HorseIsleData/Scraped/Help Center/helpcenter.php@MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=138

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2021-10-24 12:48:53 +00:00
<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<FONT SIZE=+1><B>Horse Isle Help Center</B></FONT><BR>
Browse the different categories for detailed game info and help with any problems you may have.
<A NAME=KB><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist WIDTH=150>Main Category</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=ECONOMY#KB">ECONOMY</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=FAQ#KB">FAQ</A><BR>(10 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=GAME#KB">GAME</A><BR>(24 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES#KB">HORSES</A><BR>(38 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT#KB">SUPPORT</A><BR>(38 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=TOOL BAR#KB">TOOL BAR</A><BR>(36 topics)</TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDiNG=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=FFFFFF><TR><TD class=forumlist WIDTH=150>Sub Category:</TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Chat#KB">Chat</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Connecting#KB">Connecting</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems#KB">Problems</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Subscribing#KB">Subscribing</A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR VALIGN=top><TD WIDTH=250><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR class=a1><TD>1) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=29#KB">Freezing completely on Mac</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>2) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=28#KB">Game is running slow</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>3) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=158#KB">Game keeps disconnecting/freezing</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>4) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=64#KB">Game Requirements</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>5) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=31#KB">Hard to see, so small</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>6) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=138#KB">I ran out of play time</A><B> >>></B></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>7) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=46#KB">Mini-game not loading</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>8) <A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT&SUB=Problems&KBID=30#KB">Moving is very start-stop</A></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR=FFDDDD> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDiNG=4 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD> &nbsp; <B>I ran out of play time:</B> If you are not a subscriber, your time on the game will be limited. You start out with a certain amount of time and one minute is added for every 8 minutes. This means that even while you play you are gaining play-time, but you are using it up faster than gaining it.
There are two purposes behind the limit. This encourages people to subscribe and the servers cannot handle many people, so it allows others to have a chance to play during the busiest times.<br><br>
When you join a server for the first time, you will have 180 minutes of playtime. For every server you join after that, you will start with 0 minutes of playime. This is to discourage people from joining every server. If you do really want to start playing on another server, simply join it, then wait for at least a few hours for the time to add up.</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%>
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<FONT FACE=Verdana,Arial SIZE=-2>Copyright &copy; 2020 Horse Isle</FONT>
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