HorseIsleData/Scraped/Developer Info/CHANGELOGQ1

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2021-10-24 12:48:53 +00:00
October 15th Started Flash Version of Horse Isle
October 17th:
Coverted to BInary Map Sending (quicker bandwidth & processing)
Fixed the multi-movement bug
Converted COmmunication Codes to binary in client and server
Added user/password authentication
split chat to local/global
Added Text coloring (ug..)
Added Main Character (stolen gfx)
CLient now tracks players and displays them
October 20th:
Verified PNG copypixels does Alpha BLending! Cool. (add clouds, smoke,etc.)
Converted Side Panel to ScrollPane (Big pain!)
Figured out Dynamic object addressing _root["object"] == _root.object !!
Got Dynamic Buttons on scroll pane to work
Login and more interfaced with SQL
Started work on Inventory Display and Side buttons QUIT/INV/WHO/etc..
October 21st:
Got Demo Icons to display on map locations
Created Keepalive functionality and 2 minute server timeout
Rebuilt simpler music system and had Miranda make guitar samples
Server allows/disallows movement now
Players can view Inventory
Players can grab and drop map items
October 22nd:
Worked on GUI format a little, cleaned it up
October 23rd:
Bought and put it online.
Made a "reconnect" button in case server down
Built a demo external game swf
October 24th:
Got the external game to display & destroy in main game
Got the external game to send and receive variables
October 25th:
Finally Figured out external game loaded swf's masking problem
Masked the main swf also
Built a development page on website
Textual Percentage Loader for External Games
Redid a lot of communication code
Switched to a Meta-commands scripting system for building dynamic objects on the scrollpane
Rebuilt the dynamic button system to accomodate new communication codes.
Client simply displays what it is told to by server now. no need to interpret
Map data and location data functions split (send one/other/both now)
Fully Implemented Stores buy/sell/look
October 26th:
Noticed server had a 1sec listen delay, changed it to .01 sec
Wrote up an investment page
Enabled STATS, HORSES, and WHOS ONLINE Buttons
Enabled a bunch of additional buttons in metacodes
Built custom html errors for website, and protected server.php from web-execution via .htaccess
Can look at your horses, and look at feed
October 27th:
Worked hard at finding server daemon memory leak?! Failed.. unsetting and mysql_free's up the wazoo!?!?!
Players now disappear upon entering a building
Now must click "exit building" to leave, arrow keys disabled while in building
Got the trainers fully implemented
Other buildings have placeholder notifications now.
Got NPC's to work
Added Server Running Status to Dev Page
Added Ability for the horse to consume objects when fed
Dynamic Movies Load Directly off SQL building locations now (and unload)
October 28th:
Local Chat ouput when buying/selling/grabing
October 29th:
Setup ADMIN status for select users.
Implemented Server Commands via !Server: Prefix (Kick user, shutdown, reloadnpcs)
Implemented Ability to capture wild horses via external module
Other Nearby players names shown in location info
October 30th:
Implemented a Custom Password Cryptography On CLient & Server, so that pass is not Transfered Clear-text
implemented releasing a horse
Implemented Horse Successful Capture
Implemented Horse running away upon failed capture
Fixed Tab-order on login screen
Worked on final tileset layout
Added dual layerd scrolling water!
October 31st:
Looked for artist on
Made another demo game: wackdamole
November 1st:
Added sound effects and got them to work in external module.
Added a Pre Loader built into Main movie
Moved most of the content to a hidden 4th frame so that preloader *works* now 190k for preload..
Added buttons to start external movies
November 3rd:
Player can now edit profile description.
Made demo building objects
November 4th:
Redid terrain tiles
Allowed admin to edit tilemap from within game
Enlarged world map to 1000x500 tiles
Sent Artist Emma details for making demo tiles
November 5th:
Found option to reduce first frame from 190k to 16k or so!!! (export classes 4th frame)
Allowed "footpainting" of tiles for builder admin SHIFT + CONTROL
Sent Artist Emma more tile work
Server GOTO command implemented
Switched to ~ for server command prefix
Started Drawing Overlay Layer SHIFT + right/left for editing overlay
Added emmas 3 tiles to overlay tiles
Graphic bugfixes (now show top of hidden overlays on bottom)
November 6th:
Cleaned up Server Commands
Added ~! and ~@ to change tile to specific terrain/overlay id.
Made Grass -> Sand Transitions Terrain
Finally figured out tile-graphics problem! (was converting tiles to jpeg!)
Fixed water display problem (when the scrollx went below zero, messed up)
Server command added to create objects at admin location
November 7th:
redid some example database entries
Rebuilt Overlay tiles with Emmas Additions
Put docs and more online in DEV center.
November 8th:
Allowed duplicate targets in NPC scripts
Made server commands to change map spot titles and descriptions (MAPT MAPD)
Fixed up terrain tiles and overlay tile a bit.
Got Quest system mostly implemented
Added ? admin command to print current xy location
Sent emma a link to the TILES list, and some sketches
November 9th:
Paid Emma for previous tiles (didn't press send last time!)
Fixed some bugs: Petting limits, Walking bounds
Fixed NPC chat display so replies can be multi-line
^R now takes a number indicating additional spacing*4 +20
Expanded Server Command ? to show any online users xy
Added HELP NPC and set button to activate it
Added demo quest (twig & rare red pine cone)
Fixed Quests so that they can require an object & money.
Got main movieMask working again, but i think it slows framerate!
November 10th:
Paid emma for 3rd batch of tiles
Got new buildins into game and updated SQL
made a demo horse equipment module
farrier mostly implemented
November 11th:
Added transports table for boats and wagons?
Implemented Vet completely
Fixed a bunch of money-bugs
Added terminal beep when players attempt login
built NPC Script Editor
Finished implementing Farrier
finished simple demo map island
November 12th:
Added Eat & wear buttons
Fixed inventory to display after dropping items
Made a SendInventory and LocalChat Function
Implemented player consuming objects.
Updated overlay tiles and edited world map with emmas new tiles
Troubleshot and Fixed major network bug.. (Packets could bunch together!)
Added crossdomain.xml to fix the embedded game connecting!!!
November 13th:
Fixed the players nearby displaying
Added Date Stamps to server log
Fixed Who's online not displaying pre-loggedin connections
cleaned up npc script editor
Built drawmap.php program to build map.png from map data & tile colors
Showed mary how to edit npc scripts and demod game
Allowed viewing of world map from inside client.. Ugly right now.
Worked on a new-windowing javascript client opener. needs testing in browsers and resolutions and cleanup
Changed all tiles outside of demo island to water
integrated map drawing directly into server, occurs whenever map saved
November 14th:
Made 10x10 button icons for new gui - sent off to emma to have fixed up
Cleaned up map overlay a little bit
Added JUMP- Code for Buildings to force players to all be on one tile.
Implemented Tranports! (no buildings yet to look at though)
Changed exits to be defined in map tables rather than individual stores - much more flexible.
Fixed map image not loading by adding ?1 to url
Built demo boat dock tiles, put them in game, and sent example to emma
Worked on inter-player functions
who's online now shows players time online
You can now look at other players from whos online and when they are on same tile
Trade button placed when at same tile as another player
RESTART DATABASE admin command tested to see if it drops ram usage.
Tried to get demo mole game to give player money.... no go yet.
added blank robots.txt to avoid web log errors
made a lovely favicon :) (bookmark/link icon) got it to work in ie & firefox
fixed timestamp and added # of users to Server Displays
November 15th:
Fixed being able to use apostophes in NPC script editor
Server now logs to file and command line output.
Cleaned up Server logging, made log-types, logging chat text
Went through SQL database and set all correct INT-sizes for space savings
Added jumpx/jumpy to Quest action so you can warp the player.
Fixed a bunch of QuestActivation Bugs
Added a demo Quest jump on tiny island NPC billy boatman
Implemented admin GIVE command, can GIVE player MONEY or OBJECTS
Built Chat Language Filter
Emma Sent New Tiles Worked on getting those in game fixed up dock and flowershop
Fixed wardrobe bug. now you can put clothes on.
Implemented chat filter in game. Stars out obscene words.
setup global table for motd and weather, etc..
admin command SHUTDOWN NOW now cleanly quits everyone, and logs.
Got a server function to run Exactly once/minute.
November 16th:
Fixed up tiles a little.
Made a demo boat animation
Added Overlay Animation Support in CLient
Added Flower Item Type and a few demo objects along with setting up flower shop
Posted Job Offer for flash artist on deviant art
Built New Gui Buttons
rearranged Layout and built a new background
Fixed Bug: Warped to 0,0 on missing exits
Fixed Bug: Store prices reported and actual messed up
Contacted a bunch of artists.. hoping for a scene artist... wasted a ton of time at this.
November 17th:
Worked on Finding artist
Worked on terrain tiles (found out how to Paste into masks on photoshop) (channels)
Built a Tile FLood Fill Admin function!!
Added Admin command GOTO ability to goto playername in addition to x,y
Redid Gui background Again, simple lavender this time
REDID Terrain Tiles, 2 different water depts with full transitions!
Worked on fixing terrain on corrupted test island now.
Added Emmas newest overlay tiles
Added ability to look at "new" objects in stores
FULLY ADDED INN functionality, various meals and rest offered! consumed immeadiately only!
Showed melissa around, new flash artist!
Fixed the map tile colors for proper auto-map generation, also fixed the other tile-db values.
November 18th:
Built a tiny Volume Control Button and got it to work for game music
Wishing well Implemented! Random object or money.
Fixed logon-players missing bug
Fixed logon-in building player visible bug.
GAIA World Updater Integrated and Activated. logged in players now get tired/hungry/thirsty over time.
Track total time players logged in, and number of logins now.
Fixed Waterdepths more
GAIA Now automatically Creates Objects at random locations on desired terrain
GAIA Now Automatically Destroys objects left on ground for 24 hours
GAIA Now Manages wild horses! Spawns them on GRASS, Moves them once/minute and maintains 10 wild in world.
GAIA as a process is Forked Prior to running to not slow down main process
ELimintaed MySQL persistent connections hoping to help RAM.
Built Random Terrain Tile Function to automatically eliminate repeat patterns on plain grass/sand
Stopped allowing Water-walking (Unless in build mode!)
Added Forest Terrain, Brightened up the Water Depth tiles a bit 45/90/256 instead of 32/64/256
Added Tiles data for forest
November 19th:
Fixed a wishing well bug
Brainstormed objects with Miranda
Added Melissa's first Flash module (Horse Equipment store!)
Miranda Added Berry objects, found an object-congregating bug
switched from rand() function to mt_rand() which hopefully fixes above GAIA bug
Added Snow Terrain
Added Emmas latest tiles.
Added Test Vertical shadows to all overlay tiles (trees mostly)
Implemented ability to Show another location on map.
Showing players allows for displaying other players location
Prior to Taking a transport allows viewing destination on map.
November 20th:
Added a Snowcapped Demo Christmas Island
Added a random number After image loader for map, ?### hoping it will force map updating
Added addslashes() function to server for MAPT,MAPD and Player Profile (Now apostophes work!..)
Went through and made sure all SQL selects weren't bloated. fixed a few.
Found a buggy sql select on selling objects. Fixed it.
FINALLY! developed a mechanism for passing packets from mini games to server
Updated docs with new Module commands
Shrunk the mouse on melissas horse equipment module
Welcome packets are held until client asks for them now. Hoping to fix Melissa's Nothing-but-water problem...
Converted the MOTD to run off database. Added admin Command to change it in-game.
Can now click HorseIsle Logo to get MOTD resent.
Made a DEmo Horse View Breed Module
When looking at horse, a movie loads now. Lots of work to make it go away after!!
November 21st:
Working on 2player minigame capability
Fixed Bug emma found where stuck in a store on login
Worked on Xoom payments... FInally got it to Go!
Got most of the Setup Opponent Ability Built
HOLY CRIPE!! built a free-form checkers game to test game commuinication.. WORKS!!!
Got 30 of emma's item art online
Made item icons appear on almost every view
Built another minigame example "accounting"
November 22nd:
Added Accounting MiniGame in to Maggies demo cabin
Cant sell Valueless objects anymore
Spaced textfields in various windows better
Added Buddy Database, and ability to add/remove buddies.. no use for buddys yet.
Added CHAT BUDDY option to client chat options
Implemented NEAR CHAT and CHAT BUDDYS in Server. Added coloring for each type.
Implemented Map CLickablity for info! :) needs lots of work yet..
Force Updateing with client filesize changes!! in horseisle.php
Added colors to Server Output log
Added info when player clicks on tiles and players
Searched some for a horse artist
November 23rd:
Sent Flash Horse Artists Notes offering work.
Added npcstatic table for tracking quest-set current npc conversation points
Added experiencegained and setnpcpoint fields to quest table
Added ability to Track NPC conversation points via Quest completions!!
Added Chatty Cathy Example at the intersection near wishing well!.. She remembers you were mean to her :)
Added Admin VIEW command functionality
Fixed Admin commands being allowedd from other chat types (except private)
Fixed auto-info updates for players when someone leaves/exits same tile
Setup INFOMODE player variables. records the current InfoPane event they are viewing..
ADMINs can now Jump other players TO themselves..
November 24th:
Interviewing 3 possible horse artists, Having them all make examples
Implemented Game time & date!
Added feature toan requested, Info Window returns to previous scroll point upon reload!
moved external modules to subfolder mod so that cleaner
Redid META button names into categories
Implemented nighttime and daylight brightness! between 10pm-5am it's dark!
Implemented 2 player chess example
fixed bug matt found where admin teleports player to their location.
Fully Implemented Pond functionality for horse drinking (1/20th chance of getting sick!)
Fixed server sending exact tweened Game time on login
Added GRAB ALL functionality per Toans request
November 25th:
New Artist Jenny submitted first breed, sent her info.
Worked on getting Breedviewing system built
Emma sent 35 items and some snow tiles!
Put new items/tiles into client
Fixed Dusk bug!! (MEGABRIGHT!)
