var mmap function Radar(divIDin, intervalHoursIn, zoomIn, latitudeIn, longitudeIn, withSat) { var map, divID = divIDin, intervalHours = intervalHoursIn, zoom = zoomIn, latitude = latitudeIn, longitude = longitudeIn, timeLayers = []; this.setView = function(lat, long, zoomLevel){ map.setView(L.latLng(lat, long), zoomLevel) }; startAnimation(); // snap date to 5 minute intervals function roundDate(date) { date.setUTCMinutes( Math.round(date.getUTCMinutes() / 5) * 5); date.setUTCSeconds(0); return date; } function startAnimation () { var endDate = roundDate(new Date()), player; if (mmap !== undefined) { mmap.remove(); } map =, { zoom: zoom, fullscreenControl: false, center: [latitude, longitude] // 31.205482,-82.4331197 test coordinates }); if (divID == "radar-1") { mmap = map; } // basemap // streets cj9fqw1e88aag2rs2al6m3ko2 // satellite streets cj8p1qym6976p2rqut8oo6vxr // weatherscan green cj8owq50n926g2smvagdxg9t8 // mapbox://styles/goldbblazez/ckgc7fwvr4qmn19pevtvhyabl // L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=' + map_key, { tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1 }).addTo(map); if (withSat == true) { $.getJSON("" + api_key, function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.seriesInfo.satrad.series.length; i++) { timeLayers.push( L.tileLayer(""+ data.seriesInfo.satrad.series[i].ts +"&xyz={x}:{y}:{z}&apiKey=" + api_key, { opacity: 0 })) } timeLayers.forEach(timeLayers => { timeLayers.addTo(map); }); }); } else { $.getJSON("" + api_key, function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.seriesInfo.radar.series.length; i++) { timeLayers.push( L.tileLayer(""+ data.seriesInfo.radar.series[i].ts +"&xyz={x}:{y}:{z}&apiKey=" + api_key, { opacity: 0 })) } timeLayers.forEach(timeLayers => { timeLayers.addTo(map); }); }); } const sleepNow = (delay) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)) async function animationLoop() { for (let i = timeLayers.length; i > 0; i--) { timeLayers[i - 1].setOpacity(1) await sleepNow(100) timeLayers[i - 1].setOpacity(0) if (i === 1) { timeLayers[i - 1].setOpacity(1) await sleepNow(1750) timeLayers[i - 1].setOpacity(0) animationLoop() } } } setTimeout(function() { animationLoop() }, 1000); } } /* * Workaround for 1px lines appearing in some browsers due to fractional transforms * and resulting anti-aliasing. * */ (function(){ //return; var originalInitTile = L.GridLayer.prototype._initTile L.GridLayer.include({ _initTile: function (tile) {, tile); var tileSize = this.getTileSize(); = tileSize.x + 1 + 'px'; = tileSize.y + 1 + 'px'; } }); })()