var loopssevereweathermode = false; var displayingAtmospheric = false; var miniMap; function Loops() { // init the display loops displayForecast(0); refreshObservationDisplay() setInterval(refreshObservationDisplay,300000); } function refreshObservationDisplay() { var cond = weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.cond; $('#city').text(maincitycoords.displayname); $('#forecast-city').text(maincitycoords.displayname + ':'); if (weatherInfo.radarTempUnavialable == false) { if (loopssevereweathermode == false){ $('#minimap').fadeIn(0) $('#minimap-title').fadeIn(0) miniMap = new Radar("minimap", 3, 7,, maincitycoords.lon); } } else { $('#minimap').fadeOut(0) $('#minimap-title').fadeOut(0) } if (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.noReport == true) { $('#now').fadeOut(0) $('#current-temp').fadeOut(0) $('#current-info').fadeOut(0) $('#conditions-icon').fadeOut(0) $('#current-info-severe').fadeOut(0) $('#current-info-details').fadeOut(0) $('#current-noreport').fadeIn(0) } else { if (displayingAtmospheric == false) { if (loopssevereweathermode == false) { displayAtmospheric(0) } else { displaySevereAtmospheric(0) } } $('#now').fadeIn(0) $('#current-temp').fadeIn(0) if (loopssevereweathermode == false) { $('#current-info').fadeIn(0) } else { $('#current-info-severe').fadeIn(0); $('#current-info-details').fadeIn(0); } $('#current-noreport').fadeOut(0) $('#conditions-icon').fadeIn(0) $('#current-temp').text( weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.temp ) ; $('#conditions-icon').css('background-image', 'url("' + getCCicon(+weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.icon, weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.windspeed) + '")'); } } function displayAtmospheric(idx) { if (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.noReport == false){ displayingAtmospheric = true; var displays = { conditions() { return (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.cond).toLowerCase(); }, wind(){ return 'wind ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.wind; }, gusts(){ if ( weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.gust!=undefined ) { return (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.gust!="none") ? 'gusts ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.gust : ''; } }, humidity(){ return 'humidity ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.humid + '%'; }, dewpoint(){ return 'dew point ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.dewpt + '°'; }, heatindex_windchill(){ if (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.type != "dontdisplay") { return weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.type + " " + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.val + '°' } }, pressure(){ return 'pressure ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.pressure + ' ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.pressureTrend}, visibility() { return 'visibility ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.visibility + ' mile' + (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.visibility != 1 ? 's' : ''); }, uvindex() { return 'UV index ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.uvidx; }, }, keys = Object.keys(displays), text = displays[ keys[idx] ](); // increment the pointer if (weatherInfo.reboot == true) { $('#forecast-shadow').hide() return; } if (loopssevereweathermode == false) { idx = (++idx===keys.length ? 0 : idx); if (text) { $('#current-info').html(text); setTimeout(function(){ displayAtmospheric(idx) }, 6000); // 6 second increment loop } else { // nothing to display - skip to the next one setTimeout(function(){ displayAtmospheric(idx) }, 0); } } } else {displayingAtmospheric = false} } // end function function displaySevereAtmospheric(idx) { if (weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.noReport == false) { displayingAtmospheric = true $('#current-info-severe').text((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.cond).toLowerCase()); var displays = { display1() { return 'wind ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.wind + '
' + ((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.gust!="none") ? 'gusts ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.gust + '
' : '' ) + 'humidity ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.humid + '%' + '
' + 'dew point ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.dewpt + '°' }, display2() { return (((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.type != "dontdisplay") ? weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.type + " " + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.feelslike.val + '°' + '
' : '' ) + 'pressure ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.pressure + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.pressureTrend + '
' + 'visibility ' + weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.visibility + ((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.visibility != 1 ) ? ' miles' : ' mile') + '
' + 'ceiling ' + ((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.ceiling != null) ? ((weatherInfo.currentCond.sidebar.ceiling).toString() + ' ft') : '')) } }, keys = Object.keys(displays), text = displays[ keys[idx] ](); idx = (++idx===keys.length ? 0 : idx); if (weatherInfo.reboot == true) { $('#forecast-shadow').hide() return; } if (loopssevereweathermode == true) { if (text) { $('#current-info-details').html(text); setTimeout(function(){ displaySevereAtmospheric(idx) }, 6000); // 6 second increment loop } else { // nothing to display - skip to the next one setTimeout(function(){ displaySevereAtmospheric(idx) }, 0); } } } else {displayingAtmospheric = false} } //end function function displayForecast(idx) { var displays = { text1() { $('.forecast-header').prop('id', 'normalheader'); if (weatherInfo.dayDesc.lowerbar.noReport == true) { $('#forecast-title').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-text').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','rgba(0,0,0,0)') $('.forecast-tiles').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeIn(0) } else { $('#forecast-noreport').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','#8cadd1') $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)') $('#forecast-text').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-title').