function Location() { // onReady, onRefresh, onAllComplete var that = this, $this = $(this), _forecastmgr, _observations=[]; this.temperature = function() { if (_observations[1]!=null && _observations[1].temperature.value) { return C2F(_observations[1].temperature.value); } else { return Math.round( _observations[0].temperature ); } } this.observations = function(i) { return _observations[i]; }; this.forecasts=function(type){return _forecastmgr.forecast(type)}; this.init = function(searchString){ checkRefresh(searchString); }; this.initForecasts = function() { // start the forecast data pull if (_observations[0] != undefined){ _forecastmgr = new ForecastManager(_observations[0].latitude, _observations[0].longitude, function() { $this.trigger('ready'); }); } }; // check to see if data needs to be refreshed function checkRefresh(location) { // check the expiration if ( _observations[0]!=undefined && dateFns.isFuture( _observations[0].xdate ) ) { setTimeout(checkRefresh, getRandom(5000, 10000)); return; } // woeid is the id for the location to pull data for console.log(location); if (location != undefined) { var loclat = location.split(",")[0] var loclong = location.split(",")[1] //old var url = '' + loclat + '&lon=' + loclong + '&appid=0cb279a98124446dd16dba02fbfb60ee&units=imperial';v3-location-point?geocode=33.74,-84.39&language=en-US&units=e&format=json&apiKey=yourApiKey var url = ';v3-location-point?geocode=' + loclat + ',' + loclong + '&language=en-US&units=e&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525' // ajax the latest observation $.getJSON(url, function(data) { _observations[0] = json = data['v3-wx-observations-current']; _observations[0].latitude = loclat; _observations[0].longitude = loclong; _observations[0].cityname = data['v3-location-point']; $this.trigger('refresh'); // the following block only runs on init if (that.woeid===undefined) { that.woeid = loclat; = loclat; that.long = loclong; = data['v3-location-point']; $this.trigger('init'); } // set the expiration date/time _observations[0].xdate = dateFns.addMinutes(json.lastBuildDate, json.ttl); setTimeout(checkRefresh, getRandom(5000, 10000)); }); } } // pull observations from the location observation station function ForecastManager (latitude, longitude, readyCallback) { var _forecasts = {}, keys =['alert','daily','hourly','almanac','pollen','achesindex','breathindex','airquality','forecastuvindex', 'uvindex'], key, readycount = 0; for(key of keys) { _forecasts[key] = new Forecast(key, latitude, longitude, count); } function count() { // count up completed forecast pulls readycount++; if (readycount===keys.length) { readyCallback(); } } this.forecast = function(type) { try{ return _forecasts[type].data; } catch(err){} } } function Forecast(type, lat, lon, readyCallback) { var that = this; var url; if (type == 'hourly') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&format=json&units=e&language=en-US&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'daily') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&format=json&units=e&language=en-US&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'alert') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&format=json&language=en-US&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'almanac') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&format=json&units=e" + "&day=" + dateFns.format(new Date(), "D") + "&month=" + dateFns.format(new Date(),"M") + "&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'pollen') { url = ''+ lat + '/' + lon + '/observations/pollen.json?language=en-US&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525' } else if (type == 'achesindex') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&language=en-US&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'breathindex') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&language=en-US&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'airquality') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&language=en-US&scale=EPA&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } else if (type == 'forecastuvindex') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&language=en-US&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" }else if (type == 'uvindex') { url = '' + lat + ',' + lon + "&language=en-US&format=json&apiKey=e1f10a1e78da46f5b10a1e78da96f525" } = {}; checkRefresh(); function checkRefresh() { // check the expiration if (!={} && dateFns.isFuture( ) ) { setTimeout(checkRefresh, getRandom(5000, 10000)); return; } // ajax the forecast $.getJSON(url, function(data) { = data // trigger ready callback on first data pull // set the expiration date/time }) .always(function() { if (readyCallback){ readyCallback(); } }); } } }