
133 lines
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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. */
"use strict";
// Test that the DominatorTreeNode.attachShortestPaths function can correctly
// attach the deduplicated shortest retaining paths for each node it is given.
const startNodeId = 9999;
const maxNumPaths = 2;
// Mock data mapping node id to shortest paths to that node id.
const shortestPaths = new Map([
[1000, [
[pathEntry(1100, "a"), pathEntry(1200, "b")],
[pathEntry(1100, "c"), pathEntry(1300, "d")],
[2000, [
[pathEntry(2100, "e"), pathEntry(2200, "f"), pathEntry(2300, "g")]
[3000, [
[pathEntry(3100, "h")],
[pathEntry(3100, "i")],
[pathEntry(3100, "j")],
[pathEntry(3200, "k")],
[pathEntry(3300, "l")],
[pathEntry(3400, "m")],
const actual = [
makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 1000 }),
makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 2000 }),
makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 3000 }),
const expected = [
nodeId: 1000,
shortestPaths: {
nodes: [
{ id: 1000, label: ["SomeType-1000"] },
{ id: 1100, label: ["SomeType-1100"] },
{ id: 1200, label: ["SomeType-1200"] },
{ id: 1300, label: ["SomeType-1300"] },
edges: [
{ from: 1100, to: 1200, name: "a" },
{ from: 1100, to: 1300, name: "c" },
{ from: 1200, to: 1000, name: "b" },
{ from: 1300, to: 1000, name: "d" },
nodeId: 2000,
shortestPaths: {
nodes: [
{ id: 2000, label: ["SomeType-2000"] },
{ id: 2100, label: ["SomeType-2100"] },
{ id: 2200, label: ["SomeType-2200"] },
{ id: 2300, label: ["SomeType-2300"] },
edges: [
{ from: 2100, to: 2200, name: "e" },
{ from: 2200, to: 2300, name: "f" },
{ from: 2300, to: 2000, name: "g" },
makeTestDominatorTreeNode({ nodeId: 3000,
shortestPaths: {
nodes: [
{ id: 3000, label: ["SomeType-3000"] },
{ id: 3100, label: ["SomeType-3100"] },
{ id: 3200, label: ["SomeType-3200"] },
{ id: 3300, label: ["SomeType-3300"] },
{ id: 3400, label: ["SomeType-3400"] },
edges: [
{ from: 3100, to: 3000, name: "h" },
{ from: 3100, to: 3000, name: "i" },
{ from: 3100, to: 3000, name: "j" },
{ from: 3200, to: 3000, name: "k" },
{ from: 3300, to: 3000, name: "l" },
{ from: 3400, to: 3000, name: "m" },
const breakdown = {
by: "internalType",
then: { by: "count", count: true, bytes: true }
const mockSnapshot = {
computeShortestPaths: (start, nodeIds, max) => {
equal(start, startNodeId);
equal(max, maxNumPaths);
return new Map( => {
const paths = shortestPaths.get(nodeId);
ok(paths, "Expected computeShortestPaths call for node id = " + nodeId);
return [nodeId, paths];
describeNode: (bd, nodeId) => {
equal(bd, breakdown);
return {
["SomeType-" + nodeId]: {
count: 1,
bytes: 10,
function run_test() {
dumpn("Expected = " + JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2));
dumpn("Actual = " + JSON.stringify(actual, null, 2));
assertStructurallyEquivalent(expected, actual);