Also made the darkest time, 20% lighter .5 -> .6
Gave Jenny the game tour, and gave her the job of "BreedMaster" :)
Fixed Breedviewer, Looks ready to go!
Server now allows a relogin by username, kicks previous session.
Server now Disconnects Remote client after 2 minutes of no packets.. (Nevermind!, see 5 down)
Wild horses now spawn on their breed-defined terrain type (grass,forest,snow)
NPC chracters now can wander if they are supposed to. . .
horses maybe get thirsty/hungry now when logged in...
Sent Jenny some more horse breeds
Tried to add some content ideas for INN for melissa.. . I'm no help. . .
Several Bug fixes... NPC's now roam correctly, horses now get hungry/thirsty
Stopped trying to disconnect players after 2 min of no packets, client is no longer sending keepalives!!
November 26th:
Implemented Sell All Button at shops, to sell all of a specific item type.
Fixed a bug where shop owners did not delete objects they stock when sold to them.
Now you can Edit Horse's Profile! (name and description!) whew!
Put a new guitar loop by Miranda in.
Made Beach sand Browner
Added Desert Terrain )grass to sesert transition)
Added Snow to Beach Transition Terrain
Added Object Spawning AT and NEAR Certain Map Titles. A la Coconuts near Palm trees!
Redid color definitions for map to have more detail, and added new entries for new terrain
Added Icons to display what is being worn in player details
Miranda addded a bunch of clothing objects
I invited a bunch of friends to try out system tomorrow night. .. .
November 27th:
Built a Multi-user Drawing Room! Made Broadcast Module Funcitonality.
I added mirandas footwear objects and let emma know they are there.
Added GIVE ALL server function
Added some meal conceptual objects
Added Melissas INN scene
November 28th:
Send Players location immeadiately upon login to others
Worked on Arena Set-up code - mostly done.
Built a new Jumping competition demo game.
November 29th:
Fixed Arena timing Bug at midnight
Fixed game modules messing up! Added EXITMODULE function to each mod. Stop Intervals!!
Fixed "I think" the unique Map buttons bug.
Mostly completed Jumping Competiton Arena! (no betting yet, and probably buggy)
Arena Betting works! Winners take proportion of all winnings based on bet amount
Now you can see a players horses when you look at the player details
added CHAT HERE functionality to client and server
added ability to REMOVE clothing
cleaned up text some, added code comments
November 30th:
Added a demo farrier to help give melissa ideas
Added another demo game Honeycomb Steal!!
Emma sent items and tile art - put both into game
Added Fishing store, built npc and a fishing pole quest!
Added fish objects, and FISHING type
Built a demo Fishing game! Fully works!!
Fishing fully implemented!!! cool.
reorganized all object communication codes
Added Buttons for future functions THROW,OPEN,DIG
Added Throwing snowball ability! Randomly hits someone in your same place
Added Ability to Dig with a shovel and activate quests!
Added an example buried treasure quest... Talk to Crazy lady. shutup, then give her flowers for clue!
December 1st:
Completely redid NPC system. Database driven now, rather than text file.. . Built Slick Editor too
Added $ signs to a lot of tranactions that were missing them.
Built Map importer! Reads in Image and Automatically smoothes it!!! Admin: Build Map
December 2nd:
Removed all horses from the System. Only allow horses with jenny's artwork to generate
When looking at horses you now See YOUR HORSE BREED, in Your horses COLOR, on the TERRAIN you are on!!!
Switched from a 33 char offset in game Map Data to a 1 char!.. . need those extra 32 tiles!! :)
Finished work on MAP!!! Planning on Wiping entire world today!!!
Wiped entire world.. . Set all players to start on welcome isle
Rearanged entire overlay tile set for permanent places
Added an Areas Database table. Miranda filled it with island names and town names.
Fixed TileRandom Admin command to randomize new terrains
Added overlays tile database table to specify whether walkable
Can no longer walk through trees. . . etc..
Ug! Completely lost first 4 hours of map building. . .. had to start over. oops.
Miranda built dock system to all major islands!
Built Welcome Willy NPC
Setup Welcome Isle
Miranda started work on Earton the northern City of horseisle
Fixed a major netowkring bug?! FLash socket cant accept chars > 190?!? So I built a kludge to hash them.
Added %ROADON %ROADOFF Admin functions to paint roads by walking!!!
Built most of normal town buldings in Earton
Fixed a bug where 6000 items were created at 127,127!!
Added Location Text to tell you what island, town you are at
Added Melissas wishing well! (added scrolling clouds and rose wobbles)
December 3rd:
Added a bunch of new tiles, some placeholder for emma work, others quality variations. added shadows
Added Client support for GROOM DRESS REMOVE horse buttons
Miranda built wagon transports for 3 cities on horseisle
Implemented Groomer!
Implemented Tack! You can dress / undress horses.
Miranda Built a forest
Appleton example built
Fixed tack to be more useable
Added GOTO admin commands for every city "GOTO APPLETON",etc.
December 4th:
Built %AUTOGENFOREST admin command. . works pretty nice!
Added buriedtreasure system! Random X marks the spots are scattered on beachs
Added some more demo overlays for emma to fix up
Allow ENTER key on login to activate login
When % is pressed it forces chatbox selection to Ease admin functions
Fixed a tilemap overlays bug
terrain-spawning objects only spawn on spaces WITHOUT Overlay tiles.
Horses now do NOT wander onto NON-WALKABLE tiles
NPC's now do NOT WANDER onto NON-WALKABLE tiles
Fixed walking animation so that default stance is flatfeet and now it goes left-center-right-center instead of 123123123
Added Emmas new Items and Tiles! (fish, fishing pole, shovel! + )
Added a Demo Boat transport Cutscene. Had to add a "protected" movietype in client.
Fixed ENTER key bug from earlier in the day. . .
Miranda Entered map colors for all the overlay tiles
Got the Map To Show Overlay tiles (docks and roads and buildings!, it's blurry, but works..)
Built a Socials system!!!!
Built a "prefixana" function to properly use "a" or "an" allover the game.
December 5th:
Converted socials system to database table, added several
Made a new 2 player snowballslingshot game.
December 6th:
Finished snowballslingshot demo game
rebuilt animated overlay system
finished animating all trainers
added a wishing well anim
Added chimney smoke effect ability Tacked to blacksmiths and inns right now.
Added a Detail level client toggle Shuts off chiney,water, and light anims
Added a %CALL HORSE admin function to pop a wild horse to your location
Set A 1 game day timer on training each horse
Built some of flipperton
Sara worked on shellton
Autumn offered to make Hoofisle
Made bridge tile #69 allow walking over water
added bridge and boat service to hoofisle
December 7th:
built a new 2 player basketshoot game
Added score tracking table and code for games
worked on a pong game.. . gave up :) latency and mirroring issues too messy
Added some flowers to terrain..
December 8th:
Fixed some basketshoot bugs
worked on loader demo
Added a gazebo and Playground
Added 8 tiles of Wildflowers to terrain
Finished 2 characters/cabins in flipperton along with quests.
Overlay table can now define whether to show player or not on that tile.
Fixed socials to only show to people on same tile
Worked on Horseshoe village with autumn
Added Emmas new tiles
Posted Work Offer on deviantart for 3 more positions flash,music,writing.
December 9th:
Added ability to ride horses to move faster! (mount/unmount buttons)
Moved the Various horse buttons to the LOOK page
Adjusted the volume control so that first click MUTE's instead of 4th. . .
Must have horse fully tacked prior to mounting now
Built a Pitchfork Gatherable Straw System! pitchfork icon, straw tile, server and module functionality
Improved Horse Feeding system
Miranda added autumns suggested socials (5)
Miranda fixed coloring and Showplayers settings in overlays
Implemented prerequisite Quests
Fixed npcstatic table to not create duplicate rows
Worked on finding new artists, posted on and emailed a few people
Miranda proofread NPC's and Socials
Miranda went through all item descriptions!
Added Melissa's new Sign Scene
December 10th:
Worked on User-friendly Quest Editor
Started "marbles" minigame
December 11th:
Mostly Finished Marbles minigame
Worked on World-guildelines with miranda and autumn
Talked to interested composers/writers
ugly Hack for Chat bubbles to work
December 12th:
Made a demo vet & clothes shop for melissa
Fixed Losing Chat Select Value on player logout bug
Added select chat box rows
fixed chat bubbles a bit
Worked on player ghosts? fixed?
Fixed Jumping bugs - players show immeadiately
viewing players screen, and plain screens now updats /once/minute
Working on same-spot update bugs..
client now shows OtherPlayer on top, and no longer stepping on legs :)
Finally after 4 or so hourse figured out a strange php behavior with foreach loops... Cannot NET same array!!!!!
Fixed 2player-game room updates for bystanders
Redid info-click code, now it shows both players and map titles, rather than just one.
Now Clearing OPPONENT setting when a player QUITS During a 2 player game!
December 13th:
Gave possible writer laurie tour of game.
Client map display now tells you what AREAS you are pointing at, straight from database! cool.
Worked on Racing arena module %50 complete
Built racing arena Gaia setup code
December 14th:
Finished Alpha version of Racing Arena! - up to 6 racers, see all opponents realtime!
Added Broadcast to Competitor Server function 80+82
Fixed bugs in racing code.
setup arena in appleton
You can no longer see the action buttons of another players horse when looking at horses
The stats now says how a horse is tacked when looking at them.
Added a bunch of Tack ideas and standardization to IDEAS
A competition now wears out a horse in many ways
In order to compete in competition horse now needs tack, and minimum requirements.
Added a simple daisey drop game to shellton and helped sara rebuild a bit.
Added a simple counting sheep game.. not sure on purpose yet..
Worked on appleton with autumn a bit
December 15th:
Fixed INN bug where things were not actually consumed
Worked on melissa's Farrier
fixed some drawing room bugs
Added Autumns Street suggestioons to IDEAS
Miranda and sara worked on shellton a lot.
Worked on getting tack to dynamically display... Man... bridles are a pain!
Tack now dynamically displays! example tack is ugly, but works.
December 16th:
Tested out music room concept. Pretty laggy. not sure if should finish.
Enabled arrows while viewing signs and other SWF without FACING=4
Tried a bunch of stuff to standardize frame rate. .. Wow.. Flash is
chunky when it comes to this. . . Not sure what to do yet.
December 17th:
Melissa submitted Vet, Added some anims
Emma submitted 20 objects
Did ALOT of item work. Re-layed out items
made a new iconid field for object and miranda re-mapped every object to new item tile map
Added a bunch of new color variations on Items
Added a PArk animation
made a water fountain with animation
Added a sub module property ALLOWMOVE which a module can set to true to allow arrow movement out
Miranda added a bunch of objects based on variations (clothing mostly)
Autumn and I added lots of NPC's and scripts
Italicized , Colored, and spaced NPC chat to make it easier to look at.
Made a demo fountain scene
Added MAPC admin command
December 18th:
Worked half the day on a Hedge-maze module. failed..
Added Second object required and Gained's So that quests can be more involved.
Added Successinfo to quests to send a custom localchat message to record transaction.
Added a quest points Player score. use this for completeing quests rather than experience
Sara and I worked on Christmas Isle
Implemented simple Fountain drinkability
Sara/Autumn/miranda and i added some content in a couple-hour blitz!
December 19th:
Autumn Worked 8a-10a On shellton character setups
Moved mouse-info-clicks to game window popup
Added Bird Eye-View Display!
Added object binoculars to game, Tied the Bird-Eye view to Using!
Antialiased the bird eye view a bit. . . Had to blur a copy of original tiles to do it!?!?
Fixed the Mouse-info so that the box displays nicely on game screen.
fudged mousclick 6 pixels down so that it feels a little more honest.. With the overlays.
Added FLute and Guitar to music room
Added Random Loading Game tips
Allowed snowballs to hit random people within 3 tiles
Added Santa workshop Tiles!! and 2 lit trees
Added a sort field to object table. Now handy tools are at top, and clothes at bottom of inventory.
Started SLeigh ride game
December 20th:
Added Sleigh ride to chirstmas Isle
Added puzzle1 difficult to make! puzzle game. Works good. could make the pices a little more random.
Autumn worked some on Building Descriptions.
December 21st:
Got a Dynamic Input box system to work!.. whew.. now can make email/messaging/message in bottle/bank systems. . . .
Worked on Maze game
Implemented Present System.
Added a little present icon and Binocular icon
December 22nd:
Added Banking System, Along with reported interest!
Stoped reporting player left if they never actually logged in.
worked on client fonts a bit
Worked with composer To setup MUSIC file, and get him started.
Composer Joe made music for wishing well
Added the music to wishing well, found a mechanism to pass volume to modules music.
December 23rd:
Miranda & Joe's Anniversary... I spose I'll take a few minutes off today...
December 24th:
Added some GameTIps
Created mouseover and mouseclick graphics for GUI buttons (INVENTORY, MAP, etc)
December 25th:
December 26th:
Built Dynamic Button Client Ability for seldom used buttons
Worked on Townhall Messaging System
December 27th:
Done with christmas breaks. . . Time to get some work done!
Worked more on READing system
Town hall messaging system now works.
Now you can "Rip Up" messages
Reduced bank interest rate
Changed bankbalance and interest to float numbers, rather than integers...
Emma submitted some new art. 12 quest objects, and several tile fixups (clothes store)
Fixed up Carpentry Puzzle a bit. Added my own temporary music, and the pieces are more random shaped now.
December 28th:
Built a AdjustVolume Function to push current game volume to modules when player adjusts parent volume.
Don't allow horses to wander into a town anymore
Jenny Submitted Belgian breed
Fixed BreedViewer to scale horses based on thier actual height!
