diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCS.txt b/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCS.txt deleted file mode 100644 index ef6c88a..0000000 --- a/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCS.txt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,480 +0,0 @@ -TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATON: - -ALL SERVER CONTROL COMMANDS: -NOTE!: Use no exclamation marks or quotes, etc. -./controlservers "MESSAGE Hi to everyone on horse isle." -./controlservers "MODMESSAGE Hi all mods on Horse Isle" -./controlservers "KICK BadPlayer" -./controlservers "MOTD Set the message of the day on all servers." -./controlservers RESET -Publish Beta Content to other servers: -./Propagatebeta.sh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=================[ IN-GAME SERVER COMMAND FOR ADMINS ]======================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -%% Sends chat text to Just ADMINS -% BEEP makes a beep on the server end in case either jor or miranda is watching console -% RESET QUESTS resets your list of completed quests, and quest points. allows you to try threm over again for testing. -% CALL HORSE randomply grabs a horse to you -% PRISON Sends Player to prison isle -% KICK kicks player immediately off server, can log back in -% MUTE Mutes a player for a certain number of minutes -% UNMUTE Unmutes player -% DROP <#> Create a new object id at current location -% DROP Create a new object name at current location -% GIVE MONEY Server Gives player num money -% GIVE OBJECT Server Gives player object num -% GIVE OBJECT Server Gives player object with name -% VIEW STATS/INVENTORY shows other players inventory/stats (ITEMS NOT clickable) -% ? show users Current XY IP Location, no user=show YOUR xy -% GOTO NPC jumps you to the named computer character. -% GOTO AREA earton,appleton,treeton,flipperton,santa,santon,shellton,wington,chillton etc.. Jumps admin to city or Island center -% ^ shorthand alias for '%GOTO AREA' -% GOTO , Jump to map location -% GOTO Jump to players location -% JUMP HERE Jumps player to your location! (good for getting the player "unstuck"!) -% MESSAGE ALL Send a server notice to everyone connected -% SAVE MAP Save any changes to the world map -% DRAW MAP Rebuild the pixel game map -SHIFT + UP/DOWN Change Terrain Tile +1/-1 -SHIFT + RIGHT/LEFT Change Overlay Tile +1/-1 -SHIFT + CTRL Toggle "Footpainting" Walking duplicates tile you are on -% !<#> Set terrain tile to # -% @<#> Set overlay tile to # -% MAPT Change the title of the current location map info -% MAPD <text> Set the description of the current locations map info -% MAPE <UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT> Set the Exit direction for building -% MAPC <text> Set the CODE of the current locations map info -% REFRESH MAPTABLE Reloads all of the map titles/etc off database. -% FILL <terrainid> Does a contiguous flood fill over tile you are on with new tileid -%ROADON Enable Walking roads! Does not handle intersections -%ROADOFF Disable Walking Roads! -% SHUTDOWN NOW shuts server down - does NOT save map -----------------------SUPER ADMIN COMMANDS ---------------------- -% DELETE PLAYERID # Complete removes all players info from many tables in database. -% LOAD MAP reLoad the world map -% BUILD MAP Build Terrain from map image -% BUILD MODE Allows editing of map tiles using shiftarrows and following -% TILERANDOM Randomizes all of the terrain that is good to randomize (the duplicate plain terrains) -% AUTOGENFOREST Randomly builds all forests on map ------------------------------------------------------------------- -==================[ SQL MAP LOCATION CODES: ]===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- -JUMP-xx,yy Jumps to new x,y use for multi-tile buildings. all players should be in one tile per building -STORE-id Display Store id -FARRIER-id Display Farrier id -VET-id Display Vet id -GROOMER-id Display Groomer id -TRAINER-id Display Trainer id -INN-id Display INN id -ARENA-id Display ARENA id -POND Display pond location -BANK Display generic banking services -TRANSPORT Display all of the available routes in the transport table -MUDHOLE Display a mud hole location -WISHINGWELL Wishing well functionality -2PLAYER-Game 2 Player Game Setup -MULTIROOM multiplayer structureless setup -HORSE-Game Allow selecting horse to play minigame with, sends all stats to game. -RIDDLER Riddler display -WORKSHOP Display any crafts available at location -EXITABLE Simply Adds an Exit at the botton -HORSEWHISPERER Horse Whisperer -PASSWORD-SECRETWORD!444 Password required to activate the Action ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- -=========================[ META CODES: ]========================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- -^I43 - Display Icon #43 -^T1Apple Tree - Display Text Label SIZe 1=small 2=medium 3=big: Apple Tree -^R# - Next Line (1= jump 24 pixels down, 2=28,3=32, etc.. -^BD2345 - Button Second letter = mode - A=startnpc + npc id - H=replynpc + npc conversation point - M=load the swf + movie name - SW=showscores + Game identifier - Show top wins - SH=showscores + Game identifier - Show high score - ST=showscores + Game identifier - Show best times - N=wish + 1=money, 2=things, 3=world peace :) - Y=buytrans + transport id - Z=exittomap - for npc reply - 1 + extended player button functions follow - A=tradeaccept + trade id - J=tradereject + trade id - O=tradeobj + objects id - T=tradeplyr + player id - L=lookplyr + player id - B=addbuddy + player id - R=removebuddy + player id - W=showplyrmap + XXYY Show xy location on map! - S=socialsplyr + player id - D=drinkfountain - X=tag + buddy id - I=ignoreplyr + playerid - H=unignoreplyr + playerid - P=privatemessage + player name - 2 + extended multi-player game functions follow - I=Invite to game +player id - A=Accept game + player id - 3 + horse functions - B=barnhrs + horse id - E=hrsprofile + horse id - C=cleanhrs + horse id - F=feedhrs + horse id - G=groomhrs + horse id - JI=shodhrs + (IRON) horse id - JS=shodhrs + (STEEL) horse id - I=feedobj + ojects id - K=tackobj + objectid tack object on horse - N=unmounthrs + horseid - O=mounthrs + horseid - M=removetack - O=lookhrs + horse id - P=pethrs + horse id - R=trainhrs + horse id - T=tackhrs + horse id - U=capturehrs+ horse id - V=vethrs + horse id - X=releasehrs + horse id - 4 + object functions - A=obj Sell All - BF=buyobj + objects id buy FIVE existing objects - BE=buyobj + objects id buy existing object - BN=buyobj + object id buy new object - BE=buyobj + object id buy and consume new object (INN) - B5=buyobj + object id Buy 5 objects at once - C=craftobj + crafts id - D=dropobj + objects id - E=eatobj + objects id - G=grabobj + objects id - R=graball + object id - //I=dig - UR=userake UNCOVER - UB=usebinocs SEARCH - UM=usemagnify SEARCH - US=useshovel DIG - UT=usetelescope USE - K=drinkobj + objects id - LO=lookobj + objects id look at existing object - LN=lookobj + object id look at a new object - LC=lookobj + npc ID Look at NPC - O=openobj + objects id - V=readobj + R=read L=listall objects id - S=sellobj + objects id - T=throwobj + objects id - W=wearobj + objects id - X=removeobj + body part - Z=ripupobj + objects id - 5 + Socials! xnay on the rest, make dynamic! - 6 + Ranch functions - P=purchaseranch + ranch id BUY - U=upgraderanch UPGRADE - B=buildspot + building id + position BUILD - R=sellspot + position SELL - S=sell ranch + ranch id SELL - E=ranchprofile PROFILE - L=lookbuilding + building id ? - -^A+ Stats Box - B+ stat;stat;stat;etc... - Create basic stat graph - A+ SP base;SP companion;SP tack; SP max; +etc.. - Create advanced stat graph -^P+ Input codes - L+ title | contents - Input line with title and contents settable - M+ title | contents - money Input line with title and contents settable (only numbers!) - B+ vpixsize | contents - Input box with vertical size and contents settable - S+ id | button label - Input Submission Button with id and label settable -^S+ Dynamic submission box codes -^D + code | label - Dynamic Button -^Lthis is a long line -full line of text -^H - header full multilines -^N - NPC Multiline text box, that leaves room for sigle button on bottom right -^M - back to map button -^MM - back to map button AND close module!! (used when looking at horses) -^X - Exit Building button -^Z - end of MetaCodes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=============================[ NETWORK CODES: ]============================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -TO SERVER: (bytes) -(20)+ : Chat code - (20)+text : Global Chat - (21)+text : Local Chat - (22)+name|text : Private Chat - (23)+text : Buddy Chat - (24)+text : HERE Chat -(21)+ : Movement Code (alone means, just update info screen!) - (20) : Move Up - (21) : Move Down - (22) : Move Right - (23) : Move Left - (24) : Exit Building -(22)+ : Who's online? - (20) : Who's online global info display - (21) : Local Players ** Not Implemented ** - (22) : who's online global program call - (23) : Local Players program ** Not Implemented ** -(23) : Inventory List Request -(24) : Player Status Request (blank=list status) - (20) : Send just Description, for editing - (21) : Save the following as player description! - (30)+amount : Earned money - (40)+id : Earned Object id - (41)+id : Lost Object id - (50)+id : Activate Quest id (for pyramidmaze module, etc) - (51)+id : Activate AWARD id (for awardable scores module, etc) - (55)+id|amount : Horse id Gains amount experience - (60)+(20)+gameid : Won Game - (60)+(21)+gameid : Lost Game - (61)+gameid|score : game score result for tracking high scores - (62)+gameid|time : game time result for tracking best times - (80)+gameid : show top winners - (81)+gameid : show top scores - (82)+gameid : show top times -(25)+ : Horse Stats Request (blank = list horses) - (20)+id : Look at horse - (21)+id : Feed Horse - (22)+id : Tack Horse ** - (23)+id : Clean Horse ** - (24)+id : Pet Horse - (25)+id : Release Horse - (26)+id : Train hrs - (27)+id : Feed Object to horse - (28)+id : try to Capture a horse - (29)+id : Captured horse - (30)+id : Horse Escaped - (40)+id : Shod Iron on horse id - (41)+id : Shod steel on horse id - (42)+id : Cure horse on horse id - (43)+id : Horse Drink Pond Water (1/20 get sick) - (44)+(20)+id : Edit horse profile - (44)+(21)+id : Save horse profile - (50)+id : Groom horse id - (55)+id : Barn rest horse id - (60)+id : Tack object on horse - (61)+part : Remove tack off horse part - (70)+id : ride horse - (71)+id : stop ride horse -(30) + : Object modification codes - (20) + id : Grab Object with id - (21) : grab all! - (22) + id : open object with id - (30) + id : Drop Object with id - (31) + id : Throw object id - (40)(20) + id : Look at Objects id (exisiting object) - (21) + id : Look at Object id (new object) - (22) + id : Look at NPC id - (42) + id : Read Objects - (43) + id : Rip Up message - (50) + id : Buy Existing Object - (51) + id : Buy new Object - (52) + id : Consume object and buy - (53) + id : Buy 