext* cx, JSString* str1, JSString* str2, bool* result);
/* Use the infallible method instead! */
extern bool
EqualStrings(JSContext* cx, JSLinearString* str1, JSLinearString* str2, bool* result) = delete;
/* EqualStrings is infallible on linear strings. */
extern bool
EqualStrings(JSLinearString* str1, JSLinearString* str2);
extern bool
EqualChars(JSLinearString* str1, JSLinearString* str2);
* Return less than, equal to, or greater than zero depending on whether
* str1 is less than, equal to, or greater than str2.
extern bool
CompareStrings(JSContext* cx, JSString* str1, JSString* str2, int32_t* result);
* Same as CompareStrings but for atoms. Don't use this to just test
* for equality; use this when you need an ordering on atoms.
extern int32_t
CompareAtoms(JSAtom* atom1, JSAtom* atom2);
* Return true if the string matches the given sequence of ASCII bytes.
extern bool
StringEqualsAscii(JSLinearString* str, const char* asciiBytes);
/* Return true if the string contains a pattern anywhere inside it. */
extern bool
StringHasPattern(JSLinearString* text, const char16_t* pat, uint32_t patlen);
extern int
StringFindPattern(JSLinearString* text, JSLinearString* pat, size_t start);
/* Return true if the string contains a pattern at |start|. */
extern bool
HasSubstringAt(JSLinearString* text, JSLinearString* pat, size_t start);
template <typename Char1, typename Char2>
inline bool
EqualChars(const Char1* s1, const Char2* s2, size_t len);
template <typename Char1>
inline bool
EqualChars(const Char1* s1, const Char1* s2, size_t len)
return mozilla::PodEqual(s1, s2, len);
template <typename Char1, typename Char2>
inline bool
EqualChars(const Char1* s1, const Char2* s2, size_t len)
for (const Char1* s1end = s1 + len; s1 < s1end; s1++, s2++) {
if (*s1 != *s2)
return false;
return true;
* Computes |str|'s substring for the range [beginInt, beginInt + lengthInt).
* Negative, overlarge, swapped, etc. |beginInt| and |lengthInt| are forbidden
* and constitute API misuse.
SubstringKernel(JSContext* cx, HandleString str, int32_t beginInt, int32_t lengthInt);
* Inflate bytes in ASCII encoding to char16_t code units. Return null on error,
* otherwise return the char16_t buffer that was malloc'ed. length is updated to
* the length of the new string (in char16_t code units). A null char is
* appended, but it is not included in the length.
extern char16_t*
InflateString(ExclusiveContext* cx, const char* bytes, size_t* length);
* Inflate bytes to JS chars in an existing buffer. 'dst' must be large
* enough for 'srclen' char16_t code units. The buffer is NOT null-terminated.
inline void
CopyAndInflateChars(char16_t* dst, const char* src, size_t srclen)
for (size_t i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
dst[i] = (unsigned char) src[i];
inline void
CopyAndInflateChars(char16_t* dst, const JS::Latin1Char* src, size_t srclen)
for (size_t i = 0; i < srclen; i++)
dst[i] = src[i];
* Deflate JS chars to bytes into a buffer. 'bytes' must be large enough for
* 'length chars. The buffer is NOT null-terminated. The destination length
* must to be initialized with the buffer size and will contain on return the
* number of copied bytes.
template <typename CharT>
extern bool
DeflateStringToBuffer(JSContext* maybecx, const CharT* chars,
size_t charsLength, char* bytes, size_t* length);
extern bool
str_fromCharCode(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_fromCharCode_one_arg(JSContext* cx, HandleValue code, MutableHandleValue rval);
extern bool
str_fromCodePoint(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_fromCodePoint_one_arg(JSContext* cx, HandleValue code, MutableHandleValue rval);
/* String methods exposed so they can be installed in the self-hosting global. */
extern bool
str_includes(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_indexOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_lastIndexOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_startsWith(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_toLowerCase(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_toUpperCase(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_toString(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_charAt(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_charCodeAt_impl(JSContext* cx, HandleString string, HandleValue index, MutableHandleValue res);
extern bool
str_charCodeAt(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_contains(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, Value *vp);
extern bool
str_endsWith(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_trim(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_trimStart(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_trimEnd(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_toLocaleLowerCase(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_toLocaleUpperCase(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_normalize(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
str_concat(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
* Convert one UCS-4 char and write it into a UTF-8 buffer, which must be at
* least 4 bytes long. Return the number of UTF-8 bytes of data written.
extern uint32_t
OneUcs4ToUtf8Char(uint8_t* utf8Buffer, uint32_t ucs4Char);
extern size_t
PutEscapedStringImpl(char* buffer, size_t size, GenericPrinter* out, JSLinearString* str,
uint32_t quote);
template <typename CharT>
extern size_t
PutEscapedStringImpl(char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, GenericPrinter* out, const CharT* chars,
size_t length, uint32_t quote);
* Write str into buffer escaping any non-printable or non-ASCII character
* using \escapes for JS string literals.
* Guarantees that a NUL is at the end of the buffer unless size is 0. Returns
* the length of the written output, NOT including the NUL. Thus, a return
* value of size or more means that the output was truncated. If buffer
* is null, just returns the length of the output. If quote is not 0, it must
* be a single or double quote character that will quote the output.
inline size_t
PutEscapedString(char* buffer, size_t size, JSLinearString* str, uint32_t quote)
size_t n = PutEscapedStringImpl(buffer, size, nullptr, str, quote);
/* PutEscapedStringImpl can only fail with a file. */
MOZ_ASSERT(n != size_t(-1));
return n;
template <typename CharT>
inline size_t
PutEscapedString(char* buffer, size_t bufferSize, const CharT* chars, size_t length, uint32_t quote)
size_t n = PutEscapedStringImpl(buffer, bufferSize, nullptr, chars, length, quote);
/* PutEscapedStringImpl can only fail with a file. */
MOZ_ASSERT(n != size_t(-1));
return n;
inline bool
EscapedStringPrinter(GenericPrinter& out, JSLinearString* str, uint32_t quote)
return PutEscapedStringImpl(nullptr, 0, &out, str, quote) != size_t(-1);
inline bool
EscapedStringPrinter(GenericPrinter& out, const char* chars, size_t length, uint32_t quote)
return PutEscapedStringImpl(nullptr, 0, &out, chars, length, quote) != size_t(-1);
* Write str into file escaping any non-printable or non-ASCII character.
* If quote is not 0, it must be a single or double quote character that
* will quote the output.
inline bool
FileEscapedString(FILE* fp, JSLinearString* str, uint32_t quote)
Fprinter out(fp);
bool res = EscapedStringPrinter(out, str, quote);
return res;
inline bool
FileEscapedString(FILE* fp, const char* chars, size_t length, uint32_t quote)
Fprinter out(fp);
bool res = EscapedStringPrinter(out, chars, length, quote);
return res;
str_split_string(JSContext* cx, HandleObjectGroup group, HandleString str, HandleString sep,
uint32_t limit);
JSString *
str_flat_replace_string(JSContext *cx, HandleString string, HandleString pattern,
HandleString replacement);
str_replace_string_raw(JSContext* cx, HandleString string, HandleString pattern,
HandleString replacement);
extern bool
StringConstructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
FlatStringMatch(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
extern bool
FlatStringSearch(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
} /* namespace js */
#endif /* jsstr_h */