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2021-07-15 03:19:57 +12:00

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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Horses Are Awesome, Horse Isle Fan Art Gallery</TITLE>
<IMG SRC=HAA.png ALT="Horses Are Awesome!"><BR>
69 Art works: <A HREF=/fa1/>Horse Isle 1: 2009 Fan Art Contest Winners</A><BR>
86 Art works: <A HREF=/fa2/>Horse Isle 1 &amp; 2: 2011 Fan Art Contest Winners</A><BR>
67 Art works: <A HREF=/fa3/>Horse Isle 1 &amp; 2: 2013 Fan Art Contest Winners</A><BR>
<I><B>New!</B></I> 75 Art works: <A HREF=/fa4/>Horse Isle 1 &amp; 2 &amp; 3: 2020 Fan Art Contest Winners</A><BR>
<!--Online Horse Fan Art Gallery! All artwork submitted from horse lovers all over the world.<BR>
We have monthly contests and award game bonuses on Anyone may submit pictures even if you do not play Horse Isle.<BR>
Browse the fan art by Country, Submision Month, Hi1 or 2, or Tags such as: Horses/FanArt/Painting/Digital/Pencil/etc.<BR>
What to submit:
Any original Horse based artwork. All ages appropriate. No photographs. No photos of people or personal info text.
How to submit: email<BR>
Include the following:<BR>
First Name: <BR>
My Email:<BR>
Name of Artwork:<BR>
Short Description/Artist's note:<BR>
Hail From: HI1 / HI2 / Elsewhere (What's playername if Horse Isle)<BR>
State that the art work is 100% your own creation, and that you
are giving HorsesAreAwesome complete permission to use it.
These creative works of equine-inspired horse art were submitted to Horse Isle's fan art contests.<BR>
Sponsored by <A HREF=>Horse Isle: Secret Land of Horses </A>
&amp; <A HREF="">Horse Isle 2: Legend of the Esrohs</A>
&amp; <A HREF="">Horse Isle 3: Infinite Wilds</A><BR>
Copyright &copy; 2020 Horse Isle and respective artists.<HR>