5 of the object - (54) + id : Buy 5 of existing objects - (60) + id : Sell Object - (61) + id : Sell all object of same obbject id - (70) + id : Wear object - (71) + part : remove object - (80) + id : drink object - (81) + id : eat object - (82) + id : drink from fountain - (90) : Dig at current location - (91) : Use binoculars - (92) : Use Magnifying Lens - (93) : Use Lantern - (100)+ id : Craft Object (crafts id) -(35) + : Ranch Ownership Modification Codes - (20) + id : Buy Ranch id - (21) + id : Sell Ranch id - (22) + id : Look at building id - (23) + id : Click Codes +0= cabin +1=buildspot #1,etc. - (24) + id : Updrade Ranch home - (25) + id : Build at position id - (26) + id : destroy building at position id - (27) + id : Edit Ranch Profile -(36) + : Auction House Codes - (40) + id : Bid $10 more on horse - (41) + id : Bid $100 more on horse - (42) + id : Bid $1000 more on horse - (43) + id : Bid $10000 more on horse -(40) + : NPC - (20) + id : Start COnversation with NPC ID - (21) + code : COntinue conversation with npc at code -(41) + id : Activate Transport id -(42) + : Inter-Player Function Codes - (20) + id : look at player id - (30) + id : add player to buddy list - (31) + id : remove player from buddy list - (35) + id : TAG! buddy is it.. - (40) + id : Begin trade procedure with player id - (50) + id : IGNORE playerid - (51) + id : unIGNORE playerid -(44) + wish : Wishing well Wish -(45) + score : Report Arena Competition Score result -(46) + gamecode : Show HighScores -(69) + code : Coded Dynamic Button Click with -(70) + code + input contents in order |+ : Coded Input Submission - #1 : Bank transactions -(79) + : Single player Module Requests -(80) + : Inter-Module Communication - (20) + id : Invite player id to play game - (21) + id : Accept game invitation with player id - (80) + data : send data to opponent - (81) + data : send data to everyone in room -(90) + - (20) + player id : Socials request - (21) + code : Dynamic Social Code Activated -(118) : Bird Eye Map request -(119) + X | Y : Client Map Click for info -(120) + : Builder Codes - (20) : +1 Ground Tile ID - (21) : -1 Ground Tile ID - (22) : +1 Overlay Tile ID - (23) : -1 Overlay Tile ID -(124) : Keep ALive Packet, ping-ponged after 1 min inactivity -(125) : CLient notification that player is quitting -(126) : MOTD Requested -(127)+user|pass : login -(127) (after login) ready for data, send all welcome packets - -FROM SERVER: (bytes) -(20)+ : Chat code - (20)+text : Global Chat - (21)+text : Local Chat - (22)+text : Private Chat -(21)+XX+YY+DATA : Map Data includes a flag byte8 to determine whether to reset movie -(22) : System Whois Reply -(24)+description : Edit Player Profile -(25)+id|name|description : Edit horse profile -(30) : Meta Codes for dynamically building InfoPane -(35) : SFX Codes -(40)+filename : Display external swf -(41)+filename : Display external swf in protected mode (Map transmissions do not close movie) for cutscenes -(42)+filename : Display external swf gently.. (dont load if one exists) -(80)+data : Pass data straight to module buffer: DATARECEIVE -(117)+overlay data : Overlay Data on which tiles to hide player when on -(118)+map data : bird eye map data -(119)+text : Mouseclick Location info -(120)+update tile at location from build mode -(121)+areas data : send info on all areas for map viewer at login -(122)+time|day|weather //update every minute -(122)+(19)+WEATHER // sudden non transitionsed weather change -(123)+money|mail|players // status bar update -(124) : Keep ALive Reply -(126) : MOTD -(127)+ : Login Attempt - (20): Successful - (21): Incorrect user/pass - (22): Failked + message -(128)+ message : Disconnect with message. -(129)+ Byte Codes for packet checking + Admin Flag - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -HOMEMADE LIGHTWEGIHT PACKET ENCRYPTION: -Use a server Function to Check Code, and make code. -Use on all Packets which should be verified (Money earned in module, etc) -X= chr(40)-chr(140) the CODES -Y= chr(40)-chr(140) the checksum -i= a random increment value 1-99 -p= coded packet number -Server sends random original code: [60][45][80][100][ i ] -[ X1 ][ X2 ][ X3 ][ Y ] - -X(p%4)+=Y -X%100 -Y=(X1+(X2*X3)-X2)%100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - -FLASH MODULES: -0,0 at upper left -416pixel wide x 288pixel high -make a EXITMODULE() function! clear intervals and DO NOT set EXIT=true in it!!! -set DATASEND= whatever datastring should be sent to server. include trailing newline! -read DATARECEIVE often to receive data from server/other clients -set ALLOWMOVE=true to allow player to use arrows to leave place -set RELOADABLE=true to allow mod reloading Clicking OK again, etc.. (default to mods started with button code) -set DONOTDISTRUD=true to mods that CANNOT be overwritten. . (arenas) -set module music/sound volume to _parent.VOLUME periodically? to adjust to vol control. -set PLAYMUSIC=true to shutoff Main Game music (for store submusic) -_parent.PLAYERNAME = players username string -IF YOU START AN INTERVAL IN Module, you MUST remove it also!! - - -================MODULE MUSIC CODE EXAMPLE: -PLAYMUSIC=true; //shutoff Main game music for own music -if (MUSIC==undefined) { - MUSIC=new Sound(this); - MUSIC.attachSound("MUSIC"); - MUSIC.start(0,9999); -} -if (_parent.VOLUME!