All horses now shown to scale. . .Although small horses look too small. . . 19 hands max.
fixed Diagonal Bug reid had noticed
WooHoo Other players now "walk" animatedly to places instead of chunky "jumping"
Emma Submitted some more Tiles and objects, nice sand dunes and a willow tree
Stopped bank from refreshing
stopped allowing DROP for messages
Allowed colons and dashes in input boxes now
Client Version 0.29
Added Scissor icons to groomer options
Updated dev page to show existing modules for info only
December 29th:
Worked on dev Text files
Worked on marbles game built startup delay, and notify of WIn now. Also added column crush!
Fixed Directional sign to only show directions that are set dynamically. boards missing otherwise
Built HighScore Code so that different games can track player highscores.
Jenny Submitted Azteca
Emma submitted Male char form - built new client using char to test
December 30th:
Melissa Submitted Clothes store, animated and installed it
Emma submitted male char and female char
I built char selection code into profile page. It resets on logout, but works!!! Now you can look different.. finally.
Made the numbers prettier in bank, Only 2 decimals on interest, none on bank balance.
Added Pyramid Maze Demo Game In Santon
Added code to allow Games to activate Quests!! The pyramid treasure can only be rewarded once!
Worked on santon with Sara - added names to buildings for chars
Sara ran around decorating desert
Miranda setup wagons to santon
Miranda fixed walkability for desert terrain
Jenny Sent another breed- cleveland bay
MusicJoe Sent 2 Tracks for sampling for horseisle island!
December 31st:
Selected Character should remain after Logout now.
Worked on character Art: BLond boy, baby diaper, alien , red dress girl
Worked On Overlay Art: Sand Dune Variations, snow rock variations, snow stump,Trails,desert bush alt, Elf cottage
Installed MusicJoe's First Music Track
Worked on paths in chillton,santon,christmas isle Also worked on appleton a bit.
Fixed Missing overlay entry
Worked on Profile not clearing bug!! Long time, no luck!!
FInally fixed Mystery well appearing suring startup for a second. Turned out to be a bug in chimney smoke code
January 1st 2007:
Melissa sent Boat cutscene, I animated it some more and uploaded.
Implemented Money and Mail Status Updated wheenever a transaction is made!
BOlded most of the Info pages' titles
Moved the Profile buttons down a bit.
Added players online to status bar
No longer allow horses to spawn in a town.
Fixed horses wandering into town bug.
Miranda found a map-color bug - I fixed it, Was using a palette image! switched to true color
Added %MAPE Server command
Miranda updated Map colors
Miranda Adjusted Horse-breed stats
I built Severel NPC's and quests Around the Islands Right of treeton. Talk to cabin in East Treeton forrest to start adventure.
Emma submitted character fixes.
I fixed NPCEditor so that it goes to edit char after adding it.
Fixed the Keepalive Logging players out bug.
Client Version 0.31 (810kb client)
Finally Redid water - Changed from PNG's using 353k to a single 3.8kb png!!! Much simpler water effect.. still good tho???..
Updated Emma's Character fixes into game
Fixed up Overlay Trails a bit more random, along with other shading work.
Fixed NPCEditor Bug caused earlier today. . . .
Added All NPC's To Santon (unscripted)
Brightened Darkness at night 25%
January 2nd:
No longer attempt to move npc's at 0,0 (generated errors)
Added scriptless NPC's to Flipperton and chillton, and christmas Isle (14 residents)
Added a Wandering Scripted Reindeer to Christmas Isle.
Added 12 scriptless NPC's to Treeton
Fixed Looping Keepalives bug!
Added an SCRIPTED/unscripted display to the NPC Editor, so it's easy to tell which ones need scripting.
Added unscripted cabin NPC's in Appleton and did some construction
Worked a lot on Wington
Fixed infoview box showing at upper right during login
Fixed Binoc Water Not erasing
Fixed am/pm showing for time status
Added Compass to map/birdeye views
Added Click to Exit to Birdeye view
Removed TALK button from NPC's that do not have chatpoints yet!
Added unscripted NPC's to Wington Cabins
Autumn Worked on Adding Shop Owners to Wington Shops
January 3rd:
Gave Jim and Karl tour of game
Emma submitted 2 kid chars, and some overlays
Made alt versions of chars and got the new graphics into new client version.
CLient v.32
Worked on alternate Water Textures. . Gave to emma to play with also.
Adjusted Sandcastle to MAtch beach colors
Jenny Submitted Chinconteage pony
SERVER: Updated chillton jump location, Fixed minor viewing char bug
Fit the Chintoteague pony and Cleveland bay for Tack, And uploaded both breeeds
Fixed several Bugs that surfaced while Jims kids playing
added MUDHOLE functionality -- just randomly dirties a horse...
Built a demo Gardening game!! how dumb :)
January 4th:
MElissa submitted Pyramid Minigame fixups!
I worked on final touchups for pyramid game Final Version of game online :)
Melissa submitted fountain.. Needs work.... Put it online as is for now.
Emma submitted two new Chubby characters.
Got the characters and Built a new Water Texture into New Client
Allow Apples and carrots to be eaten by people and horses now
Worked on TRADE system. . big ball of mess :) 75% done.
More work on Trades %85 done, just need to do transaction and check validitiy
Autumn And I Wrote descriptions for all buildings in treeton, did roads, and a char :)
January 5th:
Jenny submitted Clydesdale breed
Autumn finished most descriptions in Wington!
Autumn and I worked on Appleton descriptions
Sorted Quest Editor Items alphabetically now.
Fixed quest entries to -1 for setnpcpoint's
Added a required quest feature for every possible reply, reply is only shown if quest has been completed.
Added a Complex Quest Example: Adrianna's Quest in Appleton :) 2 npcs' and 3 quest id's
Added Quest Titles to be used for in-game tracking of important Quests
Fixed bug- remove open trades when a player missing
Completed initial Trades System (Still need to Do verification checks)
Autumn and I did MAPD's in Chillton and Horseshoe
Implemennted a ADVENTURE Status Viewer! Slick! On bottom of stats page, click it!
Sara worked a little on tiles
Miranda fixed overlay player showing and added some objects
January 6th:
Autumn Added MAPD's in Earton
Brainstormed a bit on Quests (autumn helped)
Built Several more ways to Activate Quest Actions: Rake to uncover stuff/Binocs to search/Magnifying glass to search!
Switched Previous Binocular behavior to telescope
Miranda Activated many of the Treeton Buildings
I built 2 New Full Simple Quests in Wington Zamora and Dominique
Added Feltons Dino Bone Quest #1 to Flipeprton
Miranda Activated most of the Wington Buildings
Added Simple TAG system between Buddies
Extended Feltons Dino Bone Another Quest. (#2)
Extended Feltons Dino Bone One more Quest!(#3) whew...
removed old digx/digy
Miranda and I added and prettified a bunch of Direction Signs
Miranda worked on Lots of building Exits
January 7th:
MusicJoe Sent a PuzzleGame Music
Fixed Capture horse bug, need to clear interval! (momma noticed)
Allow admins to view players adventure logs
Started work on Library
Added NPC Search function in Library!!!
Added Basic Breed Viewer in Library.. . no way to select colors?. . .
Miranda Added some more breed descriptions
Added 5 Different Pyramid Maze's Ranging in difficulty and reward from 1 to 5
Shut off mouse control for Pyramid maze, tooo awkward...
Disallowed Dropping and Trading Quest Items
Worked on old PushBLock Game
Worked with MusicJoe on music submissions
Melissa submitted pretty-tised Breed Viewer.
Miranda proofread a lot of content
Miranda added most building Exits in game
January 8th:
Added SNowflakes, fixed clouds, Added Dust and tumbleweed on breedviewer
Added A Loader, Now the breedviewer properly displays terrain! finally.
Completed AntHill Game good enough for now. Added 1 set of 3 puzzles for anthill #1, along with quest
Finished a second set of 3 AntHill LEvels.
Miranda And I Built a Multi-user Server-controlled Brick Poetry room! It works perfect :)
Music Joe Submitted a perfect horse shop music
Redid my Checkers Game. Final Version! Good enough! Queening enabled by simple reaching other end of board
January 9th:
Built GameModule Standard Buttons EXIT/HELP
Updated Checkers with Help and new buttons
Updated AntHill with Help and new buttons
Updated Pyramid Maze with Help and new buttons and New Compass
Created Chess 2 Player game. Final Version Quality..
Worked on construction Puzzle. Added MusicJoe's puzzlemusic#1 to it, and gave it new buttons, win screen and ability to play again without exiting.
Added multi color blocks, and touched up a few things on constuction puzzle.
MARBLES: Added Music And Help menu, and Fixed down arrow cleaned up a few things too.
updated horse equipment store with music
tweaked equipment store into feed store
Fixed checkers bugs
Fixed more checkers bugs
Added Auto-junking of jumped chess pieces! and fixed some drag bugs
Lara noticed welcome boat was broke!! MAN HARD to figure out that miranda broke it by adding ^X^Z to end!!
DRAWING ROOM: Worked on Caching Drawing Room Image for newcomers, and returning
DRAWING ROOM: Fixed up a bunch of stuff with drawing room. Drawing bounds, All positive now, Caching fully works with animated refresh 10x per sec/ drawing 4x per sec
DRAWING ROOM: Added 2 grey colors to Drawing Room, And added 3 bigger line widths
DRAWING ROOM: Added Random Pictionary Word Button. Prepped it with ~30 things, need lots more.....
January 10th:
Melissa submitted Library, uploaded!
changed bank scene around, uploaded!
Switched server to track an array of drawing rooms, Now there can be multiple individual rooms.
Autumn did descriptions for rest of buildings santon,flipperton,shellton!!
Wow! Added 3 save slots to drawing room!! Ug.. . wasted 3 hours on this!!.... Need to find a way to limit data size though. . .. .
added a 100k byte code limit per drawing room! maybe could be 30 or 50 instead.
Added Separate Poetry room functionality with separate word lists started exmaple bird room in wington
Added some to SCENES and TILES files
Tweaked Drawing room: Extended random box, Added current color cursor, added SAVE and LOAD popups
CLIENT: Fixed CLient bug where it wouldn't close out previous module when opening on top of.
Made A Final Version Quality Breed Viewer Background for library, Complete With color selector!!!
Put MusicJoe's second part of horseisle music online. now 2 distinct tracks play for main bacgrund music
Fixed GOTO admin jump locations so less annoying
wiggled flowers on welcome sign and with it and direction sign added X buttons
CLIENT: Dropped the keepalive rate from 1 per second , down to 1 per 5 seconds. and gave 65 seconds instead of 61 prior to sending
Added BreedViewer Loading Horseshoe anim :) and cleaned up intro. Library is super sweet now.
January 11th:
Added Quest Editor manual to top of Quest Editor
Worked a while on converting Objects in inventory to quantity based-rather than individual.. But if i do that, we can't have them havetheir own timers, etc.. no converting/etc in inventory. . . rotting fruit??? ug.. .
Worked on 2 player TreasureHunter Game
Jenny submitted Dales Pony, Added it to game!
Got Treasure hunter probably good enough for final graphics draft
Played with switching the breed fla's tails to Reusing them with tints instead of copys. Saved 75kb on chincoteague.. . But, lot of work, and tough to match color exactly. . . Option if needed though.
January 12th:
updated miranda's todo list - we brainstormed on some stuff
Fixed anthill sound delay by changing sfx type to mp3 from the wav's??????
miranda finished horse stats
Fixed client map areas buggie
Worked on conformation arena
Sara N built Hotton city
Miranda activated buildings in Hotton
Miranda did a bunch of work on breed descriptions, etc
Miranda added min and max heights for breeds - as an imporved system over random +/- 1 hand
Fixed an arena bug
Added conformation arena code to server
Sara and miranda added Shellton Poetry room
Worked on making poetry room words a little smaller & caps
January 13th:
Sara worked on Learning scripting/Quest system. started with a great first one "Karina's Blankie"
Built a new admin command %RESET QUESTS to remove all quest completion tracking from yourself , so you can do one over again ( for testing)
Removed all Competition Betting functionality from server.
Fixed an arena bug where only one arena was judged at a time.. .
Fixed a lot more arena and conformation game bugs
Fixed up Poetry room a bit (smaller bricks)
Conformation Arena works now :)
Got melissas wagon cutscene online. . . Horse still needs trot animation!
Jenny submitted norwegianfjord breed -it's online look in library
Miranda added a bunch of words to wington poetry room
Miranda added a bunch of words to Drawing room random pictionary words
Sara Worked on beautifying Desert Tiles
Worked on ringjoust and horse herding demo's
January 14th:
Finished Cattle Herding game demo - it's in Appleton :) Great idea miranda.
Miranda worked at relocating a bunch of earton games to proper towns.
Miranda built her first NPC and quest :) Up in Wington, Evelyn. buys honeycombs
Updates CatchHorse Module a bit.. fixed a few buggies
Worked on Anthill level tester. might be ready.
miranda named hotton forests and added maggie NPC
Worked on fixing some client-module bugs, where sometimes a module get's "lost" loaded,
but unloadable.. Going through and fixing EVER module with a code change!!!
MusicJoe Dropped of Bank music :) great elevator tune.
Lauries stopped by and worked on belinda buckle a bit.
Published bank scene with music and eyes now blink randomly
Redid pitchfork code
Added custom help/exit buttons to almost all modules now
Miranda added a Dixie's Oranges quest nice jorb!!
Added a little more psycadelica to Construction puzzle
Added More words to Drawing room pictionary list
January 15th:
Took receipt on 2 finished mini-game songs from julien.
Worked on a Static-Romm-Multiplayer Dress-up system (horses/Doll?/snowman?)
Completed Dressup Multiuser static server and client code.. UGLY example in Treeton :)
Added Auto-Changelog display on Dev Page
I tried to fix the non-selection of game at startup, and tried to build a timer to select
it often. but no luck.
I found a nasty masking bug in client. And worked on perfecting the Module masking/placement.
(1pixel off right and bottom)
worked on prettying up dressup module a bit.
Jenny submitted Quarterhorse, not in game yet.
Gave jenny horse doll dressup details :)
January 16th:
Added Quarter Horse Breed into game
No longer allow dropping items at map locations!