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-title').text([0].name + "'S" + " FORECAST"); resizeText([0].desc); } }, text2() { $('.forecast-header').prop('id', 'normalheader'); if (weatherInfo.dayDesc.lowerbar.noReport == true) { $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','rgba(0,0,0,0)') $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') $('#forecast-title').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-text').fadeOut(0) $('.forecast-tiles').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeIn(0) } else { $('#forecast-noreport').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','#8cadd1') $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)') $('#forecast-text').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-title').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-title').text([1].name + "'S" + " FORECAST"); resizeText([1].desc); } }, fiveday() { $('.forecast-header').prop('id', 'normaltiles'); $('.forecast-tiles').prop('id', 'normalheader'); if (weatherInfo.fiveDay.lowerbar.noReport == true) { $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','rgba(0,0,0,0)') $('#forecast-title').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-text').fadeOut(0) $('.forecast-tiles').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeIn(0) } else { $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)') $('#forecast-title').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeOut(0) var newtile, weekend, icons; $('#forecast-title').text("5 DAY FORECAST"); $('.forecast-tiles').empty(); for (var i=0; i<5; i++ ) { newtile = $("
"); $("
") .appendTo(newtile) .text([i].name); icons = getCCicon([i].icon,[i].windspeed); $("") .appendTo(newtile) .attr('src', icons); $("
") .appendTo(newtile) .text([i].high); $("
") .appendTo(newtile) .text([i].low); $('.forecast-tiles').append(newtile); } $('.forecast-tiles').css('display','flex'); } }, hourly() { $('.forecast-header').prop('id', 'hourlyheader'); $('.forecast-tiles').prop('id', 'hourlytiles'); if (weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.noReport == true) { $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') $('#forecast-shadow').css('background','rgba(0,0,0,0)') $('#forecast-title').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-text').fadeOut(0) $('.forecast-tiles').fadeOut(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeIn(0) } else { $('.forecast-header').prop('id', 'hourlyheader'); $('#forecast-title').fadeIn(0) $('#forecast-noreport').fadeOut(0) var newtile, icons, sizer, highbar, data, label, temps=[]; $('#forecast-shadow').css('box-shadow','0 3px 10px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .35)') $('#forecast-title').text( weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.daytitle ); $('.forecast-tiles').empty(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { newtile = $("
"); sizer = $("
").appendTo(newtile); icons = getCCicon(weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.hour[i].icon, weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.hour[i].windspeed); $("") .appendTo(sizer) .attr('src', icons); $("") .append("" + weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.hour[i].time + "") .appendTo(newtile) highbar = $("
") .appendTo(sizer); $("
") .appendTo(highbar) .text(weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.hour[i].temp); temps.push(weatherInfo.dayPart.lowerbar.hour[i].temp); $("
") .appendTo(highbar); $('.forecast-tiles').append(newtile); } $('.forecast-tiles').css('display','flex'); // animate grow and show temp var min = Math.min(...temps), // 54 max = Math.max(...temps), // 73 range = ((max-min) != 0) ? (max-min) : .001, prange = (94-75), // percent range for bar height temp, value; $('.forecast-tile').each(function(){ temp = $(this).find('.high').first().text(); value = ((temp-min)/range) * prange + 78; // find percentage of range and translate to percent and add that to the starting css % height number $(this).find('.hourly-high').animate({height:value+"%"}, 1500,function(){ $(this).find('.high').fadeTo('slow', 1); }); }) } }, dummy(){} }, keys = Object.keys(displays); displays[ keys[idx] ](); // increment the pointer idx = (++idx===keys.length ? 0 : idx); setTimeout(function(){ displayForecast(idx) }, 15000); // 15 second increment loop } function resizeText(text){ var s = 41, $test = $('
') .appendTo('#forecast-text') .css('font-size', s + 'px') .html(text); $test.width($('#forecast-text').width() ); //setTimeout(function() { while ($test.outerHeight(true) >= ($('#forecast-text').height()) ) { s -= 1; $test.css('font-size', s + 'px'); } $('#forecast-text div') .text(text) .css('font-size', s + 'px'); $test.remove(); $('.forecast-tiles').hide(); //},100); // delay is a workaround for Interstate font not updating display } // end Loops class /*function buildHourlyHeaderTitle(time) { var today = new Date(), tomorrow = dateFns.addDays(today, 1), sforecast = "'s Forecast"; // title based on the first hour reported switch (dateFns.getHours(time)) { case 6: // 6 - Nextday's Forecast / Today's Forecast // if 6am today if (dateFns.isToday(time)) { return dateFns.format(today, 'dddd') + sforecast; } case 0: // 0 - Nextday's Forecast return dateFns.format(tomorrow, 'dddd') + sforecast; case 12: return 'This Afternoon'; case 15: return "Today's Forecast"; case 17: return "Tonight's Forecast"; case 20: return dateFns.format(today, 'ddd') + ' Night/' + dateFns.format(tomorrow, 'ddd'); } } function buildHourlyTimeTitle(time){ var hour=dateFns.getHours(time); if (hour===0) { return 'midnight'; } else if (hour===12){ return 'noon'; } return dateFns.format(time,'h a'); } // finds the intervals to report on the hourly forecast function calcHourlyReport(data) { var ret = [], targets = [0, 6, 12, 15, 17, 20], // hours that we report current = dateFns.getHours(new Date()), now = new Date(), //firsthour = targets[ getNextHighestIndex(targets, current) ], start, hour, i=0; switch (true) { case (current < 3): start = 6; case (current < 9): start = 12; break; case (current < 12): start = 15; break; case (current < 15): start = 17; break; case (current < 17): start = 20; break; case (current < 20): start = 0; break; default: start = 6; } while(ret.length<4){ // hour must be equal or greater than current hour = dateFns.getHours( data.validTimeLocal[i] ); if ( dateFns.isAfter(data.validTimeLocal[i], now) && (hour==start || ret.length>0) ) { if ( targets.indexOf(hour)>=0 ) { // it is in our target list so record its index ret.push(i); } } i++; } return ret; } */ /* wind E 14 gusts 17 mph humidity 58% dew point 72(degree symbol) heat index 95(degree symbol) / wind chill pressure 30.02 S visibility 10 miles uv index High partly cloudy */