=undefined) MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); //set volume to parent -function AdjustVolume() { MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); } ///callable function -====================END MUSIC CODE - -===================EXAMPLE HEADER CODE: - -_root.SendData(str); // send data to server -var DATASEND:String=""; //data to send to server -var DATARECEIVE:String=""; //data sent by server -var EXIT:Boolean=false; // kill this movie when true -var ALLOWMOVE:Boolean=false; //can player leave this movie by walking? -var DONOTDISTURB:Boolean=true; // DOnt allow loading a movie on top of this one. -=======================END HEADER - -==================EXAMPLE EXIT CODE: - -bEXIT.onPress= function() { - EXITMODULE(); - EXIT=true; -} -function EXITMODULE() { - clearInterval(INTERVAL); - Key.removeListener(oKeyListener); -} - -==============================END EXIT CODE - - -////// EXAMPLE EARN PLAYER MONEY CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(30)+reward+"\n"; //send reward - -////// EXAMPLE SEND BEST TIME CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(62)+"Barrel Racing|"+Math.round(Timer*100)+"\n"; //send highscore - -////// EXAMPLE SEND HIGH SCORE CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(61)+"SLEIGHRIDE|"+Math.round(DISTANCE)+"\n"; //send highscore - - - -//SQL Queiries -// Users with highes bad pass attempts -SELECT * , count( * ) AS c FROM `badpassattempts` WHERE 1 GROUP BY user ORDER BY c DESC ; - -// USers that need removal -SELECT player.id,player.username, DATEDIFF(NOW(),GREATEST(FROM_UNIXTIME(player.loggedoff),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.signedup),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.subscribedtill))) AS timeoff, 30+playerextended.timesonline AS minimum FROM `player` LEFT JOIN playerextended ON player.id=playerextended.playerid WHERE 1 ORDER BY timeoff DESC; - -// Refferals by players -SELECT count(*) AS referrals,SUM(totalpayments),referredby FROM playerextended WHERE referredby!="" AND activationcode="" GROUP BY referredby ORDER by referrals DESC; - -// Income -SELECT type,MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) AS RevenueMonth,SUM(fee) AS TotalFees,SUM(amount)-SUM(fee) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments where 1 GROUP BY MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)),type; - -// End of month income -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server; - -// Particular Month Income for each server: -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=4 AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server; - -// VERIFY TOTAL MONTH INCOME for each month: -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) ; - - -/// List all current Subscribers -SELECT username, playerid FROM `playerextended` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( subscribedtill ) > NOW( ); - - -//Find mods? -SELECT masterplayer.username, masterplayer.lastserver, masterplayer.age, masterplayer.email, sum( payments.amount ) AS payments, sum( ruleviolations.points ) AS vios FROM masterplayer LEFT JOIN payments ON payments.playerid = masterplayer.id LEFT JOIN ruleviolations ON ruleviolations.playerid = masterplayer.id WHERE masterplayer.age >17 AND masterplayer.lastserver = 'bay' AND masterplayer.moderator = 'NO' GROUP BY payments.playerid, ruleviolations.playerid ORDER BY vios, payments DESC diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCSQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCSQ1 deleted file mode 100644 index ef6c88a..0000000 --- a/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCSQ1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,480 +0,0 @@ -TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATON: - -ALL SERVER CONTROL COMMANDS: -NOTE!: Use no exclamation marks or quotes, etc. -./controlservers "MESSAGE Hi to everyone on horse isle." -./controlservers "MODMESSAGE Hi all mods on Horse Isle" -./controlservers "KICK BadPlayer" -./controlservers "MOTD Set the message of the day on all servers." -./controlservers RESET -Publish Beta Content to other servers: -./Propagatebeta.sh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -=================[ IN-GAME SERVER COMMAND FOR ADMINS ]======================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -%% <text> Sends chat text to Just ADMINS -% BEEP makes a beep on the server end in case either jor or miranda is watching console -% RESET QUESTS resets your list of completed quests, and quest points. allows you to try threm over again for testing. -% CALL HORSE randomply grabs a horse to you -% PRISON <name> Sends Player to prison isle -% KICK <name> kicks player immediately off server, can log back in -% MUTE <name> <minutes> Mutes a player for a certain number of minutes -% UNMUTE <name> Unmutes player -% DROP <#> Create a new object id at current location -% DROP <name> Create a new object name at current location -% GIVE <player> MONEY <num> Server Gives player num money -% GIVE <player> OBJECT <num> Server Gives player object num -% GIVE <player> OBJECT <name> Server Gives player object with name -% VIEW <user> STATS/INVENTORY shows other players inventory/stats (ITEMS NOT clickable) -% ? <user> show users Current XY IP Location, no user=show YOUR xy -% GOTO NPC <name> jumps you to the named computer character. -% GOTO AREA earton,appleton,treeton,flipperton,santa,santon,shellton,wington,chillton etc.. Jumps admin to city or Island center -% ^ <place> shorthand alias for '%GOTO AREA' -% GOTO <x>,<y> Jump to map location -% GOTO <user> Jump to players location -% JUMP <user> HERE Jumps player to your location! (good for getting the player "unstuck"!) -% MESSAGE ALL Send a server notice to everyone connected -% SAVE MAP Save any changes to the world map -% DRAW MAP Rebuild the pixel game map -SHIFT + UP/DOWN Change Terrain Tile +1/-1 -SHIFT + RIGHT/LEFT Change Overlay Tile +1/-1 -SHIFT + CTRL Toggle "Footpainting" Walking duplicates tile you are on -% !