Fixed music starting back up after quitting bug
Made the dressup interface work a little better. now you drag object right away.
Added a new player field 'childnochat' which if true, disables all chat sent to player. (for kids parental option)
Added MESSAGE ALL admin command
fixed a few minor server bugs
Worked on Trail Riding mod. . Ug.. was stumped over dumb little silly bugs... .
January 17th:
Added a "BACK TO HORSE" button when feeding/tacking/and profiling a horse, rather than all the way back.
Replaced horse-profile client code with server code instead.
Worked on trail riding module
Added some horse treats and feed objects
Got Jennys awesome Horsie Dressup Online :) It's in treeton near town hall!!!
Miranda and I did a little work in hotton
Built demo Barrel Racer
Ug... wow... . Discovered VirtualHorseRanch 2?!?! 3D MMORPG for Horses!!! hmmm..
It is also in beta, and looks as buggy as all heck... It's going to be more
important that the game is fun and playable.. . So, We might be o.k.. . . So long
As they dont get their act together :) - or as long as i get mine together. . . .
January 18th:
Autumn added characters to hotton
I worked on searching deviantArt for another couple artists. . . . flash & writer
COmmunicated with several artists.. still working
Worked on barrel racing a bit
Thought about Ranch Ownership system
Thought about Horse Pet system
Jenny submitted thoroughbred, got it in game
Autumn worked on hotton descriptions
Showed Jenn, a new recrit off DA, around.
January 19th:
Worked on Companion server code (decided to just treat like tack)
Helped jenn learn the ropes
Added a simple quest object adder to Quest editor
helped jenn create a large first quest! Daltons Medicine!
Jenn did another small quest on her own
Worked on companion bugs
Worked on drawing some quest item tiles
worked on tiles, added orange tree, fixed up treasure X and beehives
added a question mark for items without an icon
Finish Companion Server code. need flash and icon art now, and pet stores.. .
January 20th:
Melissa sent sleighride. Worked on finalizing that game.
Incorporated musicjoe's BLacksmith music
BUG FIX: stopped giving quest objects at wishing well (miranda)
Miranda finished horse breed descriptions
Jenn worked on Abigale Scripts
Added NOT: to every script reply, If an action is listed, it will not show if thats been completed.
Miranda added 40 horse pets to database. .. now we need them drawn :) and pet stores built
Worked a lot on figuring out ranch system. Ug. big mess.
January 21th:
worked on Ranch system
Miranda proofread and bug-fixed quests
Miranda Built Sabellas Quest!!! Super involved!!! Great job :)
Miranda Built Veronicas Ballon quest.
Joe still working on dangnabbit ranch system.. . .
Holy cripe.. . Ranch system. . . works!!! wow cool.
Melissa redid Bee's game :) cute.
Emma submitted several building tiles
Mike Built a puzzle for anthill game
January 22nd:
Melissa's Bees and Pitchfork Games have been redone and Put online
Jenny Submitted friesian breed, and A Top View Rider animation.
Jenn did another adventure in FLipperton for Waverly
Gave jenny pets job :)
Worked on Overlay Tiles
Julien sent another minigame song
Added %GOTO NPC <name> Admin Command
Added Admin Command %GIVE <user> OBJECT <name> so no need for ID!
Added Dorothy's Shoes!!!! ehehehhe When you USE them, they warp a plaer back to their ranch
Uploaded new client version with emmas 10 new tile buildings
Added library and arena to treeton
Added server-code ability to Sell Ranches
Dorothy's shoes are now given to players when they buy a ranch, and taken back when they sell.
January 23rd:
Added MAPM admin command to set scene
Ranch water wells and feed silos work, barns tell you a horse max..
fixed up anthills game a little bit.
Jenn finished ryland #2 Adventure
Joe WASTED hours of Autumn's precious, precious, time!
Autumn And I fully constructed a small Seaside community "Sunshine Meadows"
January 24th:
Did a TON of graphics touchups: removed purple overlay flowers, Added bushes, added rocks,made game buildings
Fixed berry farm roof, Added another stone cottage, Built pot of gold+anim, added conformation arena anims, library animns
Darkened bee's nest, Added yellow daiseys to white daisey patches, added blue to wildflowers
Added all snow cabins, and half of normal cabins chimney smoke.
Fixed up game intro hints a bit.
Helped Autumn Finish her cool "Autumn" Script
Worked on fixing up tiles in towns. . . Sara helped.
Added 8 large purple/pink floweres to terrain tiles
Added Pot-of-gold functionality!! There are 2 random pot-of-golds in ther world, walking over time gets you HUGE money :) 10k-100k
Pirate Treasures now max out at 10k and respawn + there are now 20 instead of 10
Autumn and I added A new small community "Soaring Meadows" fully populated with 6 cottages
I added Sun & Storms marital strife Quest :)
Autum worked on dialogs
Autumn added Harmony's Quest
Emma previewed char-horse! its gonna be nice.
Melissa submitted rock store
Put Rock shop Scene online
January 25th:
Worked on public webpage
Jenn did a few scripts for Nolan
Sara worked on Sera script
Autumn and I added cabins and characters to Earton
Miranda did some script proofreading
Jenny Submitted tennessee breed
Finalized Tack templates and sent them to Jenny along with list of tack
Fixed breedviewer and the breeds whose colors were called paint instead of pinto
Worked on server performance tracking bugs. . finally fixed it. . so simple ug.
January 26th:
Added Border to Main Web Page (Reid sugg), + few other tweaks
Worked on performance improvements... No luck so far! Moving 20 spots consumes .230sec Server!
Cached SQL tables: area,tiles,overlays And redid isWalkable,SendMap,setLocation functions.
Redid SendMap Function, COnverting Globals to locals, and removing inline comparisons, and removing wasted chr(ord()) calls!
Redid lots of functions for performance tuning.. very little if any improvement.
ADDED indexes to objects database!! Doubled performance for walking around! :) whew. . now if we can squeeze some more. . . . .
Indexed all tables properly.
Jenny submitted 8 pets and First set of Tack!
Worked on breedviewer to display pets and new tack.
Miranda fitted all of the breeds with custom tack positioning.
Got new pets and tack online
January 27th:
Spent most of the day on sightseeing road trip...
Jenn finished a final Nolan Adventure
Jenny built a horse running animation, but i need to think on what we need more before finishing it.
Added a settings table with key/value pairs for server settings that will be tweakable while running.
Added a Timer to Wild Horses, they are now replaced with new ones if not caught within 2days real time. This will balance out breeds and locations now.
January 28th:
Added Performace tracking for Once/minute Update Loop (UTime)
I believe The server now only send player-movemnt updates to nearby players! X(+/-9) Y(+/-7)
Melissa submitted general store and food store
Worked on finalizing both stores
Miranda Proof Read Server Text
Miranda added general store/food store / and rock stores to the respective buildings
Miranda proof read game tips and added afew
karl found ranch buy-back bug! FIXED
Added BARN functionality and table
Changed barn and Groomer to use localchat responses instead of new info screens.
Ranch Barns now Eliminate tiredness of all your horses (upon ranch visit)
Added Ranch Wagon Functionality, takes you to nearest station!
Miranda Proof read several Quests
I added a New Quest Mini-Game -- Painting! heehhe One Example up at FIN's cabin.
Worked on website- Account status page and login ability on main page
Did weekly backups
January 29th:
began setting real passwords for accounts.
Username now automatically appears when run client off Account page.
Tried a new water texture . .. . . ug. i think i like the old one better...
Autumn added some MAPD's in Earton
Jenn Added a cedric quest and Kele quest
Fixed norwegian fjord so it shows up (Jenn)
Added detailed stats and some touchups to the players Adventure Log
Emma submitted base horse riding char and another character
Worked on adding horsechar view while riding
Emma worked on Paint Quest Frames
Put 6 screenshots up. . need better ones later...
Got horsechar anims to mostly work - pretty buggy..
MusicJoe dropped off second 2 parts of horseisle sountrack. might get them in game tomorrow.
Working on ReDoing Entire Client Graphics System... Too sloppy to get horse anim proper.
January 30th:
Jenn did Dakota and Octavio scripting
Autumn finished up her Hazel adventure
Working on Redoing Map Transmisions faster- Only sending new rows rather than whole map
Map Transmissions fixed. now average 32 bytes per move sent rather than 268bytes
Working on redoing Graphics system now
Completely redid client graphics programming (Draw function) Now all horse riding bugs are gone, and hopefully all is well.
Complete HorseIsle SOuntrack now in Game! It has first part built in, and downloads other 3 parts while you play.
Built a Music Download Monitor Spinning white arrows at bottom right stop spinning once all 3 downloaded!! (turns into 4 tiny boxes)
Added Volume COntrol And BGM loading icon to Login screen
Miranda Colored in and coded all of Emma's "Painting Panels" And finished one of the quests (2 of 10 setup)
January 31st:
Built a mini-forums system for horeisle users
Built a session tracked login for account info and launching game.
Moved development page to only display for admins after logging in on main webpage
Added some more server stats and forum fixes to Account page.
Fixed Graphics when jumping around as an admin closeby.
FOund solution to CLickability bug! Fixed voluem and detail buttons by setting focus to them when clicked.
worked on some css for simple forums and fixed some formatting. . . still needs lots work...
fixed forum slashes
Miranda Completed entering all Painting Quests
Worked on server tracking last packet timeouts. . to find ghost players whose systems must have crashed?
Fiddled with website a bunch more.
Got Trail Riding Minigame online..
February 1st:
Melissa Sent Barn Scene, I added some candle anim and Put it online, adding it to existing barns.
Got Server Forking of GAIA to Work without generating Zombies! So now the 2.5 second "freeze" once a minute no longer happens
Noticed there are still Map issues when "Jumped" Around.
Fixed Another Graphics Bug when stores jumping you around. Believe Thats it now!
Jenn Worked on Some Scripting - Larissa.
Switched arenas to send Mini-game startup in protected mode! to fix movement-get-arena-bug :)
Added a timer to show how long a buddy has been offline.
Fixed it so an Actions First Object given can be "Conceptual" i.e. a Nap And then it's consumed instantly.
Added Object Type info and Value to Actions Editor.
Julien submitted another minigame music
Miranda Proofread and fixed up Quests
Jenny Submitted tack and 4 more pets :)
Working on a simple 2 player minigame
Added the raccoon,gerbil,gecko,orange tabby
Added the Beautiful Tack Set To Wington Tack shop! NICE.
Matt noticed stange spacing on his mac os x - I am trying to switch to Text Area COmponent instead of plain text box...
Still problems with text area companent that need fixing. . . . (font size, and scrolling)
February 2nd:
Melissa Submitted townhall, worked on that and uploaded.
Jenn added to Larissa scripting
Worked on stupid font sizes half the day! gave up embedding a font, just use systems! they are nice enough.
finally figured out how to set the system font size..
Sara decorated Desert Isle
Put up beta of ORBITAL two player turn game. in northern wington.
February 3rd:
Polished up Orbital 2 player game in wington.
Miranda worked on fixing western saddle, and donkey placement, etc.
Miranda worked on adding Pet Stores.
Jenny submitted 4 sets of tack! Got all of them uploaded
Miranda worked on entering all saddles into database, and correcting stats
Several Minor Server Fixups:
Treasures and Rainbow pots now disappear properly after collected
Horses now move only ONE spot the first time in any direction! makes it possible to get onto certain tiles :)
When you mount or dismount, it now shows that happen immeadiately
When your path is blocked, it no longer send the map and INFO screens
ADMIN Builder Terrain FOOTPAINTING has been disabled. too dangerous, and not needed much anymore.
Fixed Childnochat bug not allowing messages to be sent
Sara/miranda/i built Sandy Meadows
February 4th:
Sara beautified some more cities
Miranda finished last painting quest
Worked on Chat-spaces-MACs bug!!!!
Improved inventory display speed :) (fixed dumb bug)
Miranda Proofread Quests
Sent autumn list of cabins missing MAPD she started working on it
Jenn did a quest for Muffins
February 5th:
Autumn did a ton of Mapd's around various places missing descriptions + sandy meadows
Autumn Helped me determine the Spacing on Mac's is a flaw with the Helvetica Font at point size 11..
Not sure if finding a way to turn off kerning would help.. . or else need to finally get a different font to work.
Ignoring it for now, per autumns instructions!
Moved Player-Update COde to Forked GAIA Process - Sped up Server Update time if busy server!
Switched arenas to Run Every MULTIPLE of minutes instead of time tracking.
This also ened up fixing the Arena Time-tracking bugs.
Fixed Band-hall instrument clickability
Fixed anthill sound effects delay by upping Frames per Second to 50 from 20??? It still only plays at parents speed??
Tried publishing new client with Kerning disabled and letterspacing=0 for autumn to test
Julien previewed another song
Emma sent 2 chars and a horse anim touchup
Changed account page to auto-refresh once/minute
Removed &lt;BR&gt;'s from localchats that had them, now that they are added by default (was getting double spaced)
Added InventoryFull checks to grabbing items.. . Max items=40 unless 1shed=60 2shed=80 (totalmax= 80)
February 6th:
Miranda added mudholes
Added Horse Limits and inventory limits to buying
switched account page to update every 5 minutes
Melissa Submitted fishing shop
gave melissa ranch scenes
sara did tons of island work over the last few days - plopping trees/decor around all shores
Julien sent 7th minigame music
February 7th:
full backups
worked on horse pixel animation
Jenn completed a nice Lajita Quest
Converted Server to run as a daemon now. (wont die when my internet dies)
Worked on Setting up beta server - Ug. php doesn't support pcntl and mysql is OLD! erg.
Worked on SQL optimization NULL => NOT NULL , and a couple VARCHAR => CHAR
Emma sent new chars
Worked on getting new chars and variations finalized.
February 8th:
built a new Character Selector- this makes for easier maintainance, and Avoids the Combo-box+Scrollpane bug!
melissa sent new fountian
Jenn did a small addition
Autumn Completed mapd's and chars for all buildings missing descriptions!
I more than doubled the number of character variations and got them online.
Disallowed wrapping Companions/pets at santa (autumn)
Worked on switching from "wearing" clothes to "Selecting" competition gear.
Worked on new stat system plan...
February 9th:
HUGE JOB: Built new Stat Bars for horse stats! slick
Added ' & " to punctiation list for languagefilter (autumn)
Fixed training Max (Almost completely) (momma)
added experience note back to horse view
added fancy graphs to feed info screen
Switched training to all be done on one infoscreen, instead of having to go back and forth to little update screen.
added horse icons to trainer, and players horse list
Made a second screen to verify player wants to release a horse
Added LOOK AT Buttons for horse tack & companions
Horses Height now set off of Mirandas minheight/maxheight fields
A Few minor bug fixes
Gave the racing Bridle Reins a gentle swing motion... Should all reins have it?
Built high score viewing system - put in place for SLeigh ride and Trail riding games :)
Added Besttime tracking and top 20 listing systems - Barrelracing setup as example
Added Top winner listing system - Basketshoot setup as example
Started work on Beta Tester Signup form
February 10th:
Fixed Website user/pass bug.
Finished up Beta Tester Application Form.
Miranda proofread Website
Jenn did some scripting
First Beta Tester Submitted application!
Miranda fixed some script bugs
CONCEPTUAL objects are allowed in secondary given item in actions now
Started work on HORSES games, where you can select one of your horses to play the game.
Miranda made all bridle reins swaygently..
FInally found the sneaky PAINT-PINTO bug thats been giving grief :) hehehehe
Fixed VET so all single-screen usage.
HORSES game types now implemented. They can pass all of horses stats to game.
Jenny submitted FIREBALL Tack :)
Got fireball tack online
Added TACK viewer to Library!
Added COMPANION viewer to Library!
Added Wikipedia Entry for Horse Isle :) and linked from a few other pages.
Built PIANIST Quest Minigame! Characters can ask you to play a certain tune for them. Once successfully played, you complete quest.
Miranda added piano Quest for Jasper in Earton and elaina in wington!
Added a Random Horse name generator to Horse Profile editor.
Miranda built half of horse char graphics, should be online tomorrow.
Received 6 Beta tester applications today :)
Fixed up fishing shop and got it online (wiggling worms)
February 11th:
Compiled a list of roughly 10,000 horse names for game :)
Miranda Finished Horse Chars! GREAT WORK!
Uploaded Client version .45 With Animated HorseChars for all Chars
Added Playback/Demo [!] button for PianoPlay Quests
Added TODO's to get done prior to beta
Added Ability to add experience to horses in minigames.
Built riddle database tables
Added a In-Game Riddler And made up Several horse riddles. Placed it in FLipperton Northwest shack for now.
February 12th:
rearranged tiles, added 5 bush tiles, and 3 tileable swamp grass tiles TERRAIN TILE:#152 for bushes
Added some more riddles. people all say they are too hard.
Emma sent 10 items and petstore
Jenny submitted icarus tack, got it online
Fixed up earton and flipperton bush-tiles
Now scored games track number of times played also
Fixed up cattle herding a bit Added best time tracking.
Posted site to several search engines, and hand submitted to a few popular horse indexes.
February 13th:
Jenn added a couple quests
Added MINI-GAMES Directory to Libraries
Fixed timesplayed tracking code for highscores
Added BUTTERFLY CATCH Single Player Game
Jenny submitted jackrabbitt tack set, got it online. (after REALLY WIERD FLASH BUGS!)
Fixed arenas to Use Tack bonus' in Calculations
Added dates to in-game messages
Jenny submitted 3 new pets - got them online
Added QUEST Minigames to Library minigames listing, and added some descriptive text for each category.
Built icons off tack & pet images
February 14th:
Set all Tack and companions to proper IconID
added saddle icons to tack view in library
Put the new Horse Names list (9000 names!) online
jenn added a huge mystery quest
found a big quest bug and fixed
Redid Island Entry Demo
Miranda added companion stats and formatted gear stats nicely
February 15th:
Added RELOADABLE flag for minigames to allow reloading?
Made RELOADABLE automatic for games started with OK! button.
Added DONOTDISTURB flag for arenas to prevent loading movies over them, or being removed on map sending
Added Score tracking to Construction Job
Miranda cleaned up the Old UPPERCASE score trackers
Miranda removed all the clothes from system, to begin replacing with riding gear only.
Did a bunch of "prettying" up on login screen text/layout
Added Players ranking in minigames to STATS and Looking at other players
Fixed some minor server bugs (several from 'momma')
WOrked on wikipedia entry a bit more, tried to get some more linkage
Switched intro animation to exponentially speed up in the approach to islands, so that it looks more realistic
February 16th:
Fixed up Orbital Minigame - added win/loss tracking / BGM / and touchups
Fixed up Anthill game again with melissas art, and Score Tracking! + etc.
added stream anim and uploaded new fountain
display max and # of items in inventory
Jenny submitted 5 pets, miranda got them online, along with icons.
miranda put remaining tack and new pets in stores
miranda/momma added to pet descriptions
February 17th:
added horse guess word game
sara cleaned up towns a bit
TILE FIXES: darkeded swamp grass, windows on pet shop, sign on horse games,
additional game rooms, Ranch icons redone.
Fixed bird anim on leader, and gradiented islands.
removed old ranches
fixed up ranch upgrade pricing
Sara worked on adding new ranches
Miranda worked on adding longer descriptions
Miranda worked on Sort Order for Objects
Miranda worked Tack Descriptions
Miranda worked on clothes a bit
Worked on hot air balloon game
GOt jennys homepage Intro FLash fixed up and online - awesome
February 18th:
Got Melissas Ranch system online!
Look at ranch building added
Added WIndmill Giving player money twice-game-daily (once/hour)
Added number formatting to all ranch costs
Updates Ranch Icon for anyone nearby when ranch upgraded.
Fixed wagon text fitting (momma)
Miranda worked on help system text!
Miranda fixed various layout bugs (momma)
Melissa added ranch decorations, worked on randomizing those, and some other tweaks. its online.
Added BGM Music For FOOD and GENERAL Stores
Added BGM Music for INN
Added BGM Music for FLOWER SHOP
Miranda Got Emma's Dressup Cactus online
Put Demo HOt air balloon online (no point to it yet)
Miranda worked on breed descriptions
Added extended player data table
Added Asterisks next to Admin Names on Players Online Listing
Disallowed Releasing horses in town
Added asterisks to yourself iff admin
Rebuilt Horse animation using some of jenny's frontpage horse for island loader
Fixed bank balance rounding on account page (momma)
I believe i fixed Ranchid not exiting errors
Fixed Time off line reporting bug.
Miranda and momma worked on finishing tack descriptions
Musicjoe sent an alternate WebPage music - great fit. Added it to Jennys web scene
Added a Percentage Loader to Web Scene, and a few touchups.
Fixed Inventory Item Maximums
Gave Riddle solvers a Bonus for solving
Moved riddles to Appleton, Display reasoning after they solve it. reset all riddle records.
February 19th:
Fixed remaining Ranch sql errors
Few minor bugfixes to eliminate errors
I believe an Admin can now private chat to a Player with NOCHAT set.
Upgraded Racing Arena with music and better anim, and highscores
Upgraded dressage arena eith music, better tick marks, and highscores.
Fixed some small server bugs
added some words to chat filter (momma)
Worked on capture horse minigame! NEW vversion is online, with jennys run & turn animation better lasso
Fixed recently caused bugs in INN/foods/flower shop graphics
Got new clothes store version online along wiht music
Got fountain to have webpage music
jenny fixed up HOrse Capture background online
jenny fixed up cattle for cattle herding!! online
Fixedup Racing arena again, with jennys new decoration graphics added lots of polishes.
February 20th:
Fixed up Jumping Arena, jennys jumper/cantering horse, lots of decorations, new obstacle, music , new format
raised quest rewards 10-2x for all quests
cleaned up beta accounts, added a beta tester account splash text
Sent out beta tester welcome emails.
Lots of minor fixes and welcoming betatesters all day.
sped up jennys butterfly game and got it online.
HUGE BUG: server locked up several times. Tried changing main while loop to a single loop in case it's getting locked there..
-also put in packet tracker so every single incomming packet can be displayed
February 21st:
Added Main Packet Handler Enless loop protection, maximum 20 packets are dealt with from single socket
FIXED MAJOR BUG: private chat was sending to other people sometimes :) FIXED (removed going off a temp ID in client.. instead just use name)
FIXED WINDMILL BUG: It was randomly giving people money instead of the proper accounts.
Added packet display back into corrected server loop.
fixed a drawing room warning on server (loading non-saved drawings)
Removed all geldings from system Why Have these?! they are wild horses :) (Amaya)
Fixed mail bug
Finished hot air balloon game
Added custom web refferal/simple stats to main page
Allowed multiple answers to be giveable in riddle room?
February 22nd:
Added DELETE ability to forum posts
Changed SORT of forum posts to Newest On top.
Fixed up beta test form
automatically inserting player and player exteneded entries now on betaform
added message about network troubles
fixed fancy reins
fixed some in-game tiles and titles
Private chat should now allow admin commands finally!
betatester extra info added to notes in table, and form input verified with addslashes
new table for server performance tracking.
A bunch of tables cleaned up when a player exits now: arenaentry, trades, gameinvites
fixed players list updating the list rather than exiting
Converted the farrier to single screen use and removed unneccessary lines
Added Arenas charging entry fee's finally
fixed ability to Do admin commands while in private chat
%% should chat only to admins now
Added a simple serverperf grapher - needs lotsa work. . but helpful for now.
February 23rd:
Added an Optional QUANTITY Requirement for Objects in quests! SO now, you could need 10 honeycombs, or 5 ???? quest objects. . etc.
Fixed up Performance Graph
Fixed up NPC Hazel errors
Fixed up Double clicks on Selling items.
Added ! at end of New Users names in player list
Converted hands from decimal to hands.inches
FIxed many bugs where did not exit function on error
Fixed CHAR selection bug, rather server-protected against it
fixed multiple-entries into arenas
February 24th:
Upped arena Timeouts to 3 minutes from 2
Arenas should now properly judge when all competitors are done...
NightMary Made a ton of AntHills :)
Fixed wishing well giving out empty presents
Fixed new users id not showing
Fixed new quantity based quest requirements
Fixed quests after breaking them :)
Added Store Objects Timing Out after a SETTINGS timeout.
Miranda - another missing horse problem and fixed
Lots of minor bug fixes
Fixed up Ant hill game
Miranda Added Chillton AND hotton Poetry rooms!! (NightMary's word list)
Added a PlayerID Additional Reference pointer in Server, redid 20% of server code with it.
February 25th:
Tried to figure out new PlayerID problems UG - wasted long time
Added number formatiing to ~20 point and $ displays
Trainer should now work.... maybe
Miranda Added player extendeds for those signed up prior to automatic
Miranda added to help systtem a lot
Miranda several minor bugfixes
Fixed wishing well bug
Added Trainer button
Changed arena timeout from 2 minutes to 3 minutes this time for real :)
Spawning Around titles should now avoid overlays.. (apples,etc)
Refunds for tearing down ranch buildings now.. . Maybe. .
Check for FullInventory before allowing Trading
Added 2 throwable objects - waterballoons and tomatoes - NEED to add waterballoons to a store? or minigame?
Player MINET gave me 5 new horse riddles :)
February 26th:
Fixed Little Girl Painting pixel gaps (jornak)
Found & fixed INFINITE gaia SERVER LOOP!! Matt got mad at me :(
Found out $PlayerID[$id]['SOCK'] Reference DOES work :) That will help clean up code ALOT.
Rewrote admin chat and player list with $PlayerID references for speedup.
ADDED Horse and Money Trading
Added Quest BOnuses! 50% QP and 100% QP Cash bonuses (onlooker)
Added 4 more Anthills using NIGHT MARY's Puzzles
NightMary Added 50% more works to word guess game
Buddy Chat PlayerID'd
High Score Bonus Implemented (onlooker)
Miranda: Lots of minor fixes
February 27th:
fixed all player counts to not count people sitting at login
Max players to send logins/disconnects to everyone SETTING added
ChatViolations function and db table added
ChatSwap function added
Arena startup PlayerID'd
Added a whole bunch of acronyms to be translated via chatswap
Added a Browser close intercept for firefox at least.
Trained in Minet some for quests
Jenn, minet, and miranda all made one quest
Fixed up browser intercept TO NOT BUG when closing using QUIT button, or Error page :)
Several bugfixes, and Several function Rewrites for PlayerID improvment.
February 28th:
Cached ranchID for minor speedup
Inventory now allows MAX 50 or single item, and should allow you to add an existing item to full inventory now.
GRAB ALL - individual items now checked for inventory addability
Editing horse profile SHOULD have description in progress if you generate new name
Rewrote SOCIAL function
ReWrtoe PlayerQuit
Rewrote Update Map
Several minor server bug fixes.
Built Overlay Show table sender, + client code, to handle invisibility instead of server.
Sharacters now go invisible half-way into cabins, etc.. hopefully looking more relaistic.
Private Chat Bug fixed, When player quits , private chat is reset to CHAT all for those using it.
Changed WEAR button to SELECT
Chop off legs when walking in bushes/swamp grass
DOnt close arenas on Horse EXIT TO MAIN button
I added a kinda big unicorn quest to sunshine meadows
March 1st:
Added Melissa's Groomer scene
Added 'invested' tacking to ranches: it tracks how much player sent to buy/upgrade/build on a ranch. Seleling a ranch resets this to 0, selling a building, removes the entire building cost.
Added ranch value lister in City hall
Adde Top Money list to city hall
Added Top Adventureres to city hall
Fixed Overlay hiding (offset by 1)
Added F1-F4 tool shortcuts?
Dont move character if typing chat. .
March 2nd:
Helped minet with spider quest
Worked on island expansion
added server MERGE MAP function
added areainfo table
added %GOTO AREA admin command and it will find location from table
Merged Island Expansion!
March 3rd:
Worked on Adding competition experience FUNCTION: rounddown(((numentrys+1-yourplace)^2)/2) (minimum=1)
Added town hall top 25 experiece list
Miranda defined new island areas
Jenny submitted 2 new breeds! lippizan and shire
miranda added breeds to game.
Jenny submitted another breed
Joe Added 100% original Gem SLider Puzzle Game
Minet did a quest
Sara Worked on Art Isle
March 4th:
touched up gemslider
Added Vegetable garden to ranches - to feed player
Worked on Rainboku original puzzle game concept. . . .
Added Checks for player having the tool needed if shortcut used.
Server Crash :(
Fixed gemslider bug
Jenny submitted new breed and 3 pets
Miranda worked on items icons
Joe worked on items icons
March 5th:
ChatSwap now works with punctuation,etc.
Emma submitted snowman dressup, passed to miranda.
Many hours bugfixing chatswap...
Many other bugfixes
Error catching on socket_read now.. in case that can hang.
March 6th:
PlayerID optimizations
Built new quest minigame - tanagrama
March 7th:
Trades canceled when move from same spot
Miranda got jennys new akhal teke version online
Joe worked on server canceling trades when move
Joe Worked on Prison module
Miranda got 8 Tanagrama quest puzzles online
Joe got prison isle barebones up and running.
Miranda fixed up artemis's Tack-full quest
Joe finished making missing quest icons, miranda put them up.
March 8th:
Joe made a bronc riding game demo
Miranda Mule added to breed database fixeded some quests
Miranda balanced item quantitys for bigger landmass
Joe worked on finishing rainboku puzzle up.. . . UG. .. still no win condition...
Got New MUSIC BG for library/townhall and petshop
Added a fifth BGM mini track (30 seconds) cause it seemed like a nice break
Miranda worked on getting Snowman Dressup online
March 9th:
Server speedup for 2Player and Arena Inter-game Codes
Miranda fixed a couple tanagrama puzzles
Joe worked on Rainboku solvability. . only module setup left. . .
jenny sent wackamole
Joe worked on and got jenny's version of wackamole online - top score added
a few minor server bug tweaks
miranda proofread riddles
Got Rainboku online
March 10th:
Built a new Quest MiniGame "Sand Castle Moats" -- final version quality
Miranda worked on Moat puzzles for moat game
Server Crashing MAY have to do with writing to files/sockets simultaneously from 2 processes
Checked for log opening error, and exited logging if so
FIxed a couple of minor gaia buggies
Jenny submitted mule
miranda got mule online and tacked
Miranda got the 10 Sandcastles quests online! (some are on unreachable islands)
Joe Created forest maze on flower isle
March 11th:
Miranda worked on Pegasus quest
Joe Worked on flower isle overlays built another meadows village.
Got the Sign and welcomsign modules setup with snow and desert scenes
Worked on another puzzle minigame idea
Disabled players cannot log into game
Minet added a Holly Quest
Miranda finished pegasus quest
Miranda added access to flower isle
March 12th:
Finished Ice Sculpture quest minigame Placed 10 in game
artemis made a gandalf quest
Repaired Nolan bugs
Activated prison for horse health <=0
Got Jennys new bronc riding game online
Miranda added a Thorne Quest
Worked on tool bar gui???
March 13th:
Switched to using ajax for refreshing player listing on web page (no more reloads)
Miranda worked on a quest for Quinn
WOrked on auto-reset system long time....
Miranda lots of quest bugfixing
March 14th:
FInally got auto-reset system to work :) Server can be down max: 2.5 minutes.
March 15th:
Minor Bugfixes
March 16th:
Welsh cob Entered and tacked
Weeding game fixed up.
Worked on a follow-the-shell game
Miranda found a serious Jumping Bug - fixed it.
Miranda and Sara worked on Cat Isle
March 18th:
Worked on Shell Shifter
Fixed bug with releasing horse while riding
March 19th:
fixed up sign and welcome mods with loaders
March 22nd:
Fixed missing 5th BG Music Chunk
FIxed Ranch Well to Water Player also
Limited Number of earnable objects to inventory
Worked on Jump'N'Frog
Miranda got Paso Fino Tacked and online
Fixed some minor bugs
Added Player Private Notes to STATS
Moved minigame rankings to it's own STATS Page
Scaled pet opposite of horse so it retains size
Worked on Tail Isle and added ranches
Scaled pets 150% in library
Added a username entry in playerexteneded table for ease
Added a existing username check in signup, and set playerextended username.
March 23rd:
Changed SOcials to auto-wrap themselves
Added Horse Socials and a few more player ones
Miranda proofed Artemis8a's Easter Bunny Quest
Miranda made some berry bushes, and Rock Piles for Ores
Worked on implementing WORKSHOPS - built crafts table, and server code
FInished WORKSHOPS functionality!!
Worked on a World Map Module some.. 50% traced
Worked on a turtle guard game idea. .
Miranda Made ore objects spawn
Miranda worked on a large quest
Emma submitted Pirate Tiles
March 24th:
Worked on Countries module
Miranda finished large wington tack quest
Made new arcade minigame - balloon pop
fixed western saddle=5000 from 1000
March 25th:
Miranda worked on Countries module
Miranda Put American paint breed online tacked
Worked on Char graphics added several of arica's chars
Added Piano percentage indicator
Got Geo Hunt Minigame online
Worked on pixel horse graphics from arica!
Got new automatic pixel horse with layered char graphics support in client
Got new pixel horse graphics support in server
Miranda worked on a quest and helped minet with one.
New chars and pixel horses online!!
Sara worked on tail island
March 26th:
Added Admin commands:
DROP #/name creates new object on ground
PRISON name - sends player to prisn isle
%^ alias of %GOTO AREA
Removed GOTO EARTON, etc..
Miranda worked on some quests
Worked on Carrot Run New Quest puzzle/action game
Miranda fixed several quest bugs, etc.
March 27th:
Added Quantity Trading support of object trades.
Worked on finishing Carrot Run Quest Minigame - 10 setup on Hare Isle
Miranda worked on Workshops and objects
March 28th:
If you remove tack off horse you are riding, you stop riding it.
Improved bee game so they are randomly swarming bees.
NightMary Proofread all Cabin Descriptions
Fixed a gem slider bug (hold down arrow at win for unlimited points)
Fixed Object trades after being busted from quantity fixes.
fixed present loops
new breed added and tacked- Hanoverian
Miranda finished a quest that included 2 new islands
March 29th:
Moved player.description into playerextended table to speed up player table
distinguished superadmin commands vs normal admin commands for safety
Added a DELETE PlayerID # superadmin command
added winter and desert background for wagonstation
built and put new word path game online
Worked on object icons
Nightmary worked on proofreading map descriptions.
March 30th:
Built new client with objects and overlay art new versions
Possibly fixed CLient map area gap bug (rounded mouse positions)
Added a donation system to AccountPage changed to
Added Game Credits to Account page
Miranda added 4 Pyramid Quests
Miranda added 3 Piano QUests
adding wishingwell boolean to object table and server code support
GAIA HUGE BUGFIX: Objects stopped spawning after a successful titles object creation
Miranda fixed up object sort order
Added a Server Max CLients setting, and Server Notifies client that server is full on login if so.
Added automatic client pre-notification of Map Saves
Moved drawingbytelimit to settings table from hard coded server
Switched PlayerQuit Server function to use an array copy of PlayerID for protection from doubling foreach on admin shutdown
Might have found a foreach doubling corruption with admin jumps, MAY be a cause of player GHOSTS - Fixed.
Miranda made a feed Workshop with 4 crafts
March 31st:
Miranda made 5 new sandcastle moat quests
Added Infinite loop detection?? Using Ticks and debug tracing! - hope it works!
Added Original WORD LOCK GAME With COLORS WOrd Set.
Many proofread fixups
8 New horseriddles added from players
April 1st:
added pcntl_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); -- thinking hang may be on socketwrite being blocked...
Also considered setting non-blocking on sockets.. not sure what that will cause tho... one thing at a time..
Added a CLient SOCK max protector
Added socket_shutdown($sock, 2); to player quit, supposedly cleaner
Added Protection to not allow a player to send multiple login codes, hopefully fixes the duplicate login messages
got Melissas Trainer Scene Online
got Melissas Oasis Scene Online
melissa redid frog game art, got it online
melissa redid bandhall art, it's online
Added ~10 real time riddles
Converted to Custom BUTTONS for client, 3-4x Inventory list render speedup!!! Plus they match color :)
April 2nd:
Put new client online, and fixed several bugs with it.
Added a sessions table, to record ips and when online
Added player vertigo, when hungry/thirsty move in random direction 10% of time
WOrked on a new simple minigame "Hold Your HOrses"
Worked on Paypal Membership system/setup.
New breed added and tacked - Haflinger.
Miranda designated forest areas for tail, hare and flower isles.
Miranda trained Bonsaiwolf to do quests.
Miranda added more to the feed workshop.
April 3rd:
New breed added and tacked - Percheron.
Paypal Subscription integration - automatic subscription management
playtime handling support added
April 4th:
Finished paypal transactions and horsebucks exchange
Worked on subscription info for betatesters
Ranches now Rest You
Added AWARD tables, and replaced Quest completion Bonus's with Awards. Rest of award system undone.
Added Show Locations Option in Library
Added Show Awards Option in Library
Added VIEW AWARDS option in player STATS to view own awards.
Added 6 Arena Awards, Good and Great for each depending on a WIN with a certain number of opponents
Added Chat FIlter Rater Tool
Added SOme Icons Arica Worked on
New breed added and tacked-Hackney
April 5th:
Added chat violations to account view
Added [TACK] marker to horses in a trade that have tack on them
Changed BUDDY system to require reciprical buddies ONLY.
Implemented Extended TileSets NORM/SNOW/SAND/PIRT/etc.
Implemented GLobal Chat MUTE
Miranda And I WOrked on RULES and TECHNICALS web pages. . .
Worked on tileset Ideas
Added Horse bucking you off 1% of time on a horse with <25 experience.
April 6th:
Switched horses to only move one sppotin towns.
FIxed horse word guess (MARI)
Added melissas Workshop scene
April 7th:
Miranda got Jenny's Exmoor pony in game tacked up
Cleaned up playerquit code DURIGN shutdowns (no need to message eachother!)
FIXED Players "warped" to previous login original location bug!!! (foreach interference)
Maybe cleaned up Shutdown sequence by moving it out of signal handler!
Horse AUTOSELL System COmpleted!
CLick on a barn in a players ranch to view their horses, offline also. and buy horses.
Miranda added a blacksmith workshop
Miranda added cotton plants all over to generate cotton
April 8th:
Ranch Description Editable/Viewable
Queued messages for offline messaging setup (entry side)
display queued messages on login
disallow blank horse names.
bug noted with char 32 being sent for player chars. (need to wait for clietn update)
cleaned up ranch description display
added 1pt exp for horse every time it bucks you off
Added mail delivery to ranches
Added buyer's name to autosell queued messages. . .
Added 5 GROUP socials and functionality that appear below 3 people at same spot.
April 9th:
Fixed a bunch of bugs
fixed Child no chat to not allow THEM to chat either. and restricted private chatting with admins.
Miranda added homemade clothes to the Sewing Workshop
Worked on a new Maze Cave
April 10th:
Added Player Ranch Lookup (library)
Added Editable Ranch Titles
Added Auto Sell Horses Lookup (town hall)
Added Ranch title/desc text limits
Fixed bank balance bug by switching to Set Decimal size of 999billion and 4 decimals.
ChatViolations Check player profile/horse profile&name/ranch desc&title
Check for max lengths on horse profile submission
Check for max lengths on player profile submission..
CLeaned up Actions COmpletion COde, As there is no longer a need to worry about 2 identical required objects with the quantity setting now.
Disallowed Dorothy shoes off prison isle :)
Added 5 Awards involving Minigames and riddles
Fixed several mopney bugs where exact change was not enough (ARICA)
Disconnect player on socket_write error
Added plural field to object table (nightmary fill)
April 11th:
Fixed Minutes sinceData counter, was put in GAIA?!
Added IDLE minutes counter. . . .
Added module awardable Awards
Added IDLE Kicking and Warning timeouts - idle now warns at 10min and kicks at 15 min
April 12th:
Stop covering chat boxes on server disconnect
Logon Dynamic Fail Message
Tiny X button added to exit any place any time
Dynamic CLient Server CLose error messages
Char char32 bug fixed.
Fixed arena packet error loop
Fixed nasty playerquit error packet sending Loop (new bug made today tho)
M- added and tacked new breed-Dutch Warmblood
M- made Spider's Treasure
M- added saddle and saddle pad making to sewing workshop
M- made Palila's Boxes quest
Updated Geo Hunt game with better controls and Awards Award
M- made Palila's Delivery quests
Added Horses List at the bottom of horse info view
April 13th:
Removed extra Child creation at beginning of server, no need when using NOHUP unix deamonizer
Caught SIGPIPE more clearly. . . need to see if this feature is helping!!!
Moved Player Updates to a second timeslice update of one second after main minute-update
Moved Arena Management routines to 1 sec deleayed timeslice updater also.
Both previous were removed out of GAIA update in case there are issues with socketwriting from different threads
Worked on adding 4 pieces of wearable jewelry support. Works.
M- Floria's Gift quest
Cleaned Player QUIT shutdown code a bit..
Used Plurals in inventory and workshops
COndensed workshop code
NIghtmary converted jewelry items to jewelry title
M- Added Jewelry for sale at Rock shops
April 14:
Miranda & Sara got Rider and Saddle Isles opened
M- put mudholes and rockiles all over the new isles
M- activated the buildings in Witherton
M- added Allaire's Feathers Quest
Worked on Horse Run Multiplayer Game Demo -- added orb object to find
Worked on forest maze on rider Isle
April 15th:
Worked on Horse Run Multiplayer game
Worked on Unicorn/Ogre Quests for saddle isle
Added Ability to show/HIDE NPCS via REQ and NOT action requirements
Added Detailed Descriptions to NPC's for adding LOOK AT NPC feature later
Added UDLR movement scripts for NPC's and gaia movement code
Saving an action now tells you what it's ID is.
Option to add new action from inside an action in Editor.
Added QUANTITY for Given Objects on an Action
Finished Saddle Isle forest maze, and Myths 1 & 2
Fixed some bugs
M- made Rhianna's Son Quest
M- defined Mystic Forest
M- quest editing
M- added new breed and tacked-Standardbred
April 16th:
Worked on Horse Whisperer
Added ability to "hide" NPC's to everyone other than admins (ARICA)
M- worked on riddle quests
April 17th:
Added NPC look Ability
Finished Horse Whisperer
Added a start-up ServerPerf entry.
Removed CAPS from admin command reply
Added searchability flag to npc editor and server Library search for hiding some npcs that lib shoudld not know about.
added clothes bonus to Horse Startup Points (TackBonus function)
Added Code to Force "RegisteringGLobals" TO all Admin Scripts...
M- added Dieter's Scavenger Hunt quest
Added full error reporting to server.php
Added real-time riddle automatic riddling and rewarding by server
Added map description to npc char script editor to ease detailed description editing.
Added reqquest field to quest table, to track UNAVAILABLE quests so players knows those that require others.. (ARICA)
April 18th:
M- Worked on snow cave mazes
Worked on fixing some bugs from yesterday
Attempted to add weather system to client -- clouds kinda working..
Disabled client buttons on disconnect
Worked on client sound effects
Fixed a update-Infomode bug...!
a few minor webbsite fixes
Added breed names and color to autosell display at town halls (a911jule)
Added several realtimeriddles
Fixed a action editor bug (arica)
April 19th:
Added CLient SOund Effects Support
Worked on HorseRun bugfix
Worked on Temp HorseIsle Server
Added more client sound effects
Fixed some client bugs (weather on birdeye, missing sfx, updated some pixels)
M- added snow cave quest game to Ice Isle
M-extended some breed desc
Tested Linux running game. worked great :)
Fixed Group Social SOund Effects
April 20th:
Encoded Usernames
M- Rebuiilt all minigames using direct datasends rather than DATASEND strings
Implementeed a minimum Horseisle client build version
Protected module packets where player is given something.. CLient sends a code to server to verify it.
M-added a bunch of arica's realtime riddles
Added new IncrementCounting System
Added Many new Awards tracked in new counter table.
upped idle timeout to 25 minutes
April 21st:
Added View All HOrses Base Stats
Added View All HOrses ALL Stats
Global chats now limited to a certain number per minute
Players awards now listed below their horses when look at a player.
Horse gains experience in a competiton as well as player
Changed global chats, players earn one global chat per minute, 30 max
switched chat nearby to go on left side, and global is now red
Added Private chat code shortcut "/Joe " private chats to joe
Cleaned up MESSAGE command so that it shows in BOTH windows and is more noticeable
Nightmary added 100 RealtimeRiddles!
Worked on logo options
Hide map till loaded now when conencting
Client knows if player is an admion now
Admin Chat Selection option
Chat history Shortcut! CTRL-UP/DOWN
MS-Got Ice Isle decorated and Crystalton buildings activated
Added more Ranches to Tail Isle with some decorations
April 22nd:
Worked on Logo Ideas
FIxed up fishing module a bit. Hopefully fixed the - update-killgame problem.
Split View Players Into Separate Lists
Added optional viewing MULTIPLE players/things at a time on map
Tweaked player icon on client map viewer
Allow horsewhisperer to show multiple horses of one breed
Server bugfixes
Change private chat to show who you chatting at
Worked on abuse reviewer
M-opened Ice Isle and added more to it
Sara added a lot of descriptions to Crystalton Cabins
M- added 2 piano quests
M-added Linnea's quests
Switched to using misc to mark a mail sent rather than getting rid of toid (need to keep that info!)
April 23rd:
M-defined horse parts for new game
Worked on pirate tiles
Worked on extended overlay animation and chimney smoke support.
Reworked pirate tiles
Worked on Pirate Isle Tile Layout
M-Worked on pirate tile definitions
Nightmary added almost another 100 chat riddles
April 24th:
Finished up Miranda's Horse Anatomy Game
Worked on Pirate Isle Tiles
Got New Flower TIles, Tweaked tileset and added to game
Redid flower isle with new tileset
Added rowboat transport
Added hammock resting support
Added ability to walk on walkable overlays even if on unwalkable terrain
M-added Karl's Gems quest
April 25th:
Fixed +1 showing on MAp Bug
M-added manifesto quest
M-added password to rider/saddle bridge
Worked on rules/parents/technicals documents using Google documents
Added a chat filter BLOCKING sending your own password over the chat
Added 6 more sound effects including mail notice
made lighthouse taller 2 tile building.
Allow walking behind double tall trees and light house. . . looks ok?
Worked on create new accounts code
M-added cap'n solomon's chest quest
M-added passwords to pirate isle bridges
M-fixed some overlays
April 26th:
M-added Maddog Robert's Hat quest
M-fixed a wordguess bug
M-finished extended breed descriptions
M-added a 2 breeds to database
Autumn added a bunch of NPC's and a couple descriptions to Pirate Isle
Setup a NEw Physical Dedicated Server At Access -
Tested horseisle install on foal, looks good. Lots of cleanup required!
April 27th:
Worked on Cleanup for Allowing Beta -> Production Server Auto Updates
Moved ip/port out of server.php (chdir also out)
switch to single dbconnect
M-added a new breed to database
M-added One Eyed Bill Doomsday Quest
M-set up transports for Pirate Isle
CLeaned up nnormal tileset
FIxed bugs with mail sfx
Tested MEMORY SQL Table Types. . . WILL NOT WORK FOR MAP!! cant work with tables with TEXT fields.
Autumn added more building descriptions to pirate isle
April 28th:
M-added zebra to database,put in game and tacked
M-tacked the standardbred
M-added new breed, POA, and tacked
M-added Black Bart's Collection quest
M-set up and put Deck Swabbing quest game in
M-added a bunch of random descriptions
Added Spawnarea support for horses and objects
Built a new Quest minigame - deck swabbing for pirate isle
COmpleted New User SIgnup system.
Added Break reminders every 2 hours
April 29th:
M-put new pirate ship scenes on pirate ships
M-added Britt's Cate Treats quest
Improved horse Isle Mini-forums
M-added Mikko's Lost Friend quest
Added Original Educational Math Mine Minigames
April 30th:
Fixed Telescope View for ALL exteneded tilesets!! Even if you can see another set!
Redid Weather System In CLient. Added support for clouds,rain,fog,butterflies
Added NPC Head icons from emma with server support
Made NPC head variations
Added weather unique to each island with server/client support
Fixed some server buggies
Fixed Presents from double wrapping! Bad bug :) Also disallowd texts
Worked on converting beta server to and separating content from live server
Added arica's Zebra Horse Coloring
M-added Squalid Nathaniel's Note quest
M-Rules and Parent's Guide are finished
M-worked on Terms and Conditions
M-start puttin new NPC heads into game
MAy 1st:
Quick weather transitions for jumps
Added snowing weather
Darkened the Fog Weather
Added Arica's appaloosa pixel horse
Added PlayTime Enforcement in server With boolean setting
M-finished NPC heads, until I get more special ones
Added Mute admin commands
Worked on Ghost problem. .. Might have fixed it..
Fixed Weather spilling into other windows bug. . .
Cleaned up client frame layout.. . Added a simple pre-preloader
Added Random Weather Changing based on available weathers for each invidual Isle (once per hour)
Worked on Live Website Page Structures and signup system
May 2nd:
CLeaned up playerquits with is_resource checks
Added non movieresetting map sends support
Removed double-map send on login
Upped read buffer size from 4096 to 16386
cleaned up client intro a bit
Fixed Mail to show authors again
Added bad password tracking for Website and Game
Added a max unsubscribers block support
M-finishes Penelope's Distraction quests
M-added butterflies spawning on flower isle
Separated out Draw Map function and Fixed it to show extended overlays properly
Limited socials to only those in same location even if the got away unnoticed
Put SELF back on ALL PLAYERS list
Disabled Ranch Purchasing for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY
Limited wagons to only providing FREE wagon transport!!
Lots of Bug fixes, went of server.php and looked at every BUG comment Fixed all important ones
When fully rested say so, instead of "could not finish it all" :)
Cleaned up Beta Players List removed all older ones, and never used ones
May 3rd:
NPC Chars added
Sec Code Possible fix!! (out of range chars due to negative modulous
Rainbows Weather Added.
Whitened the clouds a lot.
Figured out white-box bugs on some games! (Update flash)
Added quest support for RequiredAwards (i.e. 50% quests done prior to being able to travel to pirate isle.)
Release horses only exist for one hour now. to prevent "herds" from being created which prevent new horses from being generated
Separated ranch and ranchs tables so that it's more transferable..
Switched ranches to reset to teepee when sold.
Track the servers Bytes sent/received per minute
M-finished adding npc heads to game
M-changed over clothes to new comp. clothes, added them to the shops
M-fixed buggy Penelope quest
M-proofread/edited the server
Lots of bug fixes
Trouble shot new server mail config problems and IP problems
Made all legal info pages, etc. Got them on site
Setup smoothe signup process
Added Password recovery question and hidden password entry
Made Server LIVE!! Woo Hooo 10ish PM
May 4th:
Fixed racing arena AIYA buttons
Fixed massive paypal gateway problems. . . (new server security) SElinux
uploaded new horserun game
put up new screenshots
made fancier buttons for webpage, new acocunt, run horseisle
PlayTimPer converted to a server setting for unsubscribers
Automatic eestart keepalive script pout up
Fixed up forums
Wrote some on why to subscribe
Cleaned up email system SPF records and REVERSE dns? and email warnings apache
Silenced crontab
Fixed minor ranch bug
Found gaps in tilemap areas and M fixed
Fixed playtime+=2 when you subscribe or convert HorseBucks, incase someone was out of time at the time.
Adjusted Players Nearby List so its an html box instead of line, player names were not wrapping around.
Fixed client - adding loadinganimated periods, moved compass down, prevented movies from getting stuck on?!?!
May 5th:
Added Mini Ad
FIxed Abuse report chat log being sent??
Fixed textual nearby players not showin new bug..
Posted on a bunch of game websites
M- Lots of account cleanups
M - Minor tile bug, etc little bugs
May 6th:
Added Stars to identify subscribers
Added a Reasons to subscribe web page
Added A Select box for purchasing Horse Isle Money. (to hopefully limit the $1 ones)
Added Moderator Limited Functions
Added Chat Length Limits
Added some links to Admin functions on foal to beta admin center.
Added a ContactUs Page to live website
Added Wikipedia Page
May 7th:
Added moderatoractions table to track actuions moderators take, added recording code in server
Added BECAUSE additional argument in moderator commands
Traded horses reset thier autosell value
Fixed email message list missing FROM name
May 8th:
Found The Arena COmpetitor Corruption Problem. (Stop copying arena table over from beta!!)
Added Cleaning up un-activated accounts after 50 hours system/hourlycleanup.php
Added Admin commands to Live Server account page
Added Moderator Actions Review Tool And Rater
Removed Donations info off account page moved it to credits
Added a New Credits page on live server (needs work)
Started an Adwords Campaign.. $40/day......
May 9th:
added realtimeriddle tracking. A player can only answer each one ONCE
unpublished client changes:
Switched to default of CHAT ALL
Tweaked Scroll Code a bit so it hopefully scrolls automatically
Limited Chat Text box to ascii chars 32-126
May 10th:
Added / shortcuts for all chat methods (arica) /buddy & /b etc.
May 11th:
Added Arica's new icons
Fixed award icons
Added player list icons instead of asterisk/exclamation
Added book icon for viewing books
added melissas new rowboat scene
Added melissa's new fishing scene fixes.
Added a pre-emptive walking packet send of 2 Animation Frames. Might smoothe out walking a bit.
Made Horsewhisperer charge 250 when there arent any horses.
M- Entered a bunch of riddles we came up with.
May 12th:
Cleaned up map click-point code a little.
Added EXITABLE building code, to simply add an exit button at the bottom. . . .
Cleaned up the wington and saddle Pirate ships with exitable codes and descriptions.
Removed all slog's in GAIA that were not writing to GAIA - Possibly simultaneous thread filewrites?
Subscribers can train horses Twice as soon 1hr vs 2hr 2 new settings
Stopped logging to files with a new settings flag
Searched for cause of Server Hang . . . Server Hung 3 Times today!! arg!!
Didn't hang for 3 days, then hangs 3 times in one day. . .
May 13th:
Converted entire server to non-blocking mode
switched to caching Datasends until a socketselect for writing
Worked on a knowledgebase system
Fixed several minor server bugs
Cleaned up the trade system a little
M- added knowledge base content
May 14th:
No crashes yet!
Put Knowledge base up and purtied it up.
Built password recoveery system
Fixed up some include path bugs
May 15th:
Worked on BAN code - BAN PLAYERID ?? Adds players email/username and IP into ban table
Scroll Position retained on script editor
Got a PO BOX
Removed tools existing requirement
Fixed invalid Login - prettied and explanatory
Added Po Box Payment Info!
Switched to one chat every 2 min (1 for subscribers)
Switched to moderator chat instead of admin chat
Cut off legs in water a bit
All caps in chat blocked
Added an ISLAND CHAT Mode
76 Max Players Today :)
May 16th:
Made forum and help center anchored at top when using
Made CHAT Moderator and CHAT Admin real functions and separate
Added new player identifiers to web playerlist
Sorted Help Center Entries, added a couple
Converted Server Logging to keep log files open, rather than open/closing every write.
Moved socket write function to Main loop to get a miniscule performace boost.
minor Movement Optimizations:
Stopped Checking For Trades If player is MOVING to a new spot
Moved CheckJail to once/minute slice rather than every move.
Switched chats to directly write OUTBUF instead of socketwrites
few other places, directly do OUTBUF's
Convert 1 to i etc. in chat vulgarity check
Added inventory Full check for crafting
91 Max Players Today!
May 17th:
Chat bugfixes
Trade bugfixes
Found a Ghost Player tracking bug
Fixed arenas not sending data!?
Switched arenas to use ACTIVEARENA flag for datasends rather than SQL query.
Fixed Basketball MiniGame
Add Win/loss tracking to Treasure Hunter
100 Max Players Today.
Send current chat riddles when connecting
Setup a backup of live server to rangenet
May 18th:
Added some more connection problems solutions to help center
May 20th:
Added an integrated XML Flash Policy server into server.
Adjusted foal to possibly work on https port to ease firewall problems
Added Logging for all horse transactions
Added Text boxes scrolled to bottom on selecting chatin box
Moderators can now talk to childnochats instead of just admins
MUTES ignore all forms of chat from another player now.
Moderators get One additional Global chat per minute
Moderator MUTEing now generates an abuse report at same time
Reveresed Player Ignore System So it makes more sense.
Added policy server support, and published new client version 71
May 21th:
Fixed admin chat Ignorable
Added ID to %?
Added Client forced scrolling when chatbox selected
Fixed Ignore bug
Added a Google Desktop Module for Horse Isle
Fixed showing proper current location of player being looked at
May 22nd:
Fixed OBSCENE not getting logged
Added simple phone number chat block
Update player status on horse autosell
Players keep array of other arena competitors
Tested Caching the MAP table
Tested Switching to objects RAM table
Switched chat-all to direct buffer writes
May 23rd:
Added fee tracking to payments table
M- went back and entered fee's for all previous transactions
Tracked PAyment Types now
Track payment names now
Added Check/Cash Entering System.
Worked on a seahorse game beta
Added PirateHeadquarters scene
Added Reasons for blockage to chatfilter
Logged and timed SQL Queries for bottleneck detection
Cache NPC Locations for minor speedup - update through a ChildDeath signal handler
Cache Object table for minor speedup - especially on stats list
minor speedup to inventory list
objects at location minor speedup
added 15 standard html color codes to BBCODES
May 24th:
Added Referral System (Link Via: )
Added Referral Bonus Payment when subs paid for via paypal
May 25th:
Fixed CHLDWAIT to not Hang the program!
Fixed the reset messages, when server it reset
Added BBCode Instructions to Help Center
Added Global setting to determine whether LIVE server -- if not, dont run off maptable cache ,etc
Added SQLLogging setting, boolean whether to log all sql queries and timing of them.
Added ruleviolations table to track all rule violations with reportable reasons
Fixed up chat and abuse reviewer tools
Worked on Sea Horse Game
May 26th:
Added A Account page News System
Fixed SeaHorse Game
Fixed pot of gold award
Added a Neverending store quest with charicons
fixed extended tile walkability for NPC's and Horses
Fixed horses being able to wander in their native terrain (previously only grass!)
MAy 27th:
Fixed rebuying same existing object
Tested disabling buttons once clicked
Worked on simpleslider puzzle logic
Added some Ranches
Fixed news system
Switched DNS to godaddy
Worked on tweaking MySQL server Settings
May 28th:
Switched email forwarding to godaddy
Switched GAIA to insert delayed and update low_priority
Fixed Numbers looking like ALL CAPS in chat
Switched to INSERT DELAYED where possible in server.php
Added 20 new player characters And fixed adjustments of all existings
May 29th:
Bug fixed character displays
Fix clicking map tiles
Upped ranch upgrade costs
Added cattail icon
Upped horse whisperer cost /made it a SETTINGS
Made BAN command Kick/disable/ban(ip+email+username) - requires 2 mods!
Added additional SQL deletes when deleteing playerid
fixed horse legs in water
Added alphabetical player list
Added banned ip blocking in server
Muted players cannot use art rooms
MUTE command now requires minutes parameter
May 30th:
May 31st:
Worked on coconut Bounce minigame
Paid out may bonuses
Cleaned up dev files
M-wrote Leuko's Missing Egg Quest
M-Edited and added pirate flags
June 1st:
Fixed player symbols when at same spot
Fixed auto-refresh for allplayerlist alphabetical
Unsuccessfull at tracking Negative Money Bug
(painted our house, gona all day)
June 2nd:
Fixed Craft money update (leesa)
June 3rd:
Found Horse Whisperer Bug negative money bug.
worked on AmeriBrit Game
June 4th: (day off for visiting, maintenance only)
June 5th: (traveling to billings via greyhound)
Worked on emoving BETA-only functions from live server based on SETTINGS LiveServer Value.
Jenny Sent in a new breed!
June 6th:
published 2 more breeds to live server
June 7th:
Added brumby and vanner breeds
Few minor Bug fixes
June 8th:
Sent Jenny Coconut bounce game after working on it a bit more
Added password change tool
Added moderator function notes
Minor tweaks
Added moderator guidelines notes
Switched trading money to GIVE money instead of REQUEST
June 9th:
Added Draft Arena Demo to wington
Jenny Sent Coconut bounce back
Reduced non-paying player time to 4 hours per day from 6
Completed Coconut Bounce minigame
Added coconut bounce minigame award and Draft Arena Awards
published AmeriBrit Minigame - not satisfied with current wordlist though. . .
Added duluth,mn to check payment info
Added Server Status to front page (# on, signed up)
June 10th:
Fixed trade system so it shows things YOU are trading as well
Fixed trade system bugs
June 11th:
M - Added a ton of Help Center Entries
June 12th:
M - added a quest
Worked on racing arena - buggy for silver forest, upped start delay to 10 sec,and removed START packets
June 14th:
Built a synonyms game
June 15th:
Switched propagate script to archive files and send instead of one at a time.
Setup Daily account Cleanup - Removing accounts 30days + number of logins old
M-Leuko's Stolen Egg quest
June 16th:
Disabled Ranches when sub runs out.
Ignoring players disables socials from them also
prefixana rewrite
ignoring sendmaps where no movement
June 17th:
Changed Autosell entry to number blank
published synonymous game
fixed no movement bug
Disabled building counts when unsubscribed
Disabled dorothy shoes when unsubscribed
June 19th:
Added 6 new chars (cowboy variations)
Added Another soundtrack (mildly oriental)
June 20th:
Decided on a final logo
Designed new page headers/footers
Worked on new Server
Worked on new website frontend
Fixed Disconnect messages bug
Fixed playtimeper bug
June 21-23rd:
Worked on Getting Second Live Server "Roan" online and working
Very Buggy and awkward setup right now.
Decided to get an additional dedicated server for beta and website hosting.
Moderators now have unlimited playtime.
June 24th:
Built New Master Server on with Dual IP's for Beta and Master Serving
Moved to it
Moved and other personal domains
June 26th:
Backups Implemented
Error pages fixed
Welcome Quick start instructions added to welcome email
Keepalive setup for ROAN
Google Gadgets fixed and setup for each server
Switch art room so it's only usable by subscribers.
Chat filter word replacement when repeated fixed
Added overlay 0 definition to remove errors
Script Editor and Action Editor PHP_SELF bug fixed.
June 27th:
Added Server-horse icons for master list
Fixed 4 missing e-check entries from PINTO server transition
Worked on some test-cafepress products
June 28th:
Added Password Change System
Switch to MySQL_Fetch_Assoc instead of Array for minor speedup in server
Added a ranch community in southeast horseisle
Added Homepage Player Stats
Fixed quotes on npceditor & questeditor
June 29th:
attempted wikipedia entry again, along with some newsgroup postings.
Fixed PM button off players here display
Removed slap and kick socialsreplacd with less offensive ignore and yawn
fixed add quest item tool.
Added Trading Cards real time trading game
June 30th:
Worked on new jungle concepts
worked on advertising
updated servers
Fixed Arena -over max slots entries bug
Fixed Moving from trade - messages going to just one player
July 1st:
Peruvian Paso Added
Bug fixes
July 2nd:
Dartmoor pony added
Fixed up snow caves
Fixed broken help center (NPC ID wasnt 0)
Worked on minigames for jungle - jungle temple
Limited one account per adult
Finished jungle tiles
Worked on adding camel to game along with tack and name server exceptions
Added camel tack
July 3rd:
Fixed Mail block problems by using a mailer
Worked on playtime replication accross servers.
Bought new PALOMINO server
Configured new palomino server
Dropped extra tables on servers (news, forums, knowledgebase, webstats)
Advertising management
July 4th:
Palomino Ads
July 5th:
Began work on Jungle Isle
Did an interview by
Palomino Ads
Pets Added
July 6th:
Palomino Ads
Fixes GFX - temples/flowers/jungle door
Added BIRDS and BATS Weather types
July 9th:
Added admin messaging
fixed check payment server info
Worked on several jungle quests
miri finished huge witherton jones quest
Added server limitation for children
Removed tiles/overlays/areas from being recached once/minute
Switched areas-send to use cached version rather than SQL
July 10th:
Buried secret Ancient Stone treasures
Finished Nilans Quests
Added venus flytrap code
Added Ghost Ship BGM
Added Pirate ship BGM
Added 5 buttons for buying 5 at once
Fixed quest title apostrophe bug
Dismount from a traded horse fixed
F7 = dismount shortcut
F8 = Grab all shortcut
Fixed horse bucks crediting bug
Fixed up abuse reports code
Sara built tropicton
July 11th:
Propagating bans system in place
Added Banned ip and username blocks and messahes to main page
Moved bird wings forward
Jungle temple put online after fixing fire anim
Llama added into game
Tropicton Buildings turned on
BUG: santa will no longer wrap trading cards :) tricky players :)
July 12th:
Added violation review to char rater
Fixed horse bucking
Added last DRAWER tracking to art rooms
track masterplayer last server connected to and time
Fixed up abuse and action editors formats a bit
Added HIDEREPLYONFAIL Action Editor Option and server support
Added samora Science Quiz Quest
Added a ranch community above appleton
July 13th:
Finishing touches o Jungle
Published jungle
July 14th:
Auction System
Huge Network Problems at
Fixed up the Update scripts some.
July 15th:
Auction House Fixups
Published auction house
More auction house bug fixes
Added a message for unverified accounts to email us
Added a delete off all servers script
July 16th:
Added Bans that time-out
Positioned last-connected server at top.
Sorted auction horses as most recent at bottom
Switched auction system to ebay-style.
disallow presents over max stack
fixed training pens to not go over limits.
July 22nd:
Thowing objects not seen by those nearby
Muted- cannot request buddy
Moderator private chat highlighted
Banned usernames blocked now
stopped disabling accounts after a ban
July 27th:
Update Server with following
Horse Stat Degredation 5 pts if over 100% 1 point if over 50% per day
Disallow DOuble-buddy adding
Grabbing objects at same time message
Card game disqualifiy if over 4 cards
cannot trade a horse while entered in arena
Disallow major money transactions while participating in arena
Added Random Special Events which occer ~5 min to one random player
August 3rd:
Rules Clarified/Addtitions
COntact us page disclaimered with please save our time.
Abuse Reports Weeded out with common reasons NOT to file.
Added the PAWNEER to "dispose" of horses
Added New Horse Breed
Added 3 new pets monkey/owl/peacock
Added <BR>'s to forum posts
Added Number of moderators online to server lists
Disallow trades while either player is bidding on horses
Released horses now record who released them in description
August 4th:
Added Player info viewer for admins + notes editor
big game update
August 5th:
Fixed Activation system to resend Activations
Added timeout notes for temporary bans
Added partial name matches for pm /
August 6th:
Added char variations
built tools for mods to remove descriptions
Fixed up User management tool a bit
Game update
August 7th: Added
August 8th:
Put bay online
Referral system added to and moved to server page
Added Google ads to bhg
Completed work on Cloud Isle Support
August 10th:
Worked on new quest minigame vole-holes
August 11th:
Added !AUTOREPLY command
Added !MUTE GLOBAL etc. & !HEAR GLOBAL etc.
Added Pawneer Horse Ordering system - not for usd sale yet.
Fixed Profile bugs when HTML codes end on profile length boundary
August 12th:
Fixed buy-ojects-for-free nasty exploited bug
August 13th:
added much more logging detail.
verified all queries handle no-result sets
August 16th:
Game update
Put Pawneer Online
August 17th:
fixed pawneer Pricing
August 18th:
Game update
Fixed ban abuse report bug
Added Lusitana
August 19th:
Added Connemara
Added horse "tags" and marked as such/sorted
August 20th:
Added Gold Ore minigame
August 21st:
Added new server Dun
August 22nd:
Mute Socials
Playerlist added
Ban Password Attempts
August 23rd:
Vole Hole Minigames
August 24th:
Big Game Update
August 25th:
CLoud Coin Minigame demo
Mod Stealth
Cloud isle teleports setup
New pets
August 26th:
Master Mind Built
August 27th:
Water and knights logic minigames made
August 28th:
Frog logic minigame
August 29th:
new chars added in
page title bars added
new ranch community
Big Game Update
August 30th:
Switched Direction lists to be more honest, instead of Directly up and down being just n/s
Added EXPECTED BEHAVIOR to bottom of footers
Built new logic puzzle ShiningStars
*Lazyness for daily updates*
October 21st:
Rebuilt 62 day account timeout system on each server
Removed the built up expired accounts by hand from each server.
Added 30 day Ranch timeout system
Touched up Subscription Panel on servers
October 22nd:
Added Automatic Master server account timeout 65 days after no logins or subscription
October 23rd:
October 24th:
Fixed char spcae bug
Rebuilt client
game update including foals
Added Horse Giveaway
Tagged mod banned abuse reports as such
October 25th:
Added Mods Revenge server game
October 26th:
Added music to cloud coins
Game Update