<#> Set terrain tile to # -% @<#> Set overlay tile to # -% MAPT <title> Change the title of the current location map info -% MAPD <text> Set the description of the current locations map info -% MAPE <UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT> Set the Exit direction for building -% MAPC <text> Set the CODE of the current locations map info -% REFRESH MAPTABLE Reloads all of the map titles/etc off database. -% FILL <terrainid> Does a contiguous flood fill over tile you are on with new tileid -%ROADON Enable Walking roads! Does not handle intersections -%ROADOFF Disable Walking Roads! -% SHUTDOWN NOW shuts server down - does NOT save map -----------------------SUPER ADMIN COMMANDS ---------------------- -% DELETE PLAYERID # Complete removes all players info from many tables in database. -% LOAD MAP reLoad the world map -% BUILD MAP Build Terrain from map image -% BUILD MODE Allows editing of map tiles using shiftarrows and following -% TILERANDOM Randomizes all of the terrain that is good to randomize (the duplicate plain terrains) -% AUTOGENFOREST Randomly builds all forests on map ------------------------------------------------------------------- -==================[ SQL MAP LOCATION CODES: ]===================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- -JUMP-xx,yy Jumps to new x,y use for multi-tile buildings. all players should be in one tile per building -STORE-id Display Store id -FARRIER-id Display Farrier id -VET-id Display Vet id -GROOMER-id Display Groomer id -TRAINER-id Display Trainer id -INN-id Display INN id -ARENA-id Display ARENA id -POND Display pond location -BANK Display generic banking services -TRANSPORT Display all of the available routes in the transport table -MUDHOLE Display a mud hole location -WISHINGWELL Wishing well functionality -2PLAYER-Game 2 Player Game Setup -MULTIROOM multiplayer structureless setup -HORSE-Game Allow selecting horse to play minigame with, sends all stats to game. -RIDDLER Riddler display -WORKSHOP Display any crafts available at location -EXITABLE Simply Adds an Exit at the botton -HORSEWHISPERER Horse Whisperer -PASSWORD-SECRETWORD!444 Password required to activate the Action ID ------------------------------------------------------------------- -=========================[ META CODES: ]========================== ------------------------------------------------------------------- -^I43 - Display Icon #43 -^T1Apple Tree - Display Text Label SIZe 1=small 2=medium 3=big: Apple Tree -^R# - Next Line (1= jump 24 pixels down, 2=28,3=32, etc.. -^BD2345 - Button Second letter = mode - A=startnpc + npc id - H=replynpc + npc conversation point - M=load the swf + movie name - SW=showscores + Game identifier - Show top wins - SH=showscores + Game identifier - Show high score - ST=showscores + Game identifier - Show best times - N=wish + 1=money, 2=things, 3=world peace :) - Y=buytrans + transport id - Z=exittomap - for npc reply - 1 + extended player button functions follow - A=tradeaccept + trade id - J=tradereject + trade id - O=tradeobj + objects id - T=tradeplyr + player id - L=lookplyr + player id - B=addbuddy + player id - R=removebuddy + player id - W=showplyrmap + XXYY Show xy location on map! - S=socialsplyr + player id - D=drinkfountain - X=tag + buddy id - I=ignoreplyr + playerid - H=unignoreplyr + playerid - P=privatemessage + player name - 2 + extended multi-player game functions follow - I=Invite to game +player id - A=Accept game + player id - 3 + horse functions - B=barnhrs + horse id - E=hrsprofile + horse id - C=cleanhrs + horse id - F=feedhrs + horse id - G=groomhrs + horse id - JI=shodhrs + (IRON) horse id - JS=shodhrs + (STEEL) horse id - I=feedobj + ojects id - K=tackobj + objectid tack object on horse - N=unmounthrs + horseid - O=mounthrs + horseid - M=removetack - O=lookhrs + horse id - P=pethrs + horse id - R=trainhrs + horse id - T=tackhrs + horse id - U=capturehrs+ horse id - V=vethrs + horse id - X=releasehrs + horse id - 4 + object functions - A=obj Sell All - BF=buyobj + objects id buy FIVE existing objects - BE=buyobj + objects id buy existing object - BN=buyobj + object id buy new object - BE=buyobj + object id buy and consume new object (INN) - B5=buyobj + object id Buy 5 objects at once - C=craftobj + crafts id - D=dropobj + objects id - E=eatobj + objects id - G=grabobj + objects id - R=graball + object id - //I=dig - UR=userake UNCOVER - UB=usebinocs SEARCH - UM=usemagnify SEARCH - US=useshovel DIG - UT=usetelescope USE - K=drinkobj + objects id - LO=lookobj + objects id look at existing object - LN=lookobj + object id look at a new object - LC=lookobj + npc ID Look at NPC - O=openobj + objects id - V=readobj + R=read L=listall objects id - S=sellobj + objects id - T=throwobj + objects id - W=wearobj + objects id - X=removeobj + body part - Z=ripupobj + objects id - 5 + Socials! xnay on the rest, make dynamic! - 6 + Ranch functions - P=purchaseranch + ranch id BUY - U=upgraderanch UPGRADE - B=buildspot + building id + position BUILD - R=sellspot + position SELL - S=sell ranch + ranch id SELL - E=ranchprofile PROFILE - L=lookbuilding + building id ? - -^A+ Stats Box - B+ stat;stat;stat;etc... - Create basic stat graph - A+ SP base;SP companion;SP tack; SP max; +etc.. - Create advanced stat graph -^P+ Input codes - L+ title | contents - Input line with title and contents settable - M+ title | contents - money Input line with title and contents settable (only numbers!) - B+ vpixsize | contents - Input box with vertical size and contents settable - S+ id | button label - Input Submission Button with id and label settable -^S+ Dynamic submission box codes -^D + code | label - Dynamic Button -^Lthis is a long line -full line of text -^H - header full multilines -^N - NPC Multiline text box, that leaves room for sigle button on bottom right -^M - back to map button -^MM - back to map button AND close module!! (used when looking at horses) -^X - Exit Building button -^Z - end of MetaCodes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=============================[ NETWORK CODES: ]============================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -TO SERVER: (bytes) -(20)+ : Chat code - (20)+text : Global Chat - (21)+text : Local Chat - (22)+name|text : Private Chat - (23)+text : Buddy Chat - (24)+text : HERE Chat -(21)+ : Movement Code (alone means, just update info screen!) - (20) : Move Up - (21) : Move Down - (22) : Move Right - (23) : Move Left - (24) : Exit Building -(22)+ : Who's online? - (20) : Who's online global info display - (21) : Local Players ** Not Implemented ** - (22) : who's online global program call - (23) : Local Players program ** Not Implemented ** -(23) : Inventory List Request -(24) : Player Status Request (blank=list status) - (20) : Send just Description, for editing - (21) : Save the following as player description! - (30)+amount : Earned money - (40)+id : Earned Object id - (41)+id : Lost Object id - (50)+id : Activate Quest id (for pyramidmaze module, etc) - (51)+id : Activate AWARD id (for awardable scores module, etc) - (55)+id|amount : Horse id Gains amount experience - (60)+(20)+gameid : Won Game - (60)+(21)+gameid : Lost Game - (61)+gameid|score : game score result for tracking high scores - (62)+gameid|time : game time result for tracking best times - (80)+gameid : show top winners - (81)+gameid : show top scores - (82)+gameid : show top times -(25)+ : Horse Stats Request (blank = list horses) - (20)+id : Look at horse - (21)+id : Feed Horse - (22)+id : Tack Horse ** - (23)+id : Clean Horse ** - (24)+id : Pet Horse - (25)+id : Release Horse - (26)+id : Train hrs - (27)+id : Feed Object to horse - (28)+id : try to Capture a horse - (29)+id : Captured horse - (30)+id : Horse Escaped - (40)+id : Shod Iron on horse id - (41)+id : Shod steel on horse id - (42)+id : Cure horse on horse id - (43)+id : Horse Drink Pond Water (1/20 get sick) - (44)+(20)+id : Edit horse profile - (44)+(21)+id : Save horse profile - (50)+id : Groom horse id - (55)+id : Barn rest horse id - (60)+id : Tack object on horse - (61)+part : Remove tack off horse part - (70)+id : ride horse - (71)+id : stop ride horse -(30) + : Object modification codes - (20) + id : Grab Object with id - (21) : grab all! - (22) + id : open object with id - (30) + id : Drop Object with id - (31) + id : Throw object id - (40)(20) + id : Look at Objects id (exisiting object) - (21) + id : Look at Object id (new object) - (22) + id : Look at NPC id - (42) + id : Read Objects - (43) + id : Rip Up message - (50) + id : Buy Existing Object - (51) + id : Buy new Object - (52) + id : Consume object and buy - (53) + id : Buy 5 of the object - (54) + id : Buy 5 of existing objects - (60) + id : Sell Object - (61) + id : Sell all object of same obbject id - (70) + id : Wear object - (71) + part : remove object - (80) + id : drink object - (81) + id : eat object - (82) + id : drink from fountain - (90) : Dig at current location - (91) : Use binoculars - (92) : Use Magnifying Lens - (93) : Use Lantern - (100)+ id : Craft Object (crafts id) -(35) + : Ranch Ownership Modification Codes - (20) + id : Buy Ranch id - (21) + id : Sell Ranch id - (22) + id : Look at building id - (23) + id : Click Codes +0= cabin +1=buildspot #1,etc. - (24) + id : Updrade Ranch home - (25) + id : Build at position id - (26) + id : destroy building at position id - (27) + id : Edit Ranch Profile -(36) + : Auction House Codes - (40) + id : Bid $10 more on horse - (41) + id : Bid $100 more on horse - (42) + id : Bid $1000 more on horse - (43) + id : Bid $10000 more on horse -(40) + : NPC - (20) + id : Start COnversation with NPC ID - (21) + code : COntinue conversation with npc at code -(41) + id : Activate Transport id -(42) + : Inter-Player Function Codes - (20) + id : look at player id - (30) + id : add player to buddy list - (31) + id : remove player from buddy list - (35) + id : TAG! buddy is it.. - (40) + id : Begin trade procedure with player id - (50) + id : IGNORE playerid - (51) + id : unIGNORE playerid -(44) + wish : Wishing well Wish -(45) + score : Report Arena Competition Score result -(46) + gamecode : Show HighScores -(69) + code : Coded Dynamic Button Click with -(70) + code + input contents in order |+ : Coded Input Submission - #1 : Bank transactions -(79) + : Single player Module Requests -(80) + : Inter-Module Communication - (20) + id : Invite player id to play game - (21) + id : Accept game invitation with player id - (80) + data : send data to opponent - (81) + data : send data to everyone in room -(90) + - (20) + player id : Socials request - (21) + code : Dynamic Social Code Activated -(118) : Bird Eye Map request -(119) + X | Y : Client Map Click for info -(120) + : Builder Codes - (20) : +1 Ground Tile ID - (21) : -1 Ground Tile ID - (22) : +1 Overlay Tile ID - (23) : -1 Overlay Tile ID -(124) : Keep ALive Packet, ping-ponged after 1 min inactivity -(125) : CLient notification that player is quitting -(126) : MOTD Requested -(127)+user|pass : login -(127) (after login) ready for data, send all welcome packets - -FROM SERVER: (bytes) -(20)+ : Chat code - (20)+text : Global Chat - (21)+text : Local Chat - (22)+text : Private Chat -(21)+XX+YY+DATA : Map Data includes a flag byte8 to determine whether to reset movie -(22) : System Whois Reply -(24)+description : Edit Player Profile -(25)+id|name|description : Edit horse profile -(30) : Meta Codes for dynamically building InfoPane -(35) : SFX Codes -(40)+filename : Display external swf -(41)+filename : Display external swf in protected mode (Map transmissions do not close movie) for cutscenes -(42)+filename : Display external swf gently.. (dont load if one exists) -(80)+data : Pass data straight to module buffer: DATARECEIVE -(117)+overlay data : Overlay Data on which tiles to hide player when on -(118)+map data : bird eye map data -(119)+text : Mouseclick Location info -(120)+update tile at location from build mode -(121)+areas data : send info on all areas for map viewer at login -(122)+time|day|weather //update every minute -(122)+(19)+WEATHER // sudden non transitionsed weather change -(123)+money|mail|players // status bar update -(124) : Keep ALive Reply -(126) : MOTD -(127)+ : Login Attempt - (20): Successful - (21): Incorrect user/pass - (22): Failked + message -(128)+ message : Disconnect with message. -(129)+ Byte Codes for packet checking + Admin Flag - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -HOMEMADE LIGHTWEGIHT PACKET ENCRYPTION: -Use a server Function to Check Code, and make code. -Use on all Packets which should be verified (Money earned in module, etc) -X= chr(40)-chr(140) the CODES -Y= chr(40)-chr(140) the checksum -i= a random increment value 1-99 -p= coded packet number -Server sends random original code: [60][45][80][100][ i ] -[ X1 ][ X2 ][ X3 ][ Y ] - -X(p%4)+=Y -X%100 -Y=(X1+(X2*X3)-X2)%100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - -FLASH MODULES: -0,0 at upper left -416pixel wide x 288pixel high -make a EXITMODULE() function! clear intervals and DO NOT set EXIT=true in it!!! -set DATASEND= whatever datastring should be sent to server. include trailing newline! -read DATARECEIVE often to receive data from server/other clients -set ALLOWMOVE=true to allow player to use arrows to leave place -set RELOADABLE=true to allow mod reloading Clicking OK again, etc.. (default to mods started with button code) -set DONOTDISTRUD=true to mods that CANNOT be overwritten. . (arenas) -set module music/sound volume to _parent.VOLUME periodically? to adjust to vol control. -set PLAYMUSIC=true to shutoff Main Game music (for store submusic) -_parent.PLAYERNAME = players username string -IF YOU START AN INTERVAL IN Module, you MUST remove it also!! - - -================MODULE MUSIC CODE EXAMPLE: -PLAYMUSIC=true; //shutoff Main game music for own music -if (MUSIC==undefined) { - MUSIC=new Sound(this); - MUSIC.attachSound("MUSIC"); - MUSIC.start(0,9999); -} -if (_parent.VOLUME!=undefined) MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); //set volume to parent -function AdjustVolume() { MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); } ///callable function -====================END MUSIC CODE - -===================EXAMPLE HEADER CODE: - -_root.SendData(str); // send data to server -var DATASEND:String=""; //data to send to server -var DATARECEIVE:String=""; //data sent by server -var EXIT:Boolean=false; // kill this movie when true -var ALLOWMOVE:Boolean=false; //can player leave this movie by walking? -var DONOTDISTURB:Boolean=true; // DOnt allow loading a movie on top of this one. -=======================END HEADER - -==================EXAMPLE EXIT CODE: - -bEXIT.onPress= function() { - EXITMODULE(); - EXIT=true; -} -function EXITMODULE() { - clearInterval(INTERVAL); - Key.removeListener(oKeyListener); -} - -==============================END EXIT CODE - - -////// EXAMPLE EARN PLAYER MONEY CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(30)+reward+"\n"; //send reward - -////// EXAMPLE SEND BEST TIME CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(62)+"Barrel Racing|"+Math.round(Timer*100)+"\n"; //send highscore - -////// EXAMPLE SEND HIGH SCORE CODE -DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(61)+"SLEIGHRIDE|"+Math.round(DISTANCE)+"\n"; //send highscore - - - -//SQL Queiries -// Users with highes bad pass attempts -SELECT * , count( * ) AS c FROM `badpassattempts` WHERE 1 GROUP BY user ORDER BY c DESC ; - -// USers that need removal -SELECT player.id,player.username, DATEDIFF(NOW(),GREATEST(FROM_UNIXTIME(player.loggedoff),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.signedup),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.subscribedtill))) AS timeoff, 30+playerextended.timesonline AS minimum FROM `player` LEFT JOIN playerextended ON player.id=playerextended.playerid WHERE 1 ORDER BY timeoff DESC; - -// Refferals by players -SELECT count(*) AS referrals,SUM(totalpayments),referredby FROM playerextended WHERE referredby!="" AND activationcode="" GROUP BY referredby ORDER by referrals DESC; - -// Income -SELECT type,MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) AS RevenueMonth,SUM(fee) AS TotalFees,SUM(amount)-SUM(fee) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments where 1 GROUP BY MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)),type; - -// End of month income -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server; - -// Particular Month Income for each server: -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=4 AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server; - -// VERIFY TOTAL MONTH INCOME for each month: -SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) ; - - -/// List all current Subscribers -SELECT username, playerid FROM `playerextended` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( subscribedtill ) > NOW( ); - - -//Find mods? -SELECT masterplayer.username, masterplayer.lastserver, masterplayer.age, masterplayer.email, sum( payments.amount ) AS payments, sum( ruleviolations.points ) AS vios FROM masterplayer LEFT JOIN payments ON payments.playerid = masterplayer.id LEFT JOIN ruleviolations ON ruleviolations.playerid = masterplayer.id WHERE masterplayer.age >17 AND masterplayer.lastserver = 'bay' AND masterplayer.moderator = 'NO' GROUP BY payments.playerid, ruleviolations.playerid ORDER BY vios, payments DESC diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSIC b/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSIC deleted file mode 100644 index 0f53570..0000000 --- a/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSIC +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> -<html><head> -<title>404 Not Found - -

Not Found


The requested URL /dev/MUSIC was not found on this server.

- diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSICQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSICQ1 deleted file mode 100644 index 0f53570..0000000 --- a/Scraped/Developer Info/MUSICQ1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ - - -404 Not Found - -

Not Found


The requested URL /dev/MUSIC was not found on this server.

- diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/TILESQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/TILESQ1 deleted file mode 100644 index 8cb6dea..0000000 --- a/Scraped/Developer Info/TILESQ1 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ - - -404 Not Found - -

Not Found


The requested URL /dev/TILES was not found on this server.

- diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/CHANGELOGQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/CHANGELOG.TXT similarity index 100% rename from Scraped/Developer Info/CHANGELOGQ1 rename to Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/CHANGELOG.TXT diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/DOCS b/Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/DOCS.TXT similarity index 100% rename from Scraped/Developer Info/DOCS rename to Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/DOCS.TXT diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/IDEASQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/IDEAS.TXT similarity index 100% rename from Scraped/Developer Info/IDEASQ1 rename to Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/IDEAS.TXT diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/TODO.txt b/Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/TODO.txt similarity index 100% rename from Scraped/Developer Info/TODO.txt rename to Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/TODO.txt diff --git a/Scraped/Developer Info/WRITINGQ1 b/Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/WRITING.TXT similarity index 100% rename from Scraped/Developer Info/WRITINGQ1 rename to Scraped/Developer Info/beta.horseisle.com/WRITING.TXT diff --git a/gamedata/hisp_specific.json b/gamedata/hisp_specific.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2301716 --- /dev/null +++ b/gamedata/hisp_specific.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "hisp_specific": { + "HISP_help_command_usage_format":"%PREFIX%%COMMANDNAME% %USAGE%" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/gamedata/tile_parameters.json b/gamedata/tile_parameters.json index 961fe52..bdfed0c 100644 --- a/gamedata/tile_parameters.json +++ b/gamedata/tile_parameters.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "tile_paramaters":{ - "terrain_tiles":[ + "terrain_tiles": [ {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, @@ -211,26 +211,712 @@ {"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"}, {"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"} ], - "overlay_tiles":{ - "tile_depth":[3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,0,0,0,1,1,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3, - 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,1,3,2,3,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, - 3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,3,2,2,2,2,2, - 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,2, - 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,3, - 2,0,0,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3,2,2,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,1,1,2,2,2,3,3, - 3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,2,3,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,2,1, - 3,3,3,3,3,2,2,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,0,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, - 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, - 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3, - 3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,1,3,1,2,2,2,2,0,0,2,0,3,3,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,2,2,2,2, - 3